
Chapter 1004

hk992 Armed Forces Arrangement, Announcement Event!

Li Jian Nation time, June 6th, at 7 o’clock in the evening.

Shi Lei currently is almost at the end of the Ye Feng contact, Nanyue Nation of Nanyue Nation. The power of Nanyue Nation Official has been attracted to the events of AIRE n Island, and there is no time to pay attention to the domestic coastal events.

Therefore, Meishan Island is also a safety, and the Pengishment Merc Warsquad led by Ye Feng, even though leaving Meishan Island, will not cause much impact. After all, there are so many bribes per year for the Nanyue Nation Eastern Coastal Management Bureau. If there is no safety guarantee, isn’t it a too pit father?

“A’Feng, is Meishan Island mining more N235 Metal?” Shi Lei is more concerned about the situation of N235 Metal, and N235 Metal is the Exceed Grade Power Source. The more Shi Lei Hope, the better.

Ye Feng responded: “Boss, there is no more N235 Metal available. The mining work is going very slowly. The rock formation of Meishan Island is very hard. The artificial mining mode is probably guaranteed by the production method.”

Shi Lei thought for a moment and then said, “How many people can Meishan Island accommodate in the case of concealment?”

“This…Boss, I can’t say it. Although Nanyue Nation’s eyes are on the open sea, there are often patrol boats in the offshore area. These patrol boats are sometimes handled by the Eastern Coastal Management Bureau. It is best not to arrange on Meishan Island. Too much mining personnel, so as not to attract the attention of Nanyue Nation,” Ye Feng said worriedly.

Listening to the concerns expressed by Ye Feng, Shi Lei is light snorted. “What is the Vice-chief of the Eastern Coastal Management Bureau, called Nguyen Kim Sung isn’t that right? This Idiot has received our benefit fee, can’t it be reliable. thing?”

Ye Feng said with a bitter smile : “Boss, recently, the personnel patrolling the offshore area does not belong to the Eastern Coastal Management Bureau. At the same time, it is not the personnel of Dongbu Navy, but the Naval Base of Palawan Island.”[

Palawan Island Naval Base is the direct base of the Nandayue Navy Commander Headquarters. Shi Lei also has a smile on his face. “A’Feng, if you use Dawn to mine the N235 Metal vein, according to your recent observations, you need it. How many Dawn?”

Ye Feng Recently, she was solely responsible for the affairs of Meishan Island. The situation of Meishan Island, Ye Feng is the clearest. Although Ye Feng is not a professional mining type personnel, it is true that for the mining of N235 Metal, Ye Feng, who is on the spot, has the most right to speak.

“Boss, if you want to use Dawn to mine, in the case of Dawn’s, it takes about fifteen. However, if you use Dawn for mining work, I am afraid you can’t use Ordinary’s “operation” as a personnel.” Ye Feng worried.

After all, Dawn is a war machine. If you give it to a person who is not at ease, what happens in the event of an accident? Once an accident occurs, it is not just an accident to mine minerals, but a violent rhythm of Meishan Island.

Shi Lei thought about it, started talking: “Recruit the Lonely Massacre personnel, give them ultra-high treatment, recruit Sixty people, all-weather twenty hours of mining work. Dawn aspect, I will arrange the twenty frame for you.”

Shi Lei explained briefly. The Sixty name is divided into four batches according to a batch of fifteen people, and one batch works for six hours. The twenty Dawn is divided into two parts, 15 of which are one part. As a common working group, twenty runs for four hours. The remaining five Dawns are used as backups. Once the Dawn of the working group is used, what issue occurs, then the Dawn of the backup group will be replaced by the replacement. This replacement mode guarantees that the tie will not be disconnected for four hours.

“Boss, as long as Dawn is in place, you can start working right away.” Ye Feng answered affirmatively.

Dawn’s production is very low, with only a total of ten first-mass productions and an experimental model. Except for these eleven, there is no more production. There are two reasons for not producing. First: Dawn’s is very expensive. It exceeds 5 Million Xia Nation Yuan. It doesn’t have the meaning of large-scale installation. Second: Shi Lei one side’s power does not know Dawn’s Core Technology.

Dawn’s Core Technology is based on the Microturbine Engine and the Ceramic High Temperature Heat Insulating Module, which are also the most expensive parts of the entire Dawn. They were provided directly by the research institute of the Rongcheng Military District and did not pass the relevant data to the Shi Lei one side.

According to the agreement between Shi Lei and Rongcheng Military District, Dawn’s full set of technologies should be shared by both parties. However, Shi Lei does not give Rongcheng Military District Dawn’s mrsSystem, Rongcheng Military District does not give Shi Lei two key components.

Shi Lei is going to arrange the tie Dawn to go to Meishan Island. This twenty Dawn will definitely need the help of Rongcheng Military District. Thinking of the need to find Rongcheng Military District to prepare Dawn’s key components, Shi Lei snorted. ‘I don’t know He Zhenbang’s Old Ghost, and I have to be blackmailed! ‘

“Well, A’Feng, Meishan Island’s N235 Metal mining work, is slowly mining now, how much can be dug, no need to force. You are now taking the personnel of Punishment Merc Warsquad, starting from Nanyue Nation, Fly directly to Li Jian Nation. I have prepared the ticket and visa for you, using the False Identity of Nanyue Nation. You can go directly to the Airport and show your identity of Nanyue Nation, you can get the relevant proof.” Shi Lei Commanded.

Ye Feng did not ask why, directly agreed: “Okay, Boss.”

“Right, after you enter Li Jian Nation, get ready for weapon. We have a big move at Li Jian Nation, use a secure channel, and relay contacts through the network.” Shi Lei added the ramp.

Shi Lei applied multiple False Identity to the personnel of Punishment Merc Warsquad. In addition to the perfect and authentic Wo Sang Nation identity, the surrounding Nation’s False Identity, Shi Lei are ready for them. On the membership of Punishment Merc Warsquad, what identity is needed, they can be used immediately. [

“Boss, who left Meishan Island after we left Meishan Island?” Ye Feng raised a question.

Shi Lei gave a slight glimpse and said: “Is the Meizhou Island’s Automatic Weapons System accomplished?”

“Well, accomplish has been laid out!” Ye Feng understands Shi Lei’s opinion a bit. “Boss, your opinion is, use Automatic Weapons System as a Management Authority?”

“Yes!” Shi Lei affirmed: “Arrange the personnel of Lonely Massacre to manage, then Automatic Weapons System. If anyone is ready to betray us, Automatic Weapons System and Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine, will give them a Surprise!”

Ye Feng did not raise any doubts, “Boss, where do we meet at Li Jian Nation?”

“No need to meet! After you come to Li Jian Nation’s New York City, I will arrange the Task for you remotely. Well, for the time being! I have other things to deal with!” Shi Lei hangs up after he finishes A conversation with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng is very safe, and after Shi Lei tells him, Ye Feng can be a good accomplish Task.

After ending the conversation with Ye Feng, Shi Lei did not put down the cell phone, but looked at the time and found that it was near 8:00 in the evening and converted into Xia Nation Time, which is almost 8:00 in the morning.

Shi Lei called the Dream Entertainment Deputy General Manager Xie Hui and waited for nearly a minute before the call was connected.

The voice of Xie Hui, with a state of “fascination” and “fascination”, “Chief Shi, good morning.”

“Old Xie, I am at Li Jian Nation!” Shi Lei didn’t think that Xie Hui was still asleep, what a strange thing. After all, Xie Hui’s working hours are 9:30, and it is normal to sleep at 8:00.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Xie Hui said three times in a row and woke up: “Chief Shi, how did you go to Li Jian Nation?”

There are regional time differences between Li Jian Nation and Xia Nation. Although Shi Lei’s news at Li Jian Nation New York City is already in the Internet World of Li Jian Nation, Xia Nation is still in the middle of the night, Xie Hui does not know this. thing.

“Old Xie, I am going to host a Brave’s World’s Offline Activity in Li Jian Nation’s New York City. You can tell Chief Mu. This thing, I don’t have to deal with the company, I will handle it here.” Shi Lei directly Said, did not pay attention to Xie Hui’s inquiry.

“Offline Activity?” Xie Hui is also going to ask what, Shi Lei has hung up and Xie Hui can only smile with a phone call. Although most of the time, Shi Lei is just an arm-flinging shopkeeper, regardless of Dream Entertainment.

But once Shi Lei has made any decisions, there is no doubt.

‘Chief Shi, Chief Shi, how do you explain to Chief Mu? ‘Xie Hui in the heart, think about it.

Li Jian Nation.

Shi Lei made a variety of arrangements, and his face showed a playful smile. From the jeans pocket, he pulled out a business card.

The logo for this business card is gmersfrstCompany, and the contact person is Mayorksa Johnson, which is Second Giant Gabriel of the Angel Parliament.

Gabriel knows the hidden rules of the city. Like an Ordinary person, he lives in the eyes of the public and is not hidden at all.

Shi Lei called Gabriel’s phone according to the information on the business card. This number is not an empty number, nor a fake number, but the real number of Gabriel.

Waiting for a moment, a mediocre sound came from the phone. “Hello, here is Mayorksa Johnson of gmersfrstCompany, are you?”

“Mr. Mayorksa, I am Shi Lei from Dream Entertainment Company. I have a good news to tell you, our Dream Entertainment Company, after a series of discussions, decided to host a Brave’s World’s Offline Activity in New York City!” Shi Lei’s tone, with a light and joy.

“Yes? That’s great!” Gabriel’s rare surprise joyfully said.

“Well, our Dream Entertainment Official will announce this news in three hours at the latest,” Shi Lei replied.

Gabriel’s voice is still full of surprises, and even a privileged taste, “Mr. Shi, then, when the Player Activity, we see you again later.”

“Okay!” After Shi Lei replied, he said that he had other things to deal with and he hung up.

An unknown building in Times Square, a room at Thirtieth Level, Gabriel looked towards Raphael with a confident and pleased smile on his face. In Li Jian Nation’s Internet World, Gabriel has deployed a number of plans to successfully kidnapthe will of the majority of Gamers, thus ‘coercing’ Dream Entertainment Company, must hold a Player Activity in New York City.

From the current situation, Gabriel’s plan has been very successful and can be said to be perfect in accordance with Gabriel’s script in the implement!

“Raphael, are you ready to surprise Shi Lei? Let Shi Lei feel the passion of our Li Jian Nation Gamer!” Gabriel hā hā a said with a smile

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗