Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 358: .358 Pure Football

At the Barcelona pre-match press conference, Guardiola was asked by reporters about the duel between him and the two marshals of Situ Yunbing.

Guardiola laughed and said: "I don\'t know if I can be a young coach, no matter what, let us take tomorrow night\'s game seriously.

In the past decade, many young and promising coaches have emerged in European football. Situ Yunbing is undoubtedly the biggest star.

He redefines the background of a successful coach in European football. He comes from China, a football desert that we don\'t understand or care about, but he has succeeded.

He also redefines the age of a successful coach in European football. For a long, long time in the past, people would not think that a coach under 35 could lead the team to great success because of experience and lack of maturity. The way to manage the team, as well as the control of the locker room.

But Situ Yunbing completely broke this age limit. He won many coaches\' honors for his life in his 20s.

So his success has inspired many young coaches. I think many young coaches who have worked hard in Barcelona will be passionate about seeing his success story. They hope to become the next Situ Yunbing because people are always eager to succeed in a short time.

At the same time, at the professional level, I think he is a phenomenal coach in European football. Regardless of age, nationality, coaching time and other factors, let\'s see what he has done in Monaco and Hamburg.

If you only look at him coaching Monaco or Hamburg, most people will say with a scrutiny attitude: Well, he did a good job, he is very good at training the team\'s defense, well, he has great ideas in building the team\'s offense. .

But when the two are combined, let\'s think about it carefully, how many coaches in European football can create two teams with very different styles in such a short period of time?

Although similarly his teams are full of passion, are so young and have enviable impact, but in many outstanding details, his work results are amazing!

I will not despise him, never, I will say that Hamburg is the favorite team to win the Champions League this season!

I look forward to playing against him at the Nou Camp tomorrow night, and I also want to know how powerful his burger is. "

Guardiola\'s remarks definitely gave Situ Yunbing enough face. To a certain extent, the famous coaches actually have similarities, that is, they will not be blindly arrogant to belittle their opponents.

But most of the remarks that involve contempt are influenced by other factors.

If this year\'s Hamburg is not coached by Situ Yunbing, then there may be famous coaches who will dismiss Hamburg, but since it is led by Situ Yunbing, who won the Champions League a year ago, the situation is completely different.

To belittle a coach who has proven to be successful, how awkward is this?

European football focused on the Camp Nou battle, and Barcelona’s mouthpiece "World Sport" also hit the title: The Marvelous Marshal will meet the challenge at the Nou Camp!

Although both Barcelona and Real Madrid belong to Spain, in fact Barcelona is the flag of Catalonia. The root of the rival relationship between Barcelona and Real Madrid is actually at the political level, but after the continuation, the confrontation between the clubs has become the norm.

There is a saying that war is a continuation of politics. In Spain, this sentence can be perfectly interpreted as football is a continuation of politics.

Catalonia has struggled for independence year after year. It is conceivable that the confrontation between Barcelona and Real Madrid has not eased the external environment. In other words, from the club to the fans all over the world, we do not want the two clubs. In that case, the "classic war" will naturally be overshadowed.

On the night when Situ Yunbing led his team to Barcelona, ​​he turned on the TV to watch football shows boredly while staying in the hotel to rest.

Unexpectedly, I couldn\'t fall asleep when I saw it.

Because he was full of shock!

He saw a local football show in Barcelona, ​​and learned that this show will hold a similar live seminar to talk about the Barcelona game every week!

If only looking at the Spanish media reports can basically get a general understanding of Barcelona\'s performance in the game, then this program puts all the details of the Barcelona players and coaches\' performance in the game under the microscope.

Very picky!

Even if Barcelona wins the game, they will tirelessly pick the bones from the egg, as if hoping to make Barcelona perfect!

Although Situ Yunbing does not understand Catalan, he can also understand through the effects of video post-production in the show that the show measures the distance the players run, the time they drink water, and who did not participate after scoring a goal. Celebrate, who looks like after losing the ball, and so on.

These seem to be irrelevant things, at least in a rational view, the coach will allow players to make mistakes.

Excessive harshness will only tighten everyone\'s heartstrings, and maintaining a high degree of tension may increase the probability of making mistakes. This is why commentators are so popular that teams that perform well are more relaxed!

Even with more than three years of coaching experience, he has experienced different football cultures in two different leagues, and he has made a big circle around Europe.

But Situ Yunbing still couldn\'t understand Barcelona\'s local attitude towards football.

In his opinion, football is an indispensable part of life for fans in most European countries. The team won today, and go drinking happily!

The team lost today, don\'t mess with me if you are upset!

But to say that no matter whether you win or lose, you have to pull the team out again as if you are going to judge it again, which is a bit abnormal!

Perhaps this is the power of faith!

Barcelona is the faith of Catalan fans!

Who would allow flaws in his beliefs?


The next day, in the evening, the Hamburg bus drove into the magnificent Camp Nou stadium.

Sitting in the visiting team\'s locker room at the Nou Camp, Situ Yunbing once again carefully observed the little things here. Perhaps for those who believe in Barcelona, ​​they can tell the truth about everything here.

Situ Yunbing tried to find some unique sense of sight here, but unfortunately, there was none.

He has been to the Bernabéu, and also to Old Trafford, the Allianz Stadium, Stamford Bridge Stadium and so on.

What excites him is not the decoration and space of the visiting team\'s locker room, but the pride of sitting here as a visitor, ready to challenge the owner here!

As for the difference between defeating Barcelona and defeating Real Madrid, Situ Yunbing may not be able to tell, because he is not too cold about these two teams.

On the second day in Barcelona, ​​he spent the whole day thinking about a question: What is my belief?

It wasn\'t until he was sitting in the locker room at the Camp Nou that he realized that he had never believed in, nor could he have faith.

Before becoming the head coach, he lived a life like a walking dead, repeating work mechanically, watching the similar day and night changes every day, and being numbed by the destruction of real life, faith? What can\'t be eaten as a meal is useless.

As for the past three years or so, Situ Yunbing actually only did one thing: hard work.

He was able to complete the challenge one after another, not relying on faith, because he had never owned this illusory thing.

There has never been a soil for cultivating faith in the trajectory of life in the past, and now it is a disease-free groan to find faith.

Barcelona is more special after all, and he himself is quite good now, naturally there is no need to disturb himself.

Seeing the blossoming of European football, don\'t explore the heavy reality behind it.

It\'s good to keep it as it is now.

When the players returned to the dressing room for the final preparations before the game, Situ Yunbing stood up. He stood among the crowd in a familiar position.

Everyone habitually raised their heads to look at him, waiting for his pre-match advice.

Situ Yunbing took a deep breath with his hands in his pockets, and chuckled: "This is my first time against the defending champion of the Champions League. I feel a little bit pressured. The defending champion is different!"

Ha ha ha!

Situ Yunbing\'s opening remarks made everyone laugh.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little relaxed.

Situ Yunbing said softly to everyone: "After 24 hours in Barcelona, ​​I have a lot of feelings and lead me to reflect.

We have encountered a strong enemy we have never seen before. There is no doubt about the strength of Barcelona. Their championship title is what we envy.

Yesterday, I will fill you up and then refill the lubricant, let them start the engine, the roar will resound in all directions, and the full horsepower will want to gallop at the Nou Camp!

But today I want to give you a vacation and forget the goal of victory. I will not squeeze all your energy out of the last point.

We just want to go out and play a game with Barcelona, ​​just like kids from all over the world who play football at this moment, they will show themselves in the game and try to behave like a team in the game.

Of course we will do better than them, but I expect you to enjoy the purest football and the happiness brought by the great game. This is the reason why you fell in love with football at first. Maybe the profession makes us abandon it. In a dark corner.

But I am sure that we need to find this happiness and the original feeling of football.

I don\'t need to repeat tactics, nor do I need to beat you up, I just need you to play this game with the simplest mentality.

No matter how strong Barcelona is, no matter how good or bad they are, we just want to enjoy our football at the Nou Camp! "

Although Situ Yun\'s words are calm and calm, the effect is that every Hamburg player becomes more aggressive after nodding!

The initial feeling of football, of course, is to be the protagonist on the field and win victory after sweating!