
Chapter 1041

hk1029 Ha Long Bay Research Base !

Nanyue Nation, Móng Cái City, Dark Hell Cheng Dong Stronghold.

Shi Lei successfully launched the Second Generation Dawn. In the integrated configuration, Shi Lei tried to walk a few steps and then turned to pick up the Alloy Sword and Shield Set. As for the black-hearted knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery, Shi Lei did not take it out.

Through the loudspeaker, Shi Lei told Ye Feng: “A’Feng, ready to start testing!”

For the Second Generation Dawn’s test, there is a basic “sex” test before the actual battle, including the test of combat strength and defense force.

“Boss, test work, give us to do Right?” Ye Feng said again.

In the event of Second Generation Dawn, what is the issue, so that Shi Lei is injured, what should I do?

Although the Second Generation Dawn has passed the Izual’s simulation test, it is not a big mistake to be careful. Be cautious.

Shi Lei did not reject Ye Feng’s kindness, unlocked Dawn’s cockpit, and switched to Ye Feng to enter Dawn. Ye Feng formerly has driven the First Generation Dawn and has no obstacles to driving Dawn’s.

When Ye Feng drove the Second Generation Dawn to the hall of Cheng Dong Stronghold, a specially modified ‘Armored Off-road Vehicle’ stopped in the middle of the hall. Hacker 1029

The ‘Armored Off-road Vehicle’ parked in the middle of the hall is not a real Armored Off-road Vehicle, but a knockoff modification. By welding steel plates outside the off-road vehicle, it becomes an ‘Armored Off-road Vehicle’.

This ‘Armored Off-road Vehicle ‘origin in Móng Cái City’s black car transaction Big Bro Pan Wenran, this person is also Xia Nation, in the Móng Cái City Underground Influence circle, he is closer to Lonely Massacre.

Ye Feng drove the Second Generation Dawn, holding the shield in his left hand and holding the sword in his right hand. Shi Lei gave him the test project to drive the Dawn and kill the ‘Armored Off-road Vehicle’.

“Boss, I am ready, do you start?” Ye Feng asked Shi Lei. Dawn’s on-board Communications System, connected to Shi Lei’s communication channel.

Shi Lei responded with a WIRE less headset: “Start testing!”

When Shi Lei’s voice fell, I saw that the Second Generation Dawn moved quickly. It moved very fast, as if moving in an instant, the distance of twenty meters, and the arrival of a flash.

Ye Feng controls Dawn and raises the Alloy Heavy Sword, which is forced to the ‘Armored Off-road Vehicle’.


The ‘Armored Off-road Vehicle’ externally welded steel plate emits a very unpleasant deformation sound. Second Generation Dawn’s is very powerful and has XimonXhorsepower’s High Energy Motor.

High strength’s Alloy Heavy Sword, from the top of the ‘Armored Off-road Vehicle’, almost split the Armored Off-road Vehicle into two halves. After a moment of squatting, Ye Feng stopped and waited for Shi Lei’s further orders.

“Continue!” Shi Lei said. “Deep Destroy it!”

With Shi Lei’s order, Ye Feng drove the Second Generation Dawn, as if in a Crazy mode, an Alloy Heavy Sword kept cutting the ‘Armored Off-road Vehicle’.

After twenty seconds, the entire ‘Armored Off-road Vehicle’ was almost broken into pieces by the Dawn. Looking at the debris of the land, if you don’t know it in advance, it is an ‘Armored Off-road Vehicle’, I am afraid it is absolutely impossible to imagine.

“Stop it! Check it out and see if Alloy Heavy Sword is damaged?” Shi Lei said to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng stopped and looked at the Alloy Heavy Sword through the hudTransparent Display. After careful comparison, Ye Feng affirmed that Alloy Heavy Sword showed no signs of damage, even if the edges were not curled. Of course, if Alloy Heavy Sword originally had a cutting edge? Hacker 1029

Alloy Heavy Sword’s edge is very blunt, not that it doesn’t have a front, but it is designed in the form of a blunt sword. After all, the weight of two hundred Sixty kilograms, plus very good hardness, does not require Alloy Heavy Sword to be very sharp.

The sharp Alloy Heavy Sword, on the other hand, may have the effect of slowing the blade.

“Boss, Alloy Heavy Sword is not damaged!” Ye Feng answered Shi Lei.

Alloy Sword is intact, completely within Shi Lei’s expectation. If you just cut a few knockoff’s Armored Off-road Vehicle, it will be damaged. Is the material chosen by Li Cai too watery?

“Very good!” Shi Lei in the heart is very satisfied with the second round of Second Generation Dawn’s test. This round of testing not only tested the strength of the Alloy Heavy Sword, but also tested Dawn’s limb strength.

Second Generation Dawn’s limbs, with independent power supply, if the strength of the limbs is not enough, facing the 134 horsepower, the limbs are very easy to tragedy!

“Start the Second Round test!” Shi Lei picked up a Barrett m82a1snipe rifle. m82a1snipe rifle in the 12.7mm caliber sniper rifle market, almost in the dominance of the status.

Shi Lei took the m82a1snipe rifle and came to the second floor of Cheng Dong Stronghold. He told Ye Feng to hold the shield only with his left hand, test the degree of the Defense of the Alloy Shield, and test the strength of the Dawn limbs again.

The XnipXmm sniper rifle is very powerful. Shi Lei chose the shooting point and Dawn’s distance, no more than fifty meters. In such a close range, if the shield’s defense power is not enough, it is very likely to hurt Ye Feng.

With this in mind, Shi Lei thought about it and decided to test the strength of the shield’s defense first. Shi Lei ordered Ye Feng to place the shield on the ground, leaving him aside and not blocking the Alloy Shield.

Ye Feng, according to Shi Lei’s command, placed the Alloy Shield on the ground and drove Dawn back to the side.

Shi Lei aimed at the Alloy Shield on the ground and pulled the trigger!

“pēng~ kuāng dāng ~ dīng~ ”

Barrett m82a1’s huge gunshot sounded, followed by exact as stated huge metal crash, followed by a small metal crash, slender and heavy snipe bullets, with powerful kinetic energy, hitting the Alloy Shield.

The Alloy Shield of 4 Million Xia Nation Yuan was not crushed by the 12.7mm snipe bullet, but a small hole appeared. The snipe bullet bounced back and hit Ye Feng.

Even if it was offset by the Alloy Shield, the 12.7mm snipe bullet was still very powerful, and even the unprepared Ye Feng was directly knocked down on the ground.

Shi Lei immediately asked nervously: “A’Feng, are you injured?”

Inside the Second Generation Dawn, Ye Feng hadn’t figured out what happened, and he felt himself being knocked down on the ground. The 12.7mm caliber bullet carries a lot of kinetic energy. Although it knocked down Ye Feng, it did not cause any harm to Ye Feng.

The armor board on the Dawn surface clearly blocks the attack of the snipe bullet.

On the hudTransparent Display, the on-board Main System automatically reports on the information. After the attack, the body integrity is 100%, and the attack immediately does not cause any damage.

Even Ye Feng, under the protection of the Dawn Outstanding Shock Absorption System, did not suffer a little bit of damage. If you have to report a loss, don’t know Dawn, it is contaminated with some dust, is it a loss?

“Boss, I am not injured!” Ye Feng quickly replied, “Dawn has not suffered any damage!”

Shi Lei put down the Barrett m82a1snipe rifle in his hand and picked up the m4a1carbine rifle hanging from the chest, sweeping against the Second Generation Dawn exactly as stated.

“dīng dīng dīng ~ ”

Second Generation Dawn’s alloy armor board, completely ignore the m4a1carbine rifle’s attack, the overall armor board, even a white mark is not left.

Ye Feng was shocked at first, and then understood that this was Shi Lei’s test.

“Boss, I didn’t feel any harm!” Ye Feng reported the situation and said what he felt. “Boss, m4a1’s muzzle kinetic energy, I am afraid it can’t harm Dawn.”

Shi Lei has seen that the intensity of the Second Generation Dawn’s defense is completely a tortoise shell. In the city street fighting, it is really not easy to win the Dawn!

After the simple test, what is Shi Lei’s dissatisfaction with the Second Generation Dawn?

“A’Feng, you can come over and put N235 Metal in!” Shi Lei told the five people of Punishment Merc Warsquad, he first demonstrated how to open the Second Generation Dawn’s energy storage and fill N235 Metal.

The five people of Punishment Merc Warsquad, who studied Shi Lei, started filling N235 Metal with Dawn.

Shi Lei fills in, in the heart and secretly complains, ‘Damn Little Plum, in order to save internal space, even made the energy storage bin into a non-standard shape, filling a N235 Metal is really troublesome! ‘

It took nearly ten minutes for the entire group to compcomplish the N235 Metal fill.

“Boss, where are we going now?” asked the youngest Zhu Mingxuan in the Punishment Merc Warsquad. Zhu Mingxuan has not yet reached an adulthood. After getting the Second Generation Dawn, Zhu Mingxuan obviously wants to have fun!

Shi Lei hēi hēi smiled, he could see Zhu Mingxuan’s thoughts, even though he himself, also had such an idea. The Second Generation Dawn, like a big toy, is placed in the hands of Bear Child and is extremely destructive.

“Let’s go to Ha Long Bay Research Base!” Shi Lei said with a smile.

Ha Long Bay Research Base is about 100 kilometers from Móng Cái City. From Móng Cái City, it takes only over an hour to get on a large truck. At the same time, Ha Long Bay Research Base is very valuable.

This research base does not study any self-developed technology, but studies foreign technology and then performs knockoff replication. At the point of knockoff, Nanyue Nation and some companies in Xia Nation have similar skills.

“Ha Long Bay Research Base ?Boss, Ha Long Bay has a Naval Base, we attacked Ha Long Bay Research Base, is it too dangerous?” Ye Feng is obviously familiar with Nanyue Nation, the power around Móng Cái City, Ye Feng knows almost everything.

Does Shi Lei not know that Ha Long Bay has a Navale of Nanyue Nation?

Shi Lei certainly knows!

It is because he knows that Ha Long Bay has a Naval Base and Shi Lei chooses Ha Long Bay Research Base. When Ha Long Bay Research Base was attacked, Shi Lei wanted to see, Second Generation Dawn’s performance in the face of Nanyue Nation Navy! .

(To be continued.)

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