
Chapter 1084

Does HK1069 deliberately reduce the efficiency of N235? [eager to subscribe]


June 15th ri, eight o’clock at night.

After more than four days, Shi Lei finally found the antidote of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus, but in order to get the antidote, Shi Lei did not pay the price.

The relationship between Shi Lei and Wo Sang Nation has broken down, and it is almost a break from half open to the public. As long as the Rongcheng Military District can’t stand the pressure of Wo Sang Nation, Wo Sang Nation will know that Shi Lei has invaded their Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Headquarters.

If Wo Sang Nation knows that the Black Hand is Shi Lei behind the scenes, Wo Sang Nation will probably take extreme action. After all, Shi Lei’s action completely crossed the bottom line of Wo Sang Nation, and they could not easily let Shi Lei go.

Shi Lei used the Second Generation Dawn to get the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology violently and quickly, and now needs to be careful to handle the aftermath.

Shuangqing City First Hospital, inside the elevator, Shi Lei held the cell phone in his right hand and pressed the answer button. He did not first report the door, but waited for the other party to indicate identity.

On the other end of the line, a serious voice came. “Hey, Shi Lei? I am Su Ding from Rongcheng Military District.”

‘Su Ding ? Isn’t this guy a high-level nail in the Rongcheng Military District? Why did he contact me? Is Su Ding going to represent the top and talk to me directly? ‘Shi Lei’s eyeballs are slightly turning, Su Ding’s identity, Shi Lei, of course, remembers that it was the Division Commander of the Rongcheng Military District Electronic Information Security Force, and at the age of 35, it reached the rank of Major General. Even though Su Ding’s rank is only a technical rank, it is also very remarkable.

“It turned out to be Division Head Su. I don’t know what Division Head Su is looking for.” Shi Lei sighed and understood that Su Ding was looking for him to talk about Wo Sang Nation.

Su Ding didn’t go around with Shi Lei and said: “Shi Lei, this time I represent Commander He of the Rongcheng Military District, Commander He Hope, you go to the Rongcheng Military District in person!”

“Hey?” Shi Lei’s mouth showed a smile. He Zhenbang will look for him, Shi Lei has no accidents. After all, Shi Lei attacked the Tokyo Prefecture of Wo Sang Nation this time. Most of the time, the Rongcheng Military District had a black pot. How could He Zhenbang not find Shi Lei?

“Division Head Su, when did Commander He let me go?” Shi Lei asked.

Although Shi Lei guessed that He Zhenbang would look for him and prepare in advance, Shi Lei’s backhands would take some time to process.

“Shi Lei, I am in Shuangqing City now. Going to the Rongcheng Military District. The best is the sooner the better, my opinion is, we will rush over this night.” Su Ding thought a bit, it seems to be Shi Lei thought and showed a friendly word: “Shi Lei buddy. Tell you a message, Wo Sang Nation through The Steel and Iron. I found the Rongcheng Military District. Now. Commander He is very upset. You understand?”

Shi Lei certainly understands!

Shi Lei also understands that this is Su Ding’s temptation to himself, and wants to determine what Wo Sang Nation is doing, is he Shi Lei doing it!

For Su Ding’s temptation, Shi Lei did not intend to conceal. Moreover, in the face of the olive branch thrown by Su Ding, Shi Lei also changed the name. “Su Ding Old Bro, Commander He didn’t say anything to Wo Sang Nation?”

“Don’t worry, Shi Lei buddy! Commander He hasn’t replied yet! But we’ll go see Commander He soon. Don’t worry about anything unexpected.” Su Ding replied to Shi Lei, implying a threatening opinion.

“Good! I rushed over this night! Division Head Su, which area are you in? How do we get to the Rongcheng Military District? Or is it an old place?” Shi Lei asked three issues in succession.

“I am now at Emerald Lake Guesthouse in Shuanghu District. I heard that your company is very familiar with this Guesthouse, right? Don’t you know if you can give me a discount?” Su Ding opened a play with a smile.

Shi Lei said with pride: “Division Head Su, you say so, exact as stated, I can’t look down on Shi Lei! You came to Shuangqing City, of course I should do my best to the landlord, what discounts are not discounted, Emerald Lake Guesthouse has Become a subsidiary of our Dream Entertainment Company.”

Emerald Lake Guesthouse has indeed become a subsidiary of Dream Entertainment Company, ordered by Mu Shuang. Since Emerald Lake Guesthouse is the highest-rated Guesthouse in the Shuanghu District, the Dream Entertainment Company often hosts the Emerald Lake Guesthouse during its events.

In order to save costs and make it easier for the company to do things, Mu Shuang passed the operation and easily won the Emerald Lake Guesthouse, the original Boss of Emerald Lake Guesthouse at the market price, and didn’t even have the idea of ​​extortion.

What is Shuanghu District, what Shi Lei is in the Shuanghu District, and anyone who knows a little bit of information is very clear. Therefore, the original Boss of Emerald Lake Guesthouse did not blackmail Shi Lei’s mind, and after finishing the house, he left Emerald Lake Guesthouse and sold Emerald Lake Guesthouse directly to Dream Entertainment.

“Hey? So, I’m welcome!” Su Ding is not a cheaper person, but sometimes it’s too polite to be close to the relationship between the two sides. He should have Shi Lei’s kindness, it’s actually easier to get closer to each other. the distance.

“Division Head Su, I am in the Jade District, you are waiting for me at Emerald Lake Guesthouse, at most 9:30, I will come over to meet you.” Shi Lei said a slightly more generous time restriction, that is In order to facilitate the handling of some things.

Su Ding looked at the watch, now it is close to 8:30, and in other words, Shi Lei is more than an hour, and will take the initiative. Su Ding is also not good enough for Shi Lei to come over immediately. He has to agree: “No issue, Shi Lei buddy, you deal with your own affairs first.”

“Good!” Shi Lei responded briefly, then hung up the phone with Su Ding and connected directly to Zheng Sanpao via Izual.

Zheng Sanpao’s Shi Lei’s independent command at Shu’an Village, his implemented Task, involves the cooperation between Rongcheng Military District and Shi Lei’s.

“Sanpao, what happened?” Shi Lei stepped out of the Shuangqing City First Hospital gate and drove the Ruse Security Company’s black se Jeep off-road vehicle to Shuanghu District.

Zheng Sanpao currently conducted a high-tech chemistry experiment. He took a Bluetooth headset and replied softly: “Boss, everything goes well, and currently the last step is done!”

Ruling Security Company, Shu’an Village Training Base, Temporary Chemical Laboratory, Zheng Sanpao carefully added N235 Metal, a white crystal, to a mixed electrolyte.

The electrolyte was formulated by Shi Lei to Zheng Sanpao, and Zheng Sanpao was formulated according to the formula. The original Exceed Grade N235 Metal was slowly dissolved into the electrolyte.

“Boss, dissolve it in!” Zheng Sanpao stared at the experimental beaker and said with excitement.

Shi Lei quickly said: “Sanpao, don’t join too much N235 Metal, the maximum volume ratio of electrolyte and N235 Metal is 10: 1. If this ratio is exceeded, there will be a danger.”

“Boss rest assured, I have not forgotten!” Zheng Sanpao responded with certainty, he measured the volume of N235 Metal very professionally. N235 Metal’s soft texture makes it easy to cut and shape the N235 in any way with a metal knife. The volume measurement error is very small.

“Sanpao, making 10 liters of electrolyte and incorporating 1 cubic decimeters of N235 Metal. I will come over and you will get the electrolyte ready,” Shi Lei said.

“No issue!” Zheng Sanpao affirmative answer.

“Well, then wait!” Shi Lei hangs up and has a smile on his face.

For the mysterious N235 Metal, Shi Lei knows very little about it. Whether it is the role of N235 Metal, or Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator, or how to determine N235 Metal, all are data in Izual Core.

The solution formulation is also the data provided by Izual. For Izual’s Core data, Shi Lei subconsciously ignores some situations. After all, how strange is Izual, and can it surpass the fact that he was born again six years ago?

For supernatural events, Shi Lei has some immunity.

Close to Forty minutes, Shi Lei drove to the Ruling Security Company Shu’an Village training base, and at about the same time, Ye Feng returned to the training base.

In the temporary chemical laboratory, Shi Lei looked at the ru white se liquid made by Zheng Sanpao, just like pure cattle nai, but definitely can’t drink.

“Boss, what is the use of this liquid?” Zheng Sanpao curiously asked.

Shi Lei is a substitute for N235 Metal and can provide energy for Dawn. However, it has some side effects, and the continuous energy supply is only about 235% of the same volume of N5 Metal.”

Zheng Sanpao’s mathematics is also very good. Zheng Sanpao calculated it between the thoughts. Using N235 Metal to make N235 solution, the energy loss reached 50%!

According to Shi Lei’s command, Zheng Sanpao uses a cubic decimeter of N235 Metal and incorporates ten liters of electrolyte. Although N235 is incorporated into the electrolyte, the volume of the electrolyte does not increase and is still 10 liters.

The energy ratio of the same volume of electrolyte to N235 Metal is about 1:20. For the same volume of electrolyte, the required N235 Metal is 10%.

To put it more simply, accurately as stated, the 1 cubic decimeter of N235 Metal is integrated into the electrolyte, which can only use the 0.5 cubic decimeter pure N235 Metal.

“Boss, is this… reducing the energy efficiency of N235 Metal?” Zheng Sanpao feared that Shi Lei did not think clearly, reminding him.

“Sanpao, of course I know, this reduces the energy efficiency of N235 Metal. However, there are advantages to doing this. Moreover, I have a plan that requires this electrolyte to be involved, otherwise it is not clear what the facts are!” Shi Lei There is no whole plan for Zheng Sanpao.

This is not because Shi Lei does not believe in Zheng Sanpao, but rather tells Zheng Sanpao that it doesn’t make much sense. Instead, it may cause some unexpected situations.

Shi Lei is preparing to use the electrolyte made by N235 Metal to let the Rongcheng Military District stand on his side…

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