
Chapter 1261

HK1244 blond Foreign Girl, departure!

Exploring N235 Metal does not require too much preparation, or preparation for the preparation, is ready in advance.

In fact, Exploring N235 Metal only requires Great Depth Diving Equipment. Because First Generation The Steel and Iron has already determined the approximate possible location of N235 Metal, it is limited to the inability to sneak into the seabed, and it is impossible to determine the specific situation.

“Group Head Shi, no need to prepare, all that is needed, all on the Scientific Expedition Ship.” Shi Lei said affirmatively, “Group Head Shi, let’s go, let’s go eat late!”

Shi An shook his head and said that Shi Lei would go alone.

Shi Lei patted Shi An’s arm and squeezed her eyebrows: “Group Head Shi, I treat, we go to see and see, those blond Foreign Girl!”

“This…” Shi An couldn’t help but feel that although Shi An is a regiment officer in the Rongcheng Military District, in fact, Shi An’s income is not much. The group where Shi An is located belongs to the Elite group and will not directly recruit soldiers. Therefore, Shi An does not have too much Grey Income.

Shi Lei was keenly aware of Shi An’s hesitation, smiling Shi An, “Group Head Shi, walking around, I’m bored when I go out alone!”

Shi An was reluctantly taken out of the door by Shi Lei. As for his in the heart, whether he is willing or not, only he himself knows.

The Bermuda Islands are famous tourist destinations. The developed tourism economy has spawned a considerable number of Entertainment Industry, including some of the most intrinsic Bars.

Shi Lei came to a connotative Bar with Shi An, which made Shi Lei more surprised. Shi An is also English, and English is not bad, even if Shi An is not smooth. But at least the communication is not issued.

“Hey, Group Head Shi, I didn’t see it!” Shi Lei took a glass of Margaret and looked at Shi An.

Shi An is quite a ranch of rainbow wine, “Shi Lei, on this occasion, call my name directly!”

“Okay, okay. Shi An, I really didn’t see it, you still have this hand!” Shi Lei and Shi An. Sitting on the high stool in front of the bar, in the Bar, the bar is always the best place to meet.

Shi An whispered: “There was a latent Task, which played a similar identity. So…” Shi An didn’t finish. But it is enough for Shi Lei to understand Shi An’s opinion.

Shi Lei casually looked at the blond girl in Bar. He didn’t want to soak the younger sister, just a simple look. Previous life, Shi Lei tried too much of the blond Foreign Girl, this world, he has no interest.

Shi An took a sip of rainbow wine, whispered: “Shi Lei, 11 o’clock direction. Black low corset, long blond hair. Beautiful woman in shorts, good quality!”

Shi Lei looked in the direction of Shi An’s prompt and found a sexy girl with a seductive atmosphere. Shi Lei looked at Shi An eccentrically, giving Shi An a look of awkwardness.

“Shi An, do you like this type?” Shi Lei prefers Xiaojiabiyu or pure type, and does not like this sexy stunner that looks very attractive.

Shi An coughed and didn’t answer.

Shi Lei took out his wallet in his trouser pocket, then counted ten purple euros with a face value of 500 yuan. He pressed it in the arms of Shi An. “Group Head Shi, don’t refuse, everyone is a friend. Since it is When you come out to play, you have to have fun. I am not a hobby like you. I play with myself, and you take the opportunity slowly!”

Shi An’s brow wrinkled, ten euros with a face value of five hundred yuan, precisely as stated a full Five Thousand euro. In the era of 2007, 100 Euro can be exchanged for Xia Nation Yuan around 1080, and 5000 Euro can be exchanged for 54,000 Multi Xia Nation Yuan.

This is not a small sum!

If in the Rongcheng Military District, Shi An will not be rejected with the slightest hesitation. But here is the Bermuda Triangle area, and after Shi Lei puts the money in his arms, he has left with Blue Margaret.

Shi An took a deep breath, self-deprecating smile, ‘Shi An ah Shi An, don’t take yourself too seriously, people Shi Lei don’t need to tie you up. Give you Five Thousand, I am afraid it is just a sealing fee! ‘

I got Shi An from Five Thousand, and I thought it was smart. This is the sealing fee that Shi Lei gave him, so Shi An should not talk in front of He Wanqiu. It is a pity that Shi An did not know that He Wanqiu knew that Shi Lei had other women, but he still had to get in.

Shi An, who has Five Thousand, has a rainbow of wine and walks over to the seemingly glamorous blond Foreign Girl…


Bermuda Triangle Regional Time, July 16th, 9am Forty.

Shi Lei made a big yawn. After he got up, he first checked the situation on the notebook screen. Izual is also testing the High-end Version of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat in Brave’s World.

After more than 12 hours of testing, the High-end Version of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, with all the pressure without any pressure.

“Izual, how is the test?” Shi Lei asked.

Izual voice responded: “Sir, for a total of 14 hours and 57 minutes, Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat runs smoothly.”

“How much energy is consumed?” Shi Lei asked.

Among Brave’s World, Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat of High-end Version, the energy Core used in the simulation test, uses the Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQuency Electric Current Stimulator of the Second Phase Application Plan. In this Phase, one kilogram of N235 Metal releases energy, approximately EQ ual to 21,250 rises to the standard gasoline to completely release the energy released.

According to Li Cai’s design, each High-end Version of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat is only equipped with 0.57 kilograms of N235 Metal, which is 0.1 cubic decimeter.

The volume of 0.1 cubic decimeter can be imagined as a small square piece of 10 cm long, 10 cm wide and 1 cm high. Converted. 0.57 kilograms N235 Metal, about EQ uivalent to 12,112 rises standard gasoline.

High-end Version’s Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, with the turbojet Engine, even the miniaturized turbojet engine, has an overall fuel consumption of 100% per kilometer.

Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, tested for a total of fifteen hours, most of the time, using the maximum rate of safety design speed of 500 kilometers per hour, the total range theory data is 7500 kilometers, the actual range data is about 7550.

The extra 50 km is that Izual automatically speeds up the High-end Version Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat and conducts extreme tests.

The energy consumed by the theory is converted to the standard gasoline calculation and is 1500 liter. But in fact, the energy consumed, converted to the standard gasoline calculation, reached 1631 liters.

This is because of the efficiency of the turbojet engine, it is impossible to completely utilize thermal energy to convert mechanical energy forever. In addition, gasoline can not completely burn 100%, the theoretical 100-kilometer energy consumption is just a parameter.

According to the High-end Version of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, equipped with 0.57 kilograms of N235 Metal calculations, the actual energy consumption was 13.46% after fourteen hours and fifty-seven points.

Less than 14% of the energy consumption is fully demonstrated. The High-end Version of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat has an Outstanding Long-term Use Capability.

At the same time, the test was continued for fifteen hours without any malfunction. It also explained the High-end Version of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. The performance is very good and the overall reliability is very high.

Izual showed the energy-consuming data, and Shi Lei finally showed a smile, ‘Second Phase Application Plan’s N235 Metal, it’s enough! ‘

“Izual, urging Li Cai to make the Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator of the Second Phase Application Plan as soon as possible. If there is no accomplish, High-end Version of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, what is the use?” Shi Lei Izual was ordered to let Izual inform Li Cai to give priority to the Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator of the Second Phase Application Plan.

Only the Power Source supply can keep up with the High-end Version of the Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. If it is First Phase Application Plan, even though N235 Metal, it is not possible to meet the requirements!

“Sir, the command has been implemented.” Izual responded to Shi Lei, and now is the night of Xia Nation Time. Li Cai is definitely not sleeping, but is working to make the Task.

At 10 o’clock in the morning, Shi Lei’s door was knocked.

“Who?” Shi Lei’s voice came out.

“It’s me, Shi An.” Shi An’s tone was a bit sloppy. With Shi Lei’s funded Five Thousand as a capital, Shi An succeeded in getting his favorite foreign Foreign Girl. After a night of fighting, Shi An Come back early in the morning.

When I came back, Shi An went to the five Elite warriors in the Rongcheng Military District and inquired that Shi Lei came back. According to Shi An’s guess, Shi Lei would never return earlier than him.

However, the actual situation is that Shi Lei returned very early in the evening!

When Shi An listened to the news, in the heart was surprised, he thought that Shi Lei deliberately framed him. But after thinking about it, Shi An denied this answer. Is there any reason for Shi Lei to frame him?

Shi Lei opened the door and looked at Shi An, who was standing outside the door. He suddenly blinked and said: “Group Head Shi, yesterday, success in the night?”

Shi An is silent.

“wèi wèi wèi, Group Head Shi, are you failing? No! How do you do it? Do you want to be so weak?” Shi Lei thought that Shi An failed, and sorry for the inconvenience!

Shi An didn’t explain much, just took a deep look at Shi Lei and said: “Shi Lei, Scientific Expedition Ship has arrived at the specific location, we are ready to go!”

“Group Head Shi, you said Helicopter, Equipment is it?” Shi Lei said the old thing. If there is no Marine Helicopter, take them to the location of the Scientific Expedition Ship, Shi Lei will not leave!

“Of course I am ready!” Shi An whispered, “Shi Lei, I am afraid of death, how can I make a joke about my own life?”

Shi Lei smiled kindly. “If that’s the case, let’s go!”

(To be continued.)
