
Chapter 1175

HK1159 Endless Glory’s Tolerance , Li Zhiyue calls !


In Brave’s World, Lin’an City West, Drunk Immortal Shop.

When Storm was about to be blocked by numerous Non-player Controlled Characters, the treasurer of Drunk Immortal Shop finally appeared, and solved the problem for Storm, and arranged a second floor for Storm. And said that the good wine good food hospitality, still do not collect money.

In the elegant room of Drunk Immortal Shop second floor, Qiao Mo is a rare joke, “First Under Heaven, really good!”

“Oh, Brother Qiao, don’t laugh at me!” Storm waved his hand and then asked, “Brother Qiao, you invited me, why?” Storm’s Xia Nation is very good, and the skill of chewing is quite skillful.

“Brother Dugu, this time you are invited to come over, there are four things.” Qiao Mo replied solemnly.

“Which thing?” Storm curiously asked, he is not familiar with Qiao Mo, he can’t think of it anyway, Qiao Mo has four things, he needs to invite him.

Qiao Mo said with great enthusiasm: “First thing, of course, please drink! Drunk Immortal Shop is Lin’an City’s most distinctive hotel, where zhuyEQ ing is the best!”

Storm nodded and expressed his approval.

“Second thing, I said before, I want to introduce a friend to you!” Qiao Mo looked towards Shengguang Shenguan, started talking: “Brother Dugu, this is Shengguang Shenguan brothers, although his name is strange, but for people very good!”

Storm snorted and laughed. “Hā hā hā !Shengguang, your guy’s name is a bit strange!”

Shengguang Shenguan glanced at Storm, “Storm, you are like this, everyone can’t be happy to be a friend!”

“Eh?” Qiao Mo looked at the situation of the two and asked: “Do you know?”

“Èn!” Shengguang Shenguan nodded. “Brother Qiao, I’m not a short time with Storm. But this guy is not as cool as Brother Qiao!”

“Storm?” Qiao Mo asked inexplicably, “Does Brother Dugu have a name called Storm?”

“Yes! Brother Qiao. My other name is Storm. It is my nickname. Many people like to call me like this. You can also call me Storm.” Storm introduced himself to Qiao Mo. His name does not refer to Brave’s World Main System restriction and is therefore not blocked by the Main System.

If Storm tells Qiao Mo that he belongs to another World’s personnel, the Main System will actively block the Storm’s language and give Storm warnings. If there are multiple warnings and no effect, the Main System will even drop the penalty.

“Okay! Brother Storm, since you know Brother Shengguang. We have no obstacles in communicating!” Qiao Mo has a good personality and is not entangled in Storm’s name.

“Brother Qiao, what else?” Storm continued.

Qiao Mo glanced at Shengguang Shenguan and said: “Third things. It was also promised to you before.” Qiao Mo took out the drawings of one broken sheet from his arms and handed it to Storm.

Storm took a look, this drawing is awesome with the Endless Glory Set! Storm immediately removed the Broken Hidden Treasure Mapfrom the previous open box from Endless Glory’s Notch.

Two broken Treasure MAPs were laid out on the table by Storm and they were brought together. With two broken drawings. Put together, the information recorded in the drawings is complete.

This Treasure Mapis related to the whereabouts of Endless Glory’s Tolerance, which is the top in the Endless Glory Set. According to the Treasure MAP, Storm can find Endless Glory’s Tolerance.

As for whether there is any danger in this. Even though with the toes, you can guess that there must be a danger! If there is no danger, a Legend Rank’s Equipment is waiting to be taken there. Isn’t that nonsense?

Storm read accomplished Treasure Mapand looked at Qiao Mo with a smile. “Brother Qiao, thank you very much! With your drawings, plus my Treasure MAP, it is possible to get Endless Glory’s Tolerance!”

Qiao Mo once again glanced at Shengguang Shenguan, although Qiao Mo thought that Shengguang Shenguan was not bad, but it involved the matter of Legend Rank Equipment. Qiao Mo reminded Storm to pay attention to Shengguang Shenguan.

Shengguang Shenguan has long discovered that Qiao Mo is paying attention to him. He can only laugh a bit. “Brother Qiao, I have a good relationship with Storm’s! Don’t say an Endless Glory’s Tolerance, even though the entire Endless Glory Set is in front of me, I won’t What bad thoughts are born.”

Storm also nodded: “Brother Qiao, Shengguang can trust!”

Shengguang Shenguan and Storm, but in Reality, the relationship is still relatively iron. You said that Shengguang Shenguan can not be trusted? If Shengguang Shenguan dares to think about Endless Glory Set, in the real world, Storm does not interrupt his legs!

Qiao Mo sorry for the inconvenience smiled. “Brother Shengguang, sorry, sorry, I was too careful!”

Shengguang Shenguan swayed and gestured that he didn’t mind. “Brother Qiao, it’s always good to be cautious! Walking Jianghu, people are sinister, be careful not to be wrong!”

Storm took Treasure Mapinto Endless Glory’s Notch and then looked towards Qiao Mo and asked, “Brother Qiao, what is Fourth thing?”

When it comes to Fourth things, Qiao Mo suddenly laughed. “This, this, Brother Storm, Fourth things, I have some bad openings.”

“Brother Qiao, you just handed me the Money Rank Equipment Treasure Mappaper worth a million dollars, but I accepted it unceremoniously. I didn’t think of sorry for the inconvenience. What are you wrong with now?” Storm expressed his dissatisfaction and signaled Qiao Mo to say something.

“Brother Storm, that’s different! Treasure Mappaper, I promised to give it to you before!” Qiao Mo and Storm at the first time, Qiao Mo promised to give Storm a piece about Endless Glory Set Message.

It seems that this is exactly the same as the previous Treasure Mappaper.

“Brother Qiao, don’t be old-womanish, what can you say directly! Storm is a good guy. If you have any difficulties, let us talk about it!” Shengguang Shenguan persuaded.

Shengguang Shenguan and Storm are both Elite Gamer, they are very clear, after helping Qiao Mo, Qiao Mo must have a return, will not let them work.

“Brother Storm, then I’m welcome!” Qiao Mo finally spoke up, “I need money! Lots of money!”

“How much?” Brave’s World is very realistic, but after Gamer’s file a complaint|sue, a partial modification was made for currency storage.

Originally, Gamer carried a copper coin, and he also needed to make a purse like a real Ancient Era, hanging on his body. But after modification, Brave’s World’s Main System, for each Gamer, opened a personal account that can only be used to store Brave’s World’s currency.

Gamer gets the copper coin, which can be converted into a number, stored in a personal account, and can be transferred from a personal account to a real copper coin.

However, personal accounts are not omnipotent, personal accounts have a maximum limit, the maximum limit is Hundred-thousand copper coin. Exceeding the Hundred-thousand copper coin limit, you need to deposit excess wealth into the bank.

Dream Entertainment Official also recommends Gamer to use the money house, in order to more realistically imitate the life of Ancient Era. At the same time, Gamer’s wealth is stored in the bank, and when Gamer accidentally dies, the newly created character can get a legacy from the bank. If Gamer’s wealth has a personal account, this wealth will return to Brave’s World Main System as Gamer dies.

In Storm’s personal account, keep it at the copper coin close to Hundred-thousand. At the same time, because Storm has a rare space equipment, in Endless Glory’s Notch, Storm also stores a lot of copper coin.

Copper coin can be exchanged for Silver and Gold through the bank, although the redemption requires a handling fee, but not a percentage, but a fixed exchange of fifty coins.

Qiao Mo sighed with a cup of zhuyEQ ing and swallowed it, and sighed: “I need Forty Thousand two!”

“Forty Thousand Double Silver?” Storm looked at his personal account and had more than 90,000 copper coins, while Endless Glory’s Notch also had a full Forty-five copper coin, which together was the 504,000 multi-copper coin.

The exchange ratio between Silver and Copper Coin is one to thirty, and Forty Thousand Two Silver is 1.2 million copper coin.

Storm didn’t have that much, but Storm heard that Blue Ocean won 990,000 copper coins. If you borrow some of it, you can hand it over to Qiao Mo.

As Storm prepares for the heroic expression and helps Qiao Mo solve the silver issue, Qiao Mo shook his head: “Forty Thousand Double Gold!”

“Ah?” Shengguang Shenguang looked at Qiao Mo with surprise.

Storm also looked at Qiao Mo, Forty Thousand Double Gold, converted into copper coin, which is Three Thousand six million!

Three Thousand six million copper coin, converted to Xia Nation Yuan, only 3.6 Million yuan, is nothing for Storm, but it is not an easy task to acquire so many copper coins.

“Brother Qiao, I don’t know if I can explain why?” Storm didn’t immediately reject Qiao Mo, but asked why.


Xia Nation Time, July 1st, 9am.

Shi Lei was woken up by the phone ringing. He grabbed the cell phone and saw that the Caller ID turned out to be Li Zhiyue!

That’s right! It is Li Zhiyue!

You know, Li Zhiyue basically does not take the initiative to contact Shi Lei, even if Shi Lei goes to entangle her, Li Zhiyue’s attitude is also coldly faint, a look of carelessness.

Shi Lei knows that Li Zhiyue is an age difference between the two, and Li Kunning’s attitude. If you can handle these two things, Shi Lei can definitely win the beauty.

For Li Zhiyue, Shi Lei’s feelings are very complicated. Although Li Zhiyue has the least contact with Li Zhiyue in this life, Li Zhiyue is absolutely marginalized, but Li Zhiyue is absolutely in Shi Lei in the heart.

Li Zhiyue took the initiative to call, Shi Lei was so excited that he was sleepless, he took a deep breath, pressed the answer button, first step: “Zhiyue, good morning!”

Li Zhiyue’s voice is as good as a peony, “Early!”

“Zhiyue, do you have anything to do with me?” Shi Lei volunteered, and if it wasn’t for anything important, Li Zhiyue shouldn’t call.
