
Chapter 1260

HK1243 3DPrint Technology, Scientific Expedition Ship!

Despite the High-end Version of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, the performance aspect is awesome. However, Shi Lei is greedy and still attempts to use the Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat of Mid-ranged Version.

In Shi Lei’s view, the Mid-Undered Patrol Boat of Mid-ranged Version, the biggest technical flaw, is precisely as stated as the issue of the flow of liquid fuel in the fuel tank. As long as the issue is resolved, what issue is not an issue.

Although Shi Lei is a mechanically designed Little Bai, it does not prevent him from considering the solution to the issue. In Shi Lei’s view, if the fuel tank can be integrated into the integrated hull, it should be able to solve the big issue.

However, how do you integrate the fuel tank into an integrated hull?

The fuel tank is a container that has no access to the interior except for the valve that injects fuel. It is impossible to integrate this semi-closed appliance with the current technology, whether it is sNC machining center or new yag laser processing equipment.

The only technology that can be done is 3dPrint Technology!

However, in 2007 year, 3dPrint Technology did not have a wide range of promotion, and the cost of printing with 3d was very high.

The so-called 3dPrint Technology is a brand new manufacturing technology. With 3dPrint Technology, you can create some incredibly integrated molded parts.

For example, using Ordinary integrated molding technology, it is impossible to manufacture the hull structure that Shi Lei needs to integrate the fuel tank. However, with 3dPrint Technology, there is absolutely no technical issue.

Shi Lei thought of 3dPrint Technology and immediately called Li Cai again. After Li Cai is connected. Shi Lei immediately said: “Little Plum, I thought of a solution to the issue of Mid-ranged Version Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat!”

Li Cai, he thought that Shi Lei called. It should be affirmation and satisfaction with High-end Version Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. However, he did not think that Shi Lei was still attached to the Midd Unmanned Patrol Boat on the Mid-ranged Version.

“Big Brother Stone, what do you do?” Li Cai didn’t believe that mechanical Little Bai had any solution. As an expert in mechanical design, Li Cai didn’t dare to blow too much, but with Izual’s assistance. Li Cai’s strength is no worse than World Top Level designers!

Shi Lei smiled and said: “Little Plum, if we use 3dPrint Technology, integrate the hull and fuel compartment of the Mid-ranged Version of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat on a platform to form an integrated molded structure, the inertial force of the fuel. Can you share the entire integration structure? Isn’t the issue solved?”

Li Cai hā hā A smile. “Big Brother Stone. You know 3dPrint Technology! This is a good idea, but unfortunately, Big Brother Stone, this method won’t work. Anyway, you can do Virtual Test at Brave’s World, you can let Izual directly use integrated molding technology, see See the issue of Mid-ranged Version Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, can you solve it!”

“Good!” Shi Lei can hear that Li Cai’s opinion is. Even with 3dPrint Technology, it is impossible to resolve the issue of the Mid-ranged Version Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat disintegration.

But Shi Lei is ready to try it for yourself!

After hanging up the phone. Shi Lei modify Design Information for Mid-ranged Version Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat. These things are hard to beat Shi Lei, just modify some parameters.

Shi Lei and Izual modified the parameters, and Shi Lei commanded Izual to start the Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat Second Round test on Mid-ranged Version.

For the sake of conservatism, in the First step test, Shi Lei used the limit of the speed of the Safety design, which is 300 kilometers per hour. However, this time, Shi Lei joined the typhoon and the waves.

When the waves exceed five meters, the typhoon’s Grade reaches Level 9, that is, after the wind speed reaches 20 meters per second, Mid-ranged Version’s Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, according to Izual’s feedback information, it has Extreme instability.

Izual controls the Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat on the Mid-ranged Version. When the rapid curve is driving, the entire hull suddenly collapses!

“Eh!” Shi Lei looked at the picture displayed on the notebook, and his face showed an incomprehensible look. It is clear that integrated molding technology has been adopted, and why is the hull collapsed within the speed range of Safety design?

From Izual’s Graphical analysis feedback, this time the crash is still the fuel tank!

Shi Lei doesn’t think much more, just call Li Cai, “Little Plum, let’s talk, what is the reason?”

Li Cai smiled and said: “Big Brother Stone, Mid-ranged Version of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, the cause of the collapse is caused by the inertial force of the fuel, but the essential reason is that the hull strength is not enough. To put it bluntly, that is the material issue of the hull. ”

Shi Lei frowned, “Little Plum, if you use the High-end Version material to create the Mid-Undered Armrol Unmanned Patrol Boat, will the situation improve?”

“It’s still not! Big Brother Stone, you’re giving up! Mid-ranged Version’s Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat is basically that way, it’s an overall force issue, and it’s absolutely impossible to achieve the performance of High-end Version!” Li Cai said resolutely.

Shi Lei sighed, “Damn! Little Plum, follow the original plan implement! In addition, Little Plum, don’t think that the new Power Source is endless. In fact, the new Power Source is very rare. If not necessary, we should use the new Power Source as little as possible. “”

Li Cai stunned, and that was why Shi Lei insisted on the Mid-ranged Version Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat.

“Okay, Big Brother Stone, I understand! I will try to make the Secondary Phase Application Plan, Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator as soon as possible! The yag laser processing equipment is ready, but the manufacturing process There was a little issue, and I am currently trying to solve it.” Li Cai explains the current situation.

“Èn! Try to be as fast as possible! The new Power Source’s Second Phase Application Plan is far better than the First Phase Application Plan and has an efficiency of 141 times. If the Second Phase High Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator is manufactured by the Second Phase Application Plan Accomplishment, I definitely don’t object to all kinds of design using the new Power Source!” Shi Lei said affirmatively.

“Good! Big Brother Stone, you will continue to test the High-end Version of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat when you have time. Try to use all kinds of harsh environmental tests, feel free to do whatever you want. Anyway, Virtual Test does not cost, the more tragic test The more likely it is to find a defect in the product, I am going to modify it in advance.” Li Cai Hope Shi Lei continues to test the High-end Version of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat, although Li Cai is confident, but a lot of testing is always good.

Shi Lei did not refuse, “Okay!”

However, Li Cai said the wrong thing, Virtual Test is not without cost, but the cost is not visible. Without the Sword Spirit Game Engine and the test environment provided by Brave’s World, there is no Izual High Grade Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System, and Interweave Net Miwang and Supercomputer Lightning’s computing resources. Virtual Test is just a joke!

Bermuda time, July 15th, 10pm.

Shi Lei lets Izual in Brave’s World, all kinds of Armed Unmanned Patrol Boat tossing High-end Version, he is ready to go out to eat and stay up late. Shi Lei just went out and met Shi An.

“Group Head Shi, go, eat and stay up late!” Shi Lei invited.

Shi An shook his head and refused. “Shi Lei, the domestic Scientific Expedition Ship is coming. It is about 500 nautical miles from us. What position do we need to detect? You mark the position information so that the Scientific Expedition Ship can pass before, so as not to be scientific. Expedition Ship entered the Bermuda Islands and caused some unnecessary trouble.”

Discovering the location of N235 Metal, located four hundred nautical miles away from the coastline, if the Scientific Expedition Ship went directly to the possible location of N235 Metal, how did Shi Lei go?

Don’t tell Shi Lei that he needs to take the small ship of the Ocean Exploration Company, which was established in the Bermuda Triangle area of ​​the Rongcheng Military District, to go to the oceans beyond 400 nautical miles.

It’s just a joke at International! Shi Lei can’t take his life as a play!

Immediately denied the idea of ​​Shi An, Shi Lei said his own reason, “Group Head Shi, do you know, take a ride on the small ship you are using now, how many people go out to sea? Forget about it, you certainly don’t know, you Not Navy!”

Shi An turned roll one’s eyes, “Shi Lei, we did this to save time and avoid unnecessary trouble. The Scientific Expedition Ship is very advanced. In case of some unnecessary attention, we will be very The trouble is very passive!”

“That’s your business! Group Head Shi, no matter what you say, I won’t take the small ship to the ocean. It’s hard to hear, a big wave hits, we all have to feed the sharks!” “Shi Lei’s Virtual Test in Brave’s World lets him know the waves and the squalls. He explains to Shi An the all kinds of danger in the ocean.”

As for real world, experience for oneself is a feeling of turmoil? Sorry for the inconvenience, Shi Lei has no hobby!

Shi An has no choice but to consider, in fact, after Shi Lei’s commentary, Shi An is also somewhat afraid of feeling. Finally, Shi An bit his teeth: “We took the Helicopter in the past!”

“Hey?” Shi Lei turned his eyes and played with said with a smile: “Group Head Shi, not the Steel and Iron Right?”

“No! We rented a Marine Helicopter and flew straight over to the Scientific Expedition Ship.” Shi An shook his head, how could he ‘ride’ The Steel and Iron?

The Steel and Iron Small-scale Helicopter, if you want to ride, I am afraid to install the seat outside!

“Well! Group Head Shi, I believe in you!” Shi Lei said with a smile, then followed Shi An to the office lobby. On the chart of the office hall, Shi Lei pointed out the location of N235 Metal.

“Group Head Shi, here, here, and here! All three locations are together. You let the Scientific Expedition Ship go first, and when they arrive, we will pass.”

Shi An nodded, “Okay! Shi Lei, what else do we need to prepare?”

(To be continued.)
