
Chapter 1003

hk991 kidnapgroup opinions, don’t kill Raphael?

Li Jian Nation Time, June 6th, 5pm Forty-seven. Times Square, an unknown building, a Room at Thirtieth Level.

Gabriel analyzed a lot of possible “sex” and planned a series of solutions, the most critical issue, exactly as stated how to let Raphael meet Shi Lei. According to Gabriel’s analysis, all the criteria that determine whether Shi Lei is related to Mr. M are all the expressions of Shi Lei when he met Raphael.

If the timing of Raphael and Shi Lei is not well arranged, they will have a wrong possibility for Shi Lei’s determination.

For example, Gabriel took the Raphael and went directly to the hotel where Shi Lei was located to see Shi Lei. Then, even if Shi Lei knows Raphael, he will also have a defense mentality and treat this matter with caution.

Raphael looked at Gabriel and waited for Gabriel’s reply. When asked about this key issue, Raphael in the heart even had a little pleased, that is, he thought he was, and it was difficult to live Gabriel.

To be honest, Raphael doesn’t like Gabriel, and even if Gabriel comes over to help him, he doesn’t like Gabriel either. Gabriel came over to help him, and Raphael also knew what it was.

Gabriel himself probably didn’t want to rescue the Raphael, but the order issued by the Angel Parliament First Giant. Without the command of First Giant, Gabriel would not be willing to lie down.

‘Gabriel, this damn old thing, thought he was awesome? I have to see, how he answered this issue! ‘Raphael in the heart.

Gabriel glanced at Raphael, and he saw the Raphael in his eyes, and the disdain of his mouth flickered. [

‘Hey, a sly Idiot! If you are not taking advantage of the power of the family, I am too lazy to rescue you! ‘Gabriel in the heart smirked.

Although in the heart is not happy, Gabriel still wants to rescue Raphael, he started talking: “Raphael, about how to meet Shi Lei, I have done the layout before!”

“Hey? Is there any layout?” It’s a good thing to hear Gabriel’s prepared plan, but Raphael in the heart, it’s hard to avoid a bad mood.

Compared to Outstanding’s Gabriel, Raphael really has a self-defeating mentality that makes the proud Raphael very unhappy, but has to admit that Gabriel is more Outstanding than him.

“Dream Entertainment Company is in New York City, and will be hosting a Player Activity.” Gabriel explained the previous meeting with Shi Lei. At that time, Gabriel did the entire plan and started the Player Activity in Dream Entertainment. “On the Player Activity, there will be a lot of Gamer, you can take the opportunity to pretend to meet Shi Lei. So in public, Shi Lei suddenly sees you, if he has contact with Mr. M, you are target, He will definitely “show” the flaws!”

Raphael in the heart can’t help but praise Gabriel’s forward-looking “sex” and the careful “sex” of the plan. But inside the Raphael, it is ridiculously ridiculed: “Gabriel, you actually pinned Hope on the Dream Entertainment Company? If Dream Entertainment Company refuses to host the Player Activity in New York City? What does it feel like to put the fate in the hands of others? Really very uncomfortable!”

Gabriel didn’t care about the ridicule of Raphael. He moved a few steps to Raphael’s Notebook Computer, hands on the Notebook Computer and quickly entered a series of addresses.

Raphael couldn’t help but stand behind Gabriel. Gabriel entered the address, in addition to the famous New York City Forum, and Li Jian Nation’s famous game Forum.

All of the Forums have several similar posts. Including the announcement of Dream Entertainment Company’s eoShi Lei, currently current Li Jian Nation New York City, and a post, Hope Dream Entertainment Company’s desire to host a Player Activity in New York City.

Dream Entertainment Company currently only has a Player Activity at Xia Nation, and has not hosted a Player Activity overseas. Gabriel’s move was very insidious. He moved the enthusiasm of Li Jian Nation Brave’s World Gamer and kidnapped the collective desire of Gamer to force Dream Entertainment to hold a Player Activity in New York City.

If Dream Entertainment refuses to host an event in New York City, the enthusiasm of the New York City Gamers will surely be hit, and even the entire Li Jian Nation’s Gamer will think that Dream Entertainment is scorning them.

So, according to Gabriel, Dream Entertainment Company can only launch a Player Activity in New York City to meet the expectations of Gamers. After all, Dream Entertainment Company’s eo is in New York City, and the enthusiasm of Gamer is so high. If you don’t launch a Player Activity, you can’t say it, isn’t that right?

“Raphael, your pig’s brain, do you understand now? Our destiny has not been handed over to others, and our destiny is still in our hands!” Gabriel said indifferently.

Raphael’s face is red, and his heart is angry, but the law is vented!

“Hēng!” Raphael coldly snorted, “Since you have arranged everything, then we will follow the plan implement. Right, if Shi Lei has a contact with Mr. M, what should we do? If there is no contact, What should we do?”[

Gabriel didn’t ridicule Raphael and said directly: “If Shi Lei is related to Mr. M, we should not act rashly. With the old saying of Xia Nation, we have to “touch” the melon and find Mr. M hidden behind Shi Lei. If Shi Lei has nothing to do with Mr. M, he has betrayed Mr. M. Then, we will find a way to get the information of Mr. M from his mouth. On what information, as long as it is the information of Mr. M, we all need !”

Raphael nodded. “Can we not deal with him?”

“Not for the time being! Even if he is shut with Mr. M, it means that he betrayed Mr. M, but Shi Lei has not been retaliated by Mr. M. It shows a lot of things. It is rumored that Shi Lei and Xia Nation “Government” and the military The relationship is very close, Mirror Science and Technology Group Company, there are also rumors that Xia Nation “Government” mysterious capital registration, we better not easily provoke him.” Gabriel considers the issue is very detailed, but it also represents a fear of the tail.

“Okay!” Raphael said something unwilling.


On the other side, Shi Lei stayed at the hotel.

Shi Lei looked at the position of Izual’s locked Gabriel. In the heart, there was some surprise. “Weird! This Gabriel, why don’t you care, I locked his position? Who is he going to meet?”

“sr, System query, target real estate information, belongs to a house rental company. System black into the Company’s Internal Network, query the current leased personnel name is called Tom Kate. According to the name information, System further tracking, found the name It is a virtual Fake identity, no more records.” Izual automatically reminds Shi Lei.

Shi Lei frowned , ‘Tom Kate ‘ is obviously a pseudonym, origin in tomt, which is one of Tom Cat, the cartoon protagonist of cats and mice.

“I really have no standard!” Shi Lei spit out a sentence, and a pseudonym is so professional standard!

“Sr, the information retriever found the important information in the Li Jian Nation network.” Izual prompts again.

Shi Lei’s expression is awkward, “What information? Link the relevant information.”

Izual did not answer Shi Lei, but the interface of the information retriever came out and let Shi Lei see it. The exchange speed of information is the fastest in visual exchange. The speed of sound exchange information is very, very slow, far less than the speed of visual exchange.

Shi Lei quickly looked at the content of the information retriever when he discovered the famous Forums of New York City and the well-known game Forum of Li Jian Nation, all about Dream Entertainment eo, which is himself, in New York City. At the time of the report, Shi Lei’s mouth sneered.

In addition to New York City and Li Jian Nation’s well-known Forum, Dream Entertainment Brave’s World Official Gamer Forum, Li Jian Nation’s Gamer, also set off a wave of hot.

Li Jian Nation has three very famous Exceed Grade Gamers, namely Shengguang Shenguan, Blue Color Ocean and Storm.

Among them, Storm is the most famous!

With Dream Entertainment Company and Brave’s World, Exceed Grade Gamer and Nouveau Riche Storm, it has become famous in the world online game circle, and even the luxury world of the whole world, Storm is also very famous.

After all, for an online game, it took 10 million USD. Does this kind of defeated move not attract the attention of the whole world?

In the Official Gamer Forum, three Li Jian Nation’s Exceed Grade Gamers have posted and applied for Dream Entertainment Official in New York City. Three Exceed Grade Gamer in the post, generously expressed, if Dream Entertainment wants to host an event in New York City, they are willing to help.

In particular, Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm, he said that he can arrange everything, just need Dream Entertainment to come directly to the event.

Brave’s World, operated by Dream Entertainment Company, takes care of the Exceed Grade Gamer to a large extent. The three major Exceed Grade Gamers have issued applications, and the numerous Li Jian Nation High-end Player has applied for it. The Dream Entertainment Company has to consider Gamer’s enthusiasm.

‘Gabriel, is this your strategy? Fear of our Dream Entertainment Company, do not agree to carry out the Player Activity, they have adopted the method of joint Gamer, want to force the “forced” palace? ‘Shi Lei in the heart hēi hēi sneer.

Gabriel does have his own plot, but Gabriel expects something wrong!

That is, Shi Lei is not reluctant to host a Player Activity, and Shi Lei is very willing to host Player Activity, Shi Lei and Gabriel’s plan, which is almost identical.

Gabriel wants to determine whether Shi Lei is still an agent of Mr. M. Shi Lei wants to use Gabriel to lure First Giant into the face. Even if First Giant doesn’t come, at least Raphael can be attracted.

Shi Lei wants to meet Raphael. After Gabriel appears, Shi Lei doesn’t want to kill Raphael, but has another purpose…

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗