
Chapter 1116

The good news of HK1101 suddenly coming!


June 18, afternoon.

Shi Lei returned to Jingya Garden and throughout the afternoon he has been testing AMD Company’s Accomplish Supercomputer. Shi Lei did not change Izual’s Parent Server to AMD Company’s newly created Supercomputer.

Because the Supercomputer built by AMD Company is not really in the hands of Shi Lei’s, even if the shares of AMD Company 90% are in his hands, the Supercomputer is still in the territory of Li Jian Nation. What an accident, what Shi Lei wants to do, is also beyond the reach of distance.

For the Supercomputer set up by AMD Company, the test results made Shi Lei very satisfied. As predicted by Shi Lei, with the advantage of Izual’s, this super-designed 320tflops Supercomputer achieved 300tflops.

For such a powerful Supercomputer, Shi Lei decided to name it ‘ing/Lightning’, just like the Lightning Supercomputer!

Supercomputer Lightning’s test results are in a confidential state, including AMD Company. Shi Lei’s results for AMD Company are 160tflops. The results of such tests barely met the standards of the Outstanding Supercomputer System, but they can only be said to be quite satisfactory, without any bright spots.

AMD Company also does not pay attention to the results of Supercomputer Lightning, they are currently fully developing the Second Generation Dream Entertainment Personal Game Server. Dream Entertainment and Intel Company’s First Generation Personal Game Server earned face and money for Intel Company after the acquisition of AMD Company by Dream Entertainment Company. It is impossible not to prepare for a trip, launching the Second Generation Personal Game Server.

Dream Entertainment acquires AMD Company. To a large extent, it is also because you do not want to give up this profit. This profit is too rich, even if it is a born-again person, Shi Lei is also very jealous.

“Izual, for Supercomputer Lightning. Arrange Security Defense System.” Shi Lei commands Izual, the so-called Safety System, nothing more than exactly as stated Endless Defense System.

Endless Defense System, which is now integrated into Izual’s Main System, has become an Auxiliary System for Izual’s, dedicated to defense, more efficient than before, and more flexible.

The body of Supercomputer Lightning is in Li Jian Nation’s California. Shi Lei can only control it remotely. In order to ensure the security of data, Shi Lei can only use Endless Defense System to wrapthe entire Supercomputer Lightning to prevent external data from being stolen.

Shi Lei does not intend to use Supercomputer Lightning as a Zombie Server. It is only used when intrusion and defense. Shi Lei prepares the daily application of Exceed Grade to calculate Lightning. Control Interweave Net Miwang with Supercomputer Lightning to provide computing resources for the entire Brave’s World.

To apply Supercomputer Lightning, you need the protection of Endless Defense System. Prevent data from being stolen by the outside. In particular, AMD Company, which can directly contact Supercomputer, if they want to steal data, it is a very troublesome thing.

The protection of Supercomputer Lightning is not only to install Endless Defense System, but also to send personnel to AMD Company Headquarters for protection in real world. Just like the current Supercomputer Origin. The relevant personnel need to be arranged in the Machine Room to protect Supercomputer Lightning.

To protect the Supercomputer Lightning personnel, Shi Lei is not prepared to be dispatched from Xia Nation, but recruited directly at Li Jian Nation. Although the past personnel from Xia Nation will be more control and loyal, the overall cost is too large, and the personnel arrangement is inconvenient.

Recruiting Supercomputer Security personnel from Li Jian Nation, there is no way to solve the loyalty aspect. Inside the Machine Room, the Monitoring System is equipped with the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine and the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine to easily resolve loyalty issues.

Security personnel are not technical personnel, they don’t need to be close to Supercomputer, they just need to protect Supercomputer!

Shi Lei immediately notified Xiao Bo by phone over the ocean. Fortunately, it was already 8 o’clock in the evening. Li Jian Nation was over 8 o’clock in the morning and Xiao Bo had already gotten up from sleep.

Xiao Bo listened to Shi Lei’s request and finally started talking: “Boss, why don’t we set up a Ruling Security Company in Li Jian Nation?”

Shi Lei gave a slight sigh, then his eyes glowed: “That’s right! We can also set up a Ruling Security Company in Li Jian Nation!”

For Security Company, Li Jian Nation has fewer law restrictions. If you set up Ruling Security Company in Li Jian Nation, you might really develop into a powerful group like Shi Lei, just like bwCompany.

“Xiao Bo, about Li Jian Nation’s establishment of Ruling Security Company, you are ready to prepare for the initial work, mainly to find the appropriate management staff. We are not familiar with this business and need to find the right person to establish Security Company.” Shi Lei told the Security Industry that Li Jian Nation is very developed, but Shi Lei has no energy to manage a Security Industry overseas, and can only recruit talents as arm-flinging shopkeeper.

Xiao Bo suggested: “Boss, if it is Security Industry, I have a person to recommend.”

“What is the situation?” Shi Lei curiously asked.

“I was a stranger I met in New York City. When I was looking for the Dream Entertainment Company branch address in New York City, I was unfortunately entangled in several small hoodlums. Then Johnny saved me, now I recruit him. Entered the company and served as the Security Guard team Captain on the branch.” Xiao Bo outlines the situation.

“Boss, Johnny is very good. He is formly the personnel of the Li Jian Nation Special-type War Section team. He was expelled from the military because of some minor mistakes. There is no other bad record.” Xiao Bo said to Johnny. Human feelings.

“How is this Johnny’s identity background?” Shi Lei asked. “Right, did he know your identity?”

Xiao Bo said affirmatively: “Johnny didn’t know my identity at first. At the time, I screened the Li Jian Nation branch address, but it was a random choice to investigate. Johnny couldn’t know my route ahead of time. In addition, Johnny’s The identity is very simple, the authentic Li Jian Nation people, parents are still there, but the two sides have been divorced, the three are separated. The relationship between them is not very friendly, but Johnny will give him every month. Mother, remit a living expenses.”

“Let’s take a look at this Johnny!” Shi Lei hasn’t seen Johnny. He can’t comment on Johnny. He can only tell Xiao Bo to look at Johnny. When the time is right, Shi Lei will go to Li Jian Nation and test Johnny. .

“Okay, Boss. Then we are still hiring Security personnel to protect Supercomputer Lightning?” Xiao Bo asked how to handle it.

“In the name of the Dream Entertainment Li Jian Nation division, Security Person is hired to form the Security Department, and then within the Security Department, Security Personnel is selected to go to AMD Company to protect Exceed Grade and calculate Lightning. Yes, Xiao Bo, give you three days, In the Machine Room of Supercomputer Lightning, the No-Dead-Angle Monitoring System is arranged. This must be done Dāng!” Shi Lei issued a death order.

Perhaps the security personnel of Li Jian Nation are not reliable, but the Safety Monitoring System controlled by Izual is absolutely reliable!

“No issue!” Xiao Bo is simply, in the country of Li Jian Nation, as long as there is money, most things can be accomplish. It is not a hassle to arrange a No-Dead-Angle Monitoring System for three days.

The two continued to talk about it. After Li Jian Nation set up the Security Company and determined the general direction, the call ended.

Putting down the cell phone, Shi Lei glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the Number One Server screen. It is now 10 o’clock on the evening of the 18th. Poor Shi Lei, forgot to eat dinner.

At Shi Lei’s dinner, the distant Lin’an Underground Base, currently, conducted a secret test.

Lin’an Underground Base was originally a military base of the Rongcheng Military District, but was sold to the Shi Lei’s Underground research base and Underground production base by the Songcheng Military District for three Billion Xia Nation Yuan.

AIP ArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic, Lion d Combat System, The Steel and Iron, can produce accomplish here. However, the current production of AIP ArtifiCIA l Intelligence Prosthetic, the other two military use products, Rongcheng Military District is very tight, Shi Lei wants to produce privately, and can not be carried out in Lin’an Underground Base.

Dong Guoguo is the person-in-charge of Shi Lei’s Supervisor industry. Dong Guoguo’s recent Task is the development and resolution of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor. Shi Lei urgently needs the LIP Lens-type Information Processor.

If you have a LIP Lens-type Information Processor, it will promote the development of Shi Lei’s own power, especially with Izual’s contact.

At the same time, the LIP Lens-type Information Processor is also related to Shi Lei’s prospects for developing the Smart Phone business. In the future, Smart Phone Industry High Degree is hot, and Shi Lei is unlikely to step in.

However, Shi Lei is not willing to participate in the Ordinary product, but intends to directly enter the hot Smart Phone market with the same Lens-type Information Processor, and strive to lay the Myth position as the appleCompany.

In Lin’an Underground Base, Dong Guoguo is carrying a prototype prototype LIP Lens-type Information Processor. The Lens-type Information Processor’s Display Mode does not use Transparent Display technology. Instead, it uses an alternative technology to the Miniature Projector. The way, the image information is projected inside the prism for easy viewing by the human eye.

Although this method is not as powerful as transparent display technology, it is technically difficult and easier to implement.

Dong Guoguo put down the project prototype Lens-type Information Processor, hā hā laughed and shouted ‘successful’ in the mouth, then quickly used the network phone and dialed the Shi Lei’s contact number.

Dong Guoguo is ready to give Shi Lei a good news!

LIP Lens-type Information Processor, 99% completed!

