Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 357: .357 Don't get involved

Hamburg returned triumphantly. European media generally believed that Hamburg\'s hopes of qualifying after this round have greatly increased!

As long as they can score points in the two rounds with Barcelona, ​​the rest will depend on whether AC Milan is able to win Borisov in two rounds. If AC Milan can pass the game smoothly, the two teams may be in the last two rounds of the group stage. Also staged a decisive battle!

It seems that people have never worried about Barcelona\'s qualifying problem, and the strong strength of the defending champion is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Before the FIFA match day in October, Hamburg played in the UEFA Champions League and played Schalke 04 at home in the league.

In this game, Situ Yunbing had a limited rotation. Hamburg played very hard at the People’s Park, but failed to win Schalke 04. The opponent Farfan played well in the game, Raul and Huntela Er\'s combination gradually became better and cooperated tacitly. In the end, Hamburg and Schalke 04 drew 2:2 at home.

Hamburg stopped 7-game winning streak in the league in the new season. Looking at the standings, their lead is already very large.

Hamburg, 22 points.

Bayern Munich, 16 points.

Dortmund, 10 points.


Entering the FIFA game day, Situ Yunbing’s life is step by step, and now he will spend more time doing fitness every day, which makes him feel good. Sigrid rushes to show in major European cities. Reunited in this little holiday.

In addition to fitness, Situ Yunbing will go to watch Barcelona\'s matches since the new season. The rhythm of the Champions League group stage is not fast, but after Hamburg established the league lead in August, the league is not his current focus. .

In the final analysis, it is also because Hamburg\'s overall strength has reached the level that does not need to look at the faces of most of the Bundesliga teams. Even if there are opponents targeted tactics, Situ Yunbing can also be able to see the trick.

After the FIFA match day, Hamburg’s training was as usual. During this period, some German media were boringly speculating about the sexual orientation of Royce and Griezmann, because they could see Griez in a large number of photos or videos. The intimate conversations or subconscious movements of Man and Royce are imaginative.

I have to say that some of the photo capture angles are really impressive.

Especially when the two of them laughed while playing, there is a kind of alternative sweetness.

Situ Yunbing disliked this kind of news a hundred times, and he had to reprimand the media for spreading rumors before facing Freiburg.

"I don\'t know the purpose of publishing these news in the newspaper, or what I want to imply. It is normal for the relationship between players and players to be good. I think the reason why people are willing to think about it may be due to the two of them. People have handsome looks. I know some girls like stories like this, but I must say that these speculations are absurd. Please respect the Hamburg players and the Hamburg club."

Although the process of world civilization is becoming more open and tolerant and free, the football field is different. Just as gender equality is not as popular as in the world, female referees and female commentators, but all men’s football involves women. Peach color occupies the mainstream, but it is just a recreational embellishment of this sport.

As for homosexuality, it is completely difficult to have room for survival. European football has a precedent for coming out of the closet. The first is a player who has played for Nottingham Forest. As a result, he was unable to withstand pressure at the age of 37. Chose to commit suicide.

In people’s stereotypes, homosexuality has always been a symbol of soft cowards, but what football needs is hard work, bravery, passion, and passion!

For this reason, Situ Yunbing must criticize the media for such irresponsible reports.

Maybe this is just a boring topic, but it will have a negative impact on Hamburg.

After finishing the pre-match press conference, Situ Yunbing was standing in the corridor smoking a cigarette. He called Alonzo in front of him. Seeing Situ Yunbing\'s thoughts, Alonzo asked somewhat unexpectedly: "BOSS, what? Up?"

Situ Yunbing raised his head and asked in a low voice distractedly: "Do you think they are gay?"

Alonzo laughed out loud, he shook his head and said, "I don\'t know, but I don\'t think it\'s possible."

Situ Yunbing stared at Alonzo earnestly. The latter put away his smile. Situ Yunbing went on to say: "When the team is on holiday, you can help me stare at what they are doing. I don\'t want to have any in my team. Gay guys, they better be normal men."

Situ Yunbing does not discriminate against homosexuals, but he knows that if the two of them are homosexuals, or if only one of them is, it will bring discomfort to other players in the team.

For the sake of the overall situation, he must know the truth with certainty.

Outsiders may not be able to imagine what the club will do to hide the truth or protect the team.

Just like the King Adriano of Meazza who has disappeared in front of the public, in the season after he lost his father, he was drunk almost every day, and was often sent to the hospital after he woke up.

But the outside world knows nothing about it. The Inter Milan club is tight-lipped from top to bottom. If Adriano is absent from training, the club will use his muscle discomfort as an excuse to help him cover up!

In that season, he could score 40 goals on various fronts, but when the club tried their best to help him and save him, it still couldn’t get him out of the shadow of his father’s loss. In the end, Inter Milan could only choose Give him up.

Situ Yunbing builds the team as much as possible to select players with high professional quality, so the team basically does not have those messy things, so that they can fully focus on their work.

As far as Situ Yunbing understands, Gleezmann remains single, while Royce has a childhood sweetheart, who should also be his first girlfriend, but the reason why Situ Yunbing is so worried is Royce. His girlfriend is not worthy of Royce in appearance!

His girlfriend is a girl who is a bit shorter than Royce and 1.5 times wider than Royce.

Since last year in some social entertainment activities in the team, Situ Yunbing saw this girl, but he saw Royce alone for a long time. At that time, he asked with concern, Royce only said that the two had quarreled...

Throwing the cigarette **** on the ground and stomping heavily!

Situ Yunbing didn\'t know what he was venting!

Probably he is a head coach who is rushing to the highest honor of the green shade and working hard every day, now he is almost a reasoning detective!

Shen Changdi let out a sigh, Situ Yunbing yelled like a catharsis in the empty corridor!

Just yelled "You must not engage in foundation!"


Hamburg as a guest to challenge Freiburg, Situ Yunbing carried out some rotations, in order to be a guest at the Nou Camp and recharge.

Some slogans appeared in the home stands of Freiburg, sarcastically that Hamburg is "Geeks!"

Those implicitly implied reports in the media were eventually used by some opponent fans to attack Hamburg!

For this reason, Situ Yunbing showed great strength on the sidelines, and the whole game was strict with the Hamburg generals. The gesture made it clear that Freiburg was rubbed on the ground!

Giroud scored twice with an overhead kick in the first half and Paulinho also scored a goal. In addition, Sun Xingmin continued to serve as an excellent substitute for the icing on the cake.

Hamburg defeated Freiburg 4:1 away!

After the game, Situ Yunbing responded rudely at the Freiburg fans who had slogans on the stands.

"I don\'t know who is the soft guy on the green field in their eyes!"

In terms of fighting against the outside world to protect the team, Situ Yunbing is obliged to be the coach. At this time, he will go to the forefront to charge and let those who dare to humiliate Hamburg eat their own fruits!

Royce and Griezmann were a little bit dumbfounded by outside speculation.

Isn\'t it a good relationship?

They are not yet stable and mature, and occasionally slapstick is a bit of a prank, and they just laugh at themselves, but they are used by the media to make fuss.

This kind of thing is not new in European football. Just like Ibrahimovic did not have a "close photo with Pique" during his time in Barcelona, ​​it was speculated that the two had a relationship with him. Ibrahimovic was also questioned by a female reporter. What happened, the domineering Ibrahimovic directly replied: I have the ability to go home with me, let you see if I am a man!

It\'s just that Ibrahimovic didn\'t expect the female reporter to be shocked and immediately agreed: OK!

Ibrahimovic was ashamed and fled.

In essence, Hamburg is also very eye-catching outside of the strength of this season. The rise in fame and prestige makes the media hope to dig more news from this team!

However, this group of young players will not satisfy entertainment reporters to make some sensational lace news for them. There is no off-court right and wrong, reporters can only create topics by themselves.

A big win in the league is a positive help for the team, allowing the team to challenge the Champions League defending champion Barcelona with a better attitude.

This matchup attracted the attention of all Europe!

2010 Champions League champion Situ Yunbing.

In 2009, the 2011 Champions League champion Guardiola coach.

The confrontation between the two is attractive enough.

And this game can undoubtedly be used to test the true strength of Hamburg!

AC Milan may not be enough to act as a touchstone.

Because AC Milan are expensive Serie A champions, but in the Champions League, they probably can\'t even make it into the top eight!

But Barcelona is different, winning twice in the past three Champions League!

The back-to-back clash between Hamburg and Barcelona in the group stage is enough to allow the outside world to re-examine the level of Hamburg\'s strength!

At the pre-match press conference before leaving for Barcelona, ​​Situ Yunbing was not surprised when faced with the crowds in the News Hall.

"We can\'t ignore the achievements of Barcelona in the past few years. They play the most beautiful football on the planet and have a formidable top team. If I say that the confrontation between Hamburg and Barcelona will be phenomenal, I I think the Spanish media will definitely say that I am shameless and raise Hamburg.

So I’m going to keep it simple. Hamburg will go to the Nou Camp with a humble attitude. We want to feel the strength of the Champions League champions and see if we are qualified to compete with Barcelona! "