Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 63: .063 Invitation from the Royal Family

The cold winter is here, even Monaco, which is like spring all year round, is unavoidable to suffer from the cold air. Christmas is getting closer and closer. Major businesses in Monaco city are rushing to carry out this wave of activities before Christmas, and the club naturally accepts it. When it came to promotional discount coupons ranging from catering and entertainment to department stores, Debondan distributed these shopping coupons to employees.

Because Situ Yunbing lived in a bachelor\'s apartment, he had no shopping needs. Apart from leaving some coupons for hotels and restaurants, he gave Alonzo everything else.

Nimani’s injury is much more serious than expected. He needs two months of recuperation. This means that the team currently has no high center forward. Sabo, who has been listed in the reserve team, took the initiative to bow his head to Situ Yunbing. , I hope Nimani’s injury can help the first team.

Situ Yunbing rebuffed the opponent unkindly and asked the opponent to find his next home as much as possible, and clearly informed the opponent that Monaco had no place for him.

Sabo left in disappointment and no longer had any expectations.

Originally Sabo was the team\'s No. 9 and the best choice for center, but unfortunately he was given up because of the chaos. Situ Yunbing was available to him or not.

The available reason is that the first team of the team is short of people, and the reason for not using it is also normal. Situ Yunbing will not compromise because of the shortage of personnel. At the same time, other players of the first team can also get the opportunity. The aid plan will also be affected to a certain extent, can\'t it take him a few games to put him in the cold?

Three of the players listed on the reserve team have found their next home.

Park Zhouyong was taken home again by the South Korean team. He paid 1.3 million euros out of his pocket, and the remaining transfer fee was made up by the South Korean team.

As for the South Korean media, it is quite normal to criticize Situ Yun.

In general, Park Joo-young\'s plan to land in Europe was abandoned halfway by the birth of Situ Yun.

Le Hafer wanted to strengthen the defense in the winter, so he wanted to take away Mueller and Haruna, a defender and a midfielder. Mueller was reluctant to leave, but considering Le Hafer gave him a shot The four-year contract is two and a half years longer than his contract in Monaco, so that he can earn two and a half years more money, so he is ready to leave.

Haruna was originally the star of hope for Monaco in the back waistline. Situ Yunbing gave him a chance. It can even be said that when Situ Yunbing entered the power, the first young player to be promoted and reused was Haruna. It\'s a pity that Haruna did not perform well, and ended up standing in the wrong team. It was regarded as revenge against Situ Yun Bingen. Now it is the only choice to find another way out, otherwise the youth will inevitably be wasted in Monaco.

Three months later, Situ Yunbing showed no signs of letting go of pardoning these people in the reserve team, which made them gradually frustrated. The most important thing is that no one can speak for them now.

The club’s top officials didn’t care about them, and the fans didn’t have a good impression of them. Even the media who liked to pick things turned a blind eye to them. They became a group of people who were marginalized, isolated, and ignored in Monaco.

The departure of Park Joo-young, Muller and Haruna will bring Monaco an income of 7.5 million euros. At the same time, Monaco has reduced the wages of these three. De Bondin is naturally very happy and urges other players to find their next home as soon as possible. , Now De Bondin feels uncomfortable when he sees them: holding the club\'s salary, but not contributing at all!

After Debondan confirmed the transfer of the three, he invited Situ Yunbing to his office.

Situ Yunbing found that his treatment was really different. Every time he came to Debondan’s office, the other party would first make tea or drink red wine for him, and put on a very warm reception scene. At first he was flattered, but now he is used to it. Up.

It\'s just that Situ Yunbing smiled in his heart: Who told you to fire the sports manager and club general manager as soon as you took office!

No one around Debondan is available, so no one can give him advice. In many things, he can only seek the opinions and opinions of Situ Yunbing. Debondan is actually aware of this, but he is choosing the talents. In terms of capacity, it cannot be solved in a short time. He hopes to find a suitable person to run the club together as his deputy.

The current power structure of the team is actually two levels, Debondan and Situ Yunbing.

After a sip of hot tea in the winter, Debondan said to Situ Yunbing straightforwardly: "Park Zhouyong, Mueller, and Haruna have confirmed their departure. The transfer of Kokata and Sabo is also under negotiation. Yaz and Baker, I am also actively looking for buyers for them. It is expected that we will be able to recover more than 10 million euros in cash in the winter transfer market, but the team will also sign in. How is your work going in this regard? ?"

In general, except for the head coaches of individual clubs in the Premier League who control the transfer power, the club coaches of other leagues usually only have the "right to suggest."

That is to suggest which players the team should purge, the general club will also respect the advice of the head coach in this regard.

Because the club is determined not to sell the players that the head coach doesn’t want, but the head coach doesn’t use these players in the game, is it a waste of resources to stay? Increase spending out of thin air?

However, the list of recruits that the head coach generally hopes to receive may not necessarily be strictly enforced by the club, because the club has to consider revenue and expenditure issues, financial costs, and the most intuitive issue is the value of players.

But in terms of quantity, it will basically satisfy the head coach. The head coach said that it wants 5 players, and the club will satisfy at least 4. As for whether these 4 players are the players the head coach wants, it’s a different matter. Basically the club I won’t do it too terribly, I don’t buy everything I want, but I don’t necessarily buy everything.

De Bangdan\'s current passivity lies in the fact that he can only sell who Situ Yunbing asks him to sell, and whoever Situ Yunbing asks him to buy, as long as he is not embarrassed in finances, he will basically be satisfied!

Because besides trusting and listening to Situ Yunbing\'s suggestions, there is no second voice that can influence his decision.

Situ Yunbing thought for a while and said, "Let\'s talk about it after I finish these two games."

When De Bangdan saw Situ Yunbing not anxious, he was anxious.

"Other clubs have been actively carrying out winter signings since November. How can we wait until the end of December to start?

We are behind now!

If the winter signings are not in place, it is not easy for you to win the league championship! "

Situ Yunbing smiled bitterly: "I have two concerns. First, the club’s signings will inevitably distract the players at this time. Second, I only received a part of the club’s scout report. I want at least Sort out the information and then consider signing up. Rather than rushing to introduce some unsatisfactory players, I would rather not sign up. If I have money, I can\'t spend it, don\'t you?"

De Bondin didn\'t expect that Situ Yunbing would consider it for the club. In fact, Monaco\'s financial problems are also largely due to indiscriminate spending.

The players bought have little contribution, and it is difficult to shoot. This has led to a crowded lineup in Monaco, but the crowd is crowded!

Hearing what Situ Yunbing said, De Bondan was relieved, but still urged: "Then you\'d better sort out a list of signings as soon as possible, so I can work on it."

Situ Yunbing held the hot tea and nodded slightly. After talking about the transfer, De Bangdan smiled at Situ Yunbing: "The team can win the half-time championship this year, which is a successful end to 2008. I really look forward to the team\'s current momentum in the second half of the season."

With two rounds left in the league, Monaco is 6 points ahead of second-placed Lyon. As long as one more point is scored, Monaco will be able to secure the league\'s half-time championship. This is an outstanding record that Monaco has not had for many years.

Situ Yunbing did not dare to be too optimistic. Now that Nimani is injured, to some extent, the team has already signaled a decline in momentum because of the loss of strength!

He still had the task of leading the training team today, so he got up and said goodbye.

De Bondan suddenly remembered something before he left. After stopping him, he returned to the desk, took out an invitation card from the drawer and handed it to Situ Yunbing.

"The Monaco royal family’s Christmas dinner invitation letter, which was delivered by Prince Albert himself. If you do not return to China for Christmas, I hope you can go to the palace to attend the dinner."

Situ Yunbing was quite surprised. He didn\'t expect that he could be invited by the Monaco royal family to attend the Christmas dinner. He scratched his head after receiving the invitation, hesitated for a moment and asked, "Should I buy a set of expensive suits?"

De Bondin smiled and said: "I have already made an appointment with a tailor for you. Three suits with the Monaco team logo will be made for you. If you don\'t want the team logo, you can remove it.

Now that the team is looking forward to winning the league half-time championship, De Bondin, as a businessman, naturally wants to pack Situ Yunbing, so that Monaco\'s external image can become better.

Situ Yunbing sighed in his heart: I really have money, it\'s very different from the time when finances were tight.

When there is no money, Debondan will only give Situ Yunbing sportswear.

Now that his financial situation has improved, he has started to customize suits for him.

The cost will not be cheap.

Situ Yunbing didn\'t make any sense. As for the team logo, he didn\'t dislike it, and even preferred to wear clothes with the team logo.