Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 64: .064 The Battle of the Marshals

The side effects of losing Nimani will be exposed in the next game.

In the 18th round of the league, Monaco was a guest to challenge Valenciennes, where Situ Yunbing\'s team blasted 23 shots but none.

Basically, Monaco, which can only rely on long shots to threaten opponents\' goals, seems to have lost the ability to threaten opponents in the penalty area.

Gakpe’s role in the center position cannot be compared with Nimani, Nimani’s pivotal role cannot be replaced, and the tacit understanding between Nimani and the team’s offensive cooperation formed after three months is also something he does not possess.

Monaco won no points and scored a goalless draw with Valenciennes. Even though Monaco won the league half-time championship with a 0:0 result, no one can see that Monaco is somewhat of a strong momentum at this time.

In fact, this is also the reason for Saab\'s invitation. The team does need a high center like him to temporarily replace Nimani, but Situ Yunbing did not compromise.

Lyon\'s continued invincibility is good news. They and Marseille also ended in a flat 90 minutes, but Bordeaux defeated Le Mans 3:1 away, and Bordeaux caught up with Lyon in the standings!

Monaco, 38 points.

Lyon, 32 points.

Bordeaux, 32 points.

Marseille, 31 points.

Toulouse, 29 points.


The first half of the league is about to end, but Situ Yunbing’s work dare not be the slightest inconvenience. In 2008, the last league game will be played against Bordeaux at home. Maybe others are not sure about the strength of Bordeaux this season. At most, he won the second place last season. Look at them with the same eyes, but Situ Yunbing knows that Lyon’s seven crowns are Lyon’s most glorious stage in the 21st century, and it is Bordeaux that ended the Lyon seven crowns!

So Lyon is the end of the dynasty, and Bordeaux is the upstart in Ligue 1, and Monaco\'s real enemy is Bordeaux, not Lyon!

The morale inspired by defeating Lyon is boosted by self-confidence. The match with Bordeaux is about the battle of Tianwang Mountain for the league championship!

In order to solve the problem of the center forward, Situ Yunbing reset the offensive tactics when preparing for the game against Bordeaux. If he plays as before, the effect will certainly not be very good.

On December 20th, on the eve of the semi-final game of the league, Bordeaux coach Blanc highly praised Monaco in the pre-match press conference.

"Four months ago, no one would talk about Monaco\'s participation in the championship, but now Monaco is the closest team to the championship!

They have a brand new and strange to the world coach, no one is optimistic that he will succeed, but for now, he is the best coach in Ligue 1 this season.

He has injected a new soul into Monaco, and Monaco\'s style of play has also set off a new wave in Ligue 1. I noticed that some teams have begun to imitate Monaco.

Monaco\'s performance now proves an unchanging truth: everything is possible on the football field!

I think this season’s Ligue 1 will be very different. People are tired of Lyon’s winning the championship and look forward to the birth of a new champion. Monaco has won the league half-time championship, but we hope to narrow the gap with them at the end of the half-time league. This will not be an easy task. We must be careful to be overwhelmed by Monaco\'s fast break at any time, and we must also find a way to break through their almost unbreakable line of defense.

We may be more difficult to prepare for this game than Lyon, because we are familiar with Lyon, but for Monaco, it seems to be playing against an unfamiliar team!

I look forward to the game at the Louis II Stadium tomorrow night! "

Blanc is quite successful in the player era, and his coaching career is not long. This is only his second year of coaching. In comparison, he is a new young coach, and Situ Yunbing is more junior than him. Marshal.

The French media defined this duel a few days ago as: the battle of the marshals!

Coincidentally, Situ Yunbing seems to have had a relationship with Blank for a long time, and he also expressed respect for Blank at the press conference before the game.

"Bordeaux was the runner-up last season. They also maintained a high level this year. Blanc has brought Bordeaux to a transformation from outside of Nell. This team is very close to success and glory. In contrast, Monaco is now in the standings. Top of the list, but we lag behind Bordeaux in the experience of competing for the championship.

We have beaten Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse and other top-ranked teams. The game against Bordeaux will certainly not be easy. If we think that Bordeaux is as vulnerable as other teams, then we will probably not prepare for Christmas at home. The fans got a happy result.

Now the team is experiencing the excitement brought about by the excellent record and the dilemma of personnel shortage. This situation reminds us that every new battle will be more difficult, because continuing the victory in the competition is not an easy task. We did not perform well in one game, but our confidence was not affected. We hope to regain the feeling of victory in the game tomorrow night! "

The confrontation between the two marshals is quite gentle and has won unanimous praise from the French media.

In fact, whether it is Blank or Situ Yunbing, they have a consensus in their hearts: If the opponent is not defeated, the championship will be out of reach!

This is only the first match in the league. Perhaps the competition pattern in the second half of the league will be more intuitive. After all, the season is a long one. Some teams can change from a champion candidate to a mid-range ball in one or two months. Teams, and some teams can go against the current and suddenly appear in the championship.

For Monaco and Bordeaux, this time node of the semi-final game of the league is more important in the impact on morale and mentality!

If Monaco wins, Monaco will welcome the second half of the season more calmly and confidently. Bordeaux may become nervous and anxious because of a 9-point gap behind Monaco.

Vice versa, Monaco naturally does not want to be closed in the points gap.

On December 20th, at 8 o\'clock in the evening, the Monaco Louis II Stadium was crowded!

This is another rare match in Monaco\'s home court with an overwhelming attendance!

Situ Yunbing used all the remaining 5 cards on the team\'s starting players before the game. The half-time league is about to end. He has nothing to keep, just hope the team can fight for the next victory!

When he walked into the Louis II Stadium, Monaco fans echoed the cheers of the Monaco fans. He looked around the stands, the fans looked beaming, and the atmosphere of Christmas filled every corner of the stands.

Situ Yunbing and Blank took the initiative to come together, and they talked with their arms, and both sides had smiles on their faces, both of them looked very relaxed and calm.

A few words of greeting and a Merry Christmas in advance, the two coaches came to the coaching area and waited for the start of the game.

The starting players of the two teams entered the stadium together. Amidst the cheers of the fans, the players held their heads up and held their heads up during the kick-off ceremony before the game!

Whether it is Bordeaux or Monaco players, in fact their mentality and morale are very similar.

If you look at the lineup, Bordeaux is obviously stronger!

"Good evening, friends and spectators, we followed the camera to the Louis II Stadium in Monaco today. The most eye-catching confrontation in the first half of the final match of the Ligue 1 will be staged here.

League leader Monaco is at home against Bordeaux, who is third in the standings!

Bordeaux’s goal for the season is definitely to win the league championship, which we have already known. Of course, the runner-up last season hopes to replace Lyon as the new overlord of Ligue 1.

And Monaco coach Situ Yunbing declared when he took office three and a half months ago that he would lead his team to win the championship, but now it is gradually coming true!

At that time, no one thought that Situ Yunbing could achieve his goal, but now Monaco is at the top of the list, and it is 6 points ahead of the two teams in second place!

Today’s game is bound to be a battle.

Let\'s look at the starting lineups of the two teams.

Monaco starts 451 today.

Goalkeeper: Rufael.

Defenders: Simic, Modesto, Mongongu, Muratori.

Midfielder: Pino, Perez, Merian, Lecco, Moreau.

Forward: Gakpe.

There is nothing surprising about Monaco\'s starting lineup. When the team newspaper commented on the characteristics of Situ Yunbing\'s three months of coaching, he said: Situ Yunbing almost persistently uses only about 15 players!

This made Monaco\'s lineup stable and improved significantly, but it also brought hidden dangers, that is, once the main lineup faces a large-scale injury situation, Monaco will face an embarrassing situation where no one is available, and even players in local positions have irreplaceable players. There is no one more person to act as a replacement. Nimani’s injury seems to confirm this.

The conclusion is that Situ Yunbing\'s style of leadership is actually a bit risky.

Bordeaux made 433 as a guest starting today.

Goalkeeper: Lame.

Defenders: Chaleme, Diawara, Plani, Giulietti.

Midfielder: Diarra, Gourcuff, Menegazo.

Forwards: Jouché, Cavinaghi, Bellion.

Regrettably on the Bordeaux side is that the main player Wendel was not included in the roster due to injury. This was a blow to Bordeaux’s offense, but in other respects, Bordeaux did his best to make his debut. Today there is a good show! "