
Chapter 1278

HK1261 releases Official announcement!


The Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, a joint boycott of Dream Entertainment’s development and manufacture of mobile cell phone, has more than one-sixth of the number of people registered by the 3 Million, nearly one-half of Brave’s World.

The joint boycott was originally just an internet mercenary of other Network Entertainment Company, and they did not even think that it would trigger such enthusiastic feedback.

The Internet mercenary, which is being beaten, is very happy with the current situation. They want to influence the development of Dream Entertainment Company. It is best to let Dream Entertainment Company stand up.

What makes internet mercery more satisfying is that Dream Entertainment Official didn’t delete the post and did not do any processing. Instead, it let the participation slip of the joint boycott activity, in the Official Gamer Forum, the fermenting of the game, sweeping more of the Gamer participation. .

The sudden situation of the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum has not only attracted a lot of attention in the Official Gamer Forum. Some Ordinary netizens also entered the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum for discussion.

Most popular netizens support the Dream Entertainment Company in the development and manufacture of mobile cell phone devices. However, this does not mean that they will purchase a mobile cell phone device developed and manufactured by Dream Entertainment Company, but an alternative.

Emerald Building.

Shi Lei takes the u disk that stores the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Promo Vid and takes the elevator to the Underground Basement Fifth Level. The Underground Basement Fifth Level of the Emerald Building is the Cinema Room of the Dream Entertainment Company, which stores Izual’s Parent Server Supercomputer Origin.

Mirror Science and Technology Group, next to Shu’an Village, has a Ten-thousand Mu Earth and is currently currently performing basic site leveling. The related Headquarters design has already offered 1 Million USD to Worldwide for a design.

Prior to the establishment of compliance at Headquarters, the Xia Nation Child Company of the Mirror Science and Technology Group needed to remain in the Emerald Building.

Underground Basement Fifth Level, security measures are very strict. Even with the rpg soldier launcher, it may not be able to break the Bulletproof Glass facade protection of the Underground Basement Fifth Level.

Shi Lei passed the dual verification of Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine and Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine. Successfully entered the space protected by the Bulletproof Glass curtain wall.

Elling Squadron of Ruling Security Company, Zhou Cheng has selected a reliable personnel and expanded it. Not only added the Eighth Squadron, but also the Eleventh Squadron to Fourteenth Squadron.

Today is on duty at the Underground Basement Fifth Level. Exactly stated the brand new Eighth Squadron.

Shi Lei passed the manual verification and went all the way to the Core Machine Room, Izual ice-cold unfeeling, echoing in the Core Machine Room.

“, sir!”

Core Machine Room exactly as stated Izual’s Parent Server, computing performance is only 10tflops Supercomputer Origin. Although the computing performance of Supercomputer Origin is not strong, Supercomputer Origin is completely under the control of Shi Lei. Izual’s Parent Server can only be Supercomputer Origin. Instead of being dozens of powerful Supercomputer Lightning.

“Izual, what happened to the Official Gamer Forum?” Shi Lei sat back in a swivel chair and asked about Izual.

In the Core Machine Room, Izual projects the corresponding data and uses the voice to explain: “Sir. The number of participants in the joint boycott activity has now increased to 401 Seventy Thousand, and the increase is slowing down. System detects part of it. Participating in the role, did not establish Brave’s World game character, determine the part of the personnel, not Brave’s World’s Gamer.”

Dream Entertainment Company uses a unified account system, whether it is Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website. Still the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, or Brave’s World, all of the same account.

Although there is a certain risk in using the unified account system. For example, once Gamer’s account is stolen. That loss is very big. However, the Dream Entertainment Company account is not a traditional password verification method, but is verified by the Dynamic Behavior Signature.

Although traditional character password verification can be set, it involves important operations. Dynamic Behavior Signature verification is required. If the hacker gets the character password and Signed In Brave’s World, if the hacker wants to transfer Virtual Goods inside Brave’s World, then Dynamic Behavior Signature verification is required.

Otherwise, only character password verification is used, and the operation of Virtual Goods cannot be accomplished!

Of course, even with Dynamic Behavior Signature Recognition, there is no guarantee of absolute safety. There are always some extreme examples. For a Gamer, taking Capital Country Money-bags Thunderbolt as an example, Thunderbolt took Shackled Grade weapon Dadao Cangya from Nanchao Nation Gamer Mr. Gold.

If the hacker uses pistol to point to the back of Thunderbolt and let Thunderbolt hand over Cangya to the hacker, can Thunderbolt not be handed over?

Just this extreme situation, what about Dream Entertainment? That is not the issue of the safety technical defect aspect, but the conclusive criminal issue!

It is because of the unified account system that Izual can easily find out that some of the personnel who participated in the joint boycott activity post are not Brave’s World’s user.

“Hey?” Shi Lei’s disdainful smile, in any case, will be disappeared after the Promo Vid release of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor.

Shi Lei connects the u disk with the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Promo Vid to a separate Ordinary computer. This computer and Supercomputer Origin are connected to each other via an intranet.

The reason why the u disk is not directly plugged into the Supercomputer Origin is to insert it on a separate computer. This is to prevent Supercomputer Origin from being infected by unknown files.

The Endless Defense System developed by Shi Lei is indeed very advanced, but no matter what the protective wall and the Defense System, the external defense is more powerful, and the internal defense may be very weak.

Put the u disk on the independent computer and transfer the data to Supercomputer Origin through the intranet to protect the Supercomputer Origin to the greatest extent, without being damaged by malicious programs.

“Izual, read the Promo Vid data of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, and then publish the Promo Vid content on the OffiCIA l Website homepage of Dream Entertainment. Right, in the Official Gamer Forum, send the top posts and the SMS announcement in the station; in Brave’s World, Released World Announcement, indicating that the Official Promo Vid of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor is available!” Shi Lei said with a smile.

The Promo Vid of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor will be a big killer, shocking the whole world!

“yes, sir!” Izual obtained the source data of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Promo Vid from a standalone computer, then started building multiple images on Interweave Net Miwang and establishing a network load balance mechanism.

Leveraging the numerous Gamer into the Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website and downloading the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Promo Vid, the huge amount of traffic and viewing volume rushed to Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website.

After about three minutes, Izual took all the arrangements and finally confirmed the inquiry to Shi Lei, “sir, all the work is ready to accomplish, is it released?”

Shi Lei took a look at the time, now it is 3:19 in the afternoon, “Izual, when the three twenty is released!”

“The order was received.” Izual is the High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System. There is absolutely no forgetting of any recorded commands. Besides, just waiting for a minute, even a pig, will not forget Right?

A minute passed.

Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website Home, there is a red bold announcement, prompting to browse the user of the web page.


“Mirror Science and Technology: LIP Lens-type Information Processor ! 》

LIP Lens-type Information Processor is an intelligent mobile processing terminal product with integrated call function and life support function.

The product was designed and developed by Wholly Owned Subsidiary Fantasy Science and Technology Limited Company of Mirror Science and Technology Group. After AIP ArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic, Fantasy Science and Technology Company was another powerful work.

For more details on the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, please refer to the Official Promo Vid of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor below.

Remarks: Pro, since the Official Promo Vid of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor is 1080p-fullhd resolution, in order to ensure smooth viewing, please download and watch it!


Needless to say, the text of the remarks is definitely Shi Lei’s opinion, and Izual will not add similar lingering language.

In XERAX’s era, 2007p-fullhd resolution video, if made into streaming media, the vast majority of Internet users, basically impossible to watch smoothly.

Not just the issue of broadband speed, but also the issue of computer hardware configuration. Perhaps in the afterlife, what is the difficulty of 1080p-fullhd resolution video?

However, there are some differences in streaming 1080p-fullhd resolution video, even if the Hard Disk configuration is poor, it may cause slow and unresponsive. After all, the high-rate 1080p-fullhd resolution video, plus lossless sound quality, is packaged in ts format, and the data volume per minute can reach 0.25gb!

In addition, transferring 4m or more data in one second requires 20m’s broadband, high-end Graphics Card, and high-speed Hard Disk. Ordinary Gamer, may have this configuration?

Xia Nation’s network environment, is there such a configuration?

Do not make jokes!

Even if Shi Lei’s last Life Journey, Xia Nation does not popularize 20m’s broadband network!

However, Brave’s World is a high-end game, and some overseas Gamer’s broadband network speed is completely unmanned. For example, Storm, this guy’s download speed can reach 100m or more every second. At the same time, this guy was at three o’clock in the middle of the night, still not sleeping.

Promo Vid with four minutes of Forty seconds, only 1.3gb, for Storm Execed Grade Nouveau Riche, less than fifteen seconds, download accomplish!

When Storm watched for ten seconds, it was completely shocked!



Thanks for the recent active dawei614545, thanks for the support.