
Chapter 809

hk797 is really in Yinjia Nation!

Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters.

Shi Lei made his own request and he needed an answer. Ling Yuguo did not respond immediately, but returned to his Office with Shi Lei. In Office, Ling Yuguo took the initiative to pour a glass of water for Shi Lei, but it made Shi Lei feel somewhat flattered. This is the future of Father-In-Law!

The two men sat face to face on the leather sofa, Ling Yuguo took the initiative to talk about Ling Yumo. “Shi Lei, Yumo still has to stay at home for a few days. I know about Yumo’s work at Capital City, and I won’t force it. Yumo goes to Capital City. I will arrange Yumo in Shuangqing City to continue accomplish her studies.”

‘Old stubborn is very smart, promptly opened the topic, led the topic to Little Mo, know how to distract me. ‘Shi Lei in the heart secretly smiles.

“Uncle Ling, our best medical university in Shuangqing City, exactly as stated Shuangqing Medical University. I am currently arranging related matters, let Shuangqing Medical University specialize in Little Mo entry, and directly transfer to First Year to study. Also, school will be arranged. Inside, a well-known professor tutors Little Mo’s study. So, do you want to see Uncle Ling?” Shi Lei answered Ling Yuguo on the topic of Ling Yuguo.

‘Shi Lei this little fox! ‘Ling Yuguo is pretending to think about Shi Lei’s proposal, but in the heart is a little anxious, ‘Shi Lei this brat, what answer do you want? What should I do if he asks about a secret issue? ‘

“ke ke!” After thinking about five minutes, Ling Yuguo coughed twice and pretended to clear the scorpion. He said, “Well, Shi Lei, you brat is so well arranged. Lest I come out to use power arrangements, but instead Falling down.”

Shi Lei smiled back and said: “So very good! Right, Uncle Ling, you just said to give me a reward, I have now solved a problem for you, should I give me more rewards?”

Ling Yuguo is a word. The topic of Ling Yumo’s transfer is simply to pick up Stone’s own feet!

Seeing the issue of the issue, Ling Yuguo is also generous. After all, Shi Lei solved the big issue for him, the real big issue.

“Shi Lei, what do you want to know?” Ling Yuguo asked with a serious look, “Don’t cover Nation secrets! If there is a Nation secret issue, I have a privilege that I choose not to answer.”

“Uncle Ling, how can I know what Nation secret issue is. I just want to ask, that piece of Damaged Stone. Where did you get it? I feel very fun, it can be Levitate by myself. If you can apply it At our company’s Brave’s World Motion Operating System, Gamer will get a more outstanding Motion Sensing Operation experience for oneself.” Shi Lei found an excuse for himself.

The direction of the Motion Operating System has never been aimed at how to make Gamer’s real action. Feedback is in the game; instead, feedback from Gamer’s mind is fed back into the game. That is the direction of the Motion Operating System. That is the legendary Virtual Reality Game.

Ling Yuguo brows up, he wants to swear again: Damaged Stone, your sister, that is the legendary Levitation Slate!

“Shi Lei, this issue, related to Top-secret Intelligence, I can’t tell you!” Ling Yuguo replied resolutely.

Shi Lei leaned back. Leaning on the back of the leather sofa, one face does not think it is: “A piece of Damaged Stone! What is the top-secret Intelligence! That Damaged Stone, can it be Levitate? What special minerals are contained, And what a special magnetic field is formed.”

Ling Yuguo did not answer.

Shi Lei continued: “Uncle Ling. Actually, you don’t say, I know, that the Damaged Stone is the Right from Yinjia Nation?” After the talk, Shi Lei carefully observed Ling Yuguo.

Ling Yuguo’s eyebrows moved slightly, ‘Shi Lei this brat, how do you know? In the bureau, one of the two Vice-chiefs is his inside? impossible! To reach the status of Vice-chief, it is impossible to mix with Shi Lei. However, in addition to the two Vice-chief in the bureau, only I know the way Leviation Slate is coming, how does Shi Lei know it! ‘

“Uncle Ling, I don’t want the Dynasty Gear of Western Headquarters. You just point me a way, I use my own strength, and then find a kind of Damaged Stone. If I find more than two, I can still give it. You are a Western Headquarters piece. What do you think?” Shi Lei once again said in a careless manner that he lazily leaned back on the sofa and showed a lazy atmosphere.

Ling Yuguo is silent. ‘Would you like to tell Shi Lei? Shi Lei The background of this brat is mysterious, and there is obviously still power behind him to support him. This brat has solved two problems for me. The two remaining problems in the game also require him to help. If I refuse to help him, will he refuse to help me? ‘

Ling Yuguo fell into a self-contradictory situation and prevented him from being promoted to the Four Great puzzle of the Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division. Shi Lei has solved two problems. There are two remaining problems. According to Shi Lei’s, he also has some clues.

One side is the temptation of promotion, and the other is the disciplinary constraint that reveals Nation’s secrets. Ling Yuguo’s inner struggle is. In the end, personal interests have defeated Nation’s interests. After all, Nation staff personnel, like Ouyang Xiang, are very rare. [

Therefore, Ouyang Xiang can become the only Dawn of Shi Lei in the heart!

“Shi Lei, I can tell you, but this thing is limited to you and I know.” Ling Yuguo sighed and found a reason for himself in the heart. ‘But it, look at this brat may be the face of my Son-In-Law, tell him! ‘

Shi Lei smiled nodded, “Uncle Ling, you can rest assured! This thing, knowing the truth, you know me! On how, it will not involve Uncle Ling. Inside, I want to find a scapEgoat, it’s still very easy.”

The opinion of this sentence was originally just Shi Lei’s desire to frame a Western Headquarters staff. It was very easy. However, Ling Yuguo, obviously understands that Shi Lei has a loyal insider in the Western Headquarters, and can even accept the law of the law for the Shi Lei’s command.

‘Damn Shi Lei, how did you do it? ‘Ling Yuguo in the heart, surprised, calmly said: “Shi Lei brat, you guess there is nothing wrong, Top-secret Intelligence origin in Yinjia Nation. Your mouth of the Damaged Stone, named Levitation Slate. Our Western Headquarters lurk in Yinjia Nation’s 12 name, after sacrificing eleven, brought back to the domestic level of Top-secret Intelligence data. According to the data of the last intelligence personnel, Yinjia Nation has another Levitation Slate, if you really want Can you go to Yinjia Nation to discuss and sell them and see if they sell or not?” Ling Yuguo said a joke.

Shi Lei Nai’s grin, how could Yinjia Nation sell to him?

“Uncle Ling, your Western Headquarters from the Yinjia Nation area, the Levitation Slate? Another Levitation Slate, where is Yinjia Nation hidden?” Shi Lei asked in detail.

Ling Yuguo looked at Shi Lei strangely. He said the news of another Levitation Slate. He intended to use the power of Nation of Yinjia Nation to let Shi Lei abandon his intention to capture the Levitation Slate.

Yinjia Nation Although the overall strength is far less powerful than Xia Nation, it is the power of Nation! The power of the individual, when faced with the power of Nation, is basically impossible to withstand a single blow!

‘The forces behind Shi Lei, the energy of the Levitation Slate from Yinjia Nation? ‘Ling Yuguo in the heart Guess, the Levitation Slate is different from other items in that it has a special attribute of electronic interference, which is not easy to capture.

Otherwise, how can the Western Headquarters’ latent personnel be so big?

“Our latent personnel, the Levitation Slate from Yinjia Nation’s Uttarakhand State. Yinjia Nation’s second piece Levitation Slate, perhaps still in the Uttarakhand State, may be shipped to the nearby Uttar Pradesh State. After all, Uttar Pradesh State has a Large-scale Air Force Base. Yanjia Nation’s Radiant Fighter, made at Uttar Pradesh State.” Ling Yuguo gave a concrete information.

The reason for telling Shi Lei about the detailed information is that it also carries a taste of temptation. He wants to see the power behind Shi Lei and whether he can get the Levitation Slate. If Shi Lei gets the Levitation Slate, then the Xia Nation authorities may have some changes to Shi Lei’s attitude.

“Uttarakhand State and Uttar Pradesh State?” Shi Lei nodded. Uttar Pradesh State’s Radiant Fighter production base, which Shi Lei knew before, also included it as one of Destroy’s targets. The Longsword 2000defense does not work, and it can only be used at the Radiant Fighter production site in Uttar Pradesh State.

‘It is the Radiant Fighter production base. It seems that we are very good! ‘Shi Lei in the heart.

“Yes! This is our latent intelligence personnel, the information obtained at the cost of life. However, I can’t guarantee whether Yinjia Nation will transfer the Levitation Slate. After all, they will be vigilant after losing a Levitation Slate. Sex!” Ling Yuguo said with an uncertain tone.

Shi Lei hēi hēi a said with a smile : “Thank you for Uncle Ling, as long as you know some clues, the next thing, no need to trouble Uncle Ling!” After that, Shi Lei stood up, “Uncle Ling, time is not Early, I won’t bother Uncle Ling.”

“Well, I am also ready to go home!” Ling Yuguo thought about it, but did not send an invitation to Shi Lei. From the bottom of his heart, he did not like Ling Yumo and Shi Lei together.

Shi Lei had a disappointment in his eyes. He originally thought that Ling Yuguo had solved the big trouble. Ling Yuguo would invite him to go home to eat. The result was that he thought more. It seems that he and Ling Yumo’s road, there is still a distance!

Driving the specially modified Audi 6l, Shi Lei returned to Jingya Garden and called Tao Wenxian, a special foodstall in the back street, while eating and discussing about the Levitation Slate.

In the corner of the specialty foodstall, Tao Wenxian currently peels off the crayfish shell, “Big Brother Stone, your opinion is, Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, tells you the specific way to Leviation Slate?”

“Yes!” Shi Lei whispered, “jzz, you whisper!”

“ke ke ,sorry for the inconvenience , excited for a while, excited!” Tao Wenxian lowered his voice and continued: “Big Brother Stone, what do we do now? Go to Yinjia Nation to find the Levitation Slate?”

(To be continued.)

Ps: The book review area has a demo video of the Motion Sensing Game operation, which is similar to the same one.