Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 873: .873 future plans?

Taking care of the children at home, Situ Yunbing stayed in Liverpool without going anywhere this summer. He turned down the commentary contract given by Sky Sports to him as a guest of the European Cup broadcast of up to 4 million pounds. Nothing is enough.

After Werner completed the contract renewal work in the Liverpool team, he went to visit Situ Yunbing, and he was soft and hard, hoping that Situ Yunbing would give more goals to the transfer work!

Situ Yunbing asked him inconceivably: "The players have renewed their contracts. Is there anything else to add to the lineup? Or you can give me a few goals."

Werner said cautiously: "Snatch Pogba with Manchester United?"

Situ Yunbing refused without hesitation: "My team does not raise a man."

Werner collapsed and said angrily: "Then you should always make some efforts for Liverpool\'s future?! We don\'t have much reserve of young power!"

Situ Yunbing thought about giving Werner a name and said: "If you can bring him to Liverpool, he can one day make at least one position on the Liverpool striker worry-free for 5-8 years."

Werner immediately followed suit to try signings.

Situ Yunbing is not without work. Scotter made it clear that next season will be his last season with Liverpool. As a substitute and rotation player, he has achieved impeccable status. He will look for him next summer. A pension club retires after earning some pension money.

Then the defender should increase the reserve here.

At the same time with Coutinho\'s departure, although Situ Yunbing introduced James Madison, the lack of competition still does not conform to his philosophy of team building. Therefore, in the front midfielder position, he also needs to have a new goal.

But his favorite players will not come to Liverpool now.

Van den Beck and Dericht, who play for Ajax, have already called the chairman of the Ajax club. Because he had a deal with Ajax, he still kept in touch in his private relationship. Ajax They expressed their hope that they could sell for a high price, and they also informed Situ Yunbing that their players value playing time more.

But anything that money can solve is not difficult for Liverpool.

But Situ Yunbing could not guarantee the playing time.

So I can only give up.

In the future, if the team needs them and the two are more mature, they may have the opportunity to become masters and apprentices.

The curtain of the European Cup came to an end. Gareth Bale led Wales to make history in the European Cup and reached the semi-finals, while Portugal, led by Ronaldo, created a greater miracle and won the championship!

Although the people of Black C Ronaldo would think that he ended up early due to injury in the final, the championship has nothing to do with him, but the superstar halo took away the glory of the championship and so on.

In fact, not to mention Ronaldo’s leadership role in the locker room and the boost in team morale brought by motivating his teammates, but at the tactical level, how many opponents\' defensive firepower did he help Portugal attract?


Just as Messi made many sacrifices for Argentina. At the peak of Barcelona, ​​he could only be a pure shooter who seized the opportunity to top the scoring record, but in Argentina he had to do all the dirty work. The organization asked him to advance. If you want him to score goals, you must rely on him. Even if he is a **** in ability, he doesn\'t mean he won\'t be tired.

In this regard, Situ Yunbing has never denied the role and influence of the two superstars.

After the European Cup, another unexpected guest visited.

When Situ Yunbing personally made tea in the living room for Mendes, a European football manager in suits and ties, Mendes quickly got up and motioned for him to come and thanked him.

Situ Yunbing and Mendes have few intersections. Mendes, whose players are mainly Latin American players, only has Falcao among his clients as the protégé protégé of Situ Yunbing. After that, Situ Yunbing and He has never coached Mendes\' big-name players.

So this time Mendes came by to surprise Situ Yunbing.

Mendes also brought gifts to Situ Yunbing\'s children, and Situ Yunbing couldn\'t keep people out besides thanking him.

"We only met once a year on average these years, but I always feel that you are getting younger and younger."

Situ Yunbing complimented Mendes\' mental state like this.

The bigger the business, the more money he made, but Mendes always seemed so motivated.

Mendes smiled and said: "You are refreshing my understanding of the limit every year. I always think that you must be driven by the power of dreams to keep leap forward, and many people are gaining you. I have already chosen to lie down and squander everything I get when I achieve one-tenth."

"But you are definitely not one of those many people."


The two talked very happily, but the subject was not revealed yet. Mendes said in a very harmonious atmosphere: "I don\'t know if you have observed my player, Bernard Silva."

Situ Yunbing nodded and said: "I have known a little bit. Unfortunately, we have Sane and Mbappe. Otherwise, he must be a player I want to cultivate."

Mendes knew it, and didn\'t sell Silva anymore, but the question that followed surprised Situ Yunbing.

"In the short term, have you considered leaving Liverpool?"

Situ Yunbing frowned slightly, this question is actually offensive.

But he was not angry.

It seems that after his child was born, Situ Yunbing seldom got really angry. Even when he realized that he was deceived by Han Yang, he was only annoyed for a moment, and then his mentality became very Buddhist and calm. And consider the overall situation sensibly.

"Not yet. Why, are you going to be a lobbyist for a certain club?"

Mendes shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "I just want to perfect my child."

Situ Yunbing\'s expression suddenly became serious.

There is only one person who can be called a child by Mendes.


Because Ronaldo lost his father more than a decade ago, when he was less than 20 years old, and Mendes has a very good relationship with Ronaldo and his family. At the same time, they have helped Ronaldo handle everything off the court over the years. It’s very good. Whether it’s trouble, scandal, or business, the relationship between Mendes and Ronaldo is not just as simple as an agent and a player. Mendes has spent energy and public relations efforts to achieve Ronaldo. These are known to the whole world under the media exposure!

But few people know that Mendes took care of Ronaldo\'s family very well.

He may indeed consider Ronaldo as his own child.

Situ Yunbing said cautiously: "Jorge, if there are some things that are inconvenient to say, or if they may cause adverse effects, it is better to keep them in your heart."

Mendes said frankly: "Your style and character are obvious to all in the industry. The reputation of the name Situ Yunbing is priceless.

Cristiano is already a little tired of Real Madrid. To be precise, the limit of his tolerance for failure has long been reached. He is eager to leave, he is eager to succeed, and is eager to stand on the Golden Globe podium again.

To be honest, he is already impeccable, right? "

Situ Yunbing also nodded seriously and said: "Yes, whether he is in the league or in the Champions League, his performance is worthy of the championship, but the championship is not an individual competition, but a team competition."

"Yes! Team! He wants to succeed in a successful team. On this planet, which team will meet this standard better than Situ Yunbing\'s team?"

Situ Yunbing laughed and asked, "He wants to join Liverpool?"

"Of course not! That way he will ruin everything he has in Manchester United, he has reached the peak of his career at Manchester United.

That\'s why I would ask you if you have any plans to leave Liverpool in the short term to go to other leagues and coaches in other clubs?

You conquered Ligue 1, conquered Bundesliga, and now rule England, do you want to coach in Serie A or La Liga?

I think if you go to Serie A, maybe I, Cristiano, you, and the three of us can cooperate. "

Situ Yunbing was shocked by Mendes\' words.

Due to historical reasons, it is impossible for Ronaldo to join Liverpool.

He will go from a great star remembered by Manchester United fans to a traitor cast down by thousands of people!

Mendes\' words mean that once Situ Yunbing changes his club to Serie A, it can only be Serie A!

Because of going to La Liga, Real Madrid will not let Ronaldo go to rivals, Bundesliga and Ligue 1, and Situ Yunbing does not have to go back, unless he is coaching Monaco or Hamburg.

After all, there is a statue of Situ Yunbing on the square outside the stadium of these two clubs!

When Situ Yunbing goes to Serie A, Ronaldo will follow in his footsteps and become his disciple.

This can be regarded as Situ Yunbing\'s personal appeal now.

Situ Yunbing was in awe of this.

Because of this, he has to be wary that he might fall miserably!

He sighed and said to Mendes: "I understand what you mean. I am also grateful for your recognition of my ability. I can only say that I can\'t guarantee the future, and I have not gone to Serie A for the time being. Coaching ideas and plans.

Hope you can understand.

After all, you must be able to imagine that the appeal of Serie A to me is really too low and too low. "

Mendes shook his head with a wry smile and said: "I can understand that even if you win ten championships in Serie A, it will prove nothing.

When Guardiola, Conte, Mourinho and Klopp were all in the Premier League, the most competitive stage as a coach was in the Premier League. There is no second league in the world that is more cruel than the competition in the Premier League! "

Situ Yunbing nodded, and after the two chatted a few more casually, Mendes got up to leave.

He did not instruct Situ Yunbing not to spread the conversation between the two of them. He believed in Situ Yunbing\'s professional ethics. As he said, Situ Yunbing\'s reputation is well known in the industry.