
Chapter 1277

HK1260 joint boycott, making accomplish!

Lin’an Underground Base currently has only three automated mechanical assembly lines, as well as the Twenty-seven currently constructed assembly line. However, these assembly lines have been scheduled by vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform and it is not possible to use them to produce LIP Lens-type Information Processor and Super Source.

Whether it is vrGame Helmet or Second Generation Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform, the same profit is very big, how can it be stopped?

After silently calculating the capacity match, Shi Lei started talking to Dong Guoguo: “Old Dong, Lin’an Underground Base, is there space?”

Dong Guoguo First Time understands Shi Lei’s opinion, “Boss, do you want to continue to add automated mechanical assembly lines?”

“Yes! LIP Lens-type Information Processor and Super Source are expected to produce Ten Million Sets. In accordance with the 10-month production cycle, we also need to add 30 assembly lines.” Shi Lei said affirmatively.

LIP Lens-type Information Processor’s single production line single monthly production capacity is 50,000 pairs, Super Source’s single production line single monthly production capacity for Hundred-thousand stations, 30 assembly lines are allocated in a ratio of two to one. The LIP Lens-type Information Processor and Super Source’s monthly production capacity will reach the monthly 1 Million station.

“Ten Million Sets?” Dong Guoguo was shocked. “Boss, Ten Million Sets sold it?”

Shi Lei didn’t want to explain too much, “Old Dong, just expected to produce Ten Million Sets. Every month’s production capacity One Million Sets, we can produce some storage first. If the sales volume is good, we continue to produce, if the sales are not good, stop production. The assembly line investment is not a big issue. We can use it to produce vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform.”

vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform have been the best-selling products. only. Dream Entertainment has never been open for purchase.

Furthermore, Second Generation vrGame Helmet and Third Generation Motion Sensing Operation Platform can also be manufactured using these automated mechanical assembly lines. If you develop other new products, you can also use these automated mechanical assembly lines for manufacturing.

Therefore, the assembly line investment, there will be no loss of issue. Besides, how can the LIP Lens-type Information Processor not be sold? Unless you are joking, you can’t sell it!

“Okay! Boss. Do you build the 30 assembly line at one time?” Dong Guoguo confirmed.

Shi Lei affirmed, “Well, Old Dong, this thing is still handed over to you. For the specific matter, you contact Chief Mu, she will send the relevant personnel. Help you deal with it.”

“Right, Boss, after the last purchase, we have established a good relationship with the manufacturer of the assembly line. This time, we will build the 30 assembly line. The purchase price of each assembly line should be negotiable. Go to 20 Million to 22 Million.” Dong Guoguo said with a little pride.

Originally, the price of an automated mechanical assembly line required 25 Million Xia Nation Yuan, if 20 Million could be negotiated. The 30 assembly lines can save 150 Million Xia Nation Yuan!

For most people. This is an astronomical figure that cannot be seen directly, and it is impossible to obtain so much wealth in a lifetime. If you put this money in the international mercenary community, even if it is to assassinate Li Jian Nation President, someone will take risks!

However, the usual reward for the assassination of Li Jian Nation President is that there is a life-threatening job, and there is no life to the Impairment Task. Li Jian Nation So many intelligence agents collect all kinds of information in the whole world. If the mercenary forces took over the assassination of Li Jian Nation President, they were absolutely discovered by Li Jian Nation’s intelligence agents at First time.

“Yes? This thing, you directly contact Chief Mu! The purchase, you and Chief Mu discuss it.” Shi Lei paused, on the screen of Number One Server, popped up an information, Shi Lei After a glance, his face changed slightly, and quickly said: “Old Dong, I hang up first, you contact the Chief Mu to discuss the procurement assembly line.”

“Okay, see you again later, Boss.” Dong Guoguo did not ask why, Boss, as a subordinate, it is best not to ask too much.

After the conversation with Dong Guoguo, Shi Lei’s brow wrinkled. “Izual, what’s the matter?”

“Sir, the specific situation is not clear for the time being.” Izual replied to Shi Lei.

The information on the Number One Server screen shows that in the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, a joint campaign to boycott Dream Entertainment Company’s mobile cell phone device was launched.

Currently, in just less than ten minutes, this joint boycott has received support from 1 Million’s Brave’s World Gamer. And, there is a growing trend.

“Damn internet merc!” Shi Lei snorted, and the Internet mercex of other Network Entertainment Company was just too tired.

Shi Lei looked at the time in the lower right corner of the screen. It was already at 2:38 pm. He picked up the phone and dialed to Wen Ruoyun. After waiting for the call to be connected, he again asked: “Chief Wen, LIP Lens-type Information Processor Is Promo Vid done?”

Wen Ruoyun currently Immortal Picture Company repeatedly watched the Promo Vid of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, trying to find possible deficiencies.

“Chief Shi, Promo Vid is ready. After our initial Audit, there is no issue. When do you come to the Company and see for yourself?” Wen Ruoyun asked.

“I will come over soon!” After Shi Lei finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly and simply packed it up and grabbed the car key.

Five or six minutes later, Shi Lei came to the Emerald Building and headed straight to the Immortal Picture Company on the 37th floor. Just out of the elevator door, Wen Ruoyun was waiting for Shi Lei personally, she smiled and said: “Chief Shi, hello, welcome to visit Immortal Picture Company.”

Shi Lei waved his hand and went straight to the theme: “Chief Wen, take me to see the Promo Vid of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor!”

“Okay, here. In the conference room, Promo Vid is ready.” Wen Ruoyun led the way and took Shi Lei to the conference room inside the Immortal Picture Company.

In the conference room, the staff personnel of Immortal Picture Company received instructions from Wen Ruoyun to play the Promo Vid of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor. The entire Promo Vid is not long, only four minutes of Forty seconds.

After reading it from beginning to end, Shi Lei indulged for a moment, “Play again!”

“Okay!” The staff personnel of Immortal Picture Company played the Promo Vid of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor again.

Once again, Shi Lei’s face finally smiled. The Promo Vid of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor made by Immortal Picture Company basically gave the idea of ​​Shi Lei’s mind, and almost explained some of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor. The function.

“Not bad! Chief Wen, Promo Vid you made, I am very satisfied!” Shi Lei stood up. “Copy the original data to me, I will use it later.”

Wen Ruoyun told him to immediately have the staff personnel of Immortal Picture Company, copying the Promo Vid raw data of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor.

Shi Lei walked outside the conference room and walked into the office hall of Immortal Picture Company. Immortal Picture Company In order to promote the enthusiasm of the staff, all the personnel are working in the hall, just using the composite board partition, dividing the private office space of almost four squares.

Standing in the middle of the office hall, Shi Lei claphis hands and attract the person who is doing things. Wen Ruoyun stood behind Shi Lei’s and let the new personnel of Immortal Picture Company understand Shi Lei’s identity, which is higher than Wen Ruoyun.

“ke ke, my colleagues at Immortal Picture Company, everyone! I am Shi Lei, person-in-charge of Dream Entertainment Company, director of the Mirror Science and Technology Group Great Xia Nation. This time, you accreded LIP Lens on time. -type Information Processor’s Promo Vid, I am very satisfied. So, I am hereby announcing that the Immortal Picture Company’s entire personnel doubled this month’s bonus. Before today, including today, all the deductible penalty cancelled. Also in other words, you have had a late record, etc., all are not counted, you can double the monthly bonus!” Shi Lei announced a great news, let all Immortal Picture Company personnel, excited It’s up.

“Then, in the past three days, the attendance records overtime personnel, the overtime pay is calculated in three times. The three-day continuous overtime personnel, the overtime pay is calculated at five times, and an extra bonus of one thousand yuan is awarded!” Shi Lei announced A good news.

“噢耶! Chief Shi Long Live!” Some senior staff of Immortal Picture Company cheered.

In order to produce the Promo Vid Task of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, most of Immortal Picture Company’s personnel worked overtime for three consecutive nights. Even some Elite senior staff, working overtime to eleven o’clock every night, then go to Office to sleep directly in Office.

Immortal Picture Company’s new personnel, originally did not understand why senior staff is so desperate. Until Shi Lei announced that the overtime pay doubled, the new personnel understood why the senior staff worked hard to work overtime.

Immortal Picture Company’s salary standard, in the 2007 year of the era, appears very high. In this era, Shuangqing City’s salary standard is about one thousand yuan, while Immortal Picture Company’s minimum wage standard is also one thousand five hundred yuan.

The salary of 1,500 yuan is only the salary of the apprentice level. In other words, the level of the personnel, basically do not understand, you need to learn the use of Unreal Graphics Processing Software from scratch.

Once you become a formal person, you can use Unreal Graphics Processing Software to create a Company’s Task, and the salary standard immediately rises to Three Thousand dollars a month. The salary of Elite senior staff has reached more than 6,000 yuan.

At the same time, the official level of the above personnel, all have a lot of money. For example, this time Elite senior staff who worked overtime for three days, the salary will definitely exceed Ten Thousand!

In a happy atmosphere, Shi Lei left the Immortal Picture Company with a u disk that stored the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Promo Vid and took the elevator to the Underground Basement Fifth Level.

Shi Lei is preparing to release the Promo Vid of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor on the OffiCIA l Website of Dream Entertainment, against the Gamer who has boycotted the LIP Lens-type Information Processor!

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support, is my biggest motivation. Cell phone user please go to m. Read.)