Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 304: .304 A youthful wine

"Griezman easily scored the goal!

Hamburg took the lead in the first place at the West** Stadium!

Their counterattack is really mercury, Westman, Aubameyang, De Bruyne, Royce, Griezmann, they formed a gorgeous movement on the green field!

Dortmund\'s defensive data is very outstanding in the Bundesliga, but today they are already very difficult in defense. On the one hand, Hamburg has a fast offensive speed, and on the other hand, the Hamburg players have strong personal capabilities.

Since the start of the new season, De Bruyne, Royce, and Griezmann are the core members of the Hamburg attack group. There is always a wonderful chemical reaction between De Bruyne and Royce, and Glee Ziman also showed his sharp sense of smell as a shooter, and when his teammates presented opportunities to him, he rarely disappointed!

If Dortmund\'s control is stronger, then Hamburg\'s offense is even sharper!

This Bundesliga peak match resulted in a goal in less than 15 minutes of the game. This will only force Dortmund to further strengthen the attack. The pace of the game will be faster and the game will inevitably be more exciting! "

Klopp clapped his hands calmly on the sidelines to boost the morale of the team. Although the score is behind, the game time is still long. The biggest gain of his coaching career in the past ten years is that he never gives up when he is behind!

After Situ Yunbing applauded on the sidelines, he turned and walked to the coach\'s bench to take a couple of sips of water.

When he was drinking water, he always felt that something was wrong. After putting down the water bottle, he looked around the stands of West** Stadium, and he knew what made him feel weird.

The flag of Dortmund was still flying in the stands and was swayed and waved vigorously by the fans, but the cheers from Hamburg fans were hardly heard in the West** stadium. The momentum was still the cheers of Dortmund fans and the cheers of Hamburg fans. Completely submerged!

Generally in an away game, if Hamburg scores the first goal, the opposing fan will die, at least for a period of time to lose, disappoint, or even complain.

At this time, Hamburg is like an anti-visitor, and there will be cheers from Hamburg fans in the stadium.

But in the West ** stadium, Dortmund fans seemed to be free from the interference of losing the ball, they still issued a magnificent cheer!

Especially the south stand of the stadium is the most shocking and moving.

To accompany the team through the trough, it may be that the first concealment in a game really can no longer cause the Dortmund fans to make waves.

Just keep fighting!

Situ Yunbing walked back into the stadium, and Dortmund’s cheering in the stands would definitely have an stimulating effect on the Dortmund generals at this time. It was like when you fell and there was a voice behind you encouraging you to be brave. Stand up and move on without fear of pain!

Maybe even last season\'s Monaco fans could not achieve this level, as for Hamburg fans, it must not be possible.

At this point, Situ Yunbing can frankly admit that Dortmund has a fan base that other clubs envy, and they truly interpret the role of the team\'s 12th man.

The score lags behind, Dortmund quickly strengthened the attack, Hamburg\'s attack on the left is strong, Dortmund chooses to face the confrontation, Pišček began to become active on the right, frequently assisting to the frontcourt.

In the 16th minute of the game, when Goetze received a pass from Shaheen on the right front of the game, Matuidi guarded Goetze cautiously. Maybe Matuidi still has to take the 92-year-old junior. However, after getting rid of the ball after the opening game, he did not dare to act recklessly, for fear that he would suffer a big loss.

Gotze slid the ball inside to drive Matuidi to reclaim the penalty area, but just after he left the side, Gotze would immediately pass the sideline to the bottom line.

Pišček quickly passed the ball to the bottom.

Boateng nodded in front to make a clearance!

Barrios was already in place, but it was a pity that the ball did not arrive.

The football that was cleared fell to De Bruyne\'s feet. He pulled the ball and turned around to get rid of Kagawa Shinji\'s pressing. He followed but saw Shaheen kill him. De Bruyne quickly passed the ball diagonally to the left. road.

Pishcek assisted, then Royce\'s offensive space will be more ideal.

But before Royce touched the ball, Bender was already in place to press him tightly. This shows that although Dortmund strengthened the right attack, it also strengthened the protection of the right.

After Royce touched the ball, he made a forward breakthrough but finally crossed into the middle. Bender was not afraid of Royce going outside, because looking at Subotic’s position, he was obviously ready to help defend the sideline at any time. , Because of this, Bender was able to decisively stretch his legs to destroy the ball when Royce crossed!

Situ Yunbing looked dignified on the sidelines, and while Dortmund stormed the right flank, he seemed to have created a tactical trap for Hamburg.

If Hamburg is playing fast break, of course they will choose Royce on the left, but Dortmund seems to be prepared!

Such tactical traps were often used by Situ Yunbing during the Monaco period.

And this tactical principle comes from Cruyff\'s sentence: try to let opponents with poor skills to control the ball, then the opponent\'s offense will not threaten.

Perhaps Cruyff’s words were just casually spoken, but to the tactical level, that is to try to make the opponent\'s skilled players unable to control the ball, forcing him to pass the ball to the feet of the poorly skilled teammates, and then continue to pressure steals It will be easier.

The high-pressure counter-robbing during the Monaco period was most targeted at the opponent’s offensive organizers and players with the ability to deliver the ball in the backcourt. Then let the opponent players with poor passing and dribbling breakthrough ability to control the ball, Monaco will more easily complete the defense Steals, even most of the time, can catch the opponent\'s mistakes.

In today’s game, the tactical trap created by Dortmund was to make Hamburg mistakenly think that it would be more efficient to find Royce in the first counterattack or fast break. In fact, they strengthened the defense against Royce. Even if Pišček is not in the defensive zone, Bender assisted in defending the flank. The defender stepped forward to form a zone defense. Players in other positions also made defensive adjustments accordingly. The overall defense is still very good.

Compared with Mainz\'s fragility, from a hierarchical perspective, this game made Situ Yunbing more excited, even if he seemed so serious on the surface.

After Dortmund launched another counterattack, after Grosskreuz’s shot from the left side of the penalty area flew away, Situ Yunbing gestured to the disciples on the field to let them hit the middle and right more in the counterattack. !

If Pišček continues to strengthen the attack on the right, then Royce\'s space to play will be more ideal, this will not change, but can not be the first time to play, that will fall into the defensive trap of Dortmund.

In the 22nd minute of the game, when Piszczek, as long as Ram does not play right back in the next two years, he will be the first right back of the Bundesliga. After the Poles rushed to the front again, the Dortmund midfielder passed quickly and smoothly. Once again, Kanter and De Meer have a headache.

De Meer\'s defense is more static, while Kanter still needs some growth to better keep up with the opponent\'s rhythm, so Hamburg\'s midfield defense is not very ideal today.

In other words, the disadvantage of the midfielder\'s possession of the ball also incidentally makes the defense passive.

When Shinji Kagawa fell into the middle of the penalty zone, his beautiful heel pass made Dortmund fans excited. Regardless of whether Situ Yunbing is biased against Korean and Japanese players, he will admit that he can play in the top European leagues in Korea and Japan at this stage. The players do have their strengths.

The Japanese players active in the Bundesliga such as Makoto Hasebe, Atsushi Uchida, Shinji Kagawa, etc. really make people recognize that Japanese football has ushered in a glorious era opened by a new generation of players.

Sha Xin received the pass from Shinji Kagawa\'s heel and made a diagonal pass to the right.

Gotze directly chose to leak the ball and then cut in. Matuidi was in a trance for a moment, Pišček passed the top pass, and Matuidi turned to chase Gotze and had no chance to form a defense.

Gotze volleyed without waiting for Boateng to kill him in the right side of the penalty area!

This shot has a heavy shot!

Seeing the football flying towards the Hamburg goal like a cannonball, Navas swooped forward to block the ball bravely!

The West** Stadium is full of exclamation!

"Navas! Gotze\'s shot hardly gave the goalkeeper any time to react, but Navas still saved the ball incredible!

Although the new season has started for three months, I still can\'t help but ask Situ Yunbing: How did you discover the previously unknown Navas? "

When the football flew to the right side of the backcourt and was headed to the front center by Westman, De Bruyne rushed forward and pad the ball to the front center without waiting for the football to land.

In the retracement, Griezman also took the ball and knocked it to the space where Aubameyang, who was inserted, quickly hit.

Situ Yunbing had already forgotten Navas\'s miraculous save before, and at this time he knew that Hamburg was promising to launch a threatening offensive.

When Schmelzer took the initiative to rob Aubameyang boldly, Situ Yunbing saw Dortmund\'s defense not retreating but advancing!

Hummels ran to assist Schmelzer, and Bender and Subotici marked Griezmann in the middle.

When Griezmann made an anti-offside run, Schmelzer made a grab so that Aubameyang could not pass the ball for the first time. He could only choose to break through by force, change the direction of the ball, and then slam the ball forward. , Aubameyang passed Schmelzer!

But just when he wanted to regain control of the ball, Hummels preemptively intercepted the ball, protected it, and blocked Aubameyang.

Situ Yunbing shook his head slightly, Dortmund was really well prepared, and besides the tactical traps, there were remedial measures for offside defense.

It seems that Klopp is really prepared for this game.

Dortmund successfully intercepted the ball in the backcourt and they continued to launch a fast break.

Shaheen scored the ball in the center zone and went to the left. Gross Kreuz moved quickly along the left. When Kanter assisted in defending the side, Gross Kreuz quickly knocked the ball across the center, Kagawa Shinji In the active response, De Meer and De Bruyne flanked back and forth. At this time, he gave the ball back and Shaheen followed up and sent a diagonal pass.

When Goetze took the initiative to respond to the right in the front of the penalty area, the ball speeded up and crossed in front of Boateng. When Boateng moved to the middle, Goetze suddenly slid the ball into the deep right rib of the penalty area!

The defensive line of Hamburg has become a little chaotic, and it is a bit unbearable under the opponent\'s extreme kick!

At this time, Pišček ran from the outside into the right side of the penalty area. Matuidi obviously lost to Pišček in the race because of his turn and start!

Gotze and Barrios cut forward at the same time to get in front of the goal, driving the Hamburg back line to quickly retreat, and the midfielder also withdrew from the penalty area, but Pišček kicked back diagonally before the football rolled out of the baseline. Knocked down the triangle position, the football rolled to the left of the penalty spot in the penalty area.

Gotze, Barrios, and Shinji Kagawa have all been targeted!

But no one would have thought that Grosskreuz suddenly hit the ball and shot!

The football is less than half a meter off the ground and flies straight to the bottom right corner of the goal!

Navas failed to make a save this time, his vision was blocked and interfered and he could not catch the football track for the first time!

When the football seemed to fly into the Hamburg goal with a shocking impact, the West ** stadium resounded like a nuclear explosion and cheers from all directions!

Klopp\'s mouth showed a proud smile, in his eyes, his Dortmund is no worse than any team!

And all the audience also saw the green storm set off by these talented young people in the Hornet!

This is probably the first time this season that Hamburg has been nearly smashed by an opponent\'s defense!

No defensive player can cause interference and destruction!

Because Dortmund passes the ball too fast, cooperates with tacit understanding, and the players are active in running and covering each other to restrain each other!

Klopp has reason to be proud, just as Situ Yunbing never concealed his pride in his disciples!

The stars of the golden age group are like old wines, with timelessness and mellow fragrance.

But today Dortmund and Hamburg at the West** Stadium are like new wines, with a strong fragrance, fresh and sweet!

Let all audiences have more expectations when they feel the strong stimulation!

This jar is filled with youthful wine!

Done it!