
Chapter 1080

hk1065 attacks Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division!

More than an hour later, six Dawns arrived at Shanghai City in Xia Nation.

Shi Lei is very familiar with Xia Nation’s national defense, and formly in the Angel Parliament, Shi Lei specializes in Xia Nation’s national defense. Six Dawns successfully passed the defense circle on the outskirts of Shanghai City, and in a remote location, Signed In took the coast.

Shi Lei ordered Izual to arrange the Ruling Security Company Elite Squadron in advance, as the receiving personnel, arrived at Dawn’s Signed In on time, and received six Dawns.

Six Dawns were transported through two Large-scale vans and quickly rushed to Shuangqing City. Dawn can’t take the Civil Passenger Plane, so it can’t be returned quickly by air.

Shi Lei also did not fly from Shanghai City to Shuangqing City and returned to Shuangqing City in advance. Shi Lei’s early return has little effect. Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology has been handed over to Jian Wushuang. To use the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology, the antidote to Mastery over Future and Fate Virus is available only in Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division.

However, the current situation is that Shuangqing City Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division is not controlled by Shi Lei or Jian Wushuang, but is controlled by Dragon Rise’ Plan Headquarters, which is under the control of Jia Zhengchun.

If you want to break through the Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division’s defense, if you don’t use Dawn’s power, relying solely on the Eling Squadron from Ruling Security Company, it’s probably a bit difficult.

Jia Zhengchun subordinate’s armed personnel, very powerful, Shi Lei suspects that those people are involved in the Dragon Rise’ Plan. If those people are involved in the Dragon Rise’ Plan, only Dawn can suppress them.

It takes about two 12 hours to drive back to Shuangqing City from Shanghai City. Shi Lei and others did not stay in Shanghai City for a quarter of an hour and returned directly with the van.

The six of them are close to twenty hours and have no rest. They can just rest on the van to supplement their sleep. Dawn’s driving cabins are very comfortable and they can rest in the inner cabin of Dawn’s.

Xia Nation Time, June 14th, at 6:30 in the evening.

In the inner cabin of the Dawn Number One, Shi Lei passes Izual, currently with Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo contact.

“Stone Monster, where are you Ah?” Ling Yumo’s voice, with deep thoughts.

Since the infection of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus and the death of almost 100%, Ling Yumo has figured out a lot of things, her relationship with Mu Shuang is more intimate, they even reached an agreement.

“Little Mo, I am currently returning to Shuangqing City. If there is no accident, we can meet after four hours of twenty.” Shi Lei explained the situation, but Shi Lei did not indicate that the antidote of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus was found.

Shi Lei now only got the Transcription Activation-like Effect Nuclease Technology. With this technology, it is possible to make an antidote to Mastery over Future and Fate Virus, which also requires the cooperation of Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division.

Shi Lei didn’t want to send out the news in advance, lest the old thing of Jia Zhengchun, guess what clues, and then further block Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division.

“Ah? Another day!” Ling Yumo’s voice was a little lost. “Stone Monster, come back soon! I don’t seem to have much time with Elder Sister Mu Shuang…” Later, her voice was a little choked.

Shi Lei in the heart One acid, Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang are Mastery over Future and Fate Virus infected around 12 on June 11. It is now 18 o’clock on June 14.

According to the development of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus, Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo both passed the incubation period and officially entered First Phase. Ling Yumo has passed the fever of Phase and is now a symptom of headache. Mu Shuang’s condition was slightly delayed than Ling Yumo, and he was just caught in a high fever.

Ling Yumo’s mouth is ‘not much time’, indicating that their remaining life time is gradually decreasing. Obviously, Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang know very well what kind of Virus they are infected with.

“Little Mo, without my permission, no one can take you away from me! Even if it is a legendary Death God, it is absolutely not allowed!” Shi Lei’s tone snarled.

Shuangqing City First Hospital, in the top-level special ward, Ling Yumo’s eyes are red, obviously moved by Shi Lei’s overbearing language.

“Stone Monster, I just want to see you now!” Ling Yumo almost knows the situation of Mastery over Future and Fate Virus. It is not an easy task to get rid of this Virus.

In fact, whether it is Ling Yumo or Mu Shuang, they are all ready for the final preparation.

“Wait for me! After four hours, I will appear in front of you! I will make you better!” Shi Lei said firmly, without waiting for Ling Yumo to answer, Shi Lei continued: “Little Mo, I still have things. I need to deal with it for the time being.”

Ling Yumo responded sensibly: “Well, Stone Monster, I am waiting for you!” After responding, Ling Yumo took the initiative to hang up. Even at the end of life, Ling Yumo is very sensible.

Putting down the phone, Ling Yumo looked into the distant sunset, and she muttered to herself: “The beautiful sunset, though so beautiful and charming, is only the brilliance of the moment! We are also beautiful sunsets…”

On the bed next to Ling Yumo, Mu Shuang’s forehead was sweating and his voice was hoarse: “Yumo Younger Sister, Shi Lei, are you back?” Mu Shuang at the moment, there is a sense of morbidity of Lin Daiyu, and the lack of Business Queen. Strong, more beauty of weakness.

“Elder Sister Mu Shuang, are you better? Stone Monster said that after four hours of twenty, he will appear in front of us.” Ling Yumo asked the question of Mu Shuang after answering the question.

“A little better, the symptoms of fever are generally decreasing, but the headache is very bad.” Mu Shuang responded, ‘twenty four hours later? Did Shi Lei find out about medicine? Or is it a clue to antidote? ‘

“Elder Sister Mu Shuang Don’t worry, the headache is just the first thing to be uncomfortable. After getting used to it, it will be better. I am used to it now.” Ling Yumo comforted Mu Shuang.

Mu Shuang suddenly started talking: “Yumo Younger Sister, if, I mean, if Shi Lei finds medicine, we are safe, the previous agreement is still valid?”

Ling Yumo’s face is reddish and coughing a few times, started talking: “Elder Sister Mu Shuang, if you follow Hope, I also follow Hope. After all, Stone Monster that fickle big radish, we have to hold him tight. Special It’s He Wanqiu, the little fox, and she must not let her get in touch with Stone Monster!”

Mu Shuang nodded, “Wanqiu is not suitable!”

“What about Teacher Li?” Ling Yumo said with a bit of sadness: “It’s rumored that Teacher Li and Stone Monster have some unclear relationships.”

“Let’s go with the flow! We have the advantage, we are two people, Li Zhiyue Teacher is just one person!” Mu Shuang’s pale face showed a smile.

Xia Nation Time, June 15th, at 4pm.

Two vans entered Shuangqing City, left the ring road in Shuanghu District and went all the way to the training base of Shu’an Village Ruling Security Company. In order to meet Dawn, the training base of Ruling Security Company Shu’an Village, a rare two-day leave, opened all Ordinary Security personnel.

When the van stopped, six Dawns came out, Shu’an Village’s training base, only the Eling Squadron of the Ruling Security Company, and head coach Zhou Cheng.

The five people of Punishment Merc Warsquad came out of Dawn, and Zhou Cheng greeted Ye Feng with joy. The tone was excitedly said: “Brother Feng !”

Ye Feng patted Zhou Cheng’s shoulder, “Chengzi, long time no see !”

Zhou Cheng nodded hard, “Brother Feng, long time no see! After the retirement, we didn’t see you again later!” Zhou Cheng joined Shi Lei’s ‘Grey Group’, still recommended by Ye Feng, for this A job, Zhou Cheng is very satisfied now.

“Yes, in the twinkling of an eye, it’s already awkward!” Ye Feng exclaimed. He was Elite in the Special-type force Elite, but now it has become the international mercenary of fierce and tough.

Shi Lei interrupted the rehearsal of the two. “A’Feng, after the Accomplish Task, you will slowly revisit the old! Follow the plan agreed before, you act!”

“Understood, Boss!” Ye Feng nodded and responded. On the way back, Shi Lei made a detailed plan to attack the Task of Shuangqing City Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, by Ye Feng Force Accompanying implement, and the peer personnel including Ma Liang, Chen Xingrui, and underage Zhu Mingxuan.

Zheng Sanpao needs to stay in Shu’an Village, alternative Shi Lei’s another plan. Before returning, Shi Lei had ordered Zhou Cheng to have enough chemicals in Shu’an Village to facilitate the use of Zheng Sanpao.

“Sanpao, your Task, can accomplish Right?” Shi Lei asked.

Zheng Sanpao nodded hard, “no issue!”

“That’s good!” Shi Lei patted Zheng Sanpao’s shoulder and then left a Jeep off-road vehicle at the Shu’an Village training base. Shi Lei is going to Shuangqing City First Hospital. He is going to see Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo.

After more than 30 minutes, the black Jeep buggy parked in the parking lot of Shuangqing City First Hospital. Shi Lei did not purchase any gifts and went to Shuangqing City First Hospital with empty hands.

Take the elevator to the special ward on the top floor. It is still a tight defense. There are a lot of Police Forces that protect the safety of special wards. Shi Lei just got out of the elevator and was stopped. Shi Lei had to show identity before being released.

In Shuangqing City, almost all Police Force knows Shi Lei. Not only because Shi Lei has a good relationship with Bai Qiang, but also because Shi Lei is very clever in the Dark world.

“dōng dōng dōng ~ ”

Shi Lei rang the door of the ward and then waited for it to respond and walked in.


On the other side, carrying four Dawn’s vans, joining Jian Wushuang, and heading to the Shuangqing City Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, with four Second Generation Dawns, regardless of the Dragon Rise’ Plan First Division, what exactly? The defense is definitely not a threat.

Second Generation Dawn, the combat power in the urban environment, its degree of power is almost invincible….

(To be continued. Please search, novel is better to update faster!)