Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 87: .087 Seeking a dead end?

Geographically speaking, Nice is the closest Ligue 1 club to Monaco, so there has been a geographical derby relationship between Nice and Monaco for a long time. The media will exaggerate the hostile relationship between the two, and the players are the most. Easily influenced by the media, it is not surprising that Antonetti hopes to take away a victory from the Louis II Stadium. Even in the French Cup, eliminating Monaco can make him a hero in the media.

I thought that Monaco was nothing more than the remaining game with Nice in the league this season, and the fate between the two will be due to this season.

But what Situ Yunbing didn\'t expect was that after a heated discussion and exchange between him and Debondan, Debondan did something that made the internal relations of the club become tense again.

The slightly excessive discussion between Situ Yunbing and Debondan is that Debondan hopes that the team will introduce one or two players in the winter transfer window to enrich the team\'s lineup.

Situ Yunbing expressed a firm position: If you can\'t buy what I want, then stop spending money!


This is the purpose of Situ Yunbing\'s transformation of the team, because the team itself also has some young players who need to play to be able to maintain their current ambitions!

De Bundan’s starting point is good. He hopes to buy one or two players who can play to increase the strength of the team, but his starting point for player strength is different from that of Situ Yunbing.

De Bondin evaluates players, mostly based on player performance data and media evaluations. Situ Yunbing refers more to whether the player\'s potential and characteristics are consistent with the team, just like De Bondin hopes to introduce midfielders among the players. Player, Situ Yunbing really couldn\'t agree.

De Bondin is also very depressed, it has become difficult for him to spend some money on the club!

Because of the calculation, Monaco not only did not spend this winter break, but also made money. Simply put, Monaco has made money through the transfer market!

Although Debondan has strict financial control, he also knows that the club needs to add fresh blood.

As a result, Situ Yunbing didn’t appreciate him and refused to accept his **** player’s request. Debondan thought about it. He believed that the key point was that he really could not debate with Situ Yunbing on professional issues, because the winner was always Situ. Yun Bing, he suffered a loss of experience.

In the final analysis, he shouldn\'t worry about this kind of thing, but who told him to fire the club CEO and football director?

No one else around him could give him professional advice, which gave Debondan a certain sense of crisis. He was afraid that he would have to listen to Situ Yunbing in the future, so he nevertheless, when the transfer gate was closed at the end of January, although Monaco did not Introducing players again, but a football director was invited!


After the announcement of this news, De Bondin was unexpected that the headline of the French team newspaper on the front page of the next day was: Does De Bondin want to commit suicide?

He has no idea why this is the case!

The reputation of Cobosla in the industry is very good, which is why he hired this person.

But after reading the report of the French team newspaper, Debondan realized the problem: Cobosla is the banner figure of Nice!

In other words, Cobosla is the legend of the rival club in Monaco\'s geographic relations!

Let a legend of the rival club participate in the management of Monaco. What is it that this is not a dead end?

De Bondin came to Monaco only three months earlier than Situ Yunbing. He really didn\'t know the subtle relationship between Monaco and Nice, or the mortal enemy relationship that was hyped up by the media from time to time.

This stabbed a hornet\'s nest!

Kobosla\'s first day in office was February 1. He came to the club training ground and had a brief exchange with Situ Yunbing.

Situ Yunbing knew that this trusting football director was used by Debondan to contain him. At the end of his last conversation with Debondan, the atmosphere was a bit unpleasant. Situ Yunbing was very determined to defend his power to manage and build the team. !

He can\'t accept being disrupted now!

But for the moment, since the transfer door has been closed, his focus of work is of course on the team. As for what role the new football director will play, whether he will advise the team in the future, it is better to hold back. It was all half a year later, and now he can completely ignore it.

The conversation between him and Kobosla was also very pleasant. The two discussed the shortcomings of the team\'s lineup and reached some consensus.

For example, the team needs to be strengthened at the full-back position, and must have more reserves on the front line, including the attacking midfielder position, which is Merian\'s future replacement. Monaco does not have it now!

These are all visible problems. Kobosla understood early, reached a consensus with Situ Yunbing earlier, and was able to start work as soon as possible. Although the next transfer window is still far away, club signings often Go early, follow up the players, understand their worth, measure the cost-effectiveness of the transfer, and so on.

What Situ Yunbing did not expect was that after work in the morning, Kobosla accepted an interview with reporters when he left the club.

And his words caused an uproar.

Kobosla expressed his appreciation to Situ Yunbing. This is already a cliché that the media no longer likes to say. It can be regarded as a routine compliment to his own people. Then he pointed out the ball when talking about the future construction of the team. The team needs to bring in full-backs, midfielders, and forwards.

This kind of remarks are basically not a big problem, really!

Monaco currently has fewer players under Situ Yunbing than other teams. If one more player is added to each front, the overall lineup is considered reasonable.

But the problem is that Kobosla said this!

Newcomers to the team may not care about his attitude, but some players who have played for Monaco for a long time, at least two or three years upwards can\'t stand it!

There is no other reason, just because Cobosla has a nice legendary background!

Who wants to obey the command of the legendary enemy?

In the 22nd round of the Ligue 1 league, before Monaco played against Grenoble at home, Situ Yunbing attended the pre-match press conference. When asked by reporters about the team’s future signings, Situ Yunbing said lightly: "Winter transfer The window has been closed, no one will leave, and no one will come. Our focus now is to play every game well. As for the future, there is no need to discuss it now. I believe the current lineup can meet any challenge!"

These remarks are very clear, regardless of whether the team wants to sign in in the future, it is stable now, and he thinks it is enough, mainly because of his trust in the team, and it is also a reassurance for the players, no need to think about it. Now, have a good game!

Monaco played against Grenoble at the Louis II Stadium that night. The players\' performance surprised Situ Yunbing!

Not bad!

It\'s great!

On the contrary, Matic performed mediocre, but other players acted like wolves!

Falcao just opened the last game and couldn\'t wait to score a few more goals, so he was very active and active on the court.

The performance of other players simply exceeded Situ Yunbing’s expectations. It was like the whole team was hitting hard, or Grenoble was playing as a top giant. He was very serious, and insisted on pressing and pushing crazy from start to finish. attack!

The effect is that Falkao scored twice in the first half and opened the bow with both feet. In the second half, Moreau and Perez scored again!

Coupled with Modesto\'s header, Monaco did not give Grenoble any chance at home and beat the opponent 5:0!

Grenoble is a team that ranks higher than Nantes and Caen, but they also don\'t know why they faced Monaco today but were beaten so decently by their opponents!

Situ Yunbing was of course happy.

And the reason why the team performed so well, he only understood after the game.

Captain Modesto, as a veteran of the team for nearly five years, expressed his position in a rare interview after the game, and it can also be said that he conveyed the voice of the locker room to the outside world on behalf of the team.

"Today we performed very well overall. We let our opponents not get any chance and ended the game with an absolutely strong score.

I have played for the team for four and a half years. I have experienced the trough of the team. Now I have finally accompanied the recovery of the team. Some people are trying to divide us. Our boss is the person who knows the team best, sometimes not. There are many players, and the fighting power is strong. Did we have many players last season and the beginning of this season? More than 30 players!

But after the BOSS cleaned up some players, our record got better and better!

This shows that between the right people and more people, the former is more important.

Some talents came here less than a week, but want to change this, change that, this is totally beyond my approval! "

Don\'t guess, the "some people" in Modesto\'s mouth is just one person: Cobosla!