
Chapter 1042

Killing intent in hk1030 Dark!

Xia Nation Time, June 12, 8:55 pm. Nanyue Nation time, 7:55.

Móng Cái City, Dark Hell Cheng Dong Stronghold.

A large hood with a hood was parked in the yard of Cheng Dong Stronghold. This awning truck comes from Móng Cái City vehicle smuggler Pan Wenran. From Móng Cái City to Ha Long Bay, Shi Lei does not plan to use Dawn directly.

Although the Second Generation Dawn’s is faster, the top speed can reach 300 kilometers per hour. From Móng Cái City to Ha Long Bay, it takes only half an hour. However, the use of Dawn may leave traces and be tracked to Móng Cái City by the investigate agency of Nanyue Nation.

To be on the safe side, Shi Lei decided to use the hood truck to transport six Dawns to Ha Long Bay. It is very convenient to transport the Dawn in a hooded truck, Shi Lei and Ye Feng. They can take Dawn Equipment and sit directly behind the awning truck.

Even if you have any trouble, Dawn can immediately enter the battle!

“Boss, everything is arranged, let’s go now?” Ye Feng asked the current Shilei who was in a daze.

Shi Lei sat on the sofa with no eyes and no idea what to think about. When Ye Feng asked him, he jerked his head and looked forward to Ye Feng, “A’Feng, what did you say?”

Ye Feng in the heart sighs, he knows what Shi Lei is thinking. Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang are infected with the deadly Virus, and Shi Lei in the heart is extremely anxious. The plan of Shi Lei’s strategy is only allowed to succeed, and there must be no slight failure. Hacker 1030

“Boss, are we going now?” Ye Feng asked again.

Shi Lei nodded. “Well, start now, test Dawn overnight. We have a lot of things and no time to waste.”

Mastery over Future and Fate Virus is like a Sword of Damocles. It doesn’t hang over Shi Lei’s head, but is suspended by a hairline on the heads of Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo.

If Shi Lei’s plan fails, Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang are very likely to be fragrant!

Shi Lei stood up from the sofa and headed for a Dawn. When he entered the cockpit, the Wireless headphones worn by the left ear suddenly gave a reminder.

“sir, Mu Shuang calls, is it connected?” Izual reminded Shi Lei.

Although Shi Lei is in Nanyue Nation, Shi Lei’s cell phone signal is managed by Izual. When unable to receive calls abroad, Izual automatically converts the phone into a network phone.

“Mu Shuang?” Shi Lei whispered to himself, and his face involuntarily flowed out to reveal a pain. “Receive!”

I got the command, Izual answered the call and transferred the call to Shi Lei’s Wireless headset.

“Hello? Shi Lei?” Mu Shuang passed the cold voice. In her voice, the female strongman’s resilience was lost, and the little girl’s feeling of weakness was added.

“Well, Shuang Shuang, good evening!” Shi Lei tried to make his tone flat, but he could not help but with a sad tone.

Mu Shuang chuckled. “Shi Lei, where are you? Yumo Younger Sister currently complains, why are we hospitalized, don’t you come to see us? If you are not Hope Yumo Younger Sister, you will come to the hospital soon. Look at us!” Mu Shuang in the name of Ling Yumo, summon Shi Lei.

After more than a day, Mu Shuang already knew how vicious the Virus in their body was. According to the current situation, the possibility of being cured is not high.

Mu Shuang has secretly begun to write a suicide note, she left her last wish, Hope her family, don’t blame Shi Lei, all this has nothing to do with Shi Lei.

“Shuang Shuang, I am currently at Nanyue Nation, I can’t come to the hospital for a while.” Shi Lei answered truthfully. Hacker 1030

Although Shi Lei is about to make an earth-shattering major event at Nanyue Nation, it is very likely that Mu Shuang guessed that he is related to what is going to happen, but Shi Lei still does not Willing to deceive Mu Shuang.

Hearing Shi Lei at Nanyue Nation, Mu Shuang’s mood was somewhat lost.

“What happened to the business in Nanyue Nation?” Mu Shuang asked with a faint disappointment and calm tone.

Shi Lei sighed, “No! I am here to find a solution! Shuang Shuang, I will not let you have an accident! I have found some clues, currently further investigate.”

Mu Shuang lowered his voice and said, “Is there anyone who has disappeared?”

“En!” Shi Lei returned to complied, Xie Nanfeng has been banned, want to re-login ‘real world online’, I am afraid that after 18 years, re-establish account, become a hero again, have a chance!

“Shi Lei, this thing has been very troublesome recently.” Mu Shuang still whispered.

There were two major events in Shuangqing City, one of which was exactly as stated Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo were attacked. This matter was suppressed. No domestic news or overseas paparazzi reported anything.

The second thing is Shuangqing City solid authority Vice-mayor mysteriously missing!

Dign ctly Subordinate to the Administration City’s solid authority Vice-mayor, even mysteriously missing at home! This matter has also been suppressed, and there is no wind in the outside world. However, in the circle, this thing set off an uproar.

As Xie Nanfeng said, the solid authority Vice-mayor of DIRE ctly Subordinate to the Administration City is already the high-level Gov. Official of Xia Nation. His disappearance has had a huge impact.

Shuangqing City Mayor, who studied at Capital City, Comrade Wang Hong personally returned to Shuangqing City, Organization for investigate. According to Mayor Wang Hong, Shuangqing City has more than one hundred 600,000 cameras, plus Xie Nanfeng lives on Zhongshan Road, Zhongshan Road is full of cameras, and no one monitors the dead ends. In such an environment, it is easy to find the reason why Xie Nanfeng is missing.

However, the situation in the Wang Hong and Investigate groups was very different. The dense road camera in Zhongshan Road did capture Xie Nanfeng returning home, but did not find Xie Nanfeng left.

In the beginning, the data specialist of the investigate group also thought that the data of the surveillance video was deleted. They repeatedly scanned the Hard Disk that recorded the monitoring video data, and found that the data was not deleted. All the time nodes of the data were consistent and not affected. To destruction.

Since the surveillance video data has no issue, why is Xie Nanfeng mysteriously missing? Xie Nanfeng is life or death now?

Xie Nanfeng’s residence is surrounded by Security Surveillance Camera, but Xie Nanfeng can also disappear mysteriously. This strange situation makes Shuangqing City’s other Gov. Official quite worried. They are not worried about the safety of Xie Nanfeng, but they are worried that they will also disappear mysteriously!

Shuangqing City “Government” is facing two things, it is a shame. Especially the Second thing, it is the trouble of Shuangqing City “Government”. Mayor Wang Hong issued a death order to the investigate group, and ordered them to solve the case within seven days!

But can they really solve the case?

Shi Lei’s is indeed lawless, and Shi Lei’s thoughts are devastating, and all kinds of evidence are annihilated. Shuangqing City’s investigate group may be suspected on Shi Lei’s head, and even through various association guesses, to determine that Xie Nanfeng’s disappearance is related to Shi Lei, but they are not likely to investigate to the evidence!

Law is a good thing, whether for the strong or the weak, law can provide the corresponding protection clause!

“It doesn’t matter! Everything is about a piece of evidence. I believe that our Nation is a democratic society based on Ruled by Law. Shuang Shuang, you have a good rest, I am going to investigate a place now.” Shi Lei did not discuss more with Mu Shuang. .

Shi Lei can’t bear to deceive Mu Shuang, at least this time, Shi Lei doesn’t even want to say white lie. He didn’t say that Hope would attack Ha Long Bay, lest Mu Shuang worry.

“Well, you should be careful. Shi Lei, if it is too dangerous, give up! We won’t blame you, we don’t Hope, you have an accident!” Mu Shuang said softly.

“Shuang Shuang, what do you say stupid!” Shi Lei had a sore nose and licked some wet eyes. “Shuang Shuang, you and Little Mo are the most important people in my life, I won’t let you leave.” I!”

After that, Shi Lei hung up. The distant Shuangqing City First Hospital, Mu Shuang put down the phone. Ling Yumo, who was next to her bed, had a white face with a pale face. Her voice was weak and asked: “Elder Sister Mu Shuang, where is Shi Lei?”

“Yumo Younger Sister, Shi Lei is helping us find a solution. We have to believe him, he won’t let us have an accident!” Mu Shuang said with a sincere smile on his face, confidently.

Ling Yumo smiled. “Elder Sister Mu Shuang, what you said last time, I heard you. If Shi Lei can’t save us, I won’t blame him!”


Móng Cái City.

Shi Lei entered the Number One Second Generation Dawn’s cockpit. After the first time self-test, Dawn’s started very fast, requiring only one second of wake-up time.

Second Generation Dawn does not need to close, only enters sleep mode, so that it can be turned on again. Except for Emergency Situation, you also need to start a self-test. To know that in Emergency Situation, every second is very precious, which determines the distance between life and death.

“Turn on the communication connection, connect the object, the Second number to the Dawn of the Sixth.” Shi Lei uses the Voice Command.

On-board System icy tone, with a stern response: “System currently connected, please wait a moment …”

Shi Lei can’t stand the instinct of the on-board system, directly connected to Izual, started talking: “Izual, take over the on-board system, assisted operations.”

“yes, sir!” Izual responded immediately.

Six Dawns took the hooded vans and set off from Móng Cái City under the cover of the night. After an hour and sixteen minutes, the awning truck stopped at the outskirts of Ha Long Bay.

The six Black “color” matte Second Generation Dawn jumped from the soft awning truck, and the soft awning truck immediately departed back to Móng Cái City to avoid being implicated.

“No. 2 to No. 6, when the time comes, Nanyue time twenty points 11 points.” Before starting the action, Shi Lei first asked for the right time, so as not to be in the next action, in case they needed to set the time restriction, and they The time was inconsistent and caused an accident.

“No. 2 is over!” No. 2 Dawn, driven by Ye Feng, who chose the Alloy Sword and Shield Set.

In this action, six Dawns selected the Sword Shield Set and the Snipe Set according to the 4:2 ratio. The sword shield set is the standard melee set, while the snipe set uses Dawn’s exclusive knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery.

Dawn’s exclusive knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery, due to the overall length of the issue, if you carry the knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery and the sword shield set, it will inevitably affect Dawn’s flexibility.

Therefore, in order to make the action smooth, Zheng Sanpao and Zhu Mingxuan chose the snipe Set, Shi Lei and other four chose the Sword Shield Set. Right, Shi Lei also replaced the Alloy Shield, which was slightly damaged in the test.

“No. 6 is finished!” Zhu Mingxuan was the youngest, and it was be by rights was selected No. 6 Dawn.

After everyone is compcomplished, Shi Lei continues: “The target address has been sent to your body, only one and a half kilometers away from us. It takes about one minute. The target of our action is only to enjoy Destruction, enjoy testing Dawn’s “sex”!”

Zhu Mingxuan screamed, “Hey! Boss Long Live, I like this action!”

“Okay, go through the final check, and after 30 seconds, start acting!” Shi Lei said with a serious tone.

Among the Dark, Shi Lei is far away to the Ha Long Bay Navy research base, which is 1,500 meters away. He has a sneer in his mouth and his eyes are screaming out of the killing intent ….

(To be continued.)

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