
Chapter 1028

hk1016 treats people with their own way!

Ten thousand meters high.

Gulfstream g550 Business Jet Lounge, Shi Lei currently View the information displayed on the Notebook Computer screen about Xie Nanfeng.

Xie Nanfeng is the Vice-mayor of Shuangqing City Responsible for Economy. Xie Nanfeng’s political career is very brilliant. At present, Forty-six Xie Nanfeng is a future Light.

Shi Lei read all the detailed data of Xie Nanfeng, including all the data that can be found since the beginning of the career. Some of these data belong to Confidential’s confidential data.

But the so-called secrets, for Shi Lei, are just furnishings!

After reading Xie Nanfeng’s data, Shi Lei’s face sneered, directly telling Izual: “Use network phone contact Zhou Cheng !”

Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm prepared a satellite phone for Shi Lei, but Shi Lei chose network phone communication. Because the network phone is more secure and less reliable, it is less likely to be reverse tracking.

Izual immediately implemented the Shi Lei’s command. After a while, Zhou Cheng connected the phone. Although the calls number is an unknown asterisk, Zhou Cheng is still polite: “Hello? Ruling Security Zhou Cheng.”

Because Ruling Security Company, while most of the power is used to protect the Safety of the Branch Company of the Mirror Science and Technology Group, the Ruling Security Company remains operational. For example, exhibitions, expo events, etc., if Ruling Security Company is required to provide Security services, Ruling Security Company will also accept commissions as appropriate. Hacker 1016

“A’Cheng, arrange the remaining three Elite Squadrons to fully monitor Xie Nanfeng Vice-mayor of Shuangqing City. Once you find that the other party is trying to leave Shuangqing City, stop him anyway! If necessary, even kidnaphim!” Shi Lei told him.

The Ruling Security Company lost an Elite Squadron while fighting an unidentified identity armed person. Currently, in the Shuangqing City Old Nest, there are three Elite Squadrons left in the Ruling Security Company.

Shi Lei Hope dispatched all three Elite Squadrons to lock the Vice-mayor Xie Nanfeng in Shuangqing City.

Zhou Cheng stopped: “Boss, we can’t send all Elite Squadron. Monitor Shuangqing City’s Vice-mayor, we just need to send an Elite Squadron!”

To convince Shi Lei, Zhou Cheng explained why, “Boss, an Elite Squadron has four Squadron members, they can twenty for four hours and constantly monitor Xie Nanfeng. In addition, only one Elite Squadron is sent, which is even more difficult to be Discover one. The remaining two Elite Squadrons also protect the Emerald Building’s Safety.”

Shi Lei was a little silent, and he realized that he was a little impatient and not arranged properly. “Okay, just follow this arrangement! A’Cheng, this matter is handed over to you. Before I return, I must not let Xie Nanfeng out of our surveillance.”

“Reassured, Boss, this thing will not go wrong!” Zhou Cheng affirmed.

“Well, yes, A’Cheng, dispatching personnel to protect Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang.” Shi Lei added.

Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang are currently scheduled to be in Shuangqing City First Hospital because they have been shot “Mastery over Future and Fate Virus”. Ling Yumo’s mother is the Vice-department Head of Shuangqing City First Hospital, which is more convenient to take care of.

I heard Shi Lei’s command, Zhou Cheng said with a bitter smile : “Boss, I am afraid that the protection of the Task will not be able to take us! Currently, the top floor of Shuangqing City First Hospital, in addition to Shuangqing City Police, has dispatched the protection staff of numerous. There is another mysterious department that also sent a numerous person to protect both of them.”

“Hey?” Shi Lei was a little sleepy and confused, and he understood another mysterious department, precisely as stated Cyber ​​Security Western Headquarters. The Cyber ​​Security Western Headquarters has its own armed system, in the power aspect, and even beyond the Elite of the Shuangqing City Police Department.

“In this case, you don’t need your concern about the protection of the Task. Be sure to watch Xie Nanfeng well, 10 million can’t let him run!” Shi Lei stressed again.

Shi Lei and Zhou Cheng continued to talk and hung up.

After hang up the phone, Shi Lei “揉” with the sun “hole”, suddenly happened so many things, Shi Lei almost has a feeling of being overwhelmed. In the fascination, Shi Lei fell into sleep.

When Shi Lei woke up, he first looked at Notebook Computer’s time. If it was still calculated according to Li Jian Nation time, it is now Li Jian Nation’s 5:50 in the morning. Hacker 1016

Shi Lei rarely wakes up at this time, it can be counted as sleep time, Shi Lei slept for more than ten hours.

“Izual, how long does the plane land?” Shi Lei asked Izual. The flight of the airplane was a little more than 12. Shi Lei could not remember the departure time and flight time, but Izual could definitely remember it.

“Sir, in less than an hour, the plane will land at Shuangqing City Beiyu International Airport.” Izual reminded Shi Lei.

Shi Lei nodded and said that he understood.

‘private plane is really convenient! ‘Shi Lei sighs in the heart.

In less than an hour, the Gulfstream g550 business jet landed at Shuangqing City Beiyu District International Airport, the pick-up personnel of Ruling Security Company, and has been waiting outside the airport.

Shi Lei took the off-road vehicle from Ruling Security Company and did not rush back to Shuanghu District. Instead, he rushed to Shuangqing City First Hospital.

It was more than half an hour later, Xia Nation Time, June 10, at 7:39 pm, Shi Lei walked into the gate of Shuangqing City First Hospital. Li Zifeng’s Tenth Squadron, next to Shi Lei.

When Shi Lei took the elevator to the top floor of Shuangqing City First Hospital, four Police Forces stood at the door of the elevator. First time looked toward Shi Lei, one of the middle-aged Police Forces, with a sigh of relief: “Mr. Please leave here temporarily, Police Force handles the case.”

Middle-aged Police Force did not explain in detail, just a Police Force case, want to send Shi Lei to leave.

For the due diligence of middle-aged Police Force, Shi Lei is not pissed, but calmly said: “I am Shi Lei!”

Middle-aged Police Force had a slight glance, but he obviously knew the name of Shi Lei’s. He looked at Shi Lei and nodded, “Hello, Mr. Shi.”

“Which ward is Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang? Take me there!” Shi Lei’s tone, although calm, has an unquestionable.

Middle-aged Police Force did not care about Shi Lei’s tone issue, he immediately responded: “Okay, Mr. Shi, please here.”

Under the leadership of middle-aged Police Force, Shi Lei and Li Zifeng Squadron passed a large number of Police Force guarded corridors and came out of a ward. This ward, located in the middle of the corridor, is outside the ward, with a total of 12 Police Forces equipped with weapon. In addition, there are six black-clothed people whose gods are solemn and far more threatening than Police Force.

In the ward of Ling Yumo and Mu Shuang, Shi Lei saw Ling Yumo’s mother Jiang Ling through the visiting glass. Shi Lei tapped the door of the ward. After Jiang Ling found out, Shi Lei stroked the gesture and wanted to enter the ward.

Jiang Ling went straight out of the ward, and when she came out, she looked at Shi Lei without a word of cold.

“How is the situation with Auntie, Little Mo?” Shi Lei asked with a hard scalp.

Jiang Ling light snorted, “Take your blessing, very bad!”

In the face of Jiang Ling’s dissatisfaction, Shi Lei can’t refute, if not because of him, Ling Yumo will not be attacked by Wo Sang Nation’s unidentified identity armed personnel. “Auntie, what is the situation now? Does Little Mo have a lifedanger?” Shi Lei asked with hope.

Shi Lei How Hope, what Mastery over Future and Fate Virus is a virus that was created, it will not harm the human body at all.

However, Jiang Ling directly hit Shi Lei. “Now the situation is that Yumo is infected with a deadly Virus. According to our hospital’s Virus Specialist determine, this Virus will probably be half if there is no specific inhibitor of the drug. About a month or so, Yumo’s bodily functions are destroyed.”

Shi Lei looked bitterly.

“Auntie, is there no way to delay the time? We analyze the blood of Little Mo, determine what Virus is, and then find the corresponding detoxification program.” Shi Lei asked.

“Hēng!” Jiang Ling once again snorted, “We have analyzed their blood “liquid”, but the results of the analysis made us unable to start. The Virus in them has not appeared in the medical world. I want to crack such a Virus. , our time is not enough!”

Shi Lei bit his teeth, clenched his fists, and said with a firm voice: “Auntie, please believe me, I will make them better!” After that, Shi Lei turned and left.

‘Damn Xie Nanfeng! ‘Shi Lei in the heart is very hateful to Xie Nanfeng. If it is not Xie Nanfeng, this animal collusion Wo Sang Nation people, all this will not happen!

From Shuangqing City First Hospital, Shi Lei called Zhou Cheng. “A’Cheng, Xie Nanfeng?”

Zhou Cheng did not give the answer to Shi Lei’s disappointment, “Boss, Target Person is located in Zhongshan Road of Jade District, the address is the two 12 number of Zhongshan Road, a third floor, No. 2 room.”

“Good, keep the brothers follow, I will rush to clean up and pick him up!” Shi Lei yelled.

“Reassured, Boss, this thing, we will never go wrong!” Zhou Cheng promised, because this is a simple tracking and monitoring. In peacetime, the Elite Squadron of the Ruling Security Company specializes in tracking and monitoring, as well as anti-tracking. Let a team of Ruling Security Company’s Elite Squadron member turn into a monitoring personnel, which is really a big feeling!

In the Jade District.

Zhongshan Road is the area where Shuangqing City’s “Government” department is concentrated, and is also the center of Shuangqing City “Government” Gov. Official residence.

In the Third Level of an 5-Layer small building, this is the home of Xie Nanfeng. At the moment, Xie Nanfeng’s face is a little pale. In the past, Xie Nanfeng received a message saying that Shi Lei already knew the fact that he had colluded with Wo Sang Nation.

This news, like the sunny Thunderbolt, is in the heart of Xie Nanfeng!

Although Xie Nanfeng is the Vice-mayor of Shuangqing City, Xie Nanfeng knows exactly what kind of person Shi Lei is. If Shi Lei discovers that he is involved in the action against Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo, Shi Lei will never put it. Pass him.

Shi Lei has done something in Shuangqing City, Xie Nanfeng has heard about it. Xie Nanfeng can guarantee that, waiting for Shi Lei to return to Shuangqing City, he will surely treat his own people with his own way.

Xie Nanfeng is very afraid of death. Although she is now fleeing from Shuangqing City, she may ruin his great future. It is better than being caught by Shi Lei and losing the “sex” life.

When a person dies, there is no point, and everything will drift with the wind.

Only when you live, it makes sense, and there is value in existence!

Xie Nanfeng in the heart also remembers that another person’s commitment to him, he also wants to turn over and regain control of Shuangqing City, how can he be willing to die?

Fortunately, Xie Nanfeng arranged the personnel, specializing in investigate Li Jian Nation to Xia Nation’s flight information. On these flight passenger lists, Shi Lei’s name has not been found yet, he still has some time to leave Shuangqing City ….

(To be continued.)

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