Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 58: .058 Hit the half-time champion!

Situ Yunbing has become the most popular young coach in French football!

The French football media sang praises for him, and the Monaco fan organization also publicly withdrew its boycott of him, and in turn directly announced its support for Situ Yunbing!

Monaco players will also praise Situ Yunbing in interviews!

This made him refreshed. After the Lyon race was stopped, the team rested for a long time. Situ Yunbing ran to a nearby town and bought a famous French brand Time road racing bike.

From walking to work on two legs to going to work riding a road race, it is considered an upgrade of travel tools.

Cycling is already very popular in Europe. For example, in France, the Tour de France is a grand event for riders. The demand for Situ Yunbing is not high. He just occasionally rides bicycles along the coastline. It can be used for fitness and fitness. To better appreciate the beautiful scenery, the key is to stop and walk as much as you want, which is extremely free.

He rode the road race to the club that afternoon, but he did not expect that his photos of the road race in Monaco club sportswear would become popular on the Internet that night!

Not only Ligue 1, maybe there is no second coach in the five major European leagues who is as young as Situ Yunbing and rides a road race through the city!

Only when Situ Yunbing rode a road race to the club parking lot and just locked the car, a brand new scooter stopped next to him. He turned his head and looked at Alonzo with a surprised look when he took off his helmet. With Situ Yunbing.

Alonzo looked down at his newly bought scooter, and then at Situ Yunbing\'s road race, suddenly he couldn\'t laugh or cry.

Anyway, Alonzo is also a person who has been paid 5,000 euros for two months. After defeating Lyon, he also squandered and bought himself a new scooter, which made it easier for him to travel from Nice to Monaco.

It was not that Situ Yunbing had no money to buy a scooter, but he had to rely on a driver\'s license, which was troublesome.

When he and Alonzo walked to the office together, he taught Alonzo heartily.

"You need to exercise more at a young age. Did you know that men\'s physical functions begin to decline after 28 years of age?

The effect of taking the same time to exercise before the age of 28 and after the age of 28 will gradually differ greatly. You, don\'t make it convenient. It doesn\'t hurt to exercise more now. "

Alonzo really listened for a while, and Situ Yunbing was really empirical. Seeing Alonzo\'s dazed face, he could only sigh slightly: When you are over 30, you will understand.

As soon as he entered the office, Situ Yunbing and Alonzo parted temporarily, and the phone on the desk rang.

Situ Yunbing went to answer the phone.

"Coach Situ, a Chinese reporter wants to make an appointment to interview you."

Situ Yunbing was immediately caught off guard after hearing this.

Do the people of the motherland finally think of me?

He was just about to say yes, but then he thought about it, accepting the interview is not good for him, but it may cause trouble.

He does not want to be explored by others, even if he cannot shake his position in Monaco, it will have a negative impact on public opinion.

Moreover, he has previously refused many interview appointments by different French media. If this precedent is set, wouldn\'t he have to deal with reporters in the future?

Think deeper and calmly. As a coach, what he wants is the team record. If he is in front of the media, does it mean taking credit?

He has publicly put the credit for the team\'s outstanding record on the players many times, and he can\'t say one thing and do another thing.

Low-key, this time must be low-key!

In order for other coaches to become famous, their fame is huge profits!

These Situ Yun soldiers can be dispensed with for the time being, all he wants is to complete the challenge and live better!

Focus on the team.

He said to the phone: "I am not accepting interviews at the moment, please help me to decline, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Situ Yunbing turned on his computer and browsed the sports portals in China to see if he had any news about him.

This is incredible, it\'s exploded!

Situ Yunbing is the youngest coach ever to obtain a UEFA A-level certificate!

This alone is enough to be blown by the fans.

In addition, he went to Monaco alone to coach, and he could blow another wave!

Leading his team to climb double-digit rankings in the past two months, just beat Lyon, and blow another wave!

Situ Yunbing browsed the news about himself and the hot posts in the forum. He felt that his body was getting lighter and lighter, as if he was about to float!

Almost there is a halo on the head!

Situ Yunbing wanted to register an account to reply to posts or comment on news.

Tell the people of the motherland: I am all well in France!

In the end, he didn\'t do this, and wanted to come across the Internet, who can tell the truth.

Came to the training ground with a happy mood. The players were discussing the road race in the parking lot. When they learned that it was Situ Yunbing\'s car, someone suddenly proposed to organize a road race in Monaco!

Situ Yunbing laughed and laughed, but he also felt that this was a good proposal, so he set the time on the afternoon of the next Monday, which can be regarded as an alternative way to enrich the team\'s daily training content.

Now Monaco is only 2 points away from Lyon, the team\'s morale is unprecedentedly high, the players are active, the mentality is correct, the fighting spirit is high, and Situ Yunbing is also a lot easier to lead the team.

After two months, Situ Yunbing can be considered to have completely secured Monaco\'s handsome position, but his mentality is still on thin ice.

When summarizing the coaching work of the past two months, he basically completed the establishment of the main lineup in the team and the elimination of unstable factors!

At the same time, it established its own authority and won the support of the locker room, the club\'s top management, and the fans!

The technical and tactical system has established a system with defensive counterattack as the core, which simply sorts out the offensive level of the team\'s counterattack, defensive joint defense cooperation and so on.

As a result, his team building has come to an end for the time being. In addition to the French League Cup, the next schedule will have 6 games before the end of the winter break.

In order to gain strong support from the board of directors during the winter break, Situ Yunbing must maintain the current momentum in the league. Only with an outstanding record can the board of directors support his signings and lay the foundation for the team to impact the league.

After the battle with Lyon, Situ Yunbing still had 10 cards. He had 12 cards before the last game, 5 cards were used up, 3 cards were drawn after the game, one in and one out, and now there are still 10 sheets.

It is equivalent to a game that consumes 2 cards.

The benefits of victory in Lyon are incomparable, so this consumption is acceptable to Situ Yunbing.

In order to maintain the team’s high level of performance, and to take advantage of the current high morale of the team, Situ Yunbing intends to use 3 to 4 cards per game to increase the winning rate in the next schedule, maybe even Can hit the league half-time champion!

In the middle of the week, Monaco played at home against Nancy.

The French League Cup 1/8 finals arrived as scheduled.

Just two weeks ago, Situ Yunbing had just led his team to a draw with Nancy at home!

However, today’s League Cup fight again for Nancy, the situation is completely different.

Nancy’s ranking in the league is still hovering outside the relegation zone. Although they have won two consecutive victories in the past two rounds of the league, their focus is completely locked in the league. They don’t want to accidentally go to France next season. Up.

Situ Yunbing is also rotating at home, giving the substitute players more opportunities!

At the same time, he also used three cards in this League Cup, all of which are cards to strengthen the ability of defensive players.

As for the offense, it was left to Gakpe to attack the tough.

Nancy has no heart to fight, but Monaco is fierce at home!

Even if it is a group of substitute players, they are playing well at home. Although the offensive quality is not high, the advantage of the scene created by fierce fighting can bring more attacks!

Under the indiscriminate bombing of Monaco, Nancy finally failed to retreat at the Louis II Stadium. Gakpe scored twice in the second half of 30 minutes to help Monaco win 2:0 at home.

Monaco reaches the quarterfinals in the French League Cup!