Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 294: .294 top battle

South Pacific, Tahiti.

If the most beautiful place in the world is ranked, Tahiti will definitely be able to reach the top five on the list.

The aborigines call themselves "people of God", but outsiders like to call it "the closest place to heaven."

There is nothing that makes Situ Yunbing and Sigrid feel more comfortable on this worldly fairy island.

It seems that all the troubles of the mundane world are dissipated in the clear sky and melted in the almost clear and transparent sea.

Although Sigrid did not give Situ Yunbing a surprise, she took him here. She also hoped to enjoy the most beautiful scenery in the world with Situ Yunbing and enjoy this uncontested leisure.

Lying in the canoe and embracing each other, Sigrid told Situ Yunbing her plan, which surprised Situ Yunbing.

She said that she only wanted to stay on the runway for up to five years, after which she would retire.

When Situ Yunbing asked her about her plan in five years, she did not shyly and twitchedly announced to Situ Yunbing: I will give you many children!

Situ Yunbing smiled and asked, "Apart from having children?"

She shook her head and said that she didn\'t know, then smiled and threw herself into Situ Yunbing\'s arms.

In this place like a fairyland on earth, they imagined the future together for the first time, as if they wanted to take the happiness of the world into their pockets!

When Situ Yunbing returned to Hamburg, he still maintained a high morale, even more aggressive than before!

His future needs him to spell it out, and he cannot tolerate a moment of slack!

The FIFA game day is over. The good news is that no players in Hamburg were injured, and the suspension of the three players has ended.

In the eighth round of the Bundesliga, Hamburg\'s guest challenge to Mainz was highly anticipated!

"Bild" edited the upper body photos of Situ Yunbing and Tuchel into new opposing pictures, with shocking bold black letters in the middle: Battle of the Marshals!

Tuchel is only 37 years old this year, but he started coaching 10 years ago and has been coaching in the youth team or reserve team until last season for the first time coaching the first team!

It can be said that Tuchel\'s coaching experience is even more shallow than Situ Yunbing, but in terms of age, he is definitely the young coach in the Bundesliga.

Klopp coached Mainz for 7 years, during which Mainz’s performance was high and low. After failing to lead Mainz from the Bundesliga to the Bundesliga in 2008, Klopp switched to Dortmund, and Norwegian coach Anderson led the United States. After Inz was upgraded due to a disagreement with the club’s board of directors, he left before the start of the new season. Mainz was forced to choose the inexperienced Tuchel, but he did not expect that Tuchel would not only lead Mainz last season. Successful relegation, and also got a good result of 9th in the league!

And this season, Mainz has not invested much in the situation, and the new season\'s 7-game win record shocked the Bundesliga!

From this point of view, Tuchel\'s magic does not seem to be much worse than Situ Yunbing.

At the pre-match press conference, Situ Yunbing expressed his respect for Tuchel.

"I think it is now possible to say that Tuchel is a successful coach. It has once again proved how pedantic and stupid it is to look at people with old eyes. In the past decade, many young coaches in European football have achieved success. I think that with the development of modern football, the new generation of coaches will be more representative of the trend. Guardiola is a good example."

Speaking of the upcoming first game, Situ Yunbing said in a relaxed tone: "I don\'t think it is necessary to use the first game to describe the upcoming league. Although it is indeed the top two teams in the standings, but It doesn\'t make much sense to watch the standings before March next year.

Maybe a month later, today\'s top three teams will fall to the middle.

Let us be realistic. Mainz is a very strong offensive team. They are passionate under the guidance of Tuchel. I like this kind of team and I like to fight against this kind of opponents, because it will make the game. It becomes very exciting. "

When the reporter asked whether Hamburg would still play defensive counterattacks on the road?

Situ Yunbing smiled and said, "Why not?"


Before the game, Tuchel paid a limited amount of respect to Situ Yunbing, and then he paid more attention to his team.

Perhaps in his opinion, at this stage, Mainz can be fearless of any opponent as long as he is himself.

Of course, they can win at the Allianz Arena, so how can they fear Hamburg?

Hamburg is very strong, but after all, the limelight is not as good as Mainz.

October 15th, Opel Sports Stadium.

This stadium, which can accommodate more than 30,000 people, sold out tickets today. Mainz’s outstanding record in the new season has also driven their fans. Of course, it must also be explained that there are now a considerable number of expeditionary fans in Hamburg. Follow Hamburg to the away game without landing!

When Situ Yunbing appeared on the sidelines with ease, he did not feel much pressure from Mainz fans. Relatively speaking, the quality of Bundesliga fans is generally relatively high, and it is only because of the same city derby. Situ Yun The soldiers are surrounded by enemies at Miller Gate Stadium.

When the starting players of the two teams entered the stadium, Situ Yunbing\'s expression contained an inexplicable excitement.

Although Tuchel seems to be very focused on the game and has no distractions, standing on the sidelines in sportswear with his hands in his pockets, he observes Situ Yunbing\'s expression from time to time.

I have to say that although he is a dozen years older than Situ Yunbing, looking at the magical young man with a strong aura in a suit and leather shoes, Tuchel wants to understand Situ Yunbing’s thoughts through observation and also wants to learn Situ. Yun Bing!

When he saw Situ Yunbing\'s faintly excited expression, Tuchel always had an indescribable weird feeling.

There was a hunch that sprouted in my heart: Today\'s game will be extraordinary!

What was unusual about it, he certainly couldn\'t tell, or even clueless.

Can only watch the changes!

"Good afternoon everyone, everyone, and welcome to the highlight of the 8th round of the Bundesliga. Mainz is at home in the Opel Athletic Stadium against Hamburg\'s first battle!

Mainz scored 21 points with 7 wins in the new season, while Hamburg scored 6 wins and 1 tie with 19 points!

The two young teams are the best performing teams in the Bundesliga this season. Their encounter will surely set off a youth storm!

Without further ado, let\'s take a look at the starting lineups of the two teams.

Mainz made 433.

Goalkeeper: Vitkolo.

Defenders: Calizhuri, Svensson, Nowitzki, Fox.

Midfielder: Heller, Polanski, Soto.

Forwards: Xuerle, Saloy, Holtby.

The Hamburg starter is also 433.

Goalkeeper: Navas.

Defenders: Westerman, Van Dijk, Boateng, Matuidi.

Midfielder: De Mer, De Bruyne, Kanter.

Forwards: Elia, Griezman, Royce.

Looking at the starting formation of the two teams, I don\'t know if there will be a battle against each other! "

Situ Yunbing put his hands behind him, and waited for the start of the game with his chin slightly raised.

Today he let Matteisen, who had just returned from the Dutch national team, sit on the bench to avoid overwork.

Tuchel clearly became a little nervous, and he didn\'t know where the nervousness came from.

When the referee gave a whistle, accompanied by the magnificent cheers from the Opel Athletic Stadium, this Bundesliga first battle officially kicked off!

Situ Yunbing actually fought a lot of first battles, because in the past two years when he led Monaco, he was either ranked first in the league or second in the league. Most of the time, he was the top of the list, and the second place changed frequently, so the first battle was not played. less.

Considered rich experience.

Today, Hamburg is the second place in the league to challenge Mainz. From a psychological point of view, Mainz, who has defeated Bayern Munich at the Allianz Arena, should be confident!

But looking at their lineup, it\'s actually very civilian, even for outstanding young stars like Hurle and Holtby, the potential is the same.

In this game, Situ Yunbing prepared a gift for Mainz, or in other words, he expects Hamburg to open a new chapter from this game.

Mainz quickly launched an offensive after the opening. Holtby quickly went to the bottom of the left and received the pass to Soto. His pass was not of high quality, and Van Dijk easily headered the ball.

Kanter controlled the ball in the middle of the backcourt, and under the pressure of Mainz midfielder Polanski, he quickly passed the ball to De Bruyne.

De Brunella turned the ball and quickly pushed the attack forward. He just met Heller in the middle circle. He made a diagonal pass from the front field to the right. After Elia took the ball and pushed the attack towards the bottom line, Fox cautiously Defensively facing Elia, Elia made a 45-degree cross from the wing.

The football bypassed the central defender Nowitzki and flew straight to the center of the penalty area.

Griezmann was interfered with by Svensson during the grab, and the football was confiscated by goalkeeper Witkolow after hitting the ground.

When Mainz was preparing to kick-off the backcourt, they found that Hamburg, who had been playing defensive counterattacks for the past two months, had a very obvious front pressure!

It has been 5 months since Situ Yunbing led the Monaco Champions League to win the Champions League. People are always forgetful. Most people have forgotten that he is not just a defensive counterattack!

After two months of actual improvement in Hamburg, the defensive counterattack tactics have taken shape. At this time, he needs to add new styles to the team because he is sure that these players can well complete the tactical switch in the game.

Mainz did not dare to stick the ball in the backcourt. Under the harassment of Hamburg\'s three forwards, full-back Kali Zuri kicked the ball to the frontcourt with a big foot.

Matuidi rushed forward before Hurle and kicked the ball to the center. Kanter then passed the ball straight to the center of the front court.

De Bruyne was defended by Soto during the retracement, but after he knocked the ball across the left, he immediately turned and cut in to get rid of Soto.

Royce also crossed the left side of the penalty area with a kick in the left side of the running position.

Griezman ran from the middle of the penalty area to the left rib zone. Svensson had just turned around to force Griezmann. Unexpectedly, Griezmann also kicked the ball and knocked back diagonally in the front center of the penalty area.

De Blaunet cut and killed until he even stopped and changed direction to enter the right side of the penalty area. Defender Nowitzki just chased Glitzmann and he was unable to block De Blaunet!

De Bruyne completed a low shot in the right side of the penalty area, and the football flew straight to the lower left corner of the goal!

Goalkeeper Witkolow made extreme saves but failed to touch the football.

The football rolled into Mainz\'s goal!

Almost all of the home team fans of the Opel Athletic Stadium are dumbfounded!

Lost the ball?

How long is the opening?

Tuchel gritted his teeth secretly and only felt his scalp tingling. At this moment, he inadvertently saw Situ Yunbing, who was carrying his hands behind him, turned sideways and looked at him lightly.

Tuchelton felt infinite pressure when, as if there was a chill from the soles of the feet straight to the top of the head!

Situ Yunbing retracted his gaze, turned and continued to face the arena, with a faint smile on his face.

Sorry, Mainz is no longer the Bundesliga leader from now on!