Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 32: .032 Quietly in the universe!

In the preparations before the match against Lille, Alonzo\'s combination of Lille midfield and frontcourt predictions given by collecting intelligence is this: the three forwards are Obraniak, Vitek and Bastos. .

If Lille is more aggressive on the road, then their three midfielders will be Hazard, Cabaye, Balmont, and Hazard as an attacking midfielder.

If it is balanced, then it is today\'s three starting midfielders: Balmont, Mavuba, and Kabaye.

In terms of midfield predictions, Alonzo basically has no problem. Hazard must have not entered the roster for the game due to a sudden reason. Otherwise, this young star who can play two points behind the center attacking the wing and the center, Rudy had no reason not to take it.

But it must be an accident that Obraniak did not enter the starting lineup.

Melo, who played a substitute role, served as the starting center, but instead placed Vitek on the right side of the frontcourt. At this time, Situ Yunbing really pondered Rudy\'s intentions.

The effect that can be seen 10 minutes before the game is that Vitek can increase the efficiency of Lille\'s offense from the front wing.

They don\'t need to continuously pass and cut from the center, nor do they need to dribble from the side. On the contrary, a long pass can use Vitek to form a successful continuation of the attack in the frontcourt!

The advantage of this is that Monaco\'s defense line can\'t keep up with their fast attack speed!

And when Monaco shrinks to the part of Vitek, the space between the center and the other side wing will inevitably expand. Turn around to adjust the offensive, Lille can better create shooting opportunities!

Bastos\'s inside shot came from this!

In the 16th minute of the game, Lille suddenly shifted the offensive from the right side of the midfield to the left side. Bastos retreated and sent a mid-to-long distance pass. At this time, the Monaco defender was staring at the back. Vitek, who withdrew, did not expect Lille to scream!

Center Melo retraced to respond, Mongongu came out to defend, and Kabaye followed up in the middle. Melo saw Kabaye\'s running position and also sent the pass, but his through plug was close to Modesto , Resulting in the football being cut off by Modesto.

Monaco fans should thank Lille for not having another outstanding striker!

Otherwise, the ball passed to Kabaye is a single move!

After Modesto intercepted the ball, Monaco quickly launched an offensive. Merian pulled the ball and turned to dribble forward after receiving it in the center zone. Balmont quickly rushed over and made a forcing. Merian took the ball to the ball and wiped it away. But he didn\'t expect Mavuba to swiftly hit him and blocked his forward path, Merian calmly passed the ball diagonally to the right.

Pino immediately smashed the ball and cut in. The veteran Tafoo, who was very close to him, decisively intercepted. Pino dodges the ball and dodges Tafoo\'s push, but he also lost control of the football.

Defender Xielu stepped forward to control the ball. He saw Balmont turning and running to the right of the midfield. He immediately passed the ball.

Balmonte saw Cabaye retreat as he dribbled forward. The two hit the wall and broke through Perez’s line of defense. Then Balmonte passed and cooperated with the retreating Vitek. This wave countered Balmonte. All the way to the right rib of Monaco restricted area without looking back!

Lille\'s ground pass in conjunction with this wave really caught the Monaco defense by surprise!

What\'s great is not that their overall skills are better, but that they are constantly changing their offensive methods, which makes Monaco\'s defense more difficult!

Wanting to contain the opponent\'s threat points in advance becomes unrealistic!

Balmonte got rid of Mongungu\'s defense in the right side of the penalty area and then responded to Vitek\'s pass. He started half-turned and volleyed!

His shot went straight to the near corner of the goal, Rufael hurriedly rushed to the near post, barely blocked the ball out of the baseline, and he almost hit the goal post!

"Balmonte\'s shot still cannot penetrate Rufael\'s ten fingers!

The best performer in Monaco today must be Rufael!

Relatively speaking, their offense is somewhat weak, and so far they have not been able to create a threat to the Lille line of defense. "

The Monaco fans in the stands became a little anxious.

what happened?

Why is Lille kicked so much here?

Situ Yunbing felt his head explode!

A hot current lingered in his head all the time, making his mind bloated!

He tried to calm himself down.

Monaco is now facing two fatal problems. The first is that Lille is prepared. Lille also tries to seize the opportunity to switch between offense and defense after Monaco\'s counterattack is set back. This makes Monaco actually more passive.

Offense spreads, defense shrinks.

When Monaco\'s shrinking speed from the overall to the local cannot keep up with the opponent\'s offensive speed, the backcourt defense is ubiquitous, not to mention Lille\'s offensive methods are not single!

The second problem is that Monaco\'s counterattack cannot provide a threat. The opponent\'s targeted point-to-point blockade is very effective. Even if it cannot be prevented, there will be joint defense remedies.

Speaking of the overall strength of Monaco\'s lineup is actually the level of the middle reaches of the French Ligue 1, don\'t look at the same points as Lille, but Lille\'s overall strength is better than Monaco in terms of feature richness and actual combat effectiveness.

What\'s more, now Lille has restricted Monaco\'s threat of counterattack. At the same time, it is late to fight against others. If Monaco continues to fight like this, I am afraid it will be difficult to make a difference at home.

Situ Yunbing couldn\'t think of a good solution for the time being, so he could only mechanically command passionately from the sidelines, constantly commanding and reminding the players to defensively move.

In the 23rd minute of the game, Monaco finally had a shot from Merian.

He received Nimani\'s return pass on the left side of the penalty area, and then pulled the ball to a crosscut to wipe out Mavuba, and then grabbed a shot before Balmont returned to the defense.

But there was no threat to the ball and it was directly confiscated by goalkeeper Malic.

Situ Yunbing applauded from the sidelines, hoping that the team can boost morale.

In the 29th minute of the game, when Bastos made a pass from the left to break through Simic, he sent a high-quality pass in front of the sideline and Melo\'s header was slapped by Rufael. Hold up above the beam.

There was another exclamation sound at the Louis II Stadium.

Without the brave Rufael today, I am afraid that Monaco has been beaten!

Situ Yunbing at least realized the importance of the "Goalkeeper" card. Indeed, a good goalkeeper can be worth more than half of the team!

In the 35th minute of the game, Monaco intercepted the ball in the midfield. Cabaye was caught by Merian and Perez and lost the ball. Perez quickly launched a fast attack after stealing the ball. He passed the ball to the center of the front court with a straight pass.

In Nimani\'s retracement response, Beria did not expect Beria to follow the defense. When Nimani tried to stop the ball, Beria shoveled directly from the back side!

Before Nimani touched the ball, Beria slid and stabbed the ball first!

The football rolled to Mavuba\'s feet. He saw Merian and Perez blocking Kabaye, so he passed the ball to Balmont, who was running forward.

Balmont quickly crossed the ball to kill halftime, and when Perez moved to push him, Balmont crossed the ball diagonally to the left.

Bastos smashed Simic when he responded!

Due to the technical advantage of Lille\'s midfielder, it is difficult for the Monaco midfielder to help defend the wing. This gives them space for their wing players to cut the ball.

Bastos cut to the left in front of the penalty area. When Lecco rushed to make a push, Bastos calmly knocked the ball across the right.

Muratori was caught off guard, because Vitek had already made a run inside, and he also retreated to the penalty area with the defense. Who did Bastos transfer the pass to?

He stopped anxiously and turned his head to look, but saw Debussy rushing to the wing area five meters away. Mulatori started to rush towards Debussy, but Debussy had soared to the peak in speed. When the ball goes to the bottom line, it will be difficult for Mulatori to change the direction and chase it.

De Busch made a pass before the baseline.

The football hanger enters the middle road.

Mongongu and Modesto tried to stare at Vitek and Merlot, but in the key confrontation, Mongongu was taken first by Vitek, especially Vitek still took off diagonally, almost suppressing the sky above his head!

Vitek took advantage of the flow of the falling football header. The football slightly changed its direction and flew to the far corner of the goal!

This time Rufael jumped in front of the goal to save the pale and weak. With his open and raised hands, there was no way to touch the football at the first time. Before he landed, he heard the ecstatic cheers of the Lille fans in the stands of the away team!

After Vitek landed with a smile on his face, turned and rushed towards the corner flag area. The young Meng Gonggu lowered his head guiltily!

"Vitek scored with a header! Lille took the lead at the Louis II Stadium!

This time Rufael couldn\'t resist Lille\'s shot again!

Lille’s performance today is very targeted. Rudy Garcia’s formation and tactical settings have effectively contained Monaco’s past two near-crazy counterattacks. At the same time, they have also passed repeated attacks on the Monaco defense line. Scored a goal!

Vitek is playing on the wing today, but at the critical moment, he still has to solve the battle in front of the door!

Lille leads Monaco 1-0 away! "

The expressions of Monaco fans in the stands became sad again. Many people couldn\'t help shaking their heads. They didn\'t have much expectation that the team would be reborn. Looking at it now, everything is as they expected.

That Chinese coach just won two games by luck.

Rudy Garcia raised his right fist in the visiting coach\'s command area and shouted to celebrate the team\'s goal!

Situ Yunbing stood still in place.

Just as the flames of the same regiment went out, Situ Yunbing was not cold and at a loss at this moment, but he knew that he continued to command the team on the sidelines, reminding the players that the running position is not very useful, and the players have been following him. The defensive principle of this game is not a problem of the players, but a problem of Monaco\'s play.

The score has fallen behind, and the situation also tells him that morale can not be used to save the defeat. He must make the correct adjustments to the team during the intermission.

He stood still thoughtful.

In the eyes of many people, Situ Yunbing was confused by losing the ball, and suddenly became quiet again!

But in fact, Situ Yunbing\'s brain was running fast!

The world in the cloud, quietly in the universe!