Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 546: .546 There is a yellow spring at the foot, killing no blood

Van Persie\'s anxiety seemed to spread to the entire Manchester United team. The offensive organization was blocked. He tried various methods to threaten Liverpool\'s goal, which made Manchester United crazy.

Moyes miscalculated the situation in this England derby. If he could be more pragmatic, instead of arranging troops like a cross, with a more in-depth tactical design, Manchester United would not be so disappointing. Of course Perhaps the biggest reason is that Moyes does not want to humiliate Manchester United\'s wealthy reputation. Even at Anfield, Manchester United is required to show a tough attitude and their consistently more positive style.

But obviously in the comparison of the strength of the two teams, Manchester United does not have the capital to compete head-on with Liverpool.

In the 29th minute of the game, after Gareth Bale received the pass from Casemiro from the front left, Robertson pushed Valencia\'s defensive center of gravity to deflect, and Gareth Bale suddenly smashed the ball. Changing inward, Carrick and Ferdinand flanked him together, Gareth Bale knocked the ball diagonally back to the midfield, and Eriksson stepped in and hopped the ball forward to open and return to defend Cary. The distance between the grams, a long shot from the penalty area line forced Vidic to move closer to the middle of the block.

But when the foot touched the ball, it flexibly sent a diagonal plug.

Gerrard cut inside the right side of Manchester United\'s penalty area, took the ball and pushed it further toward the bottom line steering wheel, driving the offensive depth advantage and immediately swept the ball in front of the goal. Suarez grabbed a point to outflank the ball and sent the ball to the right Lower corner!

De Gea subconsciously fell to the ground to intercept and failed to touch the football.

Suarez\'s goal once again ignited the passion of the Red Army fans, and the Anfield Stadium broke out with earth-shattering cheers!

"Suarez outflanked the goal! Liverpool led Manchester United with two goals at home!

Manchester United really cannot stop Liverpool\'s continuous offensive!

The most important reason for Manchester United\'s defeat in the championship last season was that they were at an absolute disadvantage in direct dialogue with Liverpool, and Liverpool completed a double play!

This reflects that Manchester United has a gap in strength with Liverpool. After Ferguson\'s retirement in the summer, Moyes\' signings after taking office, and Liverpool\'s signings in the summer to increase their strength, I want to comprehensively consider this series of factors from a theoretical level. The strength gap between the two teams has naturally become larger!

So we can’t help asking whether Moyes himself is aware of this, and if he realizes it, what way will he use to close the gap, and how to make up for this gap when talking directly in the game.

At present, Manchester United is like playing an ordinary league, they are not fully aware and prepared.

It is no exaggeration to say that Moyes\' formation today is here to send points. It is a good spirit to show courage in the away game, but the prerequisite is always to save his life!

Now Liverpool leads Manchester United by two goals. If Manchester United do not make positive improvements and adjustments, then I think this score gap will widen! "

Situ Yunbing applauded the team\'s goal from the sidelines!

Now although the team’s creativity has declined, that is, the number of forward threatening **** has decreased compared with last season, but due to the strengthening of the full-back offense, it can create more cross-pass transfers under tactical constraints. Space. In this way, Liverpool has fewer through passes in front of the penalty area, but the chances are better!

Erickson just passed Gerrard\'s threatening ball delivery is the embodiment of this tactical effect.

Moyes made some motivating moves on the sidelines and assumed a tenacious posture, but it\'s a pity that this contest is not a contest of fighting spirit and will at all.

Only in a confrontation of comparable strength is the need to highlight fighting spirit and will.

Obviously, the core of this contest is hard power and tactics.

After Manchester United kicked off again, they increased their speed forcibly. They played a very fast attack on the right, but Ashley Young and Valencia were too traditional. They had speed and made a pass. Unfortunately, there was no internal threat. This has led to Liverpool being more targeted when defending their wing attacks, without worrying about being caught off guard.

When Valencia\'s cross was narrowly headered by Welbeck in the penalty area, no one could see that Manchester United\'s offensive was not necessarily threatening.

Liverpool was like a tank driving into Manchester United\'s half, making Manchester United struggling in the confrontation.

In the 35th minute of the game, Situ Yunbing turned around and walked back to the coaching bench to sit down. He did not continue to command from the sidelines because the team was functioning well and he could not see how Manchester United could threaten Liverpool.

After all, Moyes is too far away from Ferguson. Perhaps this comparison is unfair to Moyes. No one in the world would think that Moyes can compare to Ferguson, but the key is, who makes Moyes the Manchester United coach now and who will take over Where is Ferguson\'s class?

In the 39th minute of the game, Azpilicueta received Gerrard\'s pass from the bottom of the right. When he pretended to make a pass, he deceived Evra\'s center of gravity to block it, and then smashed the ball with his foot. In the penalty area, when he was looking for an opportunity to pass in the penalty area, Vidic rushed over to release the tackle. Azpilicueta immediately dunked the ball, so that Vidic could not touch the football, but Vidic brought it down. Azpilicueta!

The referee Marina\'s whistle sounded a penalty kick.

Moyes rushed to question the fourth official angrily, protesting Marina\'s sentence.

Normally at this time, Situ Yunbing would definitely put pressure on the referee, but today he did not. He did not even pay attention to Moyes\'s communication with the fourth official. He sat on the coach\'s bench with a calm attitude and watched the game.

The Manchester United fans in the stands have long since died down, and the weakness of the team really makes them a little unable to look up!

Moyes was warned by the referee, and no matter how much Manchester United players protested, it didn\'t matter much.

Liverpool won a penalty.

Gerrard took the penalty kick. After the referee blew the whistle, Gerrard pushed the ball to the bottom left of the goal center after a run-up!

De Gea made a brave save and blocked the ball in the penalty area with a single palm!

"De Gea saved a penalty shot by Gerrard! Please be in the penalty area, make a supplement!

The goal is scored!

Gareth Bale rushed into the small penalty area to shoot the ball into the Manchester United goal!

De Gea is furious!

He has done his best. He shut out Gerrard\'s penalty, but his teammates failed to protect the front zone in time!

This will definitely upset the goalkeeper!

Manchester United are three goals behind!

Is the suspense of the game over? "

While Gareth Bale was celebrating, De Gea confronted Manchester United\'s teammates.

In fact, the biggest problem for Manchester United now is that the coaches have exposed the lack of players\' inadequacy under the condition of average coaching level!

It is undeniable that some of Manchester United\'s current players are very high-level, like Van Persie and De Gea, Carrick is.

But some players are really very limited. Welbeck, Ashley Young, Valencia, and Cleverly are the most obvious. If they use their previous performance for Manchester United to measure their strength, it is actually not objective. Imagine if anyone outside of England is willing to buy them and use them, the answer to this question will emerge.

Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, Juventus, will they be worthy of them?

of course not!

They may go to foreign giants and even the main competitive force must be ranked backward.

And even the giants of England, in addition to Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester City, Liverpool also look down on them.

That is, when Ferguson was able to combine the team into a whole, after making simple tactics to the most extreme, it made them shine at Manchester United.

This is actually a somewhat weird thing. Once the overlord of the Premier League can be seen by foreign giants, it has hardly been seen in the past five years, because Giggs, Scholes, Ferdinand and Evra are all old. , After Ferdinand and Vidic reached their peak in 2008, Vidic fell to the altar due to injuries, and Ferdinand entered the end of his career decline.

Ferguson seems to have magic that can turn this group of old, weak, sick and disabled into a competitive team, but after Ferguson is gone, they are fully exposed.

Moyes can not be compared with Ferguson, not referring to their prestige, honor, but the ability to control Manchester United.

Obviously, Moyes has no ability to make Manchester United have a positive chemical reaction on the basis of becoming a team, driving the overall strength to break through the limit and complete the sublimation.

If Ferguson left Moyes with a runner-up team, then this is obviously a pitfall for Moyes, because Ferguson left his wisdom to Moyes.

People who can\'t cook can cut their hands with a kitchen knife, but the master can skillfully use a kitchen knife to make rich and exquisite dishes to cook delicious food.

The knife is still the knife, the key is whether it can be used and how to use it.

Before the end of the first half, Liverpool\'s overall formation contracted slightly. Everyone knows that at this time it is necessary to ensure that the lead will not be reduced.

Manchester United played for more than 40 minutes. After Liverpool retreated, they could breathe and pass the ball smoothly, but the first half of the game ended!

When the players of the two teams walked towards the player channel, Moyes seemed very worried.

He and Situ Yunbing have already become immortal enemies. That was because he coached Everton last season. Now, it\'s just the continuation and development of this hatred.

Maybe he should thank Situ Yunbing for showing mercy to him before this England derby. Compared to the degree to which Situ Yunbing was rude to him last season, it is now much gentler.

But Moyes was keenly aware of Situ Yunbing\'s contempt for him!

He also has no doubt that Situ Yunbing will let him lose his reputation after this England German game!

Liverpool\'s successive goals are like sticking a knife into him!

Liverpool really has a yellow spring at its feet, killing but not seeing blood!