
Chapter 1040

hk1028 Dawn’s positioning!

Nanyue Nation time, June 12 day, evening XIIIX 12 points.

Móng Cái City, Dark Hell South City base.

Shi Lei walked into a black metal matte metal box, the Second Generation Dawn in the metal box, open state, the driver can directly enter the Second Generation Dawn.

The Second Generation Dawn’s cockpit has undergone an innovative design. Driving the First Generation Dawn requires the driver to remove the obstacles in the clothes in order to achieve the best driving results. Second Generation Dawn, this is not the case, Second Generation Dawn’s Fifth High Energy Motor, provides a series of auxiliary functions. Among them, there is an auxiliary power output, similar to the power steering wheel, to provide the driver with a better “operation” for experience for oneself.

Shi Lei removed the glasses, placed them in the Small-scale object storage compartment in the cockpit, and then entered the Second Generation Dawn’s cockpit. When Shi Lei entered the Dawn’s cockpit, the original semi-open cockpit did not have a normal close.

Inside the cockpit, after Shi Lei entered, a soft gleam was illuminated, and two Transparent Displays using hud technology showed a series information. Includes location information, body state, energy remaining, and more.

An icy cue sounds when the hudTransparent Display lights up.

“Warning, energy is not enough, System is about to close, please add energy…”

hudTransparent Display, the original soft radiance, has also become a red “color” radiance, in the energy remaining information column, marked with a red “color” triangle logo, representing a warning reminder. Hacker 1028

In the Second Generation Dawn’s energy cabin, there is no backup battery, and the power that Dawn uses now, origin is set in the integrated configuration. The integrated configuration set stores the basic power requirements of the Dawn, but whenever the Dawn is turned on, the Dawn will be prompted to replenish energy.

Shi Lei walked out of the Second Generation Dawn and expressed his satisfaction with the comfort of the cockpit.

“A’Feng, take N235 Metal!” Shi Lei opened the Second Generation Dawn’s energy storage bin and told Ye Feng.

Ye Feng immediately brought the prepared N235 Metal up.

Shi Lei grabbed two smaller N235 Metals and placed them in the Second Generation Dawn’s energy storage bin. The Second Generation Dawn’s energy storage bin is not a standard shape. Fortunately, N235 Metal is soft and can be pinched by random 揉.

After loading two small pieces of N235 Metal, Shi Lei did not continue to fill, but re-entered the Second Generation Dawn. This time, Dawn’s cockpit quickly closed up.

After the cockpit passed the short Dark, it quickly brightened, and the on-board System’s cold voice prompted: “Welcome to Dawn MARS ii, please confirm Identity Information. After the certification is passed, System will automatically open.”

Li Cai has six Dawns, each with an Electronic Security Defense System. In fact, the Electronic Security Defense System is still handled by Izual.

Electronic Security Defense System’s identity verification, precisely as stated Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Security Level authority. Shi Lei has the highest Grade authority. After the Second Generation Dawn is connected to the network via a specific satellite, the on-board System will automatically access Interweave Net Miwang.

Shi Lei authenticates Identity Information through the iris, Second Generation Dawn’s on-board System automatically loads, and hudTransparent Display quickly scrolls through a series of self-tests.

Second Generation Dawn’s on-board hardware, using the internal cpu and gpu produced by AMD Company, through the joint work of cpu and gpu, the calculation speed of on-board system is very much promoted. Even if it is out of the remote computing support of the remote Supercomputer, the Second Generation Dawn will not be able to combat.

However, Second Generation Dawn still needs Supercomputer for remote computing support to be able to play full combat power.

Dawn took almost 30 seconds from startup to self-test, and Shi Lei was in the cockpit, observing the hudTransparent Display and showing the information.

After the Dawn was fully launched, Shi Lei passed the Second Generation Dawn and contacted Izual.

“Izual, do the connection test!” Shi Lei sent the order. Hacker 1028

“yes, sir!” Izual immediately implemented the Shi Lei’s command to connect Dawn to Interweave Net Miwang via the Second Generation Dawn’s on-board Communications System, connected to the Shi Lei secret-controlled communications satellite.

Interweave Net Miwang’s nodes are spread all over the world. Each access to Brave’s World’s Personal Game Server is a node of Interweave Net Miwang. Even the numerous personal computer is also the node of Interweave Net Miwang.

Dawn’s Communications System will select the nearest Interweave Net Miwang node for faster remote computing support. At this point in the Communications System, the Second Generation Dawn is far better than the First Generation Dawn.

After Izual implements the connection test, the hudTransparent Display shows a series of information.


Connect Interweave Net Miwang Normal…

Connect Interweave Net Miwang data test:

Data package number: 999

Received: 999

Lost: 0

Loss rate: 0

Longest delay: 2.57ms

Shortest delay: 0.33ms

Average delay: 0.72ms


This series of information data represents the extremely Outstanding Communication System, and even arguably the Communications System that cannot be surpassed. The average delay is 0.72 milliseconds, which is almost zero delay.

One second EQ ual to one thousand milliseconds, 0.72 millisecond average delay, also in other words, Communication data between Second Generation Dawn and Interweave Net Miwang, can be accomplish exchanged in less than one thousandth of a second.

Without the existence of Interweave Net Miwang, Second Generation Dawn’s Communications System, it is impossible to accomplish such low exchange information exchange speed.

“Very good!” Second Generation Dawn’s cockpit, Shi Lei can’t help but excitedly said.

Nearly zero delay data exchange, providing powerful remote data support for Second Generation Dawn, guarantees the absolute generation of Second Generation Dawn’s.

How powerful is Dawn?

First Generation Dawn is not that powerful. First Generation Dawn can be easily terminated by Anti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle. In the face of high-explosive grenades, individual mines, rpgrocket launchers, etc., First Generation Dawn’s defense is a bit thin.

Together with the cost of the 5 Million, the First Generation Dawn has only produced more than a dozen, and it was completely abandoned by the Rongcheng Military District.

Second Generation Dawn Compared to the First Generation Dawn, the combat power has been promoted a lot. The price can also rise from 5 Million dollars to over 3,000 1.2 Million dollars.

The cost of more than 13 million is not a small amount!

Second Generation Dawn’s combat power, if placed in the Rongcheng Military District, it is still very weak.


For example, in the face of the tank, the Second Generation Dawn won the Hope is not big; in the face of Armed Helicopter, Second Generation Dawn’s winning rate is also not high!

Ordinary’s Armed Helicopter, when faced with The Steel and Iron with the Swift Arrow Series Small-scale Guided Missile, barely regained its power. The cost of a Steel and Iron is only less than Hundred-thousand. From some aspects, The Steel and Iron also have more combat power than the Second Generation Dawn.

Even the winter guide series Guided Missile produced by Xia Nation only needs the Medium-scale Air-To-Surface Guided Missile, which costs more than two million, and can successfully kill the Second Generation Dawn.

With more than two million yuan in cost, annihilating more than 13 million targets, this is definitely a cost-effective business!

Through these analyses, Second Generation Dawn’s combat power is really not strong. But why should Shi Lei insist on developing Dawn?

In fact, comparing Dawn to tanks, Armed Helicopter, Guided Missile, The Steel and Iron is completely wrong. Because each type of weapon is positioned differently, the effect can be different.

For example, The Steel and Iron, which is equipped with the Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, is really amazing. In the air, not only to restrain the ground armor and individual soldiers, but also to fight against Armed Helicopter. It is undeniable that The Steel and Iron is indeed a very important longitudinal use weapon.

But what about The Steel and Iron’s ability to fight in a small environment?

The tanks are very powerful and can the tanks enter the complex urban environment?

Air-To-Surface Guided Missile above Medium-scale can indeed destroy the Second Generation Dawn, but only if it hits the Second Generation Dawn!

Second Generation Dawn’s is positioned in the city street fighting. In a complex urban environment, in a peaceful era, tanks are impossible to enter, and Armed Helicopter is impossible to enter. What Guided Missile is, it is even more impossible to shoot at the city.

The Second Generation Dawn is a humanoid exoskeleton armor class weapon, which is fully capable of combat in an urban environment. Equipped with the ultra high strength Alloy Shield, the Second Generation Dawn, in the urban combat environment, can almost dominate the invincible.

Think about this situation, holding the shield in the left hand, holding the sword in the right hand, carrying the Dawn of the knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery, fighting in the urban environment, no enemy is the enemy of Dawn’s one round.

That is Dawn’s positioning!

Second Generation Dawn’s cockpit, Shi Lei looked at the hudTransparent Display, indicating the energy remaining information. Currently Dawn has 1% point energy, on-board Main System, Unable to Judge remaining energy can provide combat time.

“Unlock the independent suspension support System!” Shi Lei issued a Voice Command to the on-board Main System.

On-board Main System exactly as stated Shi Lei developed with the Speech Recognition System to recognize the Dawn-related Voice Command. When Shi Lei’s order was issued, the integrated set sent a sound of gas pumping.

Independent suspension support System, the Second Generation Dawn, slowly put down.

Shi Lei tried to lift his feet a bit. Second Generation Dawn has been linked to Interweave Net Miwang. With Interweave Net Miwang’s computing support, Second Generation Dawn has almost perfected Shi Lei’s foot movement.

By driving a Second Generation Dawn, like a science fiction movie or anime, that kind of neural link exchange information Control System is generally…

(To be continued.)

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