
Chapter 1081

Threats to hk1066 First Division?

.Shuangqing City, Middle Jade District, Yan Street.

The Jade District is the most central area of ​​Shuangqing City, and many of the government departments of Shuangqing City are concentrated in the Jade District. Among them, Yan Street is the top priority.

Transporting four Second Generation Dawn’s vans will definitely not be able to enter Yan Street in Jade District. But Jian Wushuang knows another way to enter the Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division.

Behind Yan Street is the cliff, Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, which is actually located among these cliffs. Below the cliff, not far from the Leng River, the shore of the Leng River, precisely as stated Binjiang Road. Binjiang Road is a communication truck that allows Dawn’s trucks to be parked on Binjiang Road, from the Second entrance of Binjiang Road, to the Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division.

On Binjiang Road, the van was driving slowly. In the cargo container, Jian Wushuang currently discussed with Ye Feng.

“Captain Ye, hello, this time, Hope we work together with each other, together with the Tasks arranged by Boss!” Jian Wushuang said frankly.

Ye Feng nodded, “Jian Wushuang, hello! Boss has already explained it before coming. This action, we all obey your arrangements.”

Shi Lei’s really explained it, this action, everything follows the arrangement of Jian Wushuang. Jian Wushuang is the key to the manufacture of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus. He is the Specialist of Biological Gene Technology.

“So best! Captain Ye, after we have entered the base of Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, you will subdue the defensive personnel in the fastest speed. As for the way you subdue them, then just let you After all, on the battle aspect, you are the professional personnel.” Although Jian Wushuang is very young, he knows everything.

“Is it just a uniform?” Ye Feng asked with a frown. Uniform means just defeating each other, not killing each other.

Jian Wushuang thought a little, then he said: “Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division’s defensive personnel, they are all products of Dragon Rise’ Plan. According to my understanding of Dragon Rise’ Plan, the body of those combat products, all Explosive devices are installed. Once their heartbeat stops, the explosive device will start. If you can survive the explosion of high-explosive grenades, there is no issue for killing them!”

Ye Feng expressionless listened, for Jian Wushuang to describe those defensive personnel as ‘products’, Ye Feng just blinked a bit. As for the explosive device in the ‘product’, Ye Feng thought for a moment, and finally decided to experiment and see how powerful the explosive device is.

After all, those ‘products’ belong to the enemy, killing them is more insurance.

“We will be careful!” Ye Feng responded, the so-called ‘caution’, which means they will kill the defensive personnel, not just the uniform defensive personnel.

Jian Wushuang cleverly understands Ye Feng’s opinion. He doesn’t say much, just to explain his own needs. “Captain Ye, once you control the situation, I need three hours. Within these three hours, You need to defend the safety of the base with all your strength. Right, Captain Ye, Boss said that the Dawn you use can provide enough power, right?”

“Yes!” Second Generation Dawn took N235 Metal’s energy supply. Even if it crossed Wo Sang Nation, it attacked Tokyo Prefecture and returned to Xia Nation, Second Generation Dawn’s energy consumption was only less than 10%. With such ample power, Li Cai considered Dawn’s when it was designed to use Dawn as a power source.

Therefore, the Second Generation Dawn is equipped with a power output interface that can power other electrical equipment.

“That’s it! The base of Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, although it has backup power, I’m not sure if the backup power supply can support the whole process. So, I need one of you, as Power Supply.” Jian Wushuang Explain.

“No issue!” Ye Feng without the slightest hesitation.

After all the emotional quotient was completed, it took more than ten minutes for the van to stop at the Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division Second entrance on Binjiang Road. When the van stopped, the members of the Ruling Security Company immediately built a road-bound car accident at both ends of Binjiang Road, which blocked the road in disguise and created convenient conditions for Dawn’s action.

Jian Wushuang took four Dawns and walked outside the Second entrance of the Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division. Jian Wushuang also controls the Core Management Authority of Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, which smoothly opened the Second entrance.

The four Dawns rushed in one step at a time, and when the four Dawns just rushed in, the guns sounded quickly. Obviously, the person responsible for defending the Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division received a very high authorization to allow direct shooting.

Jian Wushuang stood outside the Second entrance with a Wireless headset, waiting for the situation inside.

After ten seconds, the voice of Ye Feng came from the Wireless headset. “Entrance Safety!Jian Wushuang, you can come in!”

“Okay, Captain Ye.” Jian Wushuang took a pistol with a muffler and entered the Second entrance.

In the Second entrance, four Dawns pressed a black-clothed personnel, perhaps to avoid the explosive devices in these black-clothed human bodies. Ye Feng did not directly hurt Killer.

“Jian Wushuang, is there any isolation device in the base? I want to test the power of these bodies in the body.” Ye Feng asked about Jian Wushuang.

Here is the domain of Jian Wushuang, the most familiar with Jian Wushuang!

“Come here!” Jian Wushuang took a moment, then nodded and walked for less than a minute. Jian Wushuang took everyone to a small hall. Inside the small hall, there is a transparent Bulletproof Glass Room. “This is the test Level, the Security Level of Bulletproof Glass, and the defense Guided Missile’s attack, you can test it here.” Jian Wushuang said, while opening the Bulletproof Glass Room.

Zhu Mingxuan hēi hēi a said with a smile : “Brother Jian, wait a moment, I will throw people in, you close the Bulletproof Glass door. According to the speed of the glass door close, I can shoot and kill the one inside it. Guy!”

Jian Wushuang turned over roll one’s eyes, he was not ‘贱brothers’!

“It doesn’t have to be so troublesome. In the Glass Room, there are deadly neurotoxins. Even if they are products of Deity Plan, they can’t resist neurotoxins!” Jian Wushuang is light snorted.

This Bulletproof Glass Room is actually used to test the Deity Plan Experimental Body, which can naturally deal with Deity Plan products.

“Hey! so it was originally this! It’s best, don’t bother!” Zhu Mingxuan drove Dawn and threw the black-clothed man with his right hand on his neck into the Bulletproof Glass Room.

Jian Wushuang outside the Bulletproof Glass Room, through the Liquid Crystal touch screen, enters a series of commands and gives them permission. Inside the Bulletproof Glass Room, it quickly filled with a pale green mist, and at first glance Extreme danger.

Jian Wushuang looked at the information on the Liquid Crystal touch screen, and his face showed a smile. “Countdown, after ten seconds, the product will explode!”

Ye Feng counted down in silence at the heart, and when the last second was counted, there was a violent explosion inside the Bulletproof Glass Room.

“Explosive strength, surpassing the high-explosive grenade, close to the power of the rpgrocket launcher, can you stop it?” asked Jin Wushuang.

The metal head of the Dawn No. 2 machine was clicked, and the voice of Ye Feng was transmitted through an external loudspeaker. “No issue!”

Affirmative answer, Jian Wushuang is more assured, “Captain Ye, we first clean up the defensive personnel in the base, only clean up all the defensive personnel, I can safely make antidote.”

Under the command of Jian Wushuang, the four Dawns took less than ten minutes and easily killed all the defensive personnel.

Jian Wushuang took four Dawns into the interior of the Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division. Zhu Mingxuan’s Dawn No. 6 machine was used as a power supply, and Ye Feng three people protected the safety of Jian Wushuang and Zhu Mingxuan.

Jian Wushuang operates the complex experimental equipment in the Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division and begins to manufacture the antidote of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus according to the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology.

About Mastery over Future and Fate Virus’s information, Jian Wushuang has analyzed acquisition, now based on Mastery over Future and Fate Virus, using Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology to create a target for Mastery over Future and Fate Antidote to Virus.

Shuangqing City, Central Jade District, a mysterious little attic.

One of the person-in-charges of Dragon Rise’ Plan, Jia Zhengchun slammed the antique Qing Hua porcelain tea into the ground. Jia Zhengchun looked at a middle-aged man and asked with a sullen look: “What do you say?”

“Elderly Jia, Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division was attacked by the mysterious personnel. The 12 Dragon Risen warriors we arranged inside were all killed!” The middle-aged man wiped his cold sweat from his forehead and lowered his head carefully. Road.

“Mysterious personnel? What is the mysterious person? 12 name Dragon Risen warrior, actually said to die?” Jia Zhengchun slammed the solid wood coffee table, apparently he was very dissatisfied.

Dragon Risen Warrior is the product of Dragon Rise’ Plan, fighting beyond the Slite of SpeCIA l Forces, and the cost of training is less than the 10% of SpeCIA l Forces Elite.

“Elderly Jia, do we want to send more Dragon Risen fighters to the First Division?” middle-aged people asked about the evasive weight. “Those mysterious people don’t know what to look for in the First Division. If they find ‘thing’, we’re afraid it’s hard to explain.”

Jia Zhengchun complexion changed, ‘those’ obviously threatened against Jia Zhengchun.

“Send someone to take back the First Division immediately! In addition, this thing can’t make Shuangqing City Police Department aspect pay attention! Do you understand Right?” Jia Zhengchun’s face is gloomy.

“Elderly Jia, you can rest assured, I understand!” The middle-aged man nodded, ‘those’ revealed it, not only threatened by Jia Zhengchun, but also the middle-aged people can’t escape!

Within the Shuangqing City Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, there is data threatening to Jia Zhengchun ….

(To be continued. Please search, novel is better to update faster!)