
Chapter 848

hk836 Chief Ma is going to mess up again!

Dream Entertainment’s registration time is January 7th, 2007. It is only May 18th. Just a little more than four months, Dream Entertainment Company, from the rumored reputation to Worldwide, is so fast. Can be said to be a Miracle!

A Miracle that shocks the whole world!

Xia Nation’s Network Entertainment Carrier was completely caught off guard by the rise of Dream Entertainment Company. They never imagined that Dream Entertainment was overwhelming and surpassed them in a flash, not just the most outstanding Game Company of Xia Nation, but also It has also become the largest game operator in the world at the same time.

Dream Entertainment’s only Motion Sensing Game, Brave’s World is about to sign up for the First Round event. If Brave’s World is going smoothly, it will be a disaster for Xia Nation’s other Network Entertainment Carriers. To put it more clearly, for Big Penguin Company, there will be no chance to surpass Dream Entertainment Company.

Big Penguin Company’s Chief Ma is not willing to admit defeat, in order to trouble the Dream Entertainment Company, while preventing the Dream Entertainment Company’s counterattack, Chief Ma uses the big summon technique, recruiting various ‘green forest heroes, ready to knot Into the alliance, together with the Dream Entertainment Company.

In the mysterious voice chat room, Chief Ma, code-named t, is the mysterious person named code p. It is not a concern after breaking the identity. The tone is lightly called the identity of the other party: “Chief Zhao, and the rest of friends, We are now the grasshopper on the same rope, I will not circle, Dream Entertainment’s Brave’s World, First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition is about to open the registration event, what do you think? Dream Entertainment is coming, the games you operate Is it not shocked?”

Ma Huatang throws a topic that everyone is interested in. The six people present are all at the helm of the major Network Entertainment Carriers.

Chief Zhao’s full name is Zhao Dezhu, which runs pemfetntewntnl, which is referred to as p.’s biggest game called ‘Imperfect World.

In the mysterious voice chat room, after Ma Huatang threw out a public topic, he suddenly silenced. Dream Entertainment is indeed a public enemy of all Network Entertainment Carriers in the Xia Nation area. The development of Dream Entertainment is too strong. Brave’s World’s game user positioning, from the original High-end Player to the Low-end Player also encroached, which has a great impact on many Network Entertainment Carriers. [

Zhao Dezhu sighed: “Chief Ma, of course we have been shocked. However, the Dream Entertainment Company is very powerful. They are not only the money · Official forces, but also the company. How can we deal with it?”

The member code-named t. In the voice chat room, he also said: “Chief Zhao is right. Dream Entertainment has grown into a behemoth. Although it is very young, it is not an insulting opponent. Say a Chief Ma. If you don’t like it, the total assets of our six companies will probably be equal to the Dream Entertainment Company.”

t is the abbreviation of tnty, the owner is called Cao Tianbao, it is said to have the participation of Nanchao Nation capital · tnty main operation ‘running ATV, and s01 tangled with CrossfIRE.

At the beginning of CrossfIRE, it was questioned that plagiarism was sol. But Big Penguin and Tian City were only proxy companies. They only looked at the money, and they were too lazy to plagiarize and plagiarize. Let Nanchao Nation’s two Development Company dogs bite the dog. Why should the proxy operator work hard?

Ma Huatang coldly snorted, “Chief Cao, you are a long-term ambition, destroy your own prestige!”

Tian City’s Cao Tianbao is like an old fox. It is not because of Ma Huatang’s tone, but “showing” a little bit of dissatisfaction. “Chief Ma, the current situation, I think everyone is in the heart. Dream Entertainment is strong now, we may wish Make it strong, it can’t always occupy all the market share Right?”

Ma Huatang in the heart sneer, ‘I am afraid that Dream Entertainment has occupied all market share! ,

“Chief Cao, the power on the bright side, we may have pulled the Dream Entertainment Company. But we can use a little trick, and definitely let Dream Entertainment not eat a pocket!” Ma Huatang prompted.

Cao Tianbao didn’t respond immediately. Zhao Dezhu of pCompany showed concern first, Zhao Dezhu was impatient, and ‘Imperfect World, which pCompany operated, was suppressed by Brave’s World’s powerful, just over half a month, ‘Imperfect World, Gamer The loss is more than half.

“Chief Ma, what do you mean by small means?” Zhao Dezhu lowered his voice, even in a secret voice chat room, Zhao Dezhu also worried about voice information leakage.

Ma Huatang is less worried, even if the voice is leaked. Who can prove that he is? Chief Ma is best at knowing how to be confused!

“Chief Zhao, you have some unconventional network power in your hands?” Ma Huatang’s opinion is that the rest of the Network Entertainment Carrier has the power of Hacker. Network Entertainment Carrier secretly controls the power of Hacker, which is the open to the public secret of the entire Industry.

If Network Entertainment Carrier doesn’t have its own Hacker power, do they rely solely on Cyber ​​Security Specialist when they face the Hacker invasion? Cyber ​​Security Specialist, more often, only responsible for the safety of Defend the Server. Network Entertainment Carrier, you need to export the attacker. Even, implement some of the Tasks that you can’t see. This includes suppressing opponents or network news stories that eliminate negative effects.

The remaining five members of the mysterious voice chat room were all silent. Although the network entertainment! Le business to control the power of Hacker, belongs to everyone knows the open to the public secret, you know, it is another matter to say it.

“Everyone doesn’t talk, I will be everyone’s default!” Ma Huatang did not expect the rest to admit, he continued: “We gather all the power, at the Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website, when opening the network registration, together with attack Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website, even Brave’s World’s Main Server. Just cut off the Registration System of Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website and then post it, warning Gamer’s Virtual Belongings in Brave’s World that there is no guarantee. Then, Brave’s World’s Gamer Are we still willing to invest?” I have to say that Ma Huatang is a vicious move! [

Ma Huatang holds the Broken Knife Group, a total of twenty four powerful Hacker Experts, of which the Broken Knife Group’s Leader Broken Knife, the technical strength of the World Exceed Class standard. Broken Knife Group formerly had a deal with Dream Entertainment Company, but they were defeated by Izual. Therefore, Chief Ma intends to unite the rest of the company’s Hacker power to give Dream Entertainment a lesson.

The mysterious voice chat room once again fell silent.

This time, Ma Huatang did not urge the rest to make a decision, just silent waiting.

Waited for about two minutes · Zhao Dezhu First started talking: “Agree! We p join!”

Following pCompany, Cao Tianbao of tntyCompany also responded: “We have to join, we must curb Dream Entertainment, and its development is too fast, especially at the end of this year, they will release a new sense of body” Fucking as a game.”

Dream Entertainment is ready to release the “sports” game at the end of the year. It is precisely as stated First. It is called “Doomsday War”, which will compete directly with Tian City’s sol. s01 is released in advance, like CrossfIRE, under the influence of Dream Entertainment. As for CrossfIRE? In Shi Lei’s strong “plug in”, CrossfIRE has been completely tragic.

The remaining three companies are thEQ / The9, hGiant network, and y. The three companies, compared to Tian City, pCompany and Big Penguin, are a little weaker, but their six companies represent Xia Nation’s Network Entertainment Carrier Great Coalition.

Xia Nation’s six largest Network Entertainment Carriers, under the guise of Big Penguin Chief Ma, formed an offensive alliance against Dream Entertainment Company. They will officially launch Hacker attack on Dream Entertainment Company’s Brave’s World OffiCIA l Website when the Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition online registration event opens on May Twenty Day!

Xia Nation Six Top Level Network Entertainment Carriers, after determining the offensive alliance, they continue to discuss the details of the issue, including the specific time of the attack, the defense arrangement, the destruction of the target and so on.

If Shi Lei knows their actions, they will definitely break Ma Huatang. The damn Chief Ma, three times and four times and Dream Entertainment can’t get through. Shi Lei has already learned Big Penguin and caused a very big loss to Big Penguin. Why can’t Chief Ma teach?

However, Shi Lei doesn’t know about this for a while. Izual doesn’t know about it either. Izual’s information retriever is powerful, but it can’t cover the Internet. A program that covers the Internet in all directions. It is not Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System at all, but Network God!

Emerald Building, 38th Floor, Game Engine Department.

Shi Lei and Li Cai discuss the Electric Energy Version’s Weapons System in the small internal meeting room of the Game Engine Department.

Li Cai’s face is more revealing than the shocked expression. His eyes look at Shi Lei in a complicated way. “Big Brother Stone, is the power really restrict supply? How high can the voltage be? What is the current?”

Shi Lei scratched his head and said: “I don’t know the specific situation. However, at least the voltage of the civil alternating current, that is, 220 volts, may not be adjusted to 1 volts. The current should be above 10 amps. Even reaching amps is not impossible.” Shi Lei simply explained the data given by Izual.

Li Cai’s eyes are shining, “So strong?”

“Yes!” Shi Lei nodded affirmatively.

Li Cai suddenly whispered: “Big Brother Stone, have you discovered the new Power Source? Is it a Power Source that converts directly into electricity?”

Shi Lei’s “color” calm, but in the heart is very surprised, ‘Little Plum is still guessing! Li Cai can guess the answer. Shi Lei is not surprised. When he said the restriction power supply, he knew that Li Cai might guess the answer.

“Èn!” Shi Lei did not deny.

Li Cai frowned, “Big Brother Stone, this thing, have you told anyone else?”

“No. What’s wrong?” Shi Lei looked at the nervous Li Cai with a funny smile.

Li Cai is slightly sighed in relief, “Big Brother Stone, this thing, you better not tell anyone. Although I know, but I will keep secret. Big Brother Stone, you know, that is the new Power Source, If they are known by other forces, especially the strength of Nation, they will certainly get their data at all costs. For the new Power Source, even the murder and arson things, Nation forces can do it!”

Nation forces, there is never a soft heart!

“So, we have to develop and grow ourselves!” Shi Lei said firmly.

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗