
Chapter 1117

HK1102 Graphene BAT&T ery Technology !

At 11:30 in the middle of the night, Shi Lei held a sauced chicken leg in his left hand and a bottle of cola in his right hand. Tao Wenxian sat next to Shi Lei’s. On the coffee table in front of them, there was a large barbEQ ue and Pot-stewed.

Tao Wenxian at the investigate Yinjia Nation Levitation Slate’s data, for a time also forgot to eat dinner. The two got together and just stopped to stay up late. Compared to a bottle of Shi Lei, Tao Wenxian is obviously a lot better, and Tao Wenxian is holding a frozen beer and Shi Lei’s cola.

“I said, Big Brother Stone, your capacity for liquor, is it a too pit?” Tao Wenxian has a taste of teasing.

Shi Lei glanced at him and said: “Jazz, don’t you show off brat, dare to fight with me? I drink a bottle of cola, you drink a bottle of beer!”

“ke ke ke ke ~ ”Tao Wenxian was directly cried by beer, and Tears came out, only hā hā said while laughing loudly : “Big Brother Stone, not me bragging, just drinking cola, you can drink me too! ”

Cola is a carbonated drink. If you drink cola quickly, after drinking it, it will be a stomach carbon dioxide, it will be very uncomfortable! Although beer also contains carbon dioxide, the amount of carbon dioxide in the beer is obviously not as exaggerated as cola.

“Try?” Shi Lei said with a slight disappointment.

For his own capacity for liquor, Shi Lei is also very distressed, and there are some things that can’t be changed by nature. The difference between capacity for liquor is that capacity for liquor is poor, and a cup of drunk is a bottle.

Tao Wenxian took a bottle straight and then looked at Shi Lei, started talking: “Big Brother Stone, it’s up to you!”

Shi Lei also didn’t go outdone, picked up a bottle of cola with the same amount of beer, and drank it. Cola This kind of thing, when starting to drink, there is no feeling when numerous carbon dioxide gas. When stacked in the stomach, it will be very uncomfortable.

After a bottle of six hundred milliliters of cola was finished, Shi Lei’s expression was decisively a bit abnormal.

Tao Wenxian’s capacity for liquor is very good. For beer, five or six bottles are completely different. “Big Brother Stone, do you want to continue to compare?” Tao Wenxian asked Shi Lei.

Shi Lei said with a bitter smile : “Continue!”

I can’t drink cola, I’m also angry.

Tao Wenxian This time, it was even more daring, and he drank two bottles in one breath. Before and after three bottles of beer, this guy turned out to be only reddish and half-hearted.

Just this time. Shi Lei’s cell phone rang, Caller ID was ‘Dong Guoguo’, Shi Lei quickly showed the skills of the golden silkworm shelling, and said: “Jazz, I will answer the phone first!”

Tao Wenxian doesn’t care either. Shi Lei capacity for liquor unusually poor, he also knows. “Okay. Big Brother Stone. Hurry up! Otherwise, these barbEQ ue pot-stewed, I am welcome!”

Shi Lei stood up and pressed the answer button, started talking: “Old Dong, it’s too late. Is there anything I can do for me?”

Dong Guoguo tone excitedly said: “Boss, we succeeded, we succeeded!”

“What success?” Shi Lei curiously asked, he himself forgot about the LIP Lens-type Information Processor.

“LIP Lens-type Information Processor !Boss. We successfully made the accomplish prototype and passed the test!” Dong Guoguo said cheerfully.

Shi Lei’s eyes lit up. “Old Dong, are you talking about LIP Lens-type Information Processor, do you make accomplish?”

“Yes!” Dong Guoguo replied affirmatively. “After our repeated experiments, the LIP Lens-type Information Processor made accomplish, except for a few issues that need to be resolved, the rest of the issues were all conquered. !”

“Small part of the issue?” Shi Lei sharply grasped the keyword, “Is there an issue?”

Dong Guoguo sighed and said: “Power Supply’s issue! is limited by the lens structure. Even if we thicken the frame, we can only maintain the Lens-type Information Processor, which takes about three hours.”

2007’s era, the vast majority of cell phones, still maintains a two-day to three-day charge, even though the LIP Lens-type Information Processor is very novel and advanced, but its short standby time is still a fatal flaw.

Shi Lei’s brow wrinkled, and it is not a problem to solve Power Supply’s issue. Using N235 Metal, or the next-class Thunderclash Electrolyte, can solve this issue.

However, that treatment is not scientific!

The LIP Lens-type Information Processor is targeted at external sales and even developed into a Smart Phone, a large-scale Worldwide sale. Before N235 Metal’s reserves were clear, Shi Lei could not use N235 Metal in large quantities.

Even with Izual’s processing scheme, N235 Metal can be reversely charged, and Shi Lei will not use N235 Metal on a large scale. Especially how can I use Core Technology for products that are sold externally?

It is his own product that can be replaced with N235 Metal, promoted standby time.

“Is there any solution?” Shi Lei asked Dong Guoguo. If there is no solution, Dong Guoguo should not be so excited to come over.

Sure enough, as Shi Lei expected, Power Supply issue has a solution!

“Boss, Power Supply issue, there is a new technology that can be solved. This new technology has only been developed for a few years, and there is no process technology for mass production. However, it is very effective for solving Power Supply’s issue. “Dong Guoguo explains the situation. “This technology is called Graphene BAT&T ery Technology. We don’t have the relevant patents and technologies, we can only buy them.”

Shi Lei looks, ‘Graphene Technology? ‘

Graphene Technology In the future, hype is overturned. This technology is not only used in the battery reserve aspect, but also in various industries.

For example, the use of Graphene Technology, made of bullet-proof vests, can be as thin as a flap, but the bulletproof effect is more Outstanding. A layer of nano-coating made by Graphene Technology can even compromise the bombardment of the shell.

Exceed Grade capacitors manufactured by Graphene Technology are tens of times, or even hundreds of times more, than the Ordinary Lithium BAT&T ery technology, and charging time is only a fraction of the Ordinary Lithium BAT&T ery.

In the future application of Graphene Technology, Graphene charging technology can even be done like Myth, charging for a few seconds. However, you need the technology that is reached. The pressure of cost aspect is not small.

“Old Dong, can you solve the Power Supply aspect issue with this Graphene Technology?” Shi Lei pretended not to know about Graphene Technology.

“Yes! If you have Graphene Technology and make a brand new battery, the Long-term Use Duration of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor will reach 12 hours. At the same time, the charging time will be reduced to less than two hours.” Dong Guoguo explains the situation.

Subsequently, without waiting for Shi Lei to respond, Dong Guoguo sighed, “Unfortunately, the chip produced by AMD Company. The energy consumption is too high. Otherwise, the Long-term Use Duration of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor will be further promoted. ”

In the current era, whether it is AMD Company or Intel Company. The processors produced do not have the idea of ​​saving energy and energy. AMD Company developed urgently. A mini Processing Chip specifically for the LIP Lens-type Information Processor. Energy-consuming aspects are also not doing well.

As for the post-generation low-energy professional professional armCompany, it is still just a company that is not known, far from the age of the next generation.

For armCompany, Shi Lei also gave birth to a mind acquisition, but the timing is not yet mature. Mirror Science and Technology Group, only to get the AMD Company, but also want to acquire armCompany, then the Intel Company will definitely fight back. Even Li Jian Nation Government aspect will not allow Mirror Science and Technology Group to acquire High-tech Company one after another.

“About the AMD Company chip’s excessive power consumption issue, I will tell the AMD Company to let them research low-power chips as soon as possible.” Shi Lei responded to Dong Guoguo, this is not a perfunctory statement, but Shi Lei really intends to let AMD Company develop low-power products.

AMD Company was suppressed by Intel Company in later generations, not because of the power consumption issue, but because of the inaccurate positioning, product line disorder, product quality and so on.

However, developing low-power products is also one of the future trends!

With the AMD Company backed by Dream Entertainment Company, in the future, it is absolutely impossible to become a character for soy sauce, but to truly share the world with the Intel Company!

“Old Dong, Graphene Technology, in the hands of the organization? Do we have the opportunity to buy it?” Shi Lei is following the idea of ​​Graphene Technology, this technology is the potential technology of the future, the application range is extremely wide, absolutely A technology with huge investment potential.

Dong Guoguo coughed and said with a slight depression: “The technology of Rongcheng Military District!”

“Eh?” Shi Lei also showed a depressed look, and asked again with a little unbelief, “Technology of Rongcheng Military District?”

How can Rongcheng Military District have such advanced technology? Shi Lei said that it is very, very unbelievable. With the military organization of the Rongcheng Military District, how can it have the advanced technology of Graphene Technology?

“Boss, Graphene Technology, is indeed the technology of a research institute affiliated to the Rongcheng Military District. However, this technology is not unique to the Rongcheng Military District. This technology is controlled by many research institutions throughout the world. The patent issue has been lingering. I guess the technology of the Rongcheng Military District should not be…” Dong Guoguo did not finish, but the answer is obvious.

Dong Guoguo speculated that Graphene Technology, I am afraid, was not developed by the Rongcheng Military District itself, but was obtained from other sources.

“No matter how the Rongcheng Military District gets the technology, Old Dong, looking for Rongcheng Military District to use this technology, even if we don’t give us the technology, let Rongcheng Military District help to manufacture the battery of Graphene Technology!” Shi Lei ordered. .

“Okay, Boss! However, the battery of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor manufactured by Graphene Technology is costly. The overall manufacturing cost of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor will be very promoted.” Dong Guoguo expressed Your own concerns.

However, for the epochal product LIP Lens-type Information Processor, is the cost increase, is it an issue?

(To be continued.)
