
Chapter 1158

HK1143 shoots you not guilty!


June Twenty-nine, 8:02 pm.

Shengguang Shenguan ignored the challenge of Kawashima Shinji and promised Kawashima Shinji to choose the map. Although you choose your own venue, you can choose a favorable terrain based on your own Profession characteristics.

However, the self-selected mapdetermines the choice by randomly shaking the point, which means that even if you agree to the choice of the venue, you only have the chance of 50%, you can get the option.

If Shengguang Shenguan does not have the option and Kawashima Shinji has the right to choose, then Kawashima Shinji will definitely choose a mapthat suits him, thus creating a disadvantage for Shengguang Shenguan.

Shengguang Shenguan is an archer, suitable for most maps, especially marshes, wetlands, mountains and other terrain, very suitable for archers. Shengguang Shenguan is not willing to gamble for one-half of the opportunity. Anyway, most maps can be accepted by Shengguang Shenguan. Why give Kawashima Shinji a chance to choose the venue he likes?

Kawashima Shinji wants to let Shengguang Shenguan agree to choose his own venue in a radical way. It was originally the idea of ​​the martial arts Specialist behind him. Kawashima Shinji is Roving Samurai. As a melee Profession, the long-range Profession archer, like a shooter, Kawashima Shinji is very disadvantageous. Only by choosing the mapand getting the ‘land’ form, there is a bigger Hope to defeat Shengguang Shenguan.

Unfortunately, Shengguang Shenguan did not care about the face, directly rejected Kawashima Shinji!

“Gamer Shengguang Shenguan, choose Random MAP, System randomly choose to start, the game mapis: Primitive Jungle!” Main System icy sounds.

When the Main System announced the mapof the competition, Shengguang Shenguan immediately frowned; on the contrary, Kawashima Shinji was happy. After a series of targeted research, Kawashima Shinji proposed the reason for choosing the venue independently, which is exactly as stated and wants to choose Primitive Jungle as the venue.

Because Shengguang Shenguan is an archer and a god shooter. If you play against Shengguang Shenguan in an open area, it is definitely the rhythm of courting death. Follow the analysis. If on the open plain, the ratio of Kawashima Shinji to Shengguang Shenguan is 1: 9, and in other words, Kawashima Shinji is the rhythm of life.

Only in Primitive Jungle. Kawashima Shinji and Shengguang Shenguan will be able to win. Shengguang Shenguan is an archer. Among the densely packed Primitive Jungle, the archers will be greatly suppressed. After all, the Primitive Jungle has a bad view, the attack angle is not good, and even though barely shot Arrow, it may be blocked by all kinds of trees.

The venue was changed from a square of 100 meters long to a Primitive Jungle.

Kawashima Shinji is backed by a trunk of a tree that is held by two people. Listen carefully to the movements around you. Primitive Jungle is Kawashima Shinji’s biggest home. To beat Shengguang Shenguan, Kawashima Shinji must be patient.

Shengguang Shenguan stood in Primitive Jungle, his face was a little wrong, he scanned a circle all around. It was found to be a quiet Primitive Jungle with a helpless smile on his face.

“Is it Primitive Jungle? This is really a big suppression for the Ordinary archers!” Shengguang Shenguan left the bow, holding an Arrow in his right hand and walking freely in the Primitive Jungle.

Although Random Mapis Primitive Jungle, Primitive Jungle is not large in size and is still a square with a length of one hundred meters. If the mapis too large, it is very difficult for Gamer and Gamer to meet together. That’s still a hairy!

The restoration of the Primitive Jungle game mapdid not reach 100%, at least in the Primitive Jungle, and there was no animal.

Shengguang Shenguan walked in the Primitive Jungle, the sound coming from around, only his footsteps. Shengguang Shenguan does not seem to be afraid of being attacked. However, if you look closely at Shengguang Shenguan, you will find some anomalies.

For example, Arrow in the right hand is not the wooden shaft and white-feathered arrow of the Ordinary, but a special black iron, ashen-feathered arrow. The black shaft is made of metal. Being held back in the hand. The counter-grip posture allows the black iron, ashen-feathered arrow to quickly penetrate the target body, and can also block the weapon attack.

The longbow held by the left hand can also be erected at any time to facilitate the shooting of Arrow.

Shengguang Shenguan seems to be a casual expression, but the eyes are High Degree vigilant. As a bow and arrow expert and Primitive Jungle who participated in hunting in the wild, there may be hidden dangers in the place. Shengguang Shenguan is very clear.

When Shengguang Shenguan was in the Primitive Jungle, seemingly casual walking, Kawashima Shinji was hiding behind a trunk of a tree that was held by two people and peeked at Shengguang Shenguan.

Seeing that Shengguang Shenguan was in the wrong direction, he went to the right side of his hiding place. Kawashima Shinji was in a hurry. His slow crouch body picked up a dry branch and threw it around two meters in front of him.

Primitive Jungle is very quiet, the sound of dead branches hitting the trunk is like a firefly in the night. The sound equipment used by Shengguang Shenguan is the 7.1 multimedia system. He first discerned the direction of the sound.

‘Deliberately lead me to hook, ready to ambush me? ‘Shengguang Shenguan showed a fascinating look, then pretended not to know anything. He glanced at the direction of the sound and walked over there.

In the ‘target direction, you can hide a human suspect. There are only two in total. The two trees in front of the right are behind the big tree, and the other is the bush in front. According to the other’s Profession analysis, the possibility of hiding behind the big tree is more than 70%! ‘Shengguang Shenguan quickly analyzed in the heart, positioning the key suspect target behind the big tree that the two men embraced.

Although Shengguang Shenguan has analyzed the target, Shengguang Shenguan pretends that no abnormal situation has been found. Instead, he actively walks toward the big tree that the two men hold together, and seems to walk right into a trap.


After Kawashima Shinji threw out the dry branches, he secretly observed Shengguang Shenguan. Kawashima Shinji’s Gamer Profession is Roving Samurai and does not have the skills of ‘sneak’ and ‘stealth’ similar to the Westernized online game.

Therefore, when Kawashima Shinji came to see Shengguang Shenguan coming to the tree where the two men hugged, he hid himself and carefully identified the footsteps of Shengguang Shenguan.

‘hēng hēng, Random Mapeven took Primitive Jungle, even God is helping me, Shengguang Shenguan, you are assured of Drop Dead! ‘Kawashima Shinji flashed a touch of twilight.

He is not worried about whether he can work for Shengguang Shenguan. Kawashima Shinji had previously competed with the archers. As long as he was close to the other side, the other side was the lamb to be slaughtered.

Now, Shengguang Shenguan ‘has no warning’ to his hiding place, Kawashima Shinji has held the Wo Sang Blade with both hands, ready to give a serious blow to Shengguang Shenguan.

He was already Fantasy, and when Wo Sang Blade hit Shengguang Shenguan, the wrong color in the eyes of the other party.


Stepping on the dead branches and leaves, giving a crisp sound, Shengguang Shenguan showed a smile in his eyes, this is his intentional!

After hearing that Shengguang Shenguan stepped on a dry branch, Kawashima Shinji jumped out behind the big tree, and sent out a shouting loudly in the mouth, trying to attract the attention of Shengguang Shenguan, intent to make the other party panic for a short time. .

“Drop Dead!” Kawashima Shinji grabbed the Wo Sang Blade with both hands and slammed it into Shengguang Shenguan, as if he wanted to take Shengguang Shenguan from his head to his feet.

But Shengguang Shenguan is ready!

The black iron, ashen-feathered arrow held by the right hand, in front of the Wo Sang Blade, the long-handed back of the left hand, placed at the end of the black iron, ashen-feathered arrow, firmly blocked the Wow of Kawashima Shinji Sang Blade.

When Kawashima Shinji was slightly disappointed and did not understand why Shengguang Shenguan could block him, Shengguang Shenguan kicked his foot to Kawashima Shinji’s abdomen.

Kawashima Shinji suffered abdomen and retreat a few steps. Shengguang Shenguan did not miss this opportunity. The long bow held by his left hand stood up, and the black iron, ashen-feathered arrow held by his right hand was carried on the bowstring. He did not seem to be at all. Need to aim, open a small half-radius bowstring, and release Arrow.

Black iron, ashen-feathered arrow Leaving the bow and turning it into a dark light, hit the left leg of Kawashima Shinji and put it right. Moreover, Arrow’s power did not attenuate too much, but also shot into the ground, fixing Kawashima Shinji’s left calf to the ground.

Although Brave’s World does not have a pain feedback system, Kawashima Shinji’s game character is fixed on the ground, and naturally there is no way to attack Shengguang Shenguan again.

“Wait! Waiting for Sheng! Shengguang Shenguan, I want to know, how do you find out that I am hiding behind the tree?” Kawashima Shinji loudly.

Shengguang Shenguan Although he had a big advantage, he obviously didn’t have the thoughts of Kawashima Shinji. The right hand took out the Arrow in the back arrow and quickly shot Kawashima Shinji’s right leg, then his shoulders, and Kawashima Shinji hit the ground.

Finally, Shengguang Shenguan took the bow and arrow, took Arrow, aimed at Kawashima Shinji’s head, and used the Xiao Nia language to start talking: “Hey, shoot you not guilty!”

Currently, Shi Lei, who watched the two men’s decisive battles, had a very strange expression on his face. “Shengguang, this guy, would actually be Xia Nation?”

Storm, who has finished fighting, is also watching Shengguang Shenguan’s game. His face is also a bit strange, because this sentence is still taught to Shengguang Shenguan!

When Shengguang Shenguan shot Arrow and let Kawashima Shinji disappear into the arena, the Main System’s cold reminder sounded.

“Congratulations to Gamer Shengguang Shenguan for the qualifying qualifications for the next round.”

Shengguang Shenguan is in the heart greatly settled. It seems that his match with Kawashima Shinji has not been delayed until nine.

Less than a minute after the Shengguang Shenguan accomplish competition, the Twentieth round was completely over. After Shengguang Shenguan applied for a record of the Main System, he was fortunate to find that he was the winner of the Eighth Accomplish competition.

After the Twentieth round, Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, with only ten remaining players, and three of them are Non-player Controlled Characters.

And they also need to prepare for the Twenty-first round. However, compared to the cruel Twentieth round, the Twenty-first round has a little glad tidings!



20: 36, Pacific Rim Theatrical Edition, Signed In!