Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 33: .033 grows fast!

Monaco\'s home game against Lille fell back in the last ten minutes of the first half.

First, the physical fitness of the two teams was somewhat weak after the high-speed consumption of more than 30 minutes after the opening. Secondly, Lille took the lead and hoped to take the lead into the locker room at the end of the first half, so they took the initiative to form. Shrink to strengthen defense.

Monaco\'s positional warfare is relatively simple. This is a drawback of the team. A team that can play well should be able to move freely, attack and retreat and defend, play defense, and break through.

But Situ Yunbing’s time to take over the team was too short. He had to eat one bite at a time, and he had to go step by step. In fact, he himself had not yet constructed a threatening positional warfare offensive tactics. At this stage, more energy is devoted. In the tactical system to seize the opportunity to quickly counterattack.

The Monaco fans in the stands of the Louis II Stadium watched with disappointment at the end of the first half. Monaco fell behind Lille 0:1 at home.

The lagging in the score may not be the most morale-damaging. Monaco\'s difficulty in creating a threat is the fatal reason that makes fans feel that the team has no future and hope!

Situ Yunbing and Rudy Garcia walked into the player\'s channel with their front and back feet. The Lille coach was naturally confident. The first half of the game was completely within his expectations and control.

Situ Yunbing also knows that if he can\'t make correct and drastic adjustments to the team during the intermission, Lille is likely to continue to expand the advantage in the second half!

Because Monaco, who sits at home, will inevitably change its mentality over time!

When the players walked into the locker room, they didn\'t see Situ Yunbing, so everyone took a break.

Situ Yunbing walked to the lounge first. He called the coach Klayt over. He knew Klayt was also a smoker, so he asked for a cigarette from the other party. Klayt took the initiative to light the smoke for Situ Yunbing. He ordered one himself.

After the two breathed out a puff of smoke, Klate looked at the thoughtful Situ Yunbing, and he whispered softly: "Our play today is too direct. There is no change in the frontcourt. Lille can see through our offensive direction at a glance. Although the players are active in the backcourt defense, there is too much space."

Situ Yunbing raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Klett and asked, "What did you say?"

Clay thought he had said something wrong, so he dared not speak any more.

Situ Yunbing showed no signs of anger, and asked, "What did you say in the last sentence?"

Klett only needs to repeat it.

Situ Yunbing muttered to himself: "The space is too big, the space is too big."

Before he finished smoking Situ Yunbing, he extinguished the cigarette and left the lounge, Klett quickly followed.

In fact, Situ Yunbing already has an idea for adjustment, but it is not perfect. He has a solution to the offensive problem. Increasing changes in the offensive front is nothing more than changing offensive methods. Just like Lille, changing offensive methods from time to time can Disrupting the opponent\'s defensive rhythm, instead of racking his brains, it is better to humbly learn from the opponent. The impact Lille brought to him today can be said to be a lesson for him.

However, Situ Yunbing had no idea about the defensive issues, until Klett\'s words accidentally awakened him.

The team has fallen behind 0:1. Now, if you want to reverse the situation, you must take risks. You don\'t want to take risks. How can you have a chance to get an excess return?

When he returned to the locker room, the players tacitly focused their attention on his face.

Everyone\'s eyes looked expectant.

They are professional players. In terms of game experience, Situ Yunbing is not comparable to them. Even if they can’t vividly portray their feelings in the game, as players who are immersively fighting, they can still clearly know that The team\'s performance at halftime was not good, and it has fallen into a dilemma!

Now to solve this dilemma, it is natural to rely on the head coach\'s strategy and command and dispatch.

Situ Yunbing must come up with an effective plan to further make the players trust and support him, otherwise, the hearts of the people who finally gathered will be scattered!

The relationship between players and clubs may have been dominated by the club in the past, but after the Bosman Act, the autonomy of players has increased day by day. At this time, "not only the ruler chooses the minister, but the minister also chooses the king."

Good birds choose wood and dwell, virtuous officials choose the master and serve, stay together if they are together, and go if they don\'t.

Does Situ Yunbing have the ability to run the team and lead the team to fight in the north and south? In fact, every unfavorable game is a test for him!

As if countless pairs of eyes were staring at him, Situ Yunbing cleared his throat and began to carry out the tactical deployment of the second half of the game. The players and coaches were all listening carefully. After Situ Yunbing finished the general tactical deployment , He issued separate instructions to some players.

Time passed quickly. After the players understood Situ Yunbing\'s midfield adjustment requirements, they became refreshed. At least Situ Yunbing came up with a plan that made them feel promising!

After the players and coaches left together, Situ Yunbing took out the tablet in the locker room alone, and he had three cards left that were useless.

The current situation forces him to try to turn things around!

He clicked on the head of the central defender Mongongu, who was starting today, on the game staff management interface, and added the "Pui Grenier" card to him.

Then he clicked on Nimani\'s head and used the "Benzema" card for him.

Situ Yunbing sighed while looking at only one "Tulalang" card left in the warehouse.

I thought I could save a few more cards, but now there is one more card left.

However, he can still be more optimistic. If an average of two cards per game is consumed, he can still save some wealth to deal with key battles in the second half of the season.

If he still has the second half of his coaching career.

After doing all this, Situ Yunbing regrouped and walked out of the locker room.

In the second half, the two sides changed sides to fight again. Rudy Garcia had already stood on the sidelines waiting for the start of the game. Situ Yunbing returned to the sidelines almost when the referee blew the start whistle of the second half.

The cheer at the Louis II Stadium dropped a lot, and many fans in the stands looked listless.

At the beginning of the second half of the game, the two teams launched a fierce battle in the midfield. Rudy Garcia watched Monaco\'s backcourt defense position slightly press forward, he sneered in his heart: Is the dog jumping the wall?

In his opinion, Monaco\'s defense is a sign of panic in their hearts.

Despite the impeccable preparations before the game, Rudy Garcia does not think that Situ Yunbing has the ability to turn the tide on the battlefield!

But in the 51st minute of the game, Rudy Garcia was stunned when Debusi made a long pass from the backfield to Vitek in the front court.


After Vitek stopped the ball, he saw the referee\'s gesture, and the whistle had sounded before that.

Rudy Garcia carefully recalled the previous situation. The moment Debussy passed the ball, Monaco formed a quick forward pressure, but it was not simply an offside!

The defender and the midfielder formed a staggered blockade in the midfield, staring at Balmont and Kabaye, making Debussy unable to pass the ball to his teammates even if he didn\'t pass for a long time!

Both Vitek and Melo are high center forwards. They are strong and have advantages in confrontation, but they are tall, big and strong, but their speed is not fast. Except for Bastos, both of them fell into the front line. Offside trap!

Rudy Garcia immediately calmed down, and put away his underestimation of Situ Yunbing.

Situ Yunbing was successfully applauding for the team\'s offside!

The adjustment of the midfield to the defense line is to shrink the defense line as soon as possible when the opponent fights back!

In traditional tactics, shrinking the defensive line is definitely in the direction of the goal. This is the safest way.

But Situ Yunbing did the opposite!

Combined with the team\'s own crazy anti-grab tactics, he let the team\'s defense line press forward, and the back line and the midfield line formed a closer connection to block the opponent\'s technology, fast and flexible players!

If Monaco was caught off guard by the opponent\'s long pass in the first half, and Lille used the wing fulcrum appropriately, then in the second half, Monaco forced Lille to launch a long pass from the backcourt!

Because the space for ground offensive in the midfield is too small!

Mavuba is the defensive midfielder, and when the army is under pressure, he will definitely not dare to step forward too much for fear of flaws in the defense.

And the five of Balmonte and Cabayle plus Debussy, Tafoo and Bastos are almost facing the crazy continuous pressing of more than 8 people in the nearby area of ​​Monaco!

It is already difficult to pass the ball from the back line to the midfield line. Even if the pass is successful, they may not be able to get rid of and continue the attack.

Situ Yunbing is taking a risk, but he still has a back hand. If he fails to make an offside, Vitek cuts from the side to the penalty area. Mongonggu probably can\'t go back, but Modesto is straight. A layer of protection for quick return!

There are details in the rough, and the details are refined under the tactics. Situ Yunbing\'s investment in this game is more than that of the three games he coached before, because the growth experience brought to him by this game is unparalleled!

When experiencing hardship, it is the beginning of rapid growth!