
Chapter 829

hk817 Destroy evidence, night raid!

Xia Nation Time, 17 points Forty points; Nanyue Nation time is one hour ahead of Xia Nation Time, so there is only 16 points for Forty points.

Punishment Merc Warsquad’s Dark Force developed in Móng Cái City, after Shi Lei’s mobilization, resolutely chose to accept Shi Lei’s Task, ready to submit the name of the vote, choose to join the ruling mercenary team.

More than two hundred militants, led by Ren Gudu, drove an ATV, carrying the MapData, GPS navigator, and satellite phone provided by Shi Lei to the scheduled location.

Punishment Merc Warsquad In the Old Nest of Móng Cái City, Shi Lei looks at the satellite mapinformation displayed on the projection screen. On the map, the border station is marked as a red dot, and there is another green color highlight. Represents Ren Gudu’s position information.

“Boss, do we want to keep up with them and deal with the aftermath for them?” Ye Feng stood at the left rear of Shi Lei’s and whispered. In Ye Feng’s in the heart, Ren Gudu alone led more than two hundred people, and without the support of airpower, it was difficult for them to defeat the border station of Nanyue Nation.

Although more than two hundred people led by Ren Gudu are not lacking in blood and lack of firearm experience, they are not standing army, and they don’t know how powerful the jointing of the Army can be. Even a sneak attack on the border station will cause a greater damage.

“No need!” Shi Lei’s expression of indifference, “The road is their own choice, even if they are tired and tired again, they are squatting, and they must go on their own!”

Chen Xingrui is somewhat intolerant, he is trying to say something, Ye Feng is doing gesture to stop him, and telling him not to say.

“Boss, in the case of their accomplish Task, instead of the grass to scare the snake, to increase the alert of the border crossing station of Nanyue Nation, it is difficult for us to do remedial action.” Ye Feng prefers Punishment Merc Warsquad and the staff of the Ruling Security Company, followed by Ren Gudu and others, and also brought The Steel and Iron. [

In case there is any issue, you can remedy anytime, anywhere, without causing a major disaster.

“A’Feng, Xingrui, commanded to go, give up the current stronghold and replace the alternate Safety base.” Shi Lei decisively started talking: “If those people are successful accomplish Task, we must also ensure that we will not be involved.” As for the aftermath, you don’t have to say anything, you can’t send The Steel and Iron!”

Ye Feng said with a bitter smile : “Boss, The Steel and Iron’s mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun · For most military projects, it’s not very useful!”

Shi Lei looked at Ye Feng with a faint expression, until Ye Feng was a little unnatural, and started talking: “A’Feng, at the latest tomorrow, we will get the twenty Swift Arrow Series Small-scale guide. What is the target, under the blow of Swift Arrow, it will be directly Destroy!”

Introduced by Swift Arrow Series, a Small-scale guide independently developed for the Rongcheng Military District. Although the key technology aspects have borrowed from the same kind of foreign guides, the full set of data from the Swift Arrow Series is indeed developed by the Rongcheng Military District. The prestige of the Swift Arrow Series is also well known throughout the Summer Team System.

Ye Feng sighed in relief, if you have twenty Swift Arrow Series guides, you really don’t need to worry about too much.

“Prepare to move to a new position!” Shi Lei put his hands in his trouser pocket and walked leisurely outside. He walked and said: “Pay attention to the evidence of Destroy.

On the fingerprint, shoe print, “hair” hair, or clothing fiber, personal belongings, etc., my Hope is completely clean, even if the World’s Top Level Specialist, also in this stronghold, we found that formly existed . ”

“Understood, Boss!” Chen Xingrui responded loudly.

Móng Cái City’s person-in-charge is Chen Xingrui. He has prepared two Safety points in Móng Cái City. Once Lao Chao Stronghold is attacked, or is facing an official inspection, or for another reason. The migration status can be quickly transferred to one of the other two Safety locations.

Ye Feng trio and Shi Lei, strolling on the quaint streets of Móng Cái City, setting the sun’s afterglow, slanting on the slate road, although there are some buzz around, Shi Lei took a deep breath, closed his eyes As if you are in another World.

After a long time, Shi Lei whispered: “A’Feng, have I changed?”

When Shi Lei met Ye Feng first time, Shi Lei was just reborn. At that time, Shi Lei still had a trace of Good. At that time, only listening to the story of Ye Feng, Shi Lei subconsciously chose to believe Ye Feng. Although Shi Lei is correct, but it is Shi Lei now, he will not believe Ye Feng in First Time. Even if he proves the innocence of Ye Feng, Shi Lei will first consider and take Ye Feng into his possession; Instead of just like formly, help Ye Feng first, then consider accepting Ye Feng.

Time passes, people change!

Ye Feng stood at the left rear of Shi Lei’s, Ma Liang and Zheng Sanpao stood farther away, and they seemed to stand casually, but actually protected Shi Lei from the station. [

“Boss, you are still you!” Ye Feng said sincerely, although in the eyes of Ye Feng, Shi Lei has some changes, but Shi Lei is still the patriotic Shi Lei. Even Shi Lei’s way, most people can’t accept, the lovely country is patriotic, the starting point is patriotism, there is no other impurity. It is “Shi Lei” opened his eyes, and his eyes “exposed” a smattering of “color”. “If God can give me another chance, I will do better!” ”

“Boss, you have done it well enough!” Ye Feng said affirmatively.

Shi Lei had a smile on his face. “A’Feng, you are right, I have done enough. Go, take me to a new stronghold!”

In the original Lao Chao Stronghold, Chen Xingrui currently commanded subordinate, first spraying the acid “skin” chemical “liquid” body on all kinds of metal surfaces and glass surfaces that are easy to leave fingerprints, eliminating fingerprint residue, and then a wide range. Spraying, the body’s sweat “liquid” and “hair” hair, etc., is easily discerned by the evidence of ninformation, completely annihilated.

After the first time the work of destroying the evidence was processed, Chen Xingrui started the Second Round cleaning work. They carried a gas mask, carrying an oxygen tube, and hand-held the flamethrower. Inside the Lao Chao Stronghold, carefully use the flamethrower to clean the acid. Residue of the “liquid” body, and find out what is missing.

The second round cleaning work was completed again. The material inside the Lao Chao Stronghold that was originally eroded by the acid “liquid” body, and subjected to the flame roasting, basically eliminated the possible evidence. The final round of cleanup work is a thorough Destroy evidence.

Chen Xingrui told the subordinate people to completely scatter the gasoline inside and outside the Lao Chao Stronghold and finally use a match to ignite Lao Chao Stronghold and let Lao Chao Stronghold fall into the Raging Flames. At the same time, any road connected to Lao Chao Stronghold had a car accident and prevented the Fire Fighting car from entering.

In just half an hour, Lao Chao Stronghold was completely gone to Ember without any evidence. Only the broken wall remains left in place, proving its existence.

The new stronghold is located in the eastern suburb of Móng Cái City, surrounded by large and small black sects.

There are no official forces in existence. Shi Lei sat on the couch and watched the satellite mapinformation displayed by the projector. The green “color” spot representing Ren Gudu has traveled about Forty kilometers.

Móng Cái City West Northern direction, 120 multiple ATVs, the vast “swing” “swing” driving, on the uneven dirt road, fully demonstrates the advantages of all-terrain vehicles.

For every ATV, there are two personnel on board, one driver and one crew member. The comprehensive speed of all-terrain vehicles is almost 70 to 80 kilometers per hour.

At their speed, they will arrive at the end of First Phase at about 7 o’clock in Xia Nation Time, then hike through the six-kilometer mountain road and sneak directly from the rear of the border station.

Twenty six kilometers of mountain road, according to Ren Gudu’s estimate, about four hours, also in other words, they will arrive at the scheduled attack position at 11 o’clock in the evening at Xia Nation Time and at 10 o’clock in the evening at Nanyue Nation.

Cheng Dong Stronghold Shi Lei opened Notebook Computer and contacted Tao Wenxian via an encrypted network. Shi Lei took the line headset and tried the voice connection: “hū called jzz, call jzz, hear please answer!”

“Big Brother Stone, jzz received!” The voice of Tao Wenxian came over, although there was some distortion, but it could be discerned.

“jzz, call the real-time satellite map, monitor the latitude and longitude of the location, I have sent you past. Note that only the real-time monitoring of the image, no need for any other detection behavior.” Shi Lei cautiously told.

GPS Worldwide satellite Positioning System, a toy belonging to rp, although rp does not directly control it, but if Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian borrow too much from the GPS Worldwide satellite Positioning System, they will not be allowed to be the real owner. Stand up and look for the troubles of Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian.

“Understood!” Tao Wenxian used his Level 3 Control Authority to connect to the GPS Global Positioning System and searched for the latitude and longitude region provided by Shi Lei. “Big Brother Stone, real-time satellite surveillance image passed, you accept it!”

“Well, I have received it, you are busy!” Shi Lei asked Satellite to monitor the image in real time and keep it on the projector. He “follows” Notebook Computer and writes the Core Source Code of Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine.

Shi Lei suffers again and again, precisely as stated because there is no Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine. This time, Shi Lei really intends to accomplish Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine. Anyway, there is Izual’s help, the source code of the Accomplish Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine, the time required will not be too much.

Nanyue Nation time, ten points twenty points at night.

Ren Gudu led the team and arrived at the scheduled location. He observed the border station by night vision and whispered: “Remaining for five minutes, launching attack after five minutes!”

While the team was resting, Ren Gudu took out the Small-scale infrared detector provided by Shi Lei to detect the infrared heat radiation inside the border station. Through the infrared detector, he can determine the number of humans in the border station.

In five minutes, Ren Gudu personally picked up a single rocket launcher and ordered three other Elite personnel to aim the muzzle of the rocket launcher at the area determined by the infrared detector…


〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗