Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 59: .059 Nowhere

The imposing Monaco challenged Rennes in mid-November.

Rennes coach Lacombe expressed surprise and praise for Monaco\'s progress this season before the game.

Situ Yunbing also exchanged courtesy, expressing respect for Lacombe.

Based on his record, Situ Yunbing gradually won the recognition and respect of his colleagues in the French coaching circle.

Two months ago he was just a clown laughed at by his peers, but now no coach would ignore his existence.

Although Lacombe’s player career is not well-known, he has always been well received in the French football coaching circle. He has the title of smart stars. In the past many years, the team he led has had a good record. The small team Sochaux has been able to be a young man. Brought to the UEFA Cup in 2009, and also handed over good results in Toulouse and Guingamp. Only three years ago, he entered the Parc des Princes stadium but almost lost his reputation. Last winter, he made a comeback in Rennes and he was in the second half. This season led Rennes to the sixth position in the league, showing that his coaching level is extraordinary.

Rennes this season has almost maintained the level of the second half of last season, because there is no big-name star, the team is unable to enter the first group to raise the hope of getting the championship, but it is still behind the first group.

Rennes made a stance of sniping Monaco at home. Even at their doorstep, Lacombe allowed his team to play a conservative tactic with the purpose of containing Monaco\'s offense.

But perhaps Lacombe\'s research on Monaco is not thorough. Rennes wants to end Monaco\'s progress by counterattack at home.

But Monaco used the midfield and the backcourt to be almost crazy, and the ubiquitous pressing defense on the court made Rennes\'s counterattack useless.

The counterattack was finally counterattacked by mistake!

Perez, who has been absent in the past three league games, has well led the midfielder to suppress Rennes. Monaco also quickly counterattacked after cutting off the opponent\'s counterattack. The threat of late starters made Rennes even more unprepared.

Rennes thought that they had succeeded in restricting Monaco\'s positional warfare attack, but in fact Monaco\'s positional warfare attack has always been very simple. They paid more attention to the control of space and the timing of offensive and defensive conversion.

Although Monaco did not have a player to score directly in this game, in the second half, Simic swept the ball behind the wing and made an own goal by Rennes defender Fani!

Monaco seemed lucky to take the lead in the away game and finally maintained the score until the end of the game.

Situ Yunbing breathed a sigh of relief at the end of the game. The game paid the price of four cards, and the team finally lived up to expectations and scored 3 points!

Only victory can maintain Monaco\'s momentum after defeating Lyon!

This tone cannot be vented before the winter break!

Situ Yunbing is now playing crazy blood for the team!

By the winter break, he will have room for maneuvering, and he is ready for the second half of the season!

In an interview after the game, Situ Yunbing was still full of praise for the team\'s performance.

The French media have now spread their attention from Situ Yunbing to the Monaco team.

For some young players promoted and reused by Situ Yunbing, the French media gave a positive evaluation.

Four people like Morro, Nimani, Pino, and Mongongu are considered to be the biggest surprise of Monaco this season!

And people like Perez and Merian are considered to have regained their form and reached their peak level in the golden age!

In the 14th round of the French Ligue 1, Marseille and Bordeaux in the first group suffered defeats. Marseille was defeated by Lorient at home. In the past, Gretz laughed at Situ Yunbing, but now he reaped the fruit and was also defeated by Lorient at home!

Bordeaux did not lose injustice, the resentful Lyon returned to the home state. After fierce battle, Bordeaux won 2:1.

Toulouse, Lyon and Monaco have won this round.

Monaco climbed to second place in the league and continued to chase Lyon.

Lyon, 30 points.

Monaco, 28 points.

Marseille, 25 points.

Bordeaux, 24 points.

Toulouse, 24 points.


On Monday afternoon, Monaco was sunny and the seaside atmosphere was refreshing.

Situ Yunbing rode his road race in sportswear to the square outside Monaco Cathedral.

Many pedestrians around him cast a curious look at Situ Yunbing, some took the initiative to greet him, and others asked him for an autograph.

The cool autumn breeze made Situ Yunbing vigorous, and within a short while, a mighty group of riders came outside the cathedral in a road race.

This inevitably aroused the onlookers of passers-by, and everyone saw at a glance that these people were coaches and players of the Monaco club.

Situ Yunbing looked at the brand new road races of the players and coaches, and couldn\'t help but secretly said: It seems that I have driven the growth of French bicycle sales!

A week ago, it was arranged to have a round-the-city race today. Everyone was enthusiastic about participating.

When they lined up on the highway, Situ Yun said a short story.

"Starting from here today, and then going around the road by the sea to the trade exhibition center in the north, and then back from the road in the west to the south, ending at the club!

The first 20 people who reach the finish line are the winners, and the remaining people who arrive will pay for dinner together!

I\'ll decide the location!

You must remember, pay attention to safety on the road!

Be careful!

If there is an accident, it would be really bad! "

Whether it is a coach or a player, or a passer-by on the sideline, listening to Situ Yunbing\'s line speak loudly, he couldn\'t help but laugh!

Muratori shouted to Situ Yunbing, who had been riding his bicycle for almost 30 meters, "Boss, have you finished talking? Can we set off?"

"Wait, wait, let me ride for a while!"


Situ Yunbing "snatched away" honestly and honestly, which really made everyone amused.

Rufael smiled and said, "Just let him, um, give him 3 minutes."

Everyone makes no sense.

Although all the coaches participated in this event, Petty and Bendomi just came to exercise on bicycles and are not included in the competition. After all, they are both 60 years old.

Others are gearing up to perform.

When everyone set off together, Situ Yunbing had disappeared in front of him.

The Monaco club organized a ring road race event that quickly attracted the attention of passers-by. They uploaded the photos and short videos they took to the Internet, which attracted a lot of attention in French football!

Situ Yunbing occasionally likes to wander around Monaco slowly when he is resting. Although there is not much money in his pocket, the beauty here is priceless!

But today he didn\'t care to appreciate the scenery and tried his best to drive his road race. He knew that the coaches were not mentioned in the team. If he is the standard of ordinary people, then the player\'s endurance and explosiveness are abnormal!

If you don\'t rush, you will definitely be behind from start to finish!

After struggling to ride for a period of time, he was exhausted and panting. Situ Yunbing kept looking back and found that no teammate or coach appeared in his vision, which made him feel a little relieved.

When he had just passed the Monte Carlo Casino and saw the Exhibition and Trade Center in front of him, Nkulu\'s shout suddenly came from behind him.

"BOSS! Why are you so slow!"

Situ Yunbing looked back, good fellow, it\'s more than Nkulu!

Almost a large group of them are riding their bicycles and are constantly approaching him. Situ Yunbing speeds up his pedaling as if he is fleeing for his life. He just turned to the west outside the Exhibition and Trade Center, and a gust of wind passed by his players and some The coach passed him in droves!

"BOSS, come on!"

"BOSS, what do you eat tonight?"

"BOSS, we are waiting for you at the end, don\'t let us wait too long!"

Situ Yunbing wanted to cry without tears, and he wanted to pedal faster, but he couldn\'t pedal fast for more than 1 minute. Seeing those people who kept pedaling faster and farther and farther away in sight, Situ Yunbing finally couldn\'t bear it. Live, shouting: "Wait for me!"

After a burst of laughter came from the front, they didn\'t even look back and continued to move forward madly!

Situ Yunbing was helpless, and last week he warned Alonzo to exercise more earnestly. As a result, Alonzo was able to keep up with the players\' rhythm. The endurance of his own coach is really a bit poor.

No, no!

Situ Yunbing learned from the pain, he wants to exercise!

In future training, he can\'t just stay on the sidelines, but also increase his activity.

When Situ Yunbing came to the club for the first time from the bottom, he found that no one was waiting for him at the finish line. The players were already playing entertainment games on the court with the coach.

Situ Yunbing suddenly felt ashamed.

Although it was said that the rule was that the people who arrived at the end after 20 people joined in for dinner, that was the situation where Situ Yunbing assumed that he was one of the 20 people who won.

I hope people who pay the bill can afford a lower burden.

But now he has to pay for it, so he was generous once, and directly paid for the dinner party.

With more than 30 people eating together, Situ Yunbing must not go to a three-Michelin-starred restaurant. He booked a meal at a good French restaurant nearby. Situ Yunbing spent money back to spend money, but he was willing to go to the players and coaches. It\'s fun to mingle.

In the end, nearly 4,000 euros were paid, and this dinner directly brought Situ Yunbing, who had just gotten out of poverty, back to the ranks of the pauper.

Fortunately, he basically has no worries about food and clothing. In Monaco, he can live a full life without money. Besides, at the end of the month, he will have another 5,000 salary. He doesn\'t need to pay Alonzo\'s salary this month, because Alon Zuo has signed a formal work contract with the club.