
Chapter 1129

HK1114 high-profile hype, a big earned Storm!


Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website Home, Shi Lei updated vrGame Helmet’s promotional ad film.

vrGame Helmet’s promotional ad film is very good, full of what vrGame Helmet is, what vrGame Helmet can do, vrGame Helmet has any advantage, clearly explained.

vrGame Helmet is an immersive First Person display EQ uipment that will bring a revolutionary visual Storm. vrGame Helmet is not only applicable to Brave’s World. According to the introduction of vrGame Helmet props, vrGame Helmet can also be applied to other games and play video aspects.

Especially when playing video, it will form a theater-like visual effect. If you are a friend who likes to watch TV shows and buy vrGame Helmet, you can use vrGame Helmet to simulate cinema-like visual effects and watch TV shows.

This is simply the artifact of those fans of Film and Television!

With vrGame Helmet’s propaganda ad film being released, Gamer finally got a clear understanding of vrGame Helmet. Some of the well-funded Gamer said that they are very interested in vrGame Helmet. They have signed Ind vrGame Helmet Pre- Sale System, ready to book a vrGame Helmet, and a low-end Excellent Grade Personal Game Server.

However, when they signed the InvrGame Helmet Pre-sale System, they found that the sales item bar of the vrGame Helmet Pre-sale System only showed a gray-black ‘sold out’ prompt.

Gamer who didn’t buy Personal Game Server, of course, refused to give up easily, they quickly signed the In Gamer Forum to see if there is any specific statement.

Among the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, there are usually answers to most of the issues. Even if there is no answer in the Official Gamer Forum, you can get an answer at the customer service Center.

In the Official Gamer Forum, who wants to buy vrGame Helmet’s Gamer, I found out why vrGame Helmet is sold out. It turns out that vrGame Helmet has limited sales of 1888 stations.

Xia Nation Capital City’s Exceed Grade Gamer Thunderbolt, which is Country Money-bags Thunderbolt. He is exactly as stated one of the Gamers who want to buy vrGame Helmet. Prior to the release of vrGame Helmet’s promotional ad film, Thunderbolt did not endorse vrGame Helmet, who thought it was Dream Entertainment Company in Hu Blowing.

Even though Thunderbolt doesn’t lack Five Thousand US Dollar, for Dream Entertainment Company, along with vrGame Helmet, the simultaneous release of Second Generation Personal Game Server, Thunderbolt also has a feeling of uncomfortable.

Thunderbolt purchased the Personal Game Server from First Generation Bestowed by Heaven Level, which took less than two months to get Thunderbolt to purchase the Second Generation Personal Game Server again, which obviously made Thunderbolt unhappy. Even Thunderbolt doesn’t lack the money of a Bestowed by Heaven Level Personal Game Server. But it’s just not good.

It is because of this unhappiness. Thunderbolt does not have a First Time reservation for vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server.

just now. vrGame Helmet’s promotional ad film fully explains the function of vrGame Helmet. Thunderbolt immediately decided to buy a vrGame Helmet, but it has not been bought!

Thunderbolt under helplessness. In the Official Gamer Forum, I found a post from Storm. When looking at the title of the post, Thunderbolt was a bit stunned. Thunderbolt knew that Storm was Li Jian Nation’s Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche.

Compared with Storm, Thunderbolt is a small witch. Thunderbolt has a self-knowledge. He and Storm are not a grade.

“Hey, what a joke, Storm is actually a network phony?” Thunderbolt said naturally. I opened the post from Storm. When I saw Storm’s post, Thunderbolt knew that this was Storm’s self-deprecating!

However, Thunderbolt is secretly secreting Storm. “Damn Storm, are you as far as it is. Why do you need to increase the price? You are not short of money!”

Storm’s is not short of money, but it does not prevent Storm from making money!

After vrGame Helmet propaganda ad film was sent, Storm First time looked at the situation. After Storm watched vrGame Helmet’s promotional ad film, Storm hā hā laughed.

Storm knows that he is going to make money this time!

With vrGame Helmet’s promotional ad film, Storm 100% is sure that his hoarding vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server will definitely make a big profit!

As the Storm predicted, Country Money-bags Thunderbolt couldn’t help but tempted it. In the Dreamer Online PaYM ent System, it recharged 20,000 7,000 US Dollars and chose to purchase Storm’s markup products to compromise with Storm.

Thunderbolt is not the first compromise. Before Thunderbolt, there were more than one hundred Gamers, and they chose to be stuck in Storm’s markup products. Storm is very satisfied with such sales results.

Half an hour after the release of vrGame Helmet, Storm’s has increased its business and has sold more than 200 sets. This is far more than the previous official score. It must be said that it is a kind of irony!

Shi Lei also knows the Storm’s behavior clearly, but Shi Lei, like Storm guessed, has no intention of ‘governing’ Storm’s mark-up sales.

Storm’s mark-up sales business will let Gamers understand the benefits of Official sales. Shi Lei can’t wait to support Storm, but for the image of Dream Entertainment Official, Shi Lei can only support it silently.

As for the protests of Gamer, Dream Entertainment Company is used to ignoring Gamer, especially for some reasonable things, and Dream Entertainment Company will never indulge Gamer.

Shi Lei looked at Storm’s sales records in the Official Virtual Goods Trading System. Shi Lei did not have any dissatisfaction with Storm’s sales speed exceeding the official sales speed.

Anyway, this effect is also the reason why Official released vrGame Helmet propaganda ad film, not Storm’s personal reason.

Storm’s mark-up sales business is in full swing. Xie Hui called Shi Lei and asked about Storm’s. “Boss, are we managing a Storm? His behavior has affected the normal sales of our company, many Gamer. There are no small opinions.”

“What? What did the Gamer not buy before, can’t buy it now, can’t you allow other Gamers to sell at a high price? Let Gamer handle it by yourself. We are optimistic about the show, there is no need to participate in the identity!” Shi Lei In the heart Before the hate, those Gamer had no eyes on Mount Tai, and there was no direct numerous reservation for vrGame Helmet. How could he compromise with Gamer?

Shi Lei and Hope Storm have made a fuss about vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server. How can they ‘sanction’ Storm?

Storm is also following the attitude of Dream Entertainment Company when he sold more than 200 sets of vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server. Dream Entertainment Company still has no movements, Storm puts his heart down, he knows that Dream Entertainment Company, or Shi Lei, should have acquiesced in his actions.

Storm, who got a clear signal, posted a post again at the Official Gamer Forum.


“Celebrate big sales, privately decide to raise prices! 》

Since Dream Entertainment Company has released vrGame Helmet’s promotional ad film, I think vrGame Helmet’s price is low and does not match its actual value.

Coupled with the hot sales situation, I decided. Start with the set of Third. The price of vrGame Helmet bundled with Second Generation Personal Game Server. Promoted to Thirty Thousand US Dollar set. Independent Purchase Second Generation Personal Game Server, price promoted to 20,000 two thousand US Dollar.

You can think that I am a profiteer. I am proud of this statement!

You can also protest. I just want to say one, you can choose not to buy!

As for why increase the price?

I only say one sentence, this is a monopoly business, understand? Monopoly is profiteering! If you don’t want to buy, you can wait for Dream Entertainment Official second time Pre-sale and don’t need to accept my exploitation.

If you want a friend, please hurry up and start with a set of Third. I will raise the price and refuse to bargain!

friendly reminder. Thirty Thousand US Dollar is not the end, according to the market, I always keep the price increase privilege!


Storm profiting from somebody’s misfortune’s behavior, provoked a burst of roar at the Official Gamer Forum, but more of Gamer. But he was rushing to buy Storm’s vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server Set.

At present, the number of sales of Storm’s is only 200 Forty sets. The price of Set is only 26666US Dollar. If you don’t buy it now, you will increase 3334US Dollar in a while and convert it into Xia Nation Yuan. This is 20,000 more than six thousand yuan!

Under the reminder of Izual’s, Shi Lei also saw the latest Post of Post. For the price increase of Storm’s, Shi Lei just said to himself: “Storm, this brat, the outside world thinks how much he invested, in fact, this brat Rely on Brave’s World, that’s a lot of money!”

However, Shi Lei doesn’t mind Storm making money with Brave’s World!

Gamer used Brave’s World to make money to attract more Gamer to join Brave’s World, which is a virtuous circle.

Within the Official Virtual Goods Trading System, Storm’s vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server Set transaction, after he posted the post, sold the Sixty set in just three minutes.

Storm also said that according to the post, the price of the Set was promoted to Thirty Thousand US Dollar, and there was no soft opinion. Even though The price has risen to the price of Thirty Thousand US Dollar and is still purchased by the numerous Gamer.

This is because Storm explained at the end of the post, if he is in a good mood, he will not be able to raise the price!

Gamer, who can afford vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server Set, basically knows Storm’s identity. They know that Storm doesn’t lack this money. Even if no one buys, these things remain in the Storm, and Storm will not. Price reduction for sale.

Therefore, many High-end Players pinch their noses and recognize Storm’s high prices. But some High-end Players are still waiting for the next round of Dream Entertainment Company’s release.

These High-end Players, in the Official Gamer Forum, are clamoring for an attempt to force Dream Entertainment Official to re-release vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server.

For these Gamer’s behavior, Shi Lei was too lazy to take care of, but Shi Lei thought of a better solution…



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