
Chapter 847

hk835 power advantage, secretly assembled anti-Dream forces

Jingya Garden, Building Ten, 2001 No. 3 room.

Shi Lei tilted his legs and looked at the information projected by Izual. It added: “Speqing’s speCIA l event is scheduled to be at 5 o’clock this afternoon; the location is located at Shuangqing University’s big “fighting” field, only in the big ” On the field, set up a temporary stage. This thing will let Hong Xiang deal with it. Today’s activities just need Hong Xiang, and their art department is the protagonist of today.”

“yes,s Company Internal Management System, currently generating a notification email, has been sent to Dream Entertainment Company Section Head Hong Xiang.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

All of the Child Company’s internal Mirror Science and Technology commands are sent to the grassroots and use the Internal System mail service. The reason for choosing to use the Mail System pass command is for two reasons.

First, Email System can effectively reduce the environmental pressure brought by office paper, and choose low-carbon office mode, which will become the purpose of Mirror Science and Technology. As a company interested in Worldwide development, Mirror Science and Technology must have its own unique color and correct social responsibility.

Second, the commands passed by Email System will clearly define the responsibility system. Once something happens, what happened unexpectedly, according to the history of the Email System, it can be clearly determined, and what is the issue of the issue, so the determinee should be held accountable for that link.

For example, Xie Hui commands a Little Group from Dream Entertainment to compcomplish a target task. If it is just a verbal command, once the Task is not accomplish, how should it determine responsibility? If Xie Hui had ordered enough time for the arrangement, it should be arranged on May 1st, but Xie Hui issued the order on May 5th, and the responsibility naturally fell on Xie Hui. If Xie Hui orders the work on May 1st, and the corresponding Workgroup does not have an accomplish Task, this is the responsibility of Workgroup.

The Email System makes the entire company’s work events a historical record, without the situation of ’empty mouths.’ If you want to modify the history of the Email System, you need a very high authority.

According to the Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Tenth Grade Security Level system, only the authority up to First Grade can modify the Email System. Within the entire Mirror Science and Technology Group system, the Person with the First Grade authority is currently only one person, and that is Shi Lei! [

Within the Tenth Grade Security Level system, Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo are only the Third Grade authority. Ordinary personnel, generally only Ninth Grade authority. Temporary visits to the guest belong to the Tenth Grade authority, the most Low Grade authority, which is not allowed in many places within the Mirror Science and Technology Group. Similar to the Emerald Building Basement Fifth Level, Dream Entertainment Main Computer Room, the Seventh Grade authority is required in the peripheral area and the Sixth Grade authority is required in the Core area.

At 9:30 in the morning, Shi Lei handled the transaction of the special offline registration event. After he dressed neatly, he called Li Cai and asked Li Cai to pick him up to go to the Emerald Building.

Li Cai rushed to the white “Audi” Audi 41 and came to Jingya Garden Shi Lei to sit in the co-pilot and asked: “How is the Little Plum, Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator? ”

Shi Lei explained Li Cai’s three versions of Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator Dawn version, The Steel and Iron version, and Shadow Dragon version. Once the Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator accomplish, plus n2 metal, the three Weaponry Power Supply will no longer be its shortcomings.

Li Cai replied while driving: “Big Brother Stone, currently do it! The manufacturing difficulty of the Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator exceeded my initial estimate, and I seriously underestimated its manufacturing difficulty. So far, I’ve got a version for Shadow Dragon. As for the version of Dawn and The Steel and Iron, there is no way to make the dimensions of Dawn and The Steel and Iron.

Shi Lei “揉” had a “揉” brow and asked: “Little Plum If you change The Steel and Iron and Dawn to the power output version, their Core power output Electric-powered machine, what do you have? In the volume aspect, they meet their needs while the power is strong enough.”

Li Cai coughed one voice: “Big Brother Stone, let’s go to the Emerald Building, wait a moment to talk about this issue, I am driving now, I don’t want to have a car accident!”

Shi Lei nodded and agreed, “Well, wait a moment to discuss!”

In less than ten minutes, Li Cai and Shi Lei came to the Emerald Building. Outside the Emerald Building, Shi Lei found a lot of Reporter. It seems that Yesterday Dream Entertainment’s Press Conference has made Dream Entertainment Company the darling of the media.

The white “Xudi” Audi 41 entered the Dream Entertainment Company, the exclusive Underground parking lot, and the two took the elevator to the 38th floor of the Emerald Building. Shi Lei just walked out of the elevator, the front desk of the welcome girl, looked at him with a smile, Shi Lei is sure, the smile of the welcome girl is definitely not a simple polite smile.

Li Cai walked by Shi Lei and smiled and said: “Big Brother Stone, yesterday, are you with Mu Shuang, still with Ling Yumo?”

“Eh?” Shi Lei turned to look towards Li Cai, “yesterday evening celebration dinner, Little Plum, I remember you are not in Right?”

“Well, I am not here. On the evening of Yesterday, Professor Li just arranged a Task for us.” Li Cai smiled bitterly: “Professor Li is fine, just too old and serious.”

Shi Lei Like! The same 邙 邙, “to the extreme! The old stubborn!”!

Li Cai hēi hēi bad said with a smile : “Big Brother Stone, rumored you and Teacher Li, seems to have a leg Right?” [

“Damn!Little Plum, can you not be so cumbersome? What is a leg? It’s too hard to hear!” Shi Lei glared at Li Cai. “Quickly, how do you know about yesterday?”

Li Cai’s two eyebrows “hairs” shook a few times, a pair of cocky smirk, “I yesterday and Ruoyun together!”

“…···” Shi Lei looks at Li Cai, this is the high-ranking person who is not hidden, it is simply playing the pig to eat the Expert of Tiger.

“Little Plum, Yang Zhi, Book Fool’s Love Bible? For so long, haven’t you brought it to me?”

That legendary Love Bible, Shi Lei is very interested to see!

“ke ke , Big Brother Stone, next time, I will bring you next time!” Li Cai said slyly: “I am not a professional with Yang Zhi. It is not easy to find him!”

“Okay, no nonsense, and then just the topic, if you convert Dawn and The Steel and Iron into Electric Energy Output Power Version, is there any alternative Electric-powered machine?” Shi Lei asked.

The transformation of Dawn and The Steel and Iron into Electric Energy Version is an unquestionable decision and a correct ratio decision. Electric Energy Version has more than too much Outstanding “sex” energy than Chemical Energy Version.

First of all, from the noise aspect comparison, Chemical Energy Version’s Dawn, even with the All-ceramic Microturbine Engine, minimizes the noise generated by the Engine, and there is still noise like the motorcycle engine. Compared to the Shadow Dragon of the Electric Energy Version, the standard that controls the noise can even reach the level of assassination.

The sound made by the Shadow Dragon four-propeller is just like a breeze!

Secondly, Dawn of Chemical Energy Version has a fatal weakness. It is not an issue of Power Source long-term use, but an issue of hot-radiation. Dawn’s Core Power Output Zone · The Ceramic High Temperature Heat Insulating Module is used to isolate the terrifying heat produced by the All-ceramic Microturbine Engine.

Even if the Ceramic High Temperature Heat Insulating Module, the cost of each piece is up to 1100,000 Xia Nation Yuan, it is not an artifact, and there is no mysterious hidden “sex”. The role of the Ceramic High Temperature Heat Insulating Module is to isolate the heat emitted by the All-ceramic Microturbine Engine, damage the internal driving crew, and conduct heat to the outside.

Although the internal driving personnel was prevented from being burnt, this design has a huge drawback, that is, Dawn has become a huge source of infrared heat radiation. Any unit that has an Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector will find Dawn very easily, leaving Dawn with no invisible “sex” energy. Even though in the night attack, it will also be exposed because of the infrared heat radiation “issue” issue.

The Steel and Iron also has the drawback that the steel and Iron produce less heat and that the enemy facing The Steel and Iron is more likely to be flattened by The Steel and Iron. Furthermore, The Steel and Iron is a remote Remote Control operation, even if it was discovered by the Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector, it is at best a result of damage. The cost price of a Steel and Iron. No calculation of software costs, only Hundred-thousand Xia Nation Yuan is out of the way. Only one third of the Swift Arrow Air-To-Surface. The low cost of The Steel and Iron is not afraid of damage!

So, this flaw is not so fatal for The Steel and Iron.

But Dawn is different. There is a driver inside the Dawn. Once the violent “exposed” position, the driver will have a danger. It is for this reason that Shi Lei did not manufacture Dawn on a large scale.

However, once Dawn has completed the power transformation, it will make up for this shortcoming. Even in the armor module layout, Shi Lei’s mind, there is a better solution.

The original plan was just a scientific idea. Even after the 2012 years later, it only stayed in the test Phase, but did not develop a practical version.

Li Cai listened to Shi Lei’s issue and looked down and thought carefully. “Big Brother Stone, the optional Electric-powered machine exists. However, there is a big issue, we have no way to solve it.”

“What issue? If you want to say the power reserve issue, then this issue negligible.” Shi Lei replied directly.

Li Cai has a flash of light in his eyes. “Big Brother Stone, if there is a negligible energy issue, we can choose a number of Electric-powered machines, and we can make the Electromagnetic Artillery more powerful!”

Shi Lei in the heart, the power of Electromagnetic Artillery is related to the speed and intensity of power supply. If the power supply is higher in a short time, the higher the strength of the magnetic field, the greater the force of Electromagnetic Artillery. In terms of exact as stated, the speed is also fast.

“How much can Little Pro, Electromagnetic Artillery be promoted?” Shi Lei hesitated, adding: “If electricity is restricted, supply!”

Net world, a mysterious voice chat room, with six mysterious personnel, coded all kinds of letters.

The mysterious person whose code is p is directly called the identity of another member t. “Chief Ma, you brought us together, what is it?”

The mysterious person with the code t is the Bai Huatang of Big Penguin!

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗