
Chapter 1083

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Shuangqing City, Central Jade District, City First Hospital.

In the special ward of Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang, Jian Wushuang first put a light green se pharmacy for himself, and the light green se looks very evil.

Mu Shuang recognized it at a glance, it is not the antidote of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus, but Mastery over Future and Fate Virus !

‘This person… actually puts himself in herMastery over Future and Fate Virus! In this way, he really made a successful understanding of the drug. Otherwise, Mastery over Future and Fate Virus is 100% mortality, and he can’t commit suicide. ‘Mu Shuang in the heart thinking, almost certainly Jian Wushuang.

Jian Wushuang took a look at Mu Shuang and nodded with a cold expression. “This is Mastery over Future and Fate Virus! In order to test the effective xing of the antidote, I will write her own products for SheMastery over Future and Fate Virus, and then add her antidote. The process of detoxification is a bit painful. The antidote is to directly kill Mastery over Future and Fate Virus from the genetic level, but the effect is very significant, and the detoxification speed is very fast.”

Said, Jian Wushuang took out a light blue se liquid from the frozen fresh lock box, the kind of light blue se liquid, as if the frozen blue se Margaret, very beautiful, very attractive people.

Jian Wushuang didn’t immediately note the liquid of the light blue se, but went to the sofa and sat on it, explaining again: “The process of detoxification is a bit painful.”

After that, Jian Wushuang will use the light blue se’s liquid, and use the device to re-inject into the left hand vein. When sheaccomplished, Jian Wushuang quickly pulled out the note and threw it into the trash can, leaning back against the sofa.

“zī ~ zī ~ zī ~ ”

Among the teeth of Jian Wushuang, there was a harsh molar sound. The sweat on his forehead quickly oozing out, and the hands clasped the armrests of the sofa, apparently suffering great pain.

Shi Lei looked at Jian Wushuang’s appearance, and his mouth was a little helpless. Isn’t that a bit painful? This is clearly very painful!

After about three minutes, Jian Wushuang was tight. Suddenly, I was a loose, gasping mouth, as if I had experienced a War. Jian Wushuang raised his left hand, and at his wrist, with an Electronic Equipment, Jian Wushuang looked at the Electronic Equipment, his pale face, showing a smile.

“Boss, fortunately, not to be insulted!” Jian Wushuang’s antidote was obviously made and tested. I did the experiment myself.

Shi Lei patted the shoulder of Jian Wushuang. Get to the side of Jian Wushuang’s ear. Small channel: “Wushuang, you can rest assured, Jia Zhengchun’s life, I will definitely help you take it down!”

Jian Wushuang showed a happy smile. “Thank you Boss!”

“Zifeng, take him down and rest!” Shi Lei told Li Zifeng outside the door that he did not name the name of Jin Wushuang. Jian Wushuang is still Fugitive of Shuangqing City, but Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang did not recognize it. If Shi Lei called the name of Jian Wushuang, Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo would probably think more.

In the principle of more than one thing, Shi Lei did not announce the identity of Jian Wushuang.

After Jian Wushuang left, Shi Lei pressed the call bell on the hospital bed for less than thirty seconds. A Doctor and a nurse quickly came to the ward. As a special ward, there is naturally special care, whether it is a doctor or a nurse, as long as the patient presses the call bell. Must arrive at the ward within one minute.

Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang’s identity is huge, and after a few days of hospitalization, Doctors and nurses have guessed. Therefore, they are more concerned about the things of Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang.

“Excuse me, is there any situation?” The middle-aged Doctor looked towards Shi Lei. He had a few eyes, and he knew who was in the room.

Shi Lei pointed to the frozen fresh-keeping password box on the coffee table and said: “There are two beakers inside, and the patient is asked to go in!”

“This…” The middle-aged doctor hesitated. As a Doctor, even when faced with Ordinary patients, he would not use foreign medicines casually, let alone the identity of Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo. He is even less likely. Use an unknown pharmacy.

Even though Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo have already been sentenced to death in advance, but if the Doctor uses drugs indiscriminately, Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo have a long and short time, and he definitely can’t eat the pocket.

“Sir, what is this medicine?” The middle-aged Doctor did not directly reject it, which would undoubtedly fall off Shi Lei’s face. In the middle-aged Doctor’s view, Shi Lei’s is probably not small.

“That is antidote! Immediately give the patient a note!” Shi Lei’s tone is unquestionable, “If there is any issue, we are responsible for it!”

The middle-aged Doctor looked at Shi Lei with sweat and sweat. He didn’t know what to do. He secretly complained in the heart, why he was on duty tonight. If something happened, his future life would be incomparably dark.

Mu Shuang took a look at the middle-aged Doctor. She took the initiative to explain: “Doctor, this is Shi Lei, CEO of Dream Entertainment Company. I am willing to use the antidote brought by Shi Lei. If there is any accident, we are willing to do it ourselves. Take responsibility.”

The middle-aged Doctor still does not agree.

Shi Lei coldly snorted, “Either you give the patient a note, or I am looking for someone to note! Choose one! Don’t worry about taking responsibility. Your City First Hospital’s Treatment Monitoring System uses our Group’s products, according to the Medical System. Surveillance, coupled with the translation of the lip Specialist, is enough to prove for yourself that this is our own choice and everything has nothing to do with you!”

The middle-aged Doctor sighed and glanced at Shi Lei. He lowered his head to avoid the camera and prevented him from being recorded. He said: “Sir, the situation of these two patients, I think you know. Since you have to insist, then We will help you!”

“Thank you!” Shi Lei responded. For such a principled Doctor, Shi Lei has no too much feeling.

“Little Mo, Mu Shuang, you two went back to the hospital bed. Just now, you also saw it. After you understand the medicine, the process of disarming Mastery over Future and Fate Virus is a little bit painful.” Shi Lei With the second woman, Hope, they are lying on the hospital bed, so that in the process of detoxification, they will not fall over anything.

Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang slyly returned to the hospital bed. Ling Yumo suddenly said: “Wait a minute!”

The middle-aged Doctor thought that Ling Yumo had changed his mind. He looked at Ling Yumo and waited for Ling Yumo to say something. “Stone Monster, I am detoxifying with Elder Sister Mu Shuang!”

“Why?” Shi Lei asked inexplicably.

Ling Yumo’s face is a little red. “If we both detoxify, you can take care of me. You can also take care of Elder Sister Mu Shuang. Just take time off!”

Shi Lei nodded and said, “Okay!” Shi Lei turned to look towards Mu Shuang and explained: “First, please give Little Mo a decontamination. I will accompany Little Mo first, and after Little Mo’s antidote is effective, You can call me again, ok?”

Mu Shuang did not refuse. She and Ling Yumo formed a secret agreement with them. The relationship between the two sides went one step further. They did not care about who would like to compete with them.

The light blue se liquid, along with the pusher, enters the veins of Ling Yumo. After sheaccomplish, the middle-aged Doctor looked at Ling Yumo nervously, fearing that Ling Yumo would have an issue in the next moment.

Shi Lei holds Ling Yumo’s little hand and encourages: “Little Mo, keep it up!”

Ling Yumo held Shi Lei tightly in her hands, and her nails almost fell into Shi Lei’s flesh. She endured for about half a minute and screamed in pain.

The middle-aged Doctor was scared and asked quickly: “Sir, this…this… what should we do?”

Shi Lei quickly replied without turning his head: “This is normal!”

Nearly ten minutes later, Ling Yumo sweated and stopped the painful scream. She showed a stubborn smile and hoarse voice: “Stone Monster, I don’t feel pain.”

Jian Wushuang detoxification time is only about three minutes, and Ling Yumo took about ten minutes, because the infection of Virus is different. Jian Wushuang’s Mastery over Future and Fate Virus has just entered the body, while the Virus in Ling Yumo has grown to First Phase.

“Little Mo, you are safe, take a rest!” Shi Lei gently wiped the sweat from Ling Yumo’s face with a paper towel, and carefully wiped it again with a wet wipe.

Ling Yumo looked at Shi Lei gently, and in less than two minutes, she slept deeply. In the detoxification process, she consumed too much physical strength and now needs adequate sleep.

Mu Shuang’s xing grid is stronger. During the detoxification process, Mu Shuang insisted on sticking his teeth and did not make a little scream. Still lasting close to ten minutes, Mu Shuang also fell into sleep.

Shi Lei stood by the bed and looked at the two younger sisters who were sleeping. He had a happy smile on his face. He was pressed against his big stone in the heart and finally fell. Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo No accidents, they are Safety!

‘Damn Wo Sang Lifeline, there is no time to teach you before, now, I am going to have fun with you! ‘Shi Lei in the heart coldly snorted and said, Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang are poisoned, precisely as stated Wo Sang Lifeline’s attempt to steal Mirror Science and Technology.

Before Shi Lei did not teach Wo Sang Lifeline at Wo Sang Nation, just because there was no time. Now that there is time, Shi Lei will never miss Wo Sang Lifeline.

Treating the enemy, Shi Lei will not be soft.

Shi Lei made a gesture to the middle-aged Doctor and nurse, indicating that they left the ward, and Shi Lei also went out. Outside the ward, Ruling Security Company’s jingying Squadron protects the safety here.

“Zifeng, protect it here, do not allow any suspicious personnel to enter!” Shi Lei commanded.

Li Zifeng nodded hard, Ruling Security Company’s jing Ying Squadron, in the Security Task aspect, far more powerful than jing. Jing also has to follow the rules, Ruling Security Company’s jing Ying Squadron, will definitely be cheap!

Shi Lei walked into the elevator, and now he has to go back and prepare to send Ye Feng and others to Xia Nation. Inside the elevator, Shi Lei’s cell phone in his trouser pocket rang.

The Caller ID is a mysterious asterisk, and Shi Lei considered the asterisk phone, which one side was hit. Before his organization’s actions were so fast, I am afraid I have to carry out difficult aftermath work.

Fortunately, Shi Lei is ready!

