
Chapter 1002

hk990 acquires D-Wave, it is very smooth

Times Square.

An unknown building, the elevator that Gabriel took, stopped on the 30th floor. Gabriel came to a Room door and rang the Room door, waiting for the response.

“Who?” in the Room, a short inquiry came out.

Gabriel’s hands made a series of complicated movements in the observation range of the cat’s eye, and the Room door rang. This is not to say that there is a hidden camera in the cat’s eye and it can recognize the Dynamic Behavior Signature.

The complex movement that Gabriel did was a special communication gest within the Angel Parliament, indicating that Gabriel came alone and did not follow the enemy behind him.

Inside the door, in the Room, a blond youngster, holding a pistol facing the door. This blond youngster is another great Giant Raphael that is exactly as stated Angel Parliament.

“Hey, Gabriel, you are finally here!” Raphael’s tone, with a feeling of sighed in relief, put down the firearm in his hand.

Gabriel looked at the slightly ridiculous Raphael, and there was a sense of ridicule in his tone. “Raphael, I haven’t seen it for a while, I didn’t expect you to be so embarrassed!”

Raphael coldly snorted, his relationship with Gabriel is not good, Raphael in the Angel Parliament, the best relationship is exactly as stated Uriel. Unfortunately, Uriel has been killed by Shi Lei design. [

“Gabriel, if you just want to laugh at me, your purpose has been reached! If you want to help me, then put away the ridicule and help me think about how to deal with Mr. M !Mr. M has found Angel Funds Investment Management Company !” Raphael looked at Gabriel with dissatisfaction.

Although Raphael’s technology is not as good as Gabriel, the status in the Angel Parliament is not as good as Gabriel, but behind Raphael, stands a huge family.

It is for this reason that Raphael and Gabriel’s status are actually a few different, basically no difference. This is why Raphael talks to Gabriel without any Esteemed or similar attitude.

“Raphael, you are sure to invade the personnel of Angel Funds Investment Management Company, exactly as stated World Summit Grade Hacker Mr. M?” Gabriel did not understand.

If Mr. M wants to deal with Raphael, how can he enter the Angel Funds Investment Management Company with his risk? You can tell the subordinate person to enter the Angel Funds Investment Management Company and rip the Raphael.

Even the forces of Mr. M subordinate don’t have to enter the Angel Funds Investment Management Company. They can wait for Raphael to leave the Angel Funds Investment Management Company and ambush the Raphael.

In the case of heart and mind, Raphael will definitely be a tragedy.

In fact, Shi Lei entered the first target of Angel Funds Investment Management Company, not to assassinate Raphael, but to enter the Angel Parliament’s Internal Network through the internal computer of Angel Funds Investment Management Company, and then in the Angel Parliament’s Internal Network. , in a Secret Server, find the answer to one thing.

Well, there is a more powerful Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Abdiel in the Angel Parliament’s Internal Network. If you give Shi Lei plenty of time, with the help of Izual and wnMiwang’s computing resources, Shi Lei’s can break Abdiel’s defense.

It was only at that time that Shi Lei lacked the time!

Invaded by Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters Heaven, Shi Lei, only 10 minutes. In such a short period of time, Shi Lei is not enough to crack Abdiel’s defense. Therefore, Shi Lei chose the second-best target and wanted to kill the Raphael.

Just kill the target of Raphael, because Gabriel’s cross-cutting is also facing a miscarriage.

Raphael thought about Gabriel’s issue, as Gabriel asked, how to determine that Mr. M invaded the Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters Heaven?

“Gabriel, that Shi Lei is the agent of Mr. M. You guess this thing, is it possible for Shi Lei to do it?” Raphael is not an idiot, he has been suspicious of Shi Lei.

Gabriel had a confrontation with Shi Lei before, Shi Lei gave Gabriel an impression, and Gabriel couldn’t tell if Shi Lei was involved in the plan of Mr. M. Even Gabriel is skeptical that Mr. M is deliberately framed by Shi Lei. [

Why did Mr. M deliberately frame Shi Lei?

Earlier in Hacker World, Shi Lei betrayed Mr. M, and this matter has not been verified by anyone. However, after the rumors of betrayal, Dream Entertainment’s Network Defense is still very strong, and some Hacker guessed that Shi Lei and Mr. M did not actually overturn.

Whether it is betrayal or no betrayal, neither the two concerned parties, Mr. M and Shi Lei, spoke in Hacker World, and the relationship between them became a mystery.

Gabriel considered a lot. According to Gabriel, if Shi Lei betrayed Mr. M, and Mr. M was unable to retaliate against Shi Lei because of the power of Mirror Science and Technology. Then this time, Shi Lei came to Li Jian Nation, and Mr. M could provoke the anger of Angel Parliament and let Angel Parliament go to find his ‘agent’ trouble.

Mr. M doesn’t like Angel Parliament. If there is a conflict between Angel Parliament and Shi Lei, Mr. M will be very happy.

“Raphael, that Shi Lei, is very likely to be one of the people who are counted!” Gabriel said the possibility of his own test.

Raphael hesitated, “Is not likely Right?”

Gabriel’s mysterious smile, “What is impossible? The more impossible it is, the most likely it is!”

“That… what should we do? Directly find Shi Lei of Dream Entertainment and tell him, is he calculated by Mr. M?” The approach proposed by Raphael has a bit of a taste. “If we suspect it is wrong, Shi Lei is also part of the Mr. M plan. What should we do?”

Without waiting for Gabriel to answer, Raphael continued: “And, how should we explain our identity. Tell me directly, are we the Great Giant of Angel Parliament? Shi Lei, the little horn, knows what is Angel Parliament. It’s a big issue!”

Gabriel smiled and said: “Raphael, you don’t have to worry, I have a way to test, is Shi Lei part of Mr. M plan!”

“What?” Raphael hurriedly asked.

Mr. M has become a heart disease of Raphael in the heart. If the issue of Mr. M is not resolved, Raphael sleeps unsteadily.

Gabriel didn’t speak, just raised his right hand and pointed his index finger at the Raphael.

Raphael also extended his right hand, the index finger pointed at himself, some unknown talking about started: “Gabriel, your opinion is me?”

“Yes! It’s you!” Gabriel replied affirmatively.

“What opinion?” Raphael asked inexplicably. Raphael is not good at crafty plots and machinations, or layout planning. Although Gabriel has given hints, Raphael still doesn’t understand Gabriel’s opinion.

Gabriel sighed, whisper: “Idiot !”

Raphael bit his teeth and pinched his fist, but in order to know the answer, he resisted no attack. “Gabriel, you are enough! Hurry up, what is the opinion, what is your solution, determine Shi Lei or not? Help Mr. M do something!”

“The reason is very simple, the key is you. You said that Mr. M invaded the Headquarters of Angel Funds Investment Management Company, leaving you with a threatening note. Then it shows an issue, Mr. M knows you are at Angel Funds. Investment Management Company’s Headquarters.” Gabriel further hinted.

“What does this mean?” Raphael still doesn’t understand.

Gabriel patted the forehead, “forget about it, I will say it directly, you can’t save it!”

After satirizing the Raphael, Gabriel continued: “Mr. M knows that you are at the Headquarters of Angel Funds Investment Management Company, that is, you know this person! To be straightforward, Mr. M already knows your identity. Data. If Shi Lei has a relationship with Mr. M, this time the invasion of the personnel of Angel Funds Investment Management Company is also Shi Lei’s, indicating that Shi Lei will definitely know you!”

Raphael nodded and agreed to Gabriel’s theory.

“According to this condition, we make a hypothesis. If you suddenly appear in front of Shi Lei’s, if Shi Lei shows a special god color, it will prove that Shi Lei knows you, which means the relationship between Shi Lei and Mr. M. I’m afraid it hasn’t been disconnected. The invasion of Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters, even if it wasn’t for Shi Lei, must have something to do with Shi Lei.” Gabriel analyzed the situation.

The Raphael finally separated, and later I learned: “If Shi Lei doesn’t know me, it means that he has nothing to do with Mr. M. This time, Angel Funds Investment Management Company Headquarters was invaded by Mr. M. On the contrary, is it possible that Mr. M is using us to deal with Shi Lei?”

Gabriel nodded: “Yes!”

Raphael frowned a bit: “Gabriel, if Shi Lei really has a contact with Mr. M, then am I not a danger?”

Gabriel started talking : “No danger! I have already dispatched two Main War Squads of Devil Mercenary Corps, they can get to New York City this evening.”

Devil Mercenary Corps’s Main War Squad is very powerful, and Raphael is also confident in Devil Mercenary Corps’ Main War Squad.

“Which two Squadron?” Raphael asked.

Gabriel is light snorted, “Is this not to believe me? Thirteenth and Fourteenth Main War Squad, each Squadron has nine members, they are Elite in Elite! Protect you alone, there is absolutely no surprise!”

Raphael heard Thirteenth and Fourteenth Main War Squad with a smile on their faces. The two Main War Squads are indeed Elite in the Devil Mercenary Corps Main War Squad.

If you have these two Main War Squad protections, Raphael won’t worry about your Safety!

“There is another issue, Gabriel. In what way do you want me to meet Shi Lei?” Raphael asked about the most important issue. If you don’t see Shi Lei, their previous assumptions and tests are useless. !

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗