
Chapter 1038

hk1026 Dawn’s new Module!

Shi Lei released a reward for information at the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum. In Hacker World, a stone provoked waves.

As of now, in addition to Raphael, Oneness of Heaven and Humanity, there is a special heavyweight Hacker involved. This special heavyweight Hacker, code-named Inuyasha, is Wo Sang Nation’s native Exceed Grade Hacker.

Inuyasha translates into Xia Nation language, precisely as stated ‘Inuyasha’, a half-devil actor with the same name anime. The real situation of Exceed Grade Hacker Inuyasha is actually similar to the protagonist in the anime. As the protagonist of the semi-demon, it is neither loved by humans nor seen by monsters.

Exceed Grade Hacker Inuyasha, although the strength reached the level of World Grade, but in Woerang World of Wo Sang Nation, Inuyasha has a very bad reputation. However, Inuyasha did not do anything to worry about Wo Sang Nation.

It seems that in order to retaliate, Inuyasha is angrily involved in the rewards released by Shi Lei, wanting to reflect their value!

Shi Lei has a strange smile on his mouth. Shi Lei knows Inuyasha and can even be said to be very familiar. Because formerly Inuyasha also joined the Angel Parliament and is very close to Shi Lei.

Inuyasha’s real name is Gou Ruiming, he is a mixed-blood of Xia Nation and Wo Sang Nation, and mother is a Wo Sang Nation. At a very young age, his father died in a car accident, brought back to Wo Sang Nation by Mother and lived in Wo Sang Nation.

However, Gou Ruiming, who had no father since childhood, was very unhappy at Wo Sang Nation, and the whole childhood was a great tragedy. The miserable childhood life caused Gou Ruiming’s silent and singularity. When Gou Ruiming fell in love with Hacker technology, he fell into disarray.

Gou Ruiming focused on putting all his thoughts into Hacker technology, and in the early teens, he came into contact with computers and the Internet. Plus he was also a Genius in Genius. With his own efforts, Gou Ruiming became World Grade. Hacker. Hacker 1026

Shi Lei formerly is World Summit Grade Hacker, Gou Ruiming is close to Shi Lei, and wants to get the experience of World Summit Grade Hacker from Shi Lei. However, the two sides have not reached an agreement that is mutually affirmative, and this matter has been delayed.

‘Gou Ruiming, I didn’t expect you to come to the door yourself! ‘Shi Lei in the heart is thinking about how to pull Gou Ruiming onto his warship.

Last life, Gou Ruiming has always had scruples and there is no agreement with Shi Lei. Therefore, Shi Lei does not know any real information of Gou Ruiming, only knows the Hacker code of Gou Ruiming, and a name.

As for the name ‘Gou Ruiming’ and the life experience that Gou Ruiming himself said, Shi Lei does not know. But now, Gou Ruiming jumped out of his own, and Shi Lei wouldn’t let Gou Ruiming go.

June 11th, 5:17 pm.

Hacker Union replied to the information in a post posted by the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, Shi Lei, indicating that Hacker Union represented Xia Nation Hacker World and officially joined the rewards queue. They will be posting in mystery, announce ‘war time

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