
Chapter 808

hk796 I need an answer!

Emerald Lake Building 18th floor.

Shi Lei carefully placed the light-cyan Levitation Slate back into the small wooden box engraved with the Lotus Flower micro-carving, allowing the wooden box to suppress the electronic interference of the Levitation Slate. Otherwise, the experimental equipment prepared by Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian has no way to run.

Tao Wenxian reluctantly looked at the small wooden box and asked with a big request: “Big Brother Stone, can you let us have it? Do you want to make an identical counterfeit?”

Shi Lei hasn’t answered yet, and Tao Wenxian denies his guess. “No! counterfeit has no power of electronic interference. Yes, maybe we can install an electronic interference device inside counterfeit. Anyway, the Levitation Slate has the capability of electronic interference. The Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters will not put it in the x-ray inspection equipment, and it will detect if we gave them counterfeit.”

Saying his new idea, Tao Wenxian hā hā smiled. “Big Brother Stone, what do you think of this idea?”

“It’s stupid! Don’t talk about the artificially made electronic interference device. Once the issue occurs, the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters will definitely turn over with us. Just Levitate issue, how to solve it?” Shi Lei said calmly.

Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters Bureau Chief, but Shi Lei’s Quasi Father-In-Law adults, in the event of an issue, Shi Lei but bad luck!

“Big Brother Stone, what do you do?” Tao Wenxian said he had never imagined a better way.

Shi Lei hēi hēi a said with a smile : “jzz, guess, this origin of the Levitation Slate? Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, from where to get it!” [

Tao Wenxian was slightly stare blankly, and immediately understood Shi Lei’s opinion, “Big Brother Stone. Do you think Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, will you tell us?”

If you can get Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters and get a detailed channel for the Levitation Slate, then Shi Lei might be equally good at getting a second piece Levitation Slate.

Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters This piece of Levitation Slate, Shi Lei’s did not dare to have any intentions. Not only because Ling Yuguo is the father of Ling Yumo, but also because Leviitation Slate is too broad, Shi Lei can’t fall out with Xia Nation.

If you still have a second piece Levitation Slate, Shi Lei will never have any scruples in the hands of other forces. He can use any means to win the second piece Levitation Slate.

“They don’t tell us, can’t we still investigate ourselves?”. Shi Lei just finished, Li Zifeng led the three members of Tenth Squadron and came to the 18th floor of the Emerald Lake Building.

“Boss. The five Little Groups all accomplished the Task, annihilating the 12 name in total. There is no live left.” Li Zifeng reports. As he spoke, he returned Shi Lei’s Bluetooth headset, cell phone and notebook to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei praised: “well done!” Then patted Levitate’s small wooden box, started talking: “Zifeng, you look at it personally. On anyone. It is not allowed to take it away, unless I personally accompany it. Shi Lei handed over the custodial rights of the Levitation Slate to Li Zifeng.

Levitation Slate is very bullshit, an attribute of electronic interference. Let Shi Lei carry it with you at all. Otherwise, Shi Lei has no way to pass the internet conNEC tion Izual.

“Okay, Boss, please rest assured, I will take good care of it!” Li Zifeng has seen a Levitation Slate, and second time sees Levitation Slate Levitate in midair, he is not as surprised.

“Right, Zifeng, your Squadron member, try to spread it a little further away. If anything unexpected, you can tell your Squadron member, then Squadron member, tell me through the network communication.” Shi Lei Detailed Commanded.

Li Zifeng nodded, “Understood!”

Shi Lei patted Li Zifeng’s arm to encourage keep it up, “jzz, let’s go!”

“Oh, come!” Tao Wenxian finally glanced at Levitate’s small wooden box, behind Shi Lei’s, and walked out of the Emerald Lake Building on the 18th floor.

The two returned to the Jingya Garden Building Ten 2004 Room. In the living room, with several high-performance servers, Shi Lei randomly selected one and connected the System Back Door program of the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters.

Tao Wenxian stood behind Shi Lei and was surprised: “Big Brother Stone, you actually have a System Back Door inside the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters!”[

“Of course!” Shi Lei nodded and pointed to the server next to it: “jzz, don’t worry, start working. The security of the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters Internal System is very high. We need to look for the information about the Levitation Slate. And any related information.” Shi Lei actively shared System Back Door information with Tao Wenxian, and Tao Wenxian also entered the Internal Security of Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters.

Two World Grade Hackers, one of them is World Summit Grade, inside their current Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, querying the data they need.

May 13th, four o’clock in the afternoon.

Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian searched for nearly two hours in the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters Internal Network and still did not find any information about the Levitation Slate.

Tao Wenxian persisted in searching, and Shi Lei stopped.

“Big Brother Stone, why don’t you find it?” Tao Wenxian asked as he searched for data.

Shi Lei swears: “Keep the change, Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters’ Internal Network, there should be no Levitation Slate data. Maybe they used paper data, and did not enter the corresponding data into the System electronically. “”

Paperized data has a very good effect on preventing leaks caused by Hacker invasion. At least, even World Summit Grade Hacker like Shi Lei has no way to invade paperized data.

“Eh!” Tao Wenxian is a little depressed. “Big Brother Stone, you have any internal personnel in the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters. Let’s check the inside and see if the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters is really relevant. Qualified!”

“Don’t be so troublesome!” Shi Lei stood up, took out the phone and called Ling Yuguo.

Waiting for nearly twenty seconds, Ling Yuguo’s phone was connected, and Ling Yuguo’s voice came over. “Shi Lei, what’s your business?”

“Uncle Ling, are you in the game Right?” Shi Lei asked as usual.

The other end of the phone. Ling Yuguo frowned, “Shi Lei, what’s the matter directly!”

“Uncle Ling, if you are in the game, I want to tell you a good news, I found your lost Top-secret Intelligence. If you have time, I will send it to you right away!” Shi Lei said with a smile.

Familiar with Shi Lei’s personnel, more or less know that every time Shi Lei smiles, there is a bad idea in his stomach.

“Really?” Ling Yuguo’s tone was a bit nervous.

Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters Lost Level Top-secret Intelligence. It has put a lot of pressure on Ling Yuguo. If it is not Ling Family’s strong pressure, Ling Yuguo may even be a tragedy.

“Of course it is true. I will send it to you right away!” After Shi Lei finished, he hung up.

Tao Wenxian was surprised to see Shi Lei, “Big Brother Stone, are you going to simply put the Levitation Slate and return it to the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters?”

“Of course! Is it necessary to blackmail?” Shi Lei plays with with a smile.

Just after five o’clock in the afternoon, it took less than ten minutes.

Shi Lei entered the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters in a specially modified Audi 6l sedan. Inside the gates of the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters. Ling Yuguo took four scientific research personnel wearing white coats. Waiting for Shi Lei’s to arrive.

The black Audi 6l stopped in front of Ling Yuguo, and Ling Yuguo’s face was slightly unsightly.

‘Audi 6l? Didn’t it fail? It seems that Shi Lei also knows the secret of the Levitation Slate. Just, I don’t know how much Shi Lei knows. ‘Ling Yuguo complexion calm, in the heart but thinking.

Shi Lei got off the driver’s seat and smiled actively started talking: “Uncle Ling, thing brings!” After he finished. Going to the trunk, from the trunk, I took the small wooden box out. “Is this toy?”.

The four Bai Dawei scientific research personnel standing behind Ling Yuguo came to Shi Lei. They took the small wooden box from Shi Lei’s hand and the expression was very dignified.

“Well, that’s right, it’s it!” Ling Yuguo responded to Shi Lei after listening to feedback from four research personnel.

Four scientific research personnel wearing white coats, one of them holding a small wooden box, walked behind the Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters. Shi Lei said curiously: “Uncle Ling, where are they going?”

“Shi Lei, I think you already know, that mysterious slate, with a strange electronic interference. We can’t study it in the Underground Base, we can only transfer it to the temporary temporary test site.” Ling Yuguo explained Road.

If you bring mysterious slate to the Underground Base, I am afraid that the Electronic Equipment of the entire Underground Base will stop working.

“Hey?” Shi Lei showed a curiosity in his eyes. “Uncle Ling, I don’t know if you can satisfy my curiosity, what is the Damaged Stone, what is it? Why can it violate the scientific Levitate and the Interference Electronic Equipment? Run. I know, in order to facilitate the delivery of it, I can scrapan Audi 6l sedan! Uncle Ling, the money you Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters, reimbursement of Right?

Ling Yuguo has a black line on his forehead. Is the Levitation Slate a Damaged Stone? He wants to yell at Shi Lei: Your Mother, are you going to find another magical Damaged Stone for me?

“Shi Lei, you hand in the relevant data of the vehicle, we will help you apply for reimbursement. Yes, pay special attention to the purchase record and the frame number record, so that we can report the application fee to the superior.” Ling Yuguo said in deadly Earnest.

This next round Shi Lei’s forehead is black!

This black Audi 6l is obviously a black car! Not even a license! If it wasn’t for Izual all the way, plus a piece of paper that was temporarily photographed, it was already detained by the relevant departments!

Shi Lei can guarantee that Ling Yuguo will definitely know the situation of this Audi 6l, so Shi Lei will provide proof of purchase data.

“啊hāhā~” Shi Lei laughed twice. “Uncle Ling, a car in the district, how can I better oppose your Cyber ​​Security Agency Western Headquarters? Right, Uncle Ling, I will help you find the lost level. Top-secret Intelligence, do you have any rewards?”.

Ling Yuguo sleekly throws the issue to Shi Lei: “What reward do you want?”

According to Ling Yuguo’s idea, Shi Lei does not need the reward of the money aspect; nor does it need the reward of the privilege aspect; as for the reward of the beauty aspect, if Shi Lei dares to, Ling Yuguo will dare to pack him. I don’t know what rewards should be given to Shi Lei, let Shi Lei choose. As long as it is not too much, Ling Yuguo recognizes his nose!

“Uncle Ling, I need an answer!” Shi Lei replied earnestly.

(To be continued…)