
Chapter 1128

HK1113 Gamer protests again, official attitude is tough


If you have not lost, you will not know how to cherish it.

Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website The home page of vrGame Helmet Pre-sale System, restricted the number of 1888 stations, but the restriction is not obvious, but placed at the bottom of the Pre-sale System web page, in a small note In the text.

After Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm hangs up with Shi Lei, he logs into the Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website home page and enters the vrGame Helmet Pre-sale System, ready to book some vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server again.

Originally, Storm was only going to support Dream Entertainment Company. Storm really likes Brave’s World. For Storm, 10 million US Dollar is just a pocket money.

Storm formerly has a very arrogant life motto, ‘Do not use your annual salary to challenge my pocket money. ‘From this sentence, you can know how much money Storm has.

For a game that I really like, Storm doesn’t mind investing hundreds of 10 million US Dollars. Rich|daughter is hard to buy, isn’t it?

When preparing to book vrGame Helmet, Storm carefully read the terms of service of vrGame Helmet Pre-sale System. He just wanted to see if Dream Entertainment Company stated the terms, indicating that no matter how many vrGame Helmet of Pre-sale, Dream Entertainment will ship according to Pre-sale’s vrGame Helmet.

When Storm carefully read the terms of service, he unexpectedly discovered a note on information, that is vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server, even Pre-sale restriction 1888.

When this article was discovered, Storm immediately scrolled the web page to the top and looked at the reservations for vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server.

So far, the number of vrGame Helmet Pre-sale is 322, and the Pre-sale of Second Generation Personal Game Server is relatively poor. There are only 125 stations, and two of them are Sparkle Grade.

Storm immediately recharged 5 Million US Dollar in the Dreamer Online PaYM ent System, and he tried it with the ‘Storm’ account. Purchased the 1000 station vrGame Helmet.

When the System prompts the reservation to be successful, Storm can’t believe it. According to Storm’s, since the Dream Entertainment Company has restricted the number of pre-sales of vrGame Helmet to 1888, at least the number of purchases of a single user should be restricted.

“Is there no restriction to buy the quantity?” Storm’s eyes flashed and reloaded 40 Million US Dollar in the Dreamer Online PaYMent System.

After recharging 40 Million US Dollar, Storm directly ate the remaining 566 vrGame Helmet and 1763 Second Generation Personal Game Server. Second Generation Personal Game Server, Storm without the slightest hesitation chose the highest Bestowed by Heaven Level.

Before and after. Storm EQ uivalent to won the 1666 vrGame Helmet. And 1863 station Bestowed by Heaven level Second Generation Personal Game Server. Just two products. It takes up nearly 4 thousand 2 Million US Dollars from Storm.

Such a huge amount of money, the Ordinary people are astronomical figures, in the eyes of Storm’s, but half a year of pocket money.

Storm has hoarded all vrGame Helmet and Personal Game Server. It’s not just that you want to help the Dream Entertainment Company, and Storm has its own plans.

Formerly, Storm spent a lot of money hoarding Brave’s World’s Closed Testing Invitation Code. He didn’t lose money, but sold it at the last minute, but made a lot of money.

This time, Storm saw the opportunity again!

Dream Entertainment Company has taken a limited offer, and Storm has speculated that it should be the Pre-sale situation of vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server. Shi Lei was dissatisfied with Shi Lei and annoyed Shi Lei. So Shi Lei, who is angry and angry, chose a limited sales strategy.

Storm is very convinced of his determination, as a commercial Genius, Storm guesses. Dream Entertainment Company should be in ‘retaliation’ Gamer, or Shi Lei in ‘retaliation’ Gamer, let Gamer finally admit that they determine the wrong vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server.

This way of anger, in Storm’s view, is not an unreasonable trick, but rather a very sophisticated marketing tool. If vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server have genuine technical capital, then Dream Entertainment Company’s deliberate strategy of anger will instead promote the popularity and image of the product.

At that time, when Dream Entertainment Company releases vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server again, Gamer will buy numerous.

Storm has eaten all the vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server in one breath. In vrGame Helmet’s Pre-sale System, Storm’s name is at the top of the Pre-sale leaderboard, and behind it shows a huge amount of data, let some Gamer is stunned.

Official Gamer Forum Gamer, who has a good thing, counts the vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server scheduled by Storm. The cost of booking these products is forget about it. The total is 4186.4 million US Dollar, which is converted into Xia Nation Yuan. 300 million!

This good thing, Gamer, thought he had grabbed the Dream Entertainment Company’s repulsive phony net customer. In the Official Gamer Forum, Storm was squirting Storm and described Storm as the Dream Entertainment Company.

Many of Gamer, who did not know the truth, really believed in such a statement, and they rushed to follow Storm.

But there are also a lot of Li Jian Nation Gamer, posting a message to support Storm, saying that Storm is the real Nouveau Riche, not the childcare in the mouth of the truth.

For those sprays, Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm didn’t care at all, but instead of high-profile at the Official Gamer Forum, posted a post expressing his own joy.


“Thank you, I am network phony! 》

The truth is finally revealed, I am the big phony net customer hired by Dream Entertainment Company!

The pre-sale work of vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server was unexpectedly poor. Therefore, my Dream Entertainment Company phony net customer decided to stand up and save the company, vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game. The share of Server has all been purchased.

You may be wondering why it is called ‘full share’. Because, Dream Entertainment Company first time Pre-sale, whether it is vrGame Helmet or Second Generation Personal Game Server, only Pre-sale 1888.

I am honored to tell you that I have included 1666 vrGame Helmet and 1863 Bestowed by Heaven Level’s Second Generation Personal Game Server, which has successfully grabbed most of the Pre-sale share.

In addition, borrowing this posting opportunity, the individual said to resell vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server. vrGame Helmet is priced at 6666US Dollar and Bestowed by Heaven Second Generation Personal Game Server is priced at 20,000 US Dollar.

Among them, vrGame Helmet will be bundled with Second Generation Personal Game Server, and the additional Second Generation Personal Game Server can be sold separately.

Only responsible for the Li Jian Nation area and the Xia Nation area shipping included. Contact mode, leave a message directly in the Forum. I will post a Purchase Qualifications transaction for vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server in Official Virtual Goods Trading System. I need friends, welcome to buy!

Please buy Gamer, declined to bargain!


Storm’s high profile at the Official Gamer Forum, reselling vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server in the form of markups, he is not worried about Dream Entertainment Official blocking.

According to Dream Entertainment’s limited sales strategy, Storm is betting on Shi Lei’s attitude. If Shi Lei really understands commercial hype, then Shi Lei will not only blame Storm’s markup resale, but will be very happy with Storm’s behavior. Storm’s behavior will be hyped. Second Generation Personal Game Server and vrGame Helmet, to increase their visibility and hot discussion.

At the same time, Storm is not worried about Shi Lei immediately making a second time Pre-sale, or expanding the number of Pre-sale restrictions. Since Shi Lei has proposed a limited sales strategy, naturally he will not play his own face. Instead, he will use Storm’s hype behavior to further promote the vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server styles and establish a tall image.

The post from Storm was immediately smashed by more Gamer. Most of Gamer accused Storm of being shameless, profiting from somebody’s misfortune, crazy for money. Even some of the Gamer, open to the public spray Storm is the internal personnel of the Dream Entertainment Company, deliberately in this way of hype, help vrGame Helmet.

But some of the Exceed Grade Gamers that knew about Storm identity didn’t stand up and they were waiting for Dream Entertainment Official’s attitude. Some Exceed Grade Gamer swears that they have read vrGame Helmet’s Pre-sale System Terms of Service and have never found Pre-sale limited to 1888.

Now there is a sudden rhythm of limited Pre-sale, let them very unhappy!

Some Exceed Grade Gamer, also Hope Dream Entertainment Official stand out cancelled Storm’s scheduled qualifications, and these Exceed Grade Gamer, incited the numerous Ordinary Gamer, asked Dream Entertainment Company, the number of purchases of a single Gamer, suggest that a Gamer can only order at most one Set of vrGame Helmet and Second Generation Personal Game Server.

But such a protest is completely throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea !

Dream Entertainment Company can make concessions on certain decisions, such as vrGame Helmet bundled sales and vrGame Helmet does not support First Generation Personal Game Server. These are not suitable terms, Dream Entertainment Company can make modify.

But with some reasonable decisions, Dream Entertainment usually doesn’t take care of Gamer, and even announcement will not be sent out, let Gamer protest and apply for file a complaint|sue or something, Dream Entertainment Company Official, completely pretend not to know.

Dream Entertainment Official, the work of pretending to be dumb is very good. This is mainly because Xie Hui can’t be the master. Shi Lei didn’t take the initiative to tell, and Xie Hui would ignore it.

The Official Gamer Forum was a big hit, and the Dream Entertainment Official simply ignored it, which made the Gamers a little dumbfounded. Not only that, the Dream Entertainment OffiCIA l Website homepage, and suddenly released a vrGame Helmet promotional ad film…

