
Chapter 1037

hk1025 High Degree pays attention to it!

Hacker Union, Inner Member exchange area.

More than half of the Core Members, as well as the vast majority of Inner Members, have chosen to participate in the battle!

Black Blade As the Hacker Union’s First Leader, he does have a veto, but the Black Blade understands what it means to be collective will and hope. If the Black Blade refuses to join the Hacker Union, I am afraid that some of the Core executives of the Hacker Union’s will take the vast majority of the Inner Member to participate in the war.

If that happens, it is very likely that the Hacker Union will split!

The Black Blade is definitely not willing to split the Hacker Union. The Hacker Union is the hallmark of Xia Nation Hacker World. If the Hacker Union is split, the Hacker World of Xia Nation will definitely move.

“quiet!” The Black Blade has slightly increased the volume.

The Black Blade is nothing but the Hacker Union’s First Leader. When he spoke, whether it was the Core executive or the Inner Member, all stopped, even if the text in the public chat area did not speak.

“I already understand everyone’s opinion, we Hacker Union, fight!” Black Blade said the result.

Inner Member exchange area, suddenly cheering, public chat area, numerous information, touting Black Blade wise, Black Blade formidable. Hacker 1025

Looking at these information, Black Blade smiled involuntarily. “However, before the battle, we have to determine some things. First of all, this battle, we have to pull Dark Night Dynasty!”

Black Panther replied affirmatively: “Boss, this matter is handed over to me. I believe that Dark Night Dynasty will definitely agree. I have received some uncertain information, the Leader of Dark Night Dynasty, and actively preparing for it. Dark Night Dynasty has been a bad time in recent years, I am afraid they have also taken a fancy bounty.”

“I’m afraid they won’t come! The reward is very attractive, but it’s the real benefit!” Black Blade light snorted, “The mysterious poster, released the reward information, will definitely cause Wo Sang Nation aspect’s vigilance and alertness. We need to unite with all possible forces to be able to accomplish Reward Task.”

Hacker Union and Wo Sang Nation Hacker World’s annual War, although very fierce, they all consciously avoided the Four Great network. This time, the Reward Task is for the Four Great network.

The Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System is a “Government” network and is an extremely important infrastructure network in the “Government” network. The Power Grid System’s Safety is related to people’s livelihood stability, and the protection of the Power Grid System is absolutely incomparably tight.

As for the management system of Narita Airport and Haneda Airport, it can be regarded as High-tech Business Network, or it can be regarded as “Government” infrastructure network. Even with the management of the two Airports, there is no Power Grid System’s defense, but it is definitely not to be underestimated.

Hacker Union has never provoked Wo Sang Nation’s Four Great network before!

“Boss, rest assured, as long as we are Hacker Union, let out the wind to fight against Wo Sang Nation, our large and small Organization of Xia Nation Hacker World, I am afraid I want to come in and take a share, they will take the initiative to contact us!” Supervisor Logistics’ Black Panther is clearly very clear about the minds of the Medium to Small-scale Hacker Organization.

Shi Lei has been in the Hacker Union’s Inner Member exchange area, watching the Hacker Union’s movements. When I found Hacker Union, I wanted to unite the entire Xia Nation Hacker World and join the reward. Shi Lei’s was very refreshed.

On the keyboard, he quickly entered a line of information, ‘Boss, mysterious rewards, and also gave extra rewards. Are we going to grab some now? Invading NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website, it is not difficult for everyone Boss Right? Boss, after invading NHK Television Station’s OffiCIA l Website, help us invade together, we should be able to get a lot of money! ‘

The information sent by Shi Lei is displayed on the public chat area.

Black Panther ‘哎哟’, exclaimed: “I am finished, finished, have been discussing, almost forgot the extra reward! Brothers, invaded NHK Television Station, in the rewards post of the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum, reply screenshot, You can get Ten Thousand US Dollar!”

“Damn! I am going!” Core Member Ranked Ninth’s Black Eagle, whispering, immediately headed to NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website.

Some capable Senior Inner Member also rushed to the NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website home page.

Ten Thousand US Dollar rewards are not much to say, but for Ordinary people, it’s really a lot! Hacker 1025

Take the Xia Nation area as an example. The Ordinary people’s salary is only a thousand, and the better can reach more than 2,000. Even if they are calculated according to the one-month Three Thousand yuan, they can’t eat or drink for one year, and only Thirty Thousand six thousand. Yuan, equivalent to US Dollar is only 4,500 yuan.

Therefore, the vast majority of Hacker Union’s Inner Member, value Ten Thousand US Dollar rewards!

Shi Lei pays extra for 1 Million US Dollar, rewarding one hundred Hacker who invaded NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website. It is not a lot of money to burn, but to express an attitude that proves that the poster has the money to pay the reward and has credit. , will not depend on the account!

After Shi Lei’s reminder, Hacker Union’s numerous personnel, poured into the NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website. The OffiCIA l Website of NHK Television Station suddenly became tragic.

To Shi Lei’s surprise, NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website, did not stop the service, but let the Hackers lick it thousands of times.

According to the style of NHK Television Station, if their OffiCIA l Website is rounded up, they will definitely close the server. This time there is no close server, there must be some special reasons.

Shi Lei personally invaded the NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website in an attempt to investigate NHK Television Station, why not close their OffiCIA l Website. However, when Shi Lei just entered the NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website, without Shi Lei investigate, Shi Lei understood why the OffiCIA l Website of NHK Television Station did not stop service.

Because, when Shi Lei enters the web server of NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website, a secret reverse tracking, chasing Shi Lei’s connection ipaddress, and then continuing to track Shi Lei’s real ipaddress.

The power of this reverse tracking is very powerful. When Shi Lei did not use Endless Defense System, he directly killed Shi Lei’s several transit servers.

Izual automatically intervened and launched the Endless Defense System, blocking the opponent’s anti-tracking.

Shi Lei sneered and said: “A good NHK Television Station, I thought you were scared by the Raphael, I did not expect you to be so insidious, combined with the Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, tracking each intrusion personnel. ”

For the reward from Shi Lei, the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency High Degree values ​​it. The executives of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency clearly understand the ingenuity of the financial sector. They know that the 10 Million US Dollar bounty will surely inspire the numerous Bounty Hacker.

Therefore, the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency first contacted NHK Television Station, let them not close the OffiCIA l Website’s Server, so that they can counter-track those who participated in the battle.

This move is too sinister!

However, Shi Lei did not intend to undermine the conspiracy of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, but instead let the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency conduct a counter-tracking of the Hacker who invaded NHK Television Station.

Shi Lei This is the use of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency to screen the survival of the fittest!

Invasion of the Wo Sang Nation Tokyo Prefecture Power Grid System, the management system of Narita Airport and Haneda Airport is definitely not a simple matter, and it is a serious crime.

If there is no strength, Woe Sang Nation’s Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, seized the exact evidence, it is not fun. Now invading NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website, if there is no strength, although it will be caught by the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, it is just a matter of invading NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website. It is not a serious matter!

Shi Lei bypassed the blockade of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency and entered the OffiCIA l Website homepage of NHK Television Station. On the OffiCIA l Website home page, Hacker Union’s was discovered.

Hacker Union is the hallmark of Xia Nation Hacker World. If there are no two brushes, isn’t it a courting death?


Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, Cyber ​​Security Department.

Since the fall of the original Section Head Kurai Nipaku, Oda Shizuna has successfully climbed the throne of Section Head. Under the leadership of Oda Shizuna, Cyber ​​Security Department has changed some styles.

Oda Shizuna is more powerful than Kurai Nipaku!

The Cyber ​​Security Department’s style is tough, such as this time, Shi Lei posted a reward post at the Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum. Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency Cyber ​​Security Department, nor did it have tried to deal with it.

Oda Shizuna even went into battle and tried the Defense Entertainment Official Gamer Forum’s Defense System. According to Oda Shizuna’s original plan, he prepared to hack and delete the post.

The Dream Entertainment Official Gamer Forum’s Defense System is very Outstanding, and Oda Shizuna has no chance to invade. Therefore, Oda Shizuna changed his strategy and changed his mind to go directly to the NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website home page.

“Section Head, Xia Nation’s Hacker Union, has seven Core Members, indicating that they have won the reward. Do we contact Xia Nation’s Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division, let them manage a Hacker Union?”formerly’s Third Little Group Head Aso Asao It is now First Little Group Head.

Oda Shizuna said with a sneer : “It’s totally useless! Xia Nation’s Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division will definitely shirk, saying they can’t find Hacker Union.” Oda Shizuna knows very well what the Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division has.

Because, if the Cyber ​​Security Intelligence Division, let them to catch the Sakura Group, Oda Shizuna will also deny.

“Section Head, what do you do now? If Hacker Union leads the entire Xia Nation Hacker World, we will be very passive!” Asked Aso Asao.

Oda Shizuna hardline: “Xia Nation’s Hacker World, to participate, this time, if they want to move our Power Grid System, I must let them come back!”

The strong Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, let them fight with Xia Nation Hacker World, is almost instantaneous….

(To be continued.)

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