Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 874: .874 Storm Rising

Entering July, the storm in European football focused on the transfer market.

As the preparations for the new season approached, the Europa continent was surging as always.

Mourinho got his wish and entered the Dream Theater Old Trafford. When Ferguson retired, he had longed for the job, but Sir Charlton was firmly opposed to the board of directors, using style and philosophy to obstruct Mu Rinho became Ferguson\'s successor, and in the post-Ferguson era, the Glazer family made absolute independent decision-making by continuously weakening the authority of the previous era. Mourinho became their new image endorsement and maintained the Red Devils\' consistency. Facing the world: famous people!

In order to reverse the decline of Manchester United in the league and save the broken mountains, the Glazer family has paid for Mourinho, costing 89 million pounds to introduce Paul Pogba, who has been blown up by the media.

When Scholes and Carrick were still the mainstays in the formation, Pogba ran away from Apennines in anger and returned to Old Trafford after Juventus made a break, no matter in terms of attitude or momentum. , Pogba has absolute confidence higher than Manchester United!

Times have changed, and now it is no longer the world of the Red Devils. It is hard to find a daughter who is easy to get. At this time, it is no longer possible to say that the players have climbed the club. On the contrary, the club is eager to spend money.

Strengthening the defense is a must-have for Mourinho every time he enters the club. The defender Bailey came to Old Trafford with a worth of 30 million. Although he has played a certain reputation in La Liga, he is not necessarily a competition for the rich. The goal, after all, needs to be refined.

In the midfield attack organization, Mkhitaryan was introduced. It cost 26 million but it was not low cost performance. More importantly, it was to strengthen the striker. Mourinho found a short-term mentorship at Inter Milan in the past, and Since then, the Swedish center Ibrahimovic who cherishes each other!

With a new captain in the Dream Theater, Mourinho is looking forward to setting sail again and making new achievements in the Red Devils.

Compared with the wealthy Manchester United, Klopp is doing his best at Arsenal. Arsenal is not as small as it used to be, but it still requires careful planning.

Selling some players to recover some cash, and then cautiously signing in to strengthen the lineup, Klopp fell in love with Mane in Southampton and took him to his commander for 30 million.

Matip was introduced from Schalke 04 to strengthen the defense. Although Klopp failed to coach Liverpool in the time and space experienced by Situ Yunbing before, his vision remained basically the same.

With the first year of experience, Klopp\'s second year is very exciting. At least he led the team to the Premier League runner-up last season, which is enough for the Gunners fans to talk about it.

The first thing Guardiola did after he took over Manchester City was to call Situ Yunbing, and went straight to the subject to ask if Situ Yunbing could sell Sane. If it does, make a price!

It wasn\'t Guardiola\'s money anyway, and he certainly didn\'t care how much the transfer fee was.

Situ Yunbing teased Guardiola unkindly.

He made a price, 200 million!

Guardiola hung up the phone angrily.

Although Manchester City is more wealthy than Manchester United, it is not brainless or charity.

Situ Yunbing\'s offer is equivalent to telling Guardiola not to sell!

Whether Guardiola coaches Barcelona or Bayern Munich, there are always super stars in the team.

It’s just that Bayern Munich’s failure to reach the top of the European game really made him start to reflect, especially the unpleasant relationship with some players in the team in the later stage of coaching is really a lesson!

Robben and Ribery had already become famous, and when Guardiola went, they had Champions League medals on their necks. When they thought they were in their best and best form, Guardiola needed Any changes they make will make them resist, and the failure of the European War will only expand the contradiction!

Because of this, Guardiola expects to vigorously train some young players in Manchester City, but these young players cannot have a foundation, so that his technical and tactical thinking and team building can be more smooth.

Situ Yunbing hit a wall here, Guardiola\'s new Manchester City is still to be built.

Stones of 47.5 million pounds has refreshed the value of England\'s home defender. The introduction of **** by 27 million pounds may be because all the attention of the Brazilian star is now concentrated on Neymar, which has made **** less famous. , Gundogan for 21 million pounds, Bravo for 17 million pounds, Nolito for 14 million pounds, and the remaining multi-million pound transfers are not worth mentioning.

In the summer when Guardiola entered Manchester City, the club smashed more than 100 million pounds!

In terms of transfer, what surprised Situ Yunbing was that the name he told Werner was a Manchester City player, only 16 years old!

As a result, Werner really negotiated the transfer!

12 million pounds!

Jayden Sancho!

The player who only spent £600,000 for Manchester City two years ago was sold to Liverpool at 20 times the price two years later!

Maybe change to another team to make a price, and you can win it if you die for £6 million, but just because it was Liverpool who came to buy people, Manchester City could not keep Sancho who wanted to go to Anfield, so they simply opened their mouths, but they were wrong. Evaluate the determination of Liverpool CEO Werner to invest in the transfer market!

He is simply red eyes, as long as the other party is willing to sell, as long as the price does not make him a joke, then he absolutely can\'t wait to complete the transaction to announce that Liverpool have introduced a new aid!

There is no doubt about Sancho’s talent, but he was actually not in Situ Yunbing’s plan. He was kind of joking with Werner. He expected that Manchester City would not be able to sell Sancho to Liverpool. It would be possible to sell to anyone, but absolutely. Will not sell to Liverpool.

But Manchester City was on the verge of selling. When Fleet Street praised Manchester City for making 20 times the investment in two years, Situ Yunbing could only enlighten himself, and the right to increase the competitiveness of the striker!

On the day of Chelsea coach Conte’s new press conference, it rained heavily in West London.

There was thunder and lightning outside Stamford Bridge, but Conte gave an impassioned speech to revive Chelsea\'s reputation!

He mentioned up to four times in his speech that Chelsea is now looked down upon by other teams in the Premier League!

Because of the farce between Mourinho and the female team doctor last season, Chelsea became the object of fans\' ridicule.

And Chelsea\'s ranking is indeed enough to make many teams look down on them.

This gave Conte the background that he could seize power and persuade him when he became the master. He wanted to establish his own authority. What could be more cohesive than highlighting past failures and threatening to make huge changes?

Fleet Street commented that when Conte entered Stamford Bridge, it was in line with the circumstances at the time: Conte will set off a storm at Stamford Bridge!

Bashuayi, Bakayoko, Eduardo, David Luiz, Marcos Alonso.

Chelsea also spent hundreds of millions of pounds in the transfer market this summer!

David Louis, who was once sold for 50 million pounds and bought for 34 million pounds, is also an incredible operation.

The Premier League’s money burn this summer has reached an almost crazy level, because the Premier League’s five major leagues are twice as high as the second-place transfer of La Liga!

Manchester United, Manchester City, and Chelsea have invested more than 100 million pounds. The total investment of these three companies has already topped the total investment of Ligue 1!

In addition, Pochettino is still living a down-to-earth life in White Hart Lane. The reinforcement lineup in the summer is very targeted. Moussa Sissoko, Janssen, Wanyama, Nkulu, remove the income from the sellers, hot Thorn has also invested almost 50 million pounds this summer.

There is no overly exciting name, in line with Tottenham’s usual style.

Just in response to the current competitive landscape in the Premier League, Tottenham’s catch-up speed seems a bit out of touch.

The new season is about to start, and Situ Yunbing entertained Wu Lei who came to visit him and listen to his teachings.

Since Situ Yunbing left Hamburg, Wu Lei has stayed in Hamburg for 4 years. He visits Situ Yunbing once a year to sum up his experience and experience in the past year and is eager to get Situ Yunbing\'s guidance and instruction.

It is difficult for Situ Yunbing to give Wu Lei any advice from the player technology. After all, he is also a mature player. Although Hamburg does not guarantee the main position of the iron fight, each season, the time for each competition is also available. More than 30 games, time is absolutely sufficient.

Situ Yunbing can only encourage him from the mentality.

Since Alonzo took office as the head coach of the Chinese national team, Wu Lei has become the leader of the Chinese national team. After all, the Chinese team is fighting defensive counterattacks and a Wu Lei is placed in front of it. The importance is self-evident.

The given sense of mission and responsibility made Wu Lei\'s growth higher than expected. If there used to be a gap between him and Sun Xingmin, now this distance is shrinking.

Maybe after reaching a certain distance, it will not shrink any more, that is determined by the upper limit of the two.

But Situ Yunbing still did not forget to inspire him, eager to see the picture of him breaking the limit.

When preparing for the new season, a variety of rumors began to appear in the transfer market, including the Arsenal star 272.

272 was not in Klopp’s plan, so Arsenal wanted to take a shot, but buyers were discouraged by the high salary of 272. In this context, there were rumors that Liverpool wanted to introduce 272 because Liverpool sold Couty. Neo.

272 does have similarities with Coutinho in terms of role and role, but the outside world is not entirely sure whether Situ Yunbing has found Coutinho\'s replacement.

Situ Yunbing is a flexible coach.

When Henderson scored third in the UEFA Champions League final, in fact, Liverpool’s main lineup, without Coutinho, can also be topped by Henderson. Of course, this requires Liverpool to change to a certain extent. Skills and tactics, but this will not make Situ Yunbing feel embarrassed.

At the same time, the joining of James Madison is also a candidate for replacement. After all, it is because the outside world cannot determine the situation on Liverpool\'s side, so the scandal continues to ferment.