
Chapter 830

hk818 blood wash border station, chicken dogs do not stay!

Ling Yuguo’s three targets, only the border station, are the easiest to get. Whether it is the border military use airport or the border military use warehouse, it is not an easy target.

Shi Lei chose the target for Ren Gudu, not let them die, but test their loyalty. If Ren Gudu leads the team and can be a perfect accomplish Task, Shi Lei will welcome them to join their team.

The East Southern direction of the border station, as the rear of the border station, the strength of the defense is not strong.

Ren Gudu carries a soldier rocket launcher, carefully adjusts the direction, and whispers: “Are you ready?”

“Big Bro, my technology, can you still believe it?” A big boy with a big smile, carrying a soldier rocket launcher, smiled side by side at Ren Gudu.

The big boy is Huang Xuan. Although he is not very old, he is a pistol, a machine gun, a sniper rifle, or a single rocket launcher. He has a very good prospect.

With a precise aiming skill, Huang Xuan has a higher status on Ren Gudu’s team. This time, the Task, aimed as stated Huang Xuan, helped the other two to correct first, and then collectively launched the “rocket” rocket launcher.

“Well, Little Xuan, look at their prospects again!” Ren Gudu did not dare to tell.

Huang Xuan once again turned his head and observed the other two men’s rocket launcher aiming direction, started talking: “Big Bro, there is no issue!”

Ren Gudu took a deep breath, “I count down three numbers, everyone will shoot “shot”! Three, two, one!”

“sōu sōu sōu sōu ~”

The rockets of the rocket launcher made a whistling sound, and the four lights were dazzling in the air. Just a few seconds later, the rocket hit the wall of the barracks at the border station.

“hōng hōng hōng hōng ~”

Four rockets, almost at the same time exploding, violent explosions and strong shock waves, let the soldiers resting in the barracks see Jehovah Great God in their sleep.

Maybe the guy of Nanyue Nation doesn’t know Jehovah Great God?

Móng Cái City, Cheng Dong Stronghold.

The projector displays the satellite real-time surveillance image. Because it is night, there is no too much detail but the rocket fires a strong fire, but it can’t escape satellite monitoring.

“Not bad!” Shi Lei praised. From the rocket’s explosion test, Shi Lei had guessed that Ren Gudu fully understood his opinion, first using an infrared detector, and then using the rocket to attack to minimize his loss.

Nanyue Nation, border station.

Ren Gudu saw a blow, he immediately sneaked a sneak attack without looking at his watch, and said: “brothers, we still have three 12 minutes. After three 12 minutes, the enemy’s air support will arrive here. Little Huang, immediately adjust the position and make up the Second Round.”

“As you bid!” Huang Xuan was excited and nervously corrected the position of the other two players’ rocket launchers, and then fired four rockets again according to the detection results of the infrared detector.

The border station of Nanyue Nation was suddenly attacked. Most of the soldiers stationed at the border station are still in a state of ignorance. They simply do not know what happened.

However, immediately, the four rockets arrived again!

“hōng hōng hōng hōng ~”[

The violent shock wave of the rocket allowed the personnel who were too close to them to be blown up into pieces. The situation on the spot was simply terrible.

“Little Huang, hurry to the snipe’s hidden sentry!” Ren Gudu used an infrared detector and found no enemies on a large scale. Besides the limited number of rockets, they needed to leave another rocket to deal with the possible air. power.

The dark green “color” wpsnipe rifle made a crisp sound, Huang Xuan said solemnly: “First!”

In less than three minutes, Huang Mingxuan killed a total of seven targets, each shot did not fall, and each shot killed a hidden sentry. “Big Bro, all the hidden sentry are gone, we can go!”

Ren Gudu loudly: “Brothers, give it to me! As long as you are not your own, give it to me, whether it is human or otherwise, Boss told the dog not to stay!”

The environment at the border station is poor and far from the urban areas. Usually, the border station will raise some poultry so that you can eat fresh meat.


More than two hundred people mixed up and rushed to the border station, there was no cover formation, and there was no coordination of firepower. Fortunately, the two rounds of rockets have already caused the soldiers stationed at the border to fall into a mess. Also, Huang Xuan helped to break the hidden sentry. Plus, it is night, the vast majority of soldiers stationed at the border, resting in the barracks, is not fully armed.

Together, various factors, when Ren Gudu took the team and entered the firepower “shooting” process, immediately suppressed the Standing Army at the border station. Ren Gudu’s team, without lack of blood, also has the spirit of fearless death, they quickly cleaned up the participating soldiers at the border station.

After about ten minutes, the gunshots became sporadic. When cleaning the interior of the border station, Ren Gudu’s team was strongly resisted, and they also experienced a lot of combat downsizing. !

After another ten minutes, the gunshots were completely quiet. Ren Gudu wiped the blood of his face. The blood was not his, but the blood he had when he killed the enemy.

“How is the situation?” Ren Gudu stood in the “fighting” field at the border station and asked about the personnel who returned.

“Big Bro, the west side is completely cleaned, every fallen person, all guns, there is absolutely no live mouth.” A Small Leader responded.

“Big Bro, there is no issue in the north!” Another Small Leader, responded briefly.

Huang Xuan also started talking: “Big Bro, there is no issue in the east. We not only killed all the Nanyue Nation Standing Army, but also killed all the poultry animals on their farms, including the military use dogs, in full accordance with Boss’ instructions. Chicken dogs don’t stay!”

Ren Gudu glanced around in a circle. Under the tactical flashlight, some sad questions asked: “How much lost our brothers?”

“Big Bro, now is not a statistical loss, we are still in the danger now, the air force of Nanyue Nation Official, ready to arrive at any time, we will hurry to run!” Huang Xuan prompted.

Ren Gudu nodded. “That’s right, let’s go!” Ren Gudu walked in front and walked toward due west, due west was the hinterland of Nanyue Nation, while parking their ATVs in one direction, not in one direction on.

“Big Bro, our full terrain vehicle, not there!” Huang Xuan’s sense of direction is very good, he will not remember correctly, their ATVs parked in the East Southern direction.

Ren Gudu explained while walking: “We don’t have time to return to the storage point of the ATV. This is also the test of Boss. If we return to the ATV parking lot, then the full terrain vehicle, you think that Nanyue Nation will Can’t find it? Even if we managed to escape and drove in an ATV, what about the traces of the ATV? It was close to the border station, and Nanyue Nation easily recalled that the border station was sneaked. It should be related to it. Once they investigate the corresponding clues, they will find the starting point of the ATV. At that time, it is implicated in Boss, how do you say we will be handled?”

Huang Xuan thought about it for a moment, as Ren Gudu said. It’s just that Ren Gudu doesn’t know that Lao Chao Stronghold has been completely cleaned under the Shi Lei’s order. Even if the military of Nanyue Nation, investigate to the ATV from Lao Chao Stronghold, they could not find further clues.

As for the purchase channel of all-terrain vehicles? Anyway, it is not purchased by real identity. Nanyue Nation found out, and in what direction can I continue to investigate?

Móng Cái City, Cheng Dong Stronghold.

Shi Lei looked at the live image of the satellite monitor, cocked his legs, and flashed a strange radiance in his eyes, as if to say to himself: “Ren Gudu, it’s time to test you! If you can bring the team back to Móng Cái City, then our Organization will need you!”

Ye Feng sat behind Shi Lei’s and asked: “Boss, don’t we help them? They have accomplished the Task.”

“No! They don’t have an accomplish Task! Once the Task starts, consider the worst. In case we provide remote support, how should they deal with it. I Hope, they learned the spirit of the Ruling Security Company and learned our slogan. Xs!” Shi Lei said indifferently.

Ye Feng thoughtfully nodded, he was a bit sentimental recently, perhaps the bloody too much in his hands, but inspired goodwill?

After Ren Gudu led the team to leave for less than ten minutes, two Armed Helicopters, driving searchlights, hovered over the border station, and when the Armed Helicopter driver yelled through the loudspeaker, he did not respond. He immediately reported to his superiors.

“Border Command Center, Border Command Center, here is the number rx004 Mangshan border station was attacked by an unknown person. We initially determined that there is no survivor at the entire Mangshan border station!” Armed Helicopter, number rx004, received the mang After seeking help from the mountain border station, he rushed over at the fastest speed, but still did not rescue in time.

“rx004 commands the Center command, crashes rx05 to drop investigate, rx004 takes the Mangshan border station as the center, and searches for any suspicious personnel around it according to the circular search method. Command Center authorized rx004 allows Freedom to open fire!” The staff of the Border Command Center Immediately responded to the report of the rescue Armed Helicopter rx004.

Due west 14 km, Ren Gudu led the remnants of the team, looking through the telescope at the Armed Helicopter in the distance, they closed the tactical flashlight, kept silent and tried to avoid being discovered by Armed Helicopter.

“Big Bro, what do we do now?” Huang Xuan asked nervously: “We are too close to the location, and the possible “sex” discovered by Helicopter exceeds 80%!”

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗