
Chapter 1174

HK1158 copper coin soars, Qiao Mo invites!

The exchange ratio between Brave’s World’s World coin and Xia Nation Yuan has been maintained at a ratio of ten to one, which lasted for two months. As a result of some of the Gamer’s inertia, the exchange ratio of the two is fixed at ten to one.

However, when this part of the High-end Player went to the Official Virtual Goods Trading System and acquired the copper coin, they were depressed. Usually, in the Official Virtual Goods Trading System, there are a lot of Low-end Players that sell Brave’s World’s copper coin.

Although the sale of Brave’s World copper coin’s Gamer, most of them are scattered people, the number of copper coins sold is not much, from one hundred to two hundred, and many seven or eight hundred, but the number of Gamer selling copper coin is very large!

If you have the patience to find a person’s transaction, you have to spend a day’s work, buy Hundred-thousand copper coin, and there is no big issue. If you are in trouble, you can also entrust Brave’s World’s Main System for a System Managed Acquisition.

However, using the System Managed Acquisition requires a fee and the cost is not low. Therefore, most of the acquirers still prefer to come to the Official Virtual Goods Trading System for the transaction.

In Brave’s World, most High-end Players have the opportunity to purchase copper coin at the Official Virtual Goods Trading System. Now, in Brave’s World, they are subject to the Official Betting System, and they have a numerous copper coin. They urgently need the Daily Task and the copper coin required for cultivation. If you let this group of High-end Players do the money-scraping Tasks, it doesn’t seem to be scientific. They also purchased the Copper Coin from the Official Virtual Goods Trading System.

But when they entered the Official Virtual Goods Trading System, the ordinary people who sold the copper coin, there were very few, even if one or two appeared, they were quickly purchased.

The singularity of the Official Virtual Goods Trading System has long caught the attention of the low-end Sanmer. Low-end Player is not a fool. Although their Grade in Brave’s World is not high, their target is not Higher Grade and Good Equipment. Their target is very simple, that is, for High-end Player.

The easiest way to service, precisely as stated, is to provide High-end Player with all kinds of low-end, but indispensable materials, as well as copper coin.

Within the Official Virtual Goods Trading System, all kinds of low-end materials and copper coin price changes, as well as the general trend of sales, this is what Low-end Player must know.

Now, within the Official Virtual Goods Trading System, the Gamer selling the copper coin is obviously too small, because the numerous Gamer joins the money-scraping Task, which reduces the Low-end Player, the possibility of receiving the Task, and the Main System dynamics. The Task reward was lowered, resulting in the Low-end Player, which originally sold the copper coin. There is no way to guarantee the production of the copper coin, and naturally there is no way to sell the copper coin.

Some lucky Low-end Players have a copper coin inventory in their hands, or they have received the Copper coin after receiving the Task and Accomplish. This part of the copper coin was placed in the Official Virtual Goods Trading System by these Low-end Players.

These Low-end Players are not philanthropists. They are busy ‘Game Coolie’ for their small profits. They entered the Official Gamer Forum and got a little understanding of the Official Betting System. After they got stuck in the Gamer, they found out. The market price of copper coin should be higher.

A small number of Low-end Players who have contacts with each other immediately reached a consistent agreement. The original one hundred copper coin only required ten Xia Nation Yuan. They ordered a hundred copper coin, which was priced at fifteen Xia Nation Yuan, and only released ten. Share, that is, one thousand five hundred copper coin.

This is a test of Low-end Player. The price increase is 50%. If you can sell it, they will continue to increase the price. If you can’t sell it, it will be a little bit lower.

Ten copies of the one hundred copper coin were sold in the Official Virtual Goods Trading System. Although the price was promoted by 50%, the High-end Player lacking the copper coin, with a little consideration, chose to purchase all.

The difference between the ten yuan and the fifteen yuan, for the High-end Player, there is no difference at all!

Most Low-end Players are waiting to see the situation, although they don’t have any Organization, but the wind makes the rudder absolutely no issue. Some Low-end Players sold a portion of the copper coin at a premium of 50%.

But that part of the Low-end Player, which has planned the price increase of Copper Coin, has raised the price of Copper Coin again. This time, they will price ten copies of the coin coin, which is 2,000 yuan, and another ten copies of the copper coin. Thousands and five hundred yuan.

In Brave’s World, there is always a coin coin exactly as stated thousand coins copper coin, not EQ ual to one or two Silver, but about EQ ual to thirty-three two three money three points Silver.

The consistent copper coin is positioned at 2,000 yuan, which is precisely as stated. The previous exchange rate is 1%. The price of the copper coin is 2,500 yuan, which increases the price of 1%.

In the Official Virtual Goods Trading System, after the emergence of the two sets of copper coin transaction, High-end Player did not buy immediately. This is because there are quite a few Low-end Players, which are currently trading at a price of fifteen dollars with a hundred coins.

Although High-end Player doesn’t care much about money, but whose money is not from the wind, how could they be willing to be slaughtered by Low-end Player?

The Low-end Player, which plans to increase the price of the copper coin, sees that the High-end Player is not fooled, and they are not in a hurry. The copper coin transaction they issued has a number advantage over the Ordinary Gamer. In the Ordinary Gamer, the acquisition of the consistent copper coin, how to use two times to three transactions, multiple transactions need to waste time, there is always High-end Player willing to pay high prices And save time.

With two sets of high-priced copper coin hanging in the Official Virtual Goods Trading System, the remaining Low-end Player, as if it found a price benchmark, kept raising the price of the copper coin.

The price of the first half of the copper coin fifteen Xia Nation Yuan has now climbed to the high degree of one hundred copper coin EQ ual to eighteen Xia Nation Yuan. And, this price is not the end, it is still rising.

On July 1st, the Forty-five points are at 0:00 in the morning.

Within the Dream Entertainment Official Virtual Goods Trading System, Brave’s World copper coin transaction price, officially reached the High Degree of twenty-one copper coin twenty Xia Nation Yuan. However, after reaching this High Degree, the price increase has stopped.

High-end Player seems to have a strong resistance to the transaction, which is more than a hundred copies of copper coin twenty Xia Nation Yuan ratio. Many Low-end Players see the price growth stop and no longer hesitate to directly sell copper coin. .

The price of the Copper Coin of the Official Virtual Goods Trading System has risen. Shi Lei can’t manage it. He has fallen into a dream. The beautiful and Duck of Zhou’s daughter discusses life and ideals.

Inside Brave’s World, although the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition is over, the Academic Institute Cup Power Struggle Competition and the Free Team Struggle for Power Competition will continue to be held from July 1st to July 3rd.

These two competitions are not as much a concern as the Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, but the enthusiasm of the Gamers is unabated, especially Storm, who is trying to lead the group belonging to Harvard University and get the King Institute’s Title.

Since the educational institute cup belongs to the team, the group of First Under Heaven’s Storm, currently Harvard educational institute, selects the Gamer that can be included in the team.

While Storm was selecting someone, he received a flying pigeon carrier information.

‘Brother Dugu, I am Qiao Mo. I don’t know if you have time. I am at the Drunk Immortal Shop in the west of Lin’an City, waiting for Brother Dugu to come. ‘

After reading the flying pigeon carrier, Storm thought about it and decided to go to Qiao Mo for a while. He is not worried that Qiao Mo is not good for him, not only because of the good security environment inside Brave’s World, but also the good character that Qiao Mo shows, and because of his confidence in his own strength.

After an hour of backwards, Storm can only be evenly matched with Qiao Mo, but after getting the ‘First Under Heaven ‘Title, Storm is very confident to beat Qiao Mo.

Because, the title of First Under Heaven can fully increase the combat power of the individual twenty!

Heaven List Powerhouse’s Title and Earth List Powerhouse’s Title are increased by 10% and 5% respectively; Reputation Shocks Jianghu’s Title is increased by 3%, and Reputation is Known is only increased by 1%.

Whether it is Reputation is Known or First Under Heaven, Title’s valid time is only one year. Before the start of the Second Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, all Titles automatically expired. You need to re-enter the Martial World Struggle for Power Competition to win Jianghu. Title.

Storm won the Title of First Under Heaven, and his personal strength increased by twenty, naturally without fear of Qiao Mo.

“No, you are responsible for selecting people. I have something to deal with!” Storm deliberately used the strange Xia Nation language to call Blue Ocean “no”.

Usually, Storm calls Blue Ocean ‘blue’. Blue Ocean doesn’t realize that Storm is ridiculing him. Instead, he solemnly nods. “Okay, the election of the educational institute cup power struggle competition, let me handle it.” !”

“Okay, no, I believe you!” Storm patted the shoulders of Blue Ocean, not only the Deputy Lord Lord of Storm Stronghold, but also the Deputy Group Leader of the Harvard Institute Group.

Storm left the inn to go to the Drunk Immortal Shop in the west of the city.

In Drunk Immortal Shop, Qiao Mo currently talks with Shengguang Shenguan, Qiao Mo has a drink without a drink, Shengguang Shenguan does not drink, because Brave’s World’s setting, player character will be reduced according to the amount of drinking after drinking The recognition of the Motion Sensing Operation Platform, which simulates the drunkenness of the player character.

Storm walked into the Drunk Immortal Shop and saw Shengguang Shenguan and Qiao Mo. He looked at Shengguang Shenguan with surprise and seemed puzzled. He did not understand why Shengguang Shenguan and Qiao Mo were mixed together?

‘strange! These two guys, should there be no intersection Right? Are they in the base? Thinking about ‘Storm evil.

“Brother Dugu, here!” Qiao Mo looked at the dazed Storm and thought he didn’t find himself, so he shouted.

But Qiao Mo obviously forgot, Storm just got the Title of First Under Heaven, is in the popular Phase.

“Ah? Dugu? Dugu Qiye of First Under Heaven?” A female Non-player Controlled Characters dressed as a Famed Swordsman, stood up and looked towards Storm. “It really is Dugu Young Hero!”

There are a lot of Non-player Controlled Characters around to look at Storm, and there is obviously a tendency to surround Storm. Looking back at Storm, I still don’t know how to deal with this situation.

‘Is this the first benefit of First Under Heaven? ‘Storm is thinking about it.
