Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 88: .088 Change me to support you

Because Monaco\'s league is the last game of this round, Situ Yunbing can know the change of the team\'s lead in the standings after the end of this round when other games have ended first.

The reason he is very happy is that Monaco has expanded its lead.

Among the top five teams, only Monaco won this round.

Monaco\'s advantage over second place Lyon and Bordeaux extended to 6 points.

But at the same time, the players are collectively resisting the harshness of Ras, which is almost equivalent to openly hitting Debondan in the face!

As soon as Modesto spoke, the other players immediately followed the rhythm!

Although Simic is not a veteran, he still has a sense of crisis because he has been replaced many times. He said in an interview: "If the team thinks I can\'t be the main force, then it should sell me!"

This is a bit disappointing.

Mangani can’t be said to be reused under Situ Yunbing, but he is a regular substitute and rotation player after all. He doesn’t want a newcomer to steal his chance, so he told reporters: "I think the club should give the BOSS more. With a little trust, let him manage the team. He is the one who knows us best."

Adriano reacted the most fiercely. After all, Simic is old, he is the player who has made the most substitute appearances since Situ Yunbing took office, and he played a lot of time!

And it looks like he will have more opportunities in the future.

He bluntly said after the game: "Let those who don\'t know the team shut up!"

Perez, as a veteran who came to the team with Modesto in the same period, is also the deputy captain of the team now. He is naturally on the same line as Modesto.

"The team has gone through a long trough and finally saw the dawn of glory. We want to stay quiet instead of being harassed."

This puts Cobosla like an outsider. Perhaps in the eyes of the players, Cobosla is an outsider!

Merian’s qualifications are only one year later than Modesto and Perez. Now he is an indispensable and important player in the team. His words are easy to imagine.

"When we were in the trough, he didn\'t come. We are now on the right track. He is here. Do we need him at this time? We don\'t need him at all!"

Merian usually doesn\'t speak, and she speaks straightforwardly, so she almost never named her surname.

Mongongu, Muratori, Nkulu, Moro, the four players trained in the Monaco youth training, are really not polite at all.

Among them, Moreau even said to the reporter: "Cobosla? He is the banner of Nice, why not stay in Nice? What is he doing in Monaco? He is not welcome here!"

Maybe it was because he was also full of confidence after being righted to the main force, Moreau said this is really merciless.

The situation was out of control, almost the whole Monaco team was resisting Cobosla!

Without waiting for the French media to publicize it the next day to make Monaco\'s boycott of the football director raging, De Bondin found Situ Yunbing half an hour after the game.

Situ Yunbing just learned from Petty what the players said after the game, and someone in the coaching team must have notified Debondan.

After all, this thing is a bit ugly as infighting!

Unlike ordinary clubs where there are conflicts between players and coaches, this is where the dressing room and the management are fighting each other!

Situ Yunbing was a little nervous and nervous. When he saw De Bundan with a gloomy face in the staff\'s lounge inside the stadium, he was really worried that De Bundan would suspect that he was behind the scenes!

However, after thinking about it, Debondan should know the situation in the dressing room. It is not that some players have whispered to him. The coaching staff is not brought by Situ Yunbing himself, but they have been working for the Monaco club for a long time. Although the relationship with Situ Yunbing is subordinate, it is limited to this. In other words, Debondan is their immediate boss. Debondan wants to know something, and he should know everything from the standpoint of keeping his job. Endless.

Debondan\'s face was pale with hands on his hips, he stared at Situ Yunbing and said solemnly: "I didn\'t expect the players to react so intensely!"

Seeing De Bondan, Situ Yunbing showed no signs of getting angry with him, and his mentality immediately improved.

After all, De Bondan was still a decent person, knowing that the culprit of all this was himself, and had nothing to do with Situ Yunbing.

It was not that he was wrong to find a new football director, but the wrong person.

If you change someone else, unless the player\'s personal interests are violated, there will be no voice in the locker room. Situ Yunbing does not want to interfere with the management\'s arrangements, so naturally he will choose to be silent.

It happened to be Cobosla, the one who made the locker room unable to ignore his background.

Situ Yunbing actually wanted to say to Debondan: I think there is nothing wrong with it!

At least today, the violent fighting spirit of the players on the court made him feel that this kind of stimulation is good for the team.

But this kind of stimulation is definitely temporary. In the long run, what the club needs is stability, not chaos.

Situ Yunbing sighed lightly: "Actually, I don\'t think the hatred between us and Nice is much, but the key lies in the media fanning the flames."

De Bondan nodded without changing his face. He hesitated for a moment and said, "Situ, I need your support. I need the locker room to be quiet. Every word of disgust they say to Cobosra will eventually become to me. Attack! Will gradually lose my prestige!

I need your help at this time. "

It\'s really Feng Shui turns around.

A few months ago, De Bangdan still ruled the life and death of Situ Yunbing, but now he needs Situ Yunbing\'s assistance.

Situ Yunbing did not agree. He just said calmly: "The root is in Cobosla. The players oppose him. I think you need to make a difficult decision. If you fire Cobosla, it will be for you. It depends on people’s denial, but if you don’t fire him, the players in the locker room, including other dissatisfied staff, will think that you are supporting Cobosla behind your back. In the end, this antagonism will make everyone Injuries, the team, the club management, and you, there is no winner!"

Debondan put a hand on his forehead, closed his eyes and thought for a long time.

Situ Yunbing persuaded: "Mr. Chairman, no one makes mistakes, and you are no exception. The current situation is actually very similar to when I was opposed by the players. The difference is that I have your trust, so I can solve those problems. Those who oppose me, but the situation before your eyes is that those players are the backbone of Monaco, and you have to appease them.

The German philosopher Kant once said that I very much agree with it.

He is not worried about being proven wrong, but worried about being misunderstood.

So I try my best to be honest when communicating with you and the players. I don\'t want to be misunderstood.

I think you should do the same. The players are actually very simple and look at things very simple, not complicated at all.

But if you refuse to admit this mistake, then in the near future, the mistake itself is not important. Those people will endlessly speculate about your position and purpose, and then naturally misunderstand you!

Your starting point is good, you want the Monaco Club to operate more efficiently and the management structure to be more complete, right?

If this is the case, let the players see your mind and let them understand that you do everything for the club. The original intention of introducing a football director is to be good for the club, but the wrong person is selected, then dismiss him It\'s also for the better of the club, shouldn\'t it be the case? "

A word to wake up the dreamer!

De Bangdan stared at Situ Yunbing blankly. He found that sometimes at critical moments, Situ Yunbing was the one who was rational and best able to see the stakes.

This is also why Situ Yunbing was able to decisively transfer 8 players to the reserve team after the crisis of confidence, because he weighed the pros and cons to the extreme!

Washing out eight players can get the support of many young people who have opportunities. On the contrary, if you keep those players, Situ Yunbing won’t get the support of anyone. Those people will just wait and see Situ Yunbing indifferently, but Will not stand firmly by his side to form a united front with him.

De Bangdan took a deep breath and put his hands on Situ Yunbing\'s shoulders, and said in a deep voice, "Situ, you will definitely support me this time, right?"

Situ Yunbing smiled at him and said without hesitation: "Of course I will support you. Our position is the same. We don\'t want any confusion in Monaco. You gave me strong support. This time, I will be replaced. Support you!"

De Bangdan nodded fiercely, then hugged Situ Yunbing and walked out of the lounge.

He wants to solve the current troubles as quickly as possible.