Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 547: .547 max record!

I don\'t know what kind of adjustments Moyes will make to the team during the intermission, Situ Yunbing chose to sit still and watch the changes.

When the second half of the game started, Manchester United suddenly attacked. Cleverly pressed on the frontcourt and formed a connection with Giggs. After a few quick passes that seemed smoother, it still became Giggs on the side. Road 45 degrees cross.

Van Persie was blocked by Benatia\'s shooting angle when he hit the back of the penalty area, but he still volleyed the ball directly to Benatia to get out of the bottom line.

Moyes clapped hands and applauded on the sidelines to motivate the team\'s morale. It was a bit embarrassing to see Situ Yunbing, as if Moyes had used the blue-collar fighters\' methods for Manchester United.

Manchester United took a corner kick and Van Dijk made a header to make a clearance. Even if Ferdinand wanted to head up the goal, he failed to produce good results.

Gerrard stopped the ball just outside the penalty area, and the counter-grab from Carrick came to his eyes. Gerrard calmly knocked the ball back to Casemiro, who rushed forward and sent it straight. Out.

Suarez took the ball from the back of the center circle and turned and passed Cleverly directly.

Cleverly turned around and pursued it, but he couldn\'t even look at it.

Only Evra and Vidic remained at the back. They hoped that Valencia, who was chasing at full speed, could delay and interfere with Suarez, and even steal and destroy directly!

But when Suarez pushed the offensive force to reach the dangerous area of ​​attack, Valencia was still almost two meters away from him, and Suarez crossed the ball diagonally to the left of the penalty area.

At the same time, Gareth Bale, who hurriedly smashed up, directly smashed the ball and crossed the opponent when Vidic moved to kill, and then changed his direction to advance into the Manchester United penalty area!


De Gea attacked quickly. He really did not expect Gareth Bale to be able to crosscut and then change direction. It seems that since he left Monaco, Gareth Bale has also improved his technical ability in Liverpool for more than a year. And carefully polished.

The small skills are certainly not as delicate and flexible as the South American players, but in the Premier League, combined with his style of opening and closing is very practical.

In the face of former teammate De Gea, Gareth Bale calmly used a kick to send the ball into the lower right corner of the goal!

That was the far corner of the goal. De Gea made a save for the first time but was unable to recover!

Gareth Bale turned and rushed to the corner flag area and made a heart-shaped gesture to the home fans!

"Liverpool has another city! Gareth Bale performed extremely well today!

Manchester United was just about to make an effort, but after a corner kick attack was beaten by Liverpool. Now they are behind by four goals!

This is already a disastrous score. Will Moyes\' team be massacred? "

Moyes was dumbfounded and his expression became very unnatural.

Situ Yunbing sat on the coach\'s bench and turned his head to laugh about the goal with the coaches.

Manchester United and Liverpool are not at all a level opponent!

When will Moyes admit this?

do not know.

Anyway, some Manchester United players have already resigned.

This is not the spirit of the Red Devil, but it can be said that Ferguson\'s retirement also took away the blood and will of the Red Devil!

In the face of Liverpool, which is so powerful that they are helpless and struggling, they have tried every means to reverse their destiny. They raised their heads and fought again and again, but were beaten to the ground with merciless punches again and again!

The second half of the game has just begun, but some people are already exhausted, as if all their energy has been drained, and their mental power has been completely exhausted!

The Liverpool fans in the stands sang and danced, began to celebrate early, and brazenly show off to Manchester United fans!

The Red Devils fans feel aggrieved, and the days have been worse in these years.

Although the earliest Arsenal made Manchester United fans feel disappointed occasionally, it was only occasionally, but then the rise of Chelsea really made them feel that their hegemony was threatened.

After finally regaining the lost ground, after Ferguson once again won the empire of three consecutive championships, Manchester City has risen again!

Now, the Reds Liverpool are riding on their heads and peeing!

Anyone who is a fan will be miserable.

In fact, the cruelest thing is that Manchester United fans still do not realize that this is just the beginning of a long-term suffering, not a small wave in the long-term development of the club.

Regardless of whether the Manchester United players and coaches are willing, the game must continue.

Such an intensity of the game is already unbearable for the veteran Giggs, so Moyes replaced him and Phil Jones appeared on the field to strengthen the defense.

It\'s really hindsight, if you don\'t get beaten all over, you don\'t know to protect.

But it was too late, Manchester United as a whole has become a little lifeless, Liverpool maintained an efficient operation and continued to invade Manchester United\'s defenses again and again.

In the 58th minute of the game, Eriksson received Suarez\'s return pass in the frontcourt. Phil Jones rushed up and shoveled the ball. Eriksson calmly dialed the ball to complete the dodge, and then tilted the ball. Pick and transfer into the left rib zone of the penalty area.

Gareth-Bernet cut and failed to touch the ball. This time Valencia\'s defense was more effective and interfered with him, but to Valencia\'s surprise, although he delayed Gareth-Bell, but When the football was about to fly out of the bottom line after hitting the ground, Robertson accidentally hit the ball to the back of the penalty area before the football went out of bounds!

This pass has disrupted Manchester United\'s rhythm, because their defensive players thought that the ball would definitely go out of bounds, but they did not expect to be back again!

It\'s too late for Vidic to turn around and block Gerald again!

Gerrard nodded behind the goal!

De Gea could not be blocked, and the football hit the bottom of the crossbar and was hugged by De Gea.

Gerrard immediately raised his hand to the referee to signal that the football had crossed the goal line when hitting the ground!

The Manchester United generals immediately waved their hands to indicate no!

"Wow, there was a goal line dispute in the game. Liverpool captain Gerrard took Robertson\'s cross and header. Has the football crossed the goal line when it hit the bottom edge of the crossbar and bounced?

The referee Marina is communicating with the technical team. The new season is the first year that the Premier League will use Hawkeye technology to determine whether football has crossed the goal line. In this England derby, we will immediately see the use of Hawkeye technology. Simulate whether the football crossed the goal line just now.

Well, Marina\'s finger circled, indicating that the goal is valid!

We will also see the details of the ball just now on the big screen and on our live broadcast. "

Both the TV screen and the big screen showed the Hawkeye technology to simulate the position of the football bounce and the goal line after Gerrard\'s header just now, clearly showing that the football just crossed the goal line!

The Manchester United players are very frustrated, it seems that even technology is bullying them!

Moyes kept shaking his head on the sidelines, maybe it was really bad luck, if it were placed in the last season, most of these goals would not be awarded!

Because the decision not to enter is more convincing, no one can prove that football has indeed passed the goal line.

And considering that Liverpool had four goals in the lead before, the decision to not score may be even more humane.

But not today!

Liverpool fans boiled, Manchester United fans began to withdraw.

Already **** behind 0:5, what else to see?

Ferguson probably also knows that the team\'s visit to Anfield is ugly, he did not come to watch the game today.

Liverpool began to make substitutions.

Captain Gerrard was replaced, Coutinho appeared, Liverpool changed formation and played 4132.

Let Gareth Bale and Suarez share the firepower to contain the Manchester United defense line on the front line, and the midfielder will have Eriksson, Coutinho and Casemiro in turn to create long-range threats.

Manchester United also substituted, and Nani replaced Welbeck.

Moyes is still commanding the sidelines, doing his best to boost team morale after every substitution.

If you have a loud voice, Situ Yunbing should have no chance of winning.

The game continued, Manchester United completely contracted the defense line, although retaining the threat of counterattack, but the weakness of the midfield and the defensive line exhausted too many troops, making Manchester United\'s counterattack always unable to successfully cross the Liverpool midfield defense system.

Kanter hardly has to worry about the attack from the opponent\'s mid lane, there is no threat!

He frequently steals on the two wing, blocking Manchester United\'s wing fast break, Ashley-Young and Nani can not take any advantage in front of him.

At least through this game, people have a clearer view of Situ Yunbing\'s transformation of the team in the second year of coaching Liverpool.

The defensive reshaping was the most significant, which led to new methods of offense.

In the 76th minute of the game, Manchester United\'s defense line had become a bit messy under Liverpool\'s continuous attack. When Azpilicueta crossed from the right to find Suarez, Suarez\'s header was blocked by De Gea. , And then outside the penalty area, after Eriksen took possession of the ball, he passed the ball diagonally to the left of the penalty area without waiting for Cleverly and Phil Jones to flick him. Carrick immediately rushed over.

Coutinho took a stroll and pulled the ball back, swaying the angle and passing the ball lightly to the middle of the penalty area.

I saw Casemiro rushing up to meet the ball and shoot!

The football flies straight to the upper left corner of the goal like a cannonball!

Goalkeeper De Gea wanted to make a second save but was powerless!

When the football flew into the goal, De Gea could only hang his head weakly with his hands on his hips.

"Massage! Liverpool slaughtered Manchester United!

This is not an England derby, it is more like a contest between the Premier League champion and the relegation team!

Moyes was dazzled by the big victory of the opener. He did not see the reality clearly and was not prepared. He completely let the young man from Manchester United come to Anfield to die. Now Manchester United is ravaged and destroyed!

This score will inevitably hurt Manchester United fans deeply!

You must know that in the Premier League era, the biggest single-game difference between Manchester United and Liverpool was in the 2004-2005 season when Manchester United beat Liverpool 4-0 at Old Trafford.

And now Liverpool has set this record, which is only a record in the Premier League era.

The record of a confrontation between the two teams shows that Liverpool has tied the 6 goal difference record of Liverpool sweeping Manchester United 7:1 in 1895!

If Manchester United want to save face, they have to close this score gap.

Once Liverpool scores another goal, Liverpool will create the largest single-game difference between the two clubs in more than a century of history! "