Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 295: .295 Dismember the leader!

De Bruyne ran and shouted in the Opel Athletic Stadium to celebrate the goal!

Suspended for three games has suffocated him!

"In the opening 2 minutes, the Hamburg team blitzed and scored! It was De Bruyne who had just returned from the ban today!

From the opening point of view, Hamburg’s play today is very different from their past seven league games. Their formation has a significant front pressure. They contracted in the midfield to press and press Mainz, making Mainz unable to smoothly move from the backcourt. Organize the offensive, then wait for the opportunity to steal and launch a fast break!

This style of play is not common in the Bundesliga. Sometimes Dortmund will have this style of play. But if the focus is on Hamburger Situ Yunbing, then this becomes a matter of course. He was coaching Monaco. , Monaco will often give opponents almost suffocating pressure to launch a wave of repeated offensives!

Perhaps today Situ Yunbing reproduced this play on Hamburg!

Mainz is about to usher in a tough battle at home today! "

Compared with the drastic reforms at the tactical level when coaching Monaco, Situ Yunbing has always maintained a gradual approach and rhythm to the construction process of Hamburg.

The new lineup runs in and the fixed style of play has become rigid, in order to allow the team to quickly form and accumulate confidence. From the tacit understanding of the personnel to the improvement of the team\'s tactical quality, more than three have passed since he started preparing for the summer to today. He only started to let Hamburg try a new style of play in August, which all have a clear context.

If the team can\'t sort out the system clearly, any play style can\'t form a team chemical reaction. On the road of pursuing counterattacks, fast breaks, and high-tempo operation, Hamburg is taking shape the fastest, and now coupled with the frontcourt pressure, the continuous offensive is launched. , Is a test for the players, but at least they have a foundation.

Mainz may have done a lot of homework before the game. Situ Yunbing can imagine that the young marshal Tuchel wants to continue his winning streak. Naturally, he will not take any opponents lightly, but unfortunately, most of them think that Hamburg will still play defense. To counterattack, if Hamburg\'s performance since the new season is used as a reference to formulate a combat plan, then all their pre-match preparations have deviated from the right direction, and all the plans they have made can be thrown into the trash can!

Situ Yunbing sympathizes with Tuchel slightly. Whether it is his first year coaching Monaco or today coaching Hamburg, he does not want to meet Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid and other top teams, because it will obviously make his own ball. The team was completely abused by the opponent and its morale fell to the bottom!

Young teams need time to grow up. Mainz has a bright future in the German media. Tuchel also seems to have a bright future, but unfortunately, they ran into Hamburg today.

They thought they had thoroughly studied burgers, but in fact they knew nothing about burgers.

After the game restarted, Situ Yunbing simply gestured to let the team stick to the pre-match tactics to fight, and then continued to supervise the battle with his hands on his back.

Mainz is behind at home and will inevitably speed up the pace to try to attack Hamburg\'s defense.

But in the defense initiated by Hamburg from the forward line, they made a mess of porridge in the midfield. The football seemed to be a hot potato and wanted to pass it out as soon as possible, and they could only rely on the winger Huerle and Holtby to create threats.

Whenever Hurle or Holtby hit the wing, they only had to drive forward and step into the Hamburg defense zone, as if they had entered a dead end.

At this time, the performance of a player in Hamburg is very important: Kanter!

De Meer guards the middle and replenishes the back line at any time, while Kanter observes the opponent\'s offensive direction for the first time to help defend the side and the full back to form a pinch attack against the opponent.

At the beginning of the new season, Kanter was still like a rookie. He couldn\'t find the rhythm on the court and couldn\'t find his position. Many times, relying on his own speed and physical stamina, he was like a **** stick. But after two months passed, Kanter His performance has risen sharply, and he has become more and more aware when he is defending in the midfield. Today, after he successfully intercepted Hurle and Holtby repeatedly, even the narrator could not help but exclaim: France’s New Mark Lailai!

When Hamburg’s defense is successful, it will quickly launch a fast attack. De Bruyne is the core of the midfield organization. Royce’s left front is somewhat similar to Ronaldinho’s role in Barcelona: the side midfielder.

He can burst, pass, and shoot!

Hamburg\'s counterattack was higher than the wave. If it weren\'t for Mainz to shrink the defense line quickly, they would have already lost the second goal. Even so, when their own counterattack failed to make a threat, Hamburg\'s defensive pressure instantly turned into an offense. oppression!

In the 26th minute of the game, Fox made a big-footed clearance from the backcourt. Westman easily squeezed Holtby from the front side of the field and flew the header. The football was sent diagonally to the front right by De Meer in the middle. road.

Less than 5 seconds after Fox cleared the siege, Elia had the ball less than 5 meters ahead!

The Mainz line of defense has withstood the impact of Hamburg\'s torrential rain!

Fox didn\'t have time to think so he stepped forward and rushed forward, and Soto also assisted in defending the sidewalk and kicked his feet fiercely.

Before Elia turned around, he knocked the ball across the middle, and then immediately turned and crossed Fox\'s side. De Bruyne made a quick forward or kicked the ball diagonally to the bottom line on the right.

Hamburg\'s counterattack is simple, smooth and swift!

Elia touched the ball before the baseline and crossed into the penalty area. Nowitzki blocked his cross line before the baseline. At this time, Elia then knocked the ball back to the front of the penalty area to find De Blau in front of the penalty area. Inside.

Seeing De Bruyne rushed up to make a shot, Heller put a shovel to destroy the ball first!

But the football that rolled to the left of the center of the backcourt was controlled by Kanter!

Mainz has an illusion that Hamburg players are everywhere.

They even couldn\'t help but want to yell up to the sky: Where is my teammate?

Kanter knocked the ball across to the left before Polanski made it.

Matuidi rushed up and assisted the ball and advanced the second offensive. Kalizuri pulled from the inside to block Matuidi, while Royce cut directly to the left of the penalty area, Matuidi Passing the ball diagonally, Heller rushed to the front of Royce and shoveled to intercept. Royce lightly knocked the ball to the center, and quickly inserted the ball into the left side of the penalty area.

De Blaunet\'s front midfield in the penalty area faced Svensson\'s blockade still with a kick, facing the football sideways with his left foot to pick the ball to the left rib of the penalty area.

The football flew over Svensson\'s side, he stopped and turned to look around. The picture that caught his eye was Royce volleying sideways under unmarked!

The movements are natural and smooth, and the posture is graceful and full of visual impact!

Hamburg\'s fast break and fast pass pass completely penetrated Mainz\'s defense!

After Royce’s pleasing volley blasted the ball out, goalkeeper Witkoro surrendered, standing in front of the goal line without making a save. The ball was too fast and flew into the upper left of the goal in the blink of an eye. angle!

Situ Yunbing\'s mouth turned upside down on the sidelines, showing a wonderful arc, and stretched out his hands to applaud the team\'s goal.

Royce turned and rushed to the stand of the away team fans. A charming smile appeared on his handsome face. He opened his arms towards the stand, and many female fans in the stand of the away team fans screamed and cheered for him. !

"Royce volleyed and scored! Hamburg\'s offense is almost a mercury drop!

why? Why didn\'t Hamburg fight like this before?

De Bruyne is simply an artist of offensive organization. He can deliver a threatening ball that is so wonderful. Coupled with the cooperation of Royce, Griezmann, and Elia, the youth storm in Hamburg is more than speed. , They can also compose gorgeous movements on the green field!

Mainz was misguided, completely misguided!

They may really think that Hamburg will play a defensive counterattack when they come to the away game, and no one in the world may predict that Hamburg will change tactics!

Even Situ Yunbing set off smoke bombs before the game, and Hamburg came to the Opel Athletic Stadium, showing a strong demeanor that made Mainz desperate!

This is the home stadium of Mainz, but it has become a stage for Hamburg to show their talents!

Mainz fell behind to Hamburg 0:2 at home! "

Tuchel\'s eyes were full of shock that could not be concealed, and he seemed to be unable to think normally!

Hamburg brought him an unexpected shock!

A team that had previously emerged from the arena on a defensive counterattack unexpectedly retreated in their turf. Not only did they suppress Mainz, but Mainz had almost no power to fight back!

His heart was bleeding, and his clenched fists couldn\'t help but don\'t know which direction to hit. Tuchel, who was a little confused, blamed himself more because he didn\'t know how to help his team stabilize at this time. How to counterattack Hamburg!

Mainz, who had previously played seven consecutive victories in the Bundesliga, was "dismembered" by Hamburg at home in a brutal and brutal manner!

The shock he received was similar to that of the Mainz fans in the stands, but the Mainz generals on the field did not know how to deal with themselves and how to fight Hamburg!

In contrast, both the Hamburg players on the court and the Situ Yunbing on the sidelines are all calm and confident.

Situ Yunbing\'s confidence does not come from how confident he is in his tactics, but from the pre-match work done by the Hamburg coaching staff.

If you just look at Mainz\'s record and easily draw a strong conclusion from Mainz, then this is just the perspective of fans watching the game.

They will comprehensively analyze how Mainz has won the past 7 league games, where is the advantage, how intense the competition is, and how the opponent\'s level is.

In the new season of Mainz, except for Bayern Munich, which is a strong opponent, the other opponents are basically not strong teams. Compared with Hamburg in the past seven games in the new season, Wolfs has played Schalke 04 Fort, Werder Bremen, these relatively high gold opponents, Mainz\'s 7-game winning streak cannot be said to be watery, but there is no need to deify opponents after objective analysis.

Hamburg used new tactics today, but also caught the opponent by surprise. Under such a background, Situ Yunbing is certainly confident.