Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 305: .305 Young Hero

The atmosphere of the West** stadium exploded instantly!

Gross Kreuz\'s goal seemed to detonate the entire stadium!

For the team that came here as a guest, the rumbling sound at this moment is like a **** from heaven with huge pressure that cannot be avoided!

The devil\'s home court is like hell!

"Gross Kreuz! This shot is in! A beautiful goal!

Dortmund played a mercury-filled and pleasing offensive!

There is no doubt that the two teams that have performed the best in the league this season, Hamburg and Dortmund have similarities. They can pass and cut quickly, and can play at the speed of attack, like a storm sweeping the opponent\'s defense!

The encounter between these two teams will test their handling of details.

How to do better in a shorter period of time, to maximize its own strength, Hamburg did it, and Dortmund did it too!

Dortmund almost mobilized the defender, midfielder, and striker to complete the goal together. It is no exaggeration to say that this goal is a work of art, enough to make people never tire of it!

The score became 1:1. "

Situ Yunbing secretly gritted his teeth on the sidelines, revealing a ruthless look, and disappeared in a flash.

He clapped his hands and pressured the disciples on the field to make them speed up, regardless of offense and defense!

Situ Yunbing would not pretend that Hamburg already has the top midfield combination on the Bundesliga stage. On the contrary, Hamburg\'s midfield configuration only meets the standard at a reasonable level. What they are really strong is the speed advantage of the striker!

Dortmund is really in good condition at home. No one advanced or conceded the ball is enough to change this fact, and Hamburg now wants to maintain a situation with Dortmund in the away game and must speed up!

Even if the rhythm of the game collapses, it’s okay, because in terms of individual combat capability, Hamburg is better than Dortmund. Situ Yunbing has no doubt about this!

Compare their star players. Hamburg has Royce, Griezmann, and Aubameyang. On the other hand, Dortmund has hardly any players who can play **** the Hamburg defense. It is precisely because of this, Klo. On the contrary, Pu\'s team performed better than Hamburg in teamwork and combat!

The cheer on this stadium will inevitably make people upset. Situ Yunbing tried to keep calm and isolate the noise, while also reminding the players to keep their heads clear.

After the game restarted, Dortmund continued to put pressure on the Hamburg defense. In the 27th minute of the game, Shaheen made a long pass to find Barrios, who was actively pulling the side. The latter immediately knocked the ball back diagonally to Pi. Szczek.

Pišček followed up and then took the ball to the right side of the penalty area, and Gotze advanced!

This kind of local and small-scale cooperation, Dortmund seems to have a very good effect with his eyes closed!

Although it is now seen that Dortmund and Hamburg have the same points in the standings, in fact, the gap between the two teams, in Situ Yunbing\'s view, is Klopp\'s more than two years of managing Dortmund\'s capital and the maturity of the team\'s overall technical and tactical thinking!

Hamburg has almost restarted from zero, so the points cannot explain the problem. It is reasonable for Dortmund to perform better in terms of team cooperation.

On the right side of the penalty area, Goetze suddenly stopped and kicked off Boateng\'s defense. After the pass was cleared, Boateng made a move to the center. Boateng immediately pressed forward, but unexpectedly discovered that Goetze was a fake move!

Gotze pulled the ball back to its original position, and suddenly kicked the ball!

The football flew straight to the corner of the goal, Navas made a timely save to block the ball out of the baseline!

There was thunderous applause from the stands, and the thin-looking Geze shone with dazzling light!

If Situ Yunbing stood in the stands, he would not feel sorry for Gotze. After all, he will win the World Cup in Brazil in four years and become a lore hero in the final.

Even after that, he started going downhill, failing to reach the height that people had great expectations for him.

After all, I have stood at the top.

At this time, it is precisely the rising period of Geze\'s strong growth.

Dortmund\'s offensive is very threatening, and Hamburg is also actively improving its offensive methods.

In the 31st minute of the game, De Meer picked a pass from the backcourt to the front right. Aubameyang flew the header to the center under Schmelzer confrontation. Griezmann was forced by Bender as soon as he stopped the ball. Gree After Zman retraced, he quickly dialed the ball to change to a crosscut, half-turned and swept the ball to the left of the penalty area.

Royce is strong inside!

When he took the ball for a crosscut, Royce saw Subotici move to his front to close the door with Hummels, and he suddenly stopped and spiked and changed to take the outside line and cut into the left side of the penalty area.

Due to the distance to Subotic, Royce needs to twist his body a lot when shooting. As a result, his shot from the far corner of the goal rubbed the far post and flew out of the baseline!

Klopp was suddenly on the sidelines with emotions and slammed his fists at the two Dortmund defenders to hit the palms. Obviously he thought that the pressure from the Dortmund defenders on the Hamburg strikers was not enough!

Three minutes later, Shinji Kagawa, Shaheen, and Barrios completed a quick triangle pass in the middle of the frontcourt. No one would have thought that Shaheen stepped in and directly hit the Hamburg penalty area. Fortunately, Matteisen did it when he shot. He put the shovel to block, and barely touched it to make the football fly out of the bottom line.

Dortmund fans in the stands couldn\'t help sighing, and then continued to cheer for the team.

In the 37th minute of the game, Royce moved into the center ahead of time, driving Bender to defend, but De Bruyne’s backcourt organization transported the ball diagonally to the left side of the frontcourt, and Griezmann pulled the side. The response was successful!

After Subotici pulled out to follow the defense, Griezmann did not choose to rush, but dribbling back and then suddenly accelerated to the center. At this time, the Dortmund line was a bit embarrassing.

There was too much space in the penalty area, Schmelzer shrank back to the penalty area, and Griezmann sent the ball to the right side of the penalty area.

Royce stopped the Dortmund defense line with a forward thrust, and Aubameyang quickly cut the ball inside the ball directly into the right rib of the penalty area, and immediately kicked and shot without hesitation!

The football flew straight to the far corner of the goal. Goalkeeper Weidenfeller swooped and stretched his arms to the extreme. After touching the football with his finger, he led the football to change direction and wiped the outside of the goal post and flew out of the bottom line!

Situ Yunbing let out a long sigh from the sidelines, regretting that the ball could not be converted into a goal, but he still applauded the team\'s performance in this attack.

Obviously, regardless of the pressure of the game, the intensity and rhythm of the game, it is also stimulating Hamburg\'s potential!

The best proof is that the strikers actively seek change.

If you can break the goal properly, why bother to seek change?

It is precisely this kind of high-level and fast-paced game that can stimulate the potential of the team!

The first half of the game came to an end, and both teams were a little cautious and didn\'t want to fall behind when the midfielder walked into the locker room.

Barrios grabs a point in the penalty area, Griezmann\'s shot from the penalty area, Kagawa Shinji\'s long shot, Royce\'s header...

Even though the two teams were relatively cautious, they still created many thrilling pictures in the last 5 minutes.

When the referee blew the whistle at the end of the first half, the audience hardly reacted!

High-quality exciting games make it easier for the audience to forget the passage of time.

During the intermission, Situ Yunbing\'s adjustment of tactics was only a small part, and more time was used to motivate the team\'s morale and mobilize the original wildness of the players!

When the players of both sides returned to the court to change sides in the second half, Situ Yunbing and Klopp were both calm and even cold.

Just after the start of the second half of the game, Hamburg suddenly strengthened its pressing and fast attack speed, and Dortmund also invariably strengthened its anti-grab strength!

It seems that both Situ Yunbing and Klopp want the team to grab the start in the second half!

Or many Temund should be like this, they are fighting at home, Hamburg is more hoping to give opponents a surprise effect.

In the 48th minute of the game, after the two teams almost turned the stadium into a battlefield for a certain period of chaos, De Bruyne\'s long pass from the backfield suddenly made the situation clear.

Royce responded to the left in the center of the front court and then sent a diagonal pass to transfer the ball to Aubameyang\'s feet. The latter encountered Schmelzer and Hummels in the cut. Before the two intercepted the ball, Aubameyang stabbed the ball to the middle of the penalty area.

Griezmann got a one-on-one opportunity in a quick advance. As long as he breaks through Subotic’s defense, he will go to the meeting alone!

Before touching the ball, Griezmann obviously had a rhythm change. The smash changed to confuse Subotic, and then when he touched the ball, he reversed the direction to break.

Just when Griezmann thought he was bound to complete the breakthrough, Subotic was calmly not being shaken. At the moment when Griezmann was about to break through, Subotic stretched out his leg to destroy the ball!

Griezmann looked unwilling and turned around to fight back.

Schmelzer sent a through pass from the backcourt, and Grosskreuz quickly pushed forward after receiving the midfield from the left.

The Hamburg midfield defense line quickly withdrew, and the midfielder did not dare to help defend the sideline, for fear that it would be penetrated by the opponent\'s midfield and broke the defense line!

Grosskreuz took advantage of this fast break opportunity to play fast. Whittersmann did not defend, and Grosskreuz made a 45-degree cross from the wing.

The football hung to the middle of the penalty area, and Barrios quickly cut in and hoped to complete the goal.

Matteisen jumped to the limit in the retracement to attempt a header clearance.

As a result, he almost leaned back and jumped and the timing was not accurate. The header didn\'t use much force. It was more like a football hitting the top of his forehead, unloading his force and flying into the penalty area.

Boateng turned around and immediately rushed to the goal of the football, but Gotze did not wait for the ball to land and used the thigh to move the ball towards the bottom line. Boateng hit the next second, but it was already empty!

Gotze already had the advantage of offensive depth in front of the baseline, and decisively swept the ball to the front zone.

Barrios took the initiative to rush to the goal point, but Mattesson pursued but had no way to interfere with the defense. Navas quickly blocked the near corner of the goal.

But Barrios was the first to touch the ball and shoot the ball into the lower right corner of the goal. Navas made a save and it was too late!

Cheers resounded from all over the West** Stadium!