
Chapter 1157

HK1142 Li Jian Nation and Wo Sang Nation’s ‘war’!

On June Twenty-seven, at 11 pm Forty, after 19 rounds, Brave’s World First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, there are still two 12 names Gamer and three Non-player Controlled Characters.

The rest of the schedule, only four rounds!

The two rounds of the June Twenty-eight day were the most brutal, the Twentieth round, the two 12 names Gamer and the three Non-player Controlled Characters, competing for 10 places!

That’s right, it’s ten promotion places!

If you follow the rules of the previous schedule, there should be 13 places for the promotion of this round. The lucky winner of the round and the 12 winner of the normal match.

If the Twentieth round has 13 winners, then the Twenty-first round of advances will be calculated according to the same rules. One lucky winner and six winners will have seven winners.

However, Dream Entertainment apparently did not play according to the previous rules. Dream Entertainment directly cut off three candidates, and only selected ten winners from the five participants.

The Twentieth round was promoted in the same way as the previous rules. The five contestants were randomly matched by System and played in pairs. Participants who have the opportunity to win are directly promoted, and the remaining 12 groups start the competition at the same time.

However, in the 12 group, only nine winners can be promoted. The judging criteria are the time to win, and the top nine winners will be promoted to qualifications.

After the nine winners were created, the three groups of participants who have not yet competed for the competition lost the qualifications directly. Do not consider the outcome. Anyway, the rewards from Eleventh to Ninth are the same. Gamer, who has not yet competed, does not need to play additional games to determine Ranked.

This way of winning is determined by the time of winning. It may not be absolutely fair, but at least Gamer’s hidden cards can be forced out to make the game even more exciting.

For the Twentieth round of the rules of the game, the majority of viewers Gamer is naturally happy. In the last round, Li Jian Nation Gamer Blue Ocean was forced out of Blade Qi, and Non-player Controlled Characters also mastered Blade Qi, which made the Ordinary Gamer look happy.

Real world The audience watching TV live. There is also great interest in the battle between Blue Ocean and Qiao Mo. Because, the two people Blade Qi on the screen. It’s as wonderful as watching the Wuxia TV series!

Time passes by, and in a twinkling of an eye, one day has passed.

June Twenty-nine day, at 7 o’clock in the evening. Brave’s World Main System announced the Twentieth round. The lucky man of the wheel is Scorching Sun Violent Chop Qiao Mo. Two 12 names participating in Gamer’s ‘outs’ for Qiao Mo, all sighed in relief.

According to the strength of Qiao Mo, any one of Gamer met Qiao Mo, which basically means elimination. After all, the standard of victory for the Twentieth round became the order of winning time.

If you encounter Qiao Mo, even if you can beat Qiao Mo, I am afraid that it will be dragged by Qiao Mo to the last winning Abyss. It was unfortunately eliminated.

Storm’s was lucky and met a less well-known Gamer. Since there is still an hour to start the game, Storm queries the video recording of the Gamer game that has been prepared for a long time, ready to use an hour to quickly study the strength of the opponent.

Currently, Li Jian Nation also survives the Gamer, in addition to Storm, and Shengguang Shenguan. Another Blue Ocean was eliminated by Qiao Mo. Shengguang Shenguan’s opponent is the Expert of Wo Sang Nation, the Kawashima Shinji who owns vrGame Helmet and Free-Motion Sensing Operation Platform. Wo Sang Nation In addition to Kawashima Shinji, only HAT&T ori Iwami no Kami has not been eliminated, and the rest of the Experts, all tragedies.

The match between Shengguang Shenguan and Kawashima Shinji was followed by two Nation TV live broadcasts. Wo Sang Nation’s NHK Television Station even raised the game to Wo Sang Nation and Li Jian Nation’s Country Grade battle.

Kawashima Shinji’s pressure is not small, but he has received a lot of help. For the match video of Shengguang Shenguan, NHK Television Station is specially prepared for Kawashima Shinji, and there is also the martial arts Specialist for Kawashima Shinji to analyze the strength of Shengguang Shenguan.

Shengguang Shenguan Profession in Brave’s World is an archer. Brave’s World’s background is a fusion of Xia Nation Ancient Era and Wuxia elements, not Western magic and gods. Therefore, although the name of Shengguang Shenguan is biased towards the Western element, the Profession is definitely not a violation of ‘Radiant Worship’, ‘Life Pastor’, etc., but an archer!

At the beginning, Brave’s World series Promo Vid “Sword against Arrow” made a lot of Gamer choose Swordsman and Archer, but there are very few Gamers who choose archers and stick to them.

Brave’s World’s archers, because there is no System-guided aiming, it is very painful to play the archers, especially the Gamer without the Motion Sensing Operation Platform, and it is impossible to play the archers.

If you want to play the archer, this Profession, in addition to the innate talent, if you have a bow and arrow base in the real world, it will have a big advantage.

Shengguang Shenguan In the real world, I like bows and arrows since I was a child. From the age of eight, every year he has to participate in at least ten hunting in the wild. For the familiarity of bows and arrows, Shengguang Shenguan can be said to be a professional archer.

After the release of Promo Vid “Sword against Arrow” by Brave’s World, Shengguang Shenguan was attracted by Brave’s World. After joining Brave’s World, using Shengguang Shenguan of Motion Sensing Operation Platform, if there is God help in Brave’s World, he will occupy the archer for a long time. Profession Grade Ranked First, Profession Fighting Ranked First, Profession Equipment Ranked First.

The strength of Shengguang Shenguan is very different. In the previous game, basically every game occupied an absolute advantage. A long bow suppressed the opponent’s resistance.

Kawashima Shinji’s Profession is Wo Sang Nation’s unique Roving Samurai. In the Eighteenth and Nineteenth rounds, Kawashima Shinji’s victory is full of luck.

However, Kawashima Shinji was able to defeat Shenguang Shenguan (Divine Light Priest) through the video recording of the Zhengguang Shenguan game provided by NHK and the analysis of the martial arts Specialists.

In the Twentieth round, Xia Nation still has a lot of Gamers left, and there are four. They are Monarch No Regrets, Thunderclash, Heart Shipper, and Sceqing City’s native Exceed Grade Gamer Mu Feng.

Don’t think that there aren’t many four Gamers, and the Twentieth round of Gamer. In total, only two 12 names!

Xia Nation’s four Gamer, with very good luck, neither had a domestic Gamer civil war nor met with White-clothed Swordsman Liu Rufeng and Shadow Assassin Mu Donglin, and the opponents were not very strong, obviously having a chance to advance.

At 8 o’clock in the evening, Brave’s World. First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition, Twentieth round, officially started!

The 12 group competitions are held simultaneously. Only the top nine winners have qualifying for the Twenty-first round. In order to end the game quickly, the Gamers must take out the trick at the bottom of the press, not like the previous game. Not just Tibetan mastiffs. And they have to test each other. The level of excitement of the whole game is far less than that of Blue Ocean Hu Qiao Mo.

Now, the 12 group Gamer has to snatch the top nine, they have no retreat, only forward, only to get the most strength, the fastest to win!

This 12 game is in the game. The highest concern is not Storm, nor Monarch No Regrets of Grade Ranked First. It is also not the two games of Non-player Controlled Characters, but the competition between Li Jian Nation Gamer Shengguang Shenguan and Wo Sang Nation Gamer Kawashima Shinji.

Shi Lei is also preparing to watch the game in person. The NHK Television Station of Wo Sang Nation promoted the game as a virtual war between Wo Sang Nation and Li Jian Nation. For this statement, Shi Lei can only hē hē smile .

The relationship between Wo Sang Nation and Li Jian Nation is rather strange. It is awkward to say that Wo Sang Nation is a dog fed by Li Jian Nation. A dog lying in the Asian Area will be released when Li Jian Nation is not convenient to come out. Wo Sang Nation This evil dog bites.

However, Wo Sang Nation refused to be the dog of Li Jian Nation, and Wo Sang Nation didn’t want to get rid of the control of Li Jian Nation, and even wanted to bite Li Jian Nation.

Real world, Wo Sang Nation doesn’t dare to find Li Jian Nation. Brave’s World provided this opportunity for Wo Sang Nation, and the match between Kawashima Shinji and Shengguang Shenguan rose to the level of Nation’s honor.

Regarding the success of the two Gamers, Shi Lei could not make a certain speculation. In Brave’s World, the simple digital strength does not explain the absolute issue.

“Izual, querying the betting of Shengguang Shenguan and Kawashima Shinji, how many copper coin bets?” Shi Lei asked Izual.

Shi Lei accepted Mu Shuang’s suggestion and did not cooperate with bwinCompany to launch the betting business of real world. However, within Brave’s World, the official betting implemented by Main System was sought after by Gamer.

“Sir, the game received a total of 12,276,163 copper coin bets, of which 80% seven, the choice was Kawashima Shinji won.” Izual responded to Shi Lei

Shi Lei nodded unanimously. “After 19 rounds, how much have we got a lot of revenue?”

“Sir, in the first nine rounds, we consumed a total of the Gamer 238,184,923 copper coin.” Izual accurately reported that the Betting System successfully consumed more than 200 million copper coins from the Gamer.

Converted to Xia Nation Yuan, there are also more than 20 million! This copper coin, if it is to be consumed normally, is not so easy in Brave’s World. After all, Official does not offer a direct exchange business between Real Currency and Brave’s World copper coin. To obtain a copper coin, you must obtain it in Brave’s World, through the Task, or by collecting raw materials.

In the competition venue of Kawashima Shinji and Shengguang Shenguan, the Main System issued a reminder: “Would you like Gamer, do you choose your own venue? Or choose a venue at random?”

For the self-selected venue, two participating Gamers are required to agree to the Freedom to choose the venue. If one side disagrees, the venue is randomly selected by System.

Kawashima Shinji looked towards Shengguang Shenguan, using Wo Sang-style English, and asked: “His Shengguang Shenguan, why not choose a mapfor Freedom?”

Shengguang Shenguan For his game with Kawashima Shinji, the “Deification” of Wo Sang Nation, through the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, is also clear.

If it is normal, Shengguang Shenguan may also agree to the other party to choose a map. Then the system initiates a random shake point. According to the size of the points, the winner decides to extract the selection map.

But now, it is impossible for Shengguang Shenguan to agree with Kawashima Shinji’s request. Although the mainstream media of Li Jian Nation did not hype his and Kawashima Shinji, Shengguang Shenguan did not have any surprises with Hope.

Shengguang Shenguan looked at Kawashima Shinji and shook his head slightly. “I refuse!”

“Well? Isn’t Shengguang Shenguan afraid of it?” Kawashima Shinji provoked.

“Hēng! System, randomly select the map!” Shengguang Shenguan coldly snorted, look towards towards Main System Apply for Random MAP, the outcome of the game, after all depends on strength, not language.

(To be continued.)

Ps: At 8:30 in the evening, the theater version of Pacific Rim: Start, will be updated.