Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 276: .276 Preparation for the new season begins!

When the World Cup came to an end in early July, the Hamburg team\'s cleaning work in the transfer market also came to an end, especially the players were sold at a low price, and there was no shortage of places.

Hamburg has only three transfers still under negotiation in terms of signings. One is that Westerman’s transfer with Schalke 04 has not yet been negotiated. Westerman asked for a guarantee of playing time. Situ Yunbing could not make an absolute guarantee, which made Westman hesitate, but Schalke 04 also made it clear that Westman is not in Magat\'s plan for the new season.

The other two transfers are those of Matuidi and Ricardo Rodríguez.

All are deadlocked because of the transfer fee issue.

Regarding this, Hamburg\'s local fan Quny expressed generously that he would inject 15 million euros into the club, and never mentioned anything about the players leaving the team.

People don\'t even look down on it at all.

I\'m just very excited about Hamburg\'s current reconstruction plan and can\'t wait to see what changes these new players will bring to Hamburg in the new season.

Originally, Situ Yunbing had decided to choose between Rodriguez and Matuidi, but now the club simply smashed the money and took it!

In fact, Hamburg is not short of money. In terms of selling, it has cleared nearly 20 players and recovered about 35 million euros in cash. Coupled with Qunet’s investment, with 50 million euros in hand, the previous transfer only cost 24 million. The two transfers of Euros, Matuidi and Rodríguez cost 16 million Euros. That is to say, at the end of the transfer signing work, Hamburg found that there were still 10 million Euros on hand, and then Wes Terman finally agreed to join, only 4 million euros were spent, so the transfer budget still has 6 million euros, and the 15 million euros that the Hamburg club had prepared for the summer transfer did not come in handy.

For the time being, Situ Yunbing has no other signing plans. He always needs the team to maintain a reasonable number of structures.

After the World Cup, Dutch defender Matteisen, who played in the World Cup all the way to the final, was allowed by Situ Yunbing to postpone his return for one week.

When Situ Yunbing brought the coaching staff to the Hamburg training base to meet with the players, he looked at this brand new Hamburg team with a smile on his face.

In addition to the players required by the first team, he is already very satisfied with his lineup framework for the new season.

Goalkeepers: Navas, Rost, Mikel.

Defenders: Westman, De Meier, Azpilicueta, Boateng, Matteisen, Van Dijk, Rodriguez, Ogo.

Midfielder: Kanter, Rincon, De Bruyne, Matuidi.

Forwards: Sun Xingmin, Griezman, Aubameyang, Royce, Elia.

There are a total of 20 people. As for Wu Lei, although he trained with the first team after he came to the team, he would be arranged to go to the reserve team or the U19 youth team in normal matches.

With the addition of those who signed up, the first team still has more than 30 people, but it is completely different from before.

The crowd stood in two rows waiting for Situ Yunbing\'s speech. This was also the first time most of them had met Situ Yunbing.

As the coach who just won the UEFA Champions League, Situ Yunbing does not appear to be inviolable. He is relatively easy-going. He smiled at everyone and said: "I am very excited to see you, because I see this team Full of great potential, if I say that you are the best players in the world, then even you will not believe it, because it is too fake!

But I can tell you that you have the hope of becoming the best player in the world and forming the strongest team in the world!

I am Situ Yunbing, a young coach. Just like you, we have to prepare for the new season from today. I don’t expect much from you. First, unity, second, hard work, third, serious !

As a coach, we will do our best to make you grow quickly and make the team mature quickly. As a player, I need your active cooperation and dedication!

Maybe the days in the future will not be easy. We will face doubts and pressure from the outside world. At the same time, we will also face strong opponents. But believe me, we will overcome all difficulties. We must remain patient and optimistic. Never Losing our faith, we may not be able to cross the end of the league in one breath, but we can never give up halfway!

Now I announce that the preparation training for the new season has officially started! "

Moniz, Cardoso, and Alonzo took the lead in applauding. After the players applauded, they started the step-by-step training. Now this part of the training will be hosted by Cardoso.

They may not be impressed when they first met Situ Yunbing, but they will eventually consider Situ Yunbing\'s brilliant achievements in coaching Monaco in Ligue 1 in the past two years.

This alone is enough to deter them, there is no doubt about the ability.

Most of the teams are young players, and Situ Yunbing does not want to put too much pressure on them. Now the team needs more positive elements, not just to set rules and establish majesty.

Situ Yunbing still followed his previous work habits. He would hold a thick pile of materials to give individual speeches to the players, exchange their shortcomings in the past, and need to focus on the direction of improvement.

In terms of work preparation, Situ Yunbing was absolutely in place and impeccable, so that the players could not have any thoughts of rebuttal when facing him.

Moniz was the most excited. When he had lunch in the club restaurant at noon, he talked enthusiastically about the young players in the team.

In addition to the technical aspects, some players are indeed outstanding and talented. The overall characteristics of the team alone make him extremely excited!

"Too fast! It\'s too fast! I can\'t imagine what it would be like for so many fast players on the court to attack the opponent\'s defense line!"

Moniz was very excited. He was talking about a few players who performed well in the morning sprint run during physical testing.

Aubameyang, Griezman, Royce, Sun Xingmin, and players including Wu Lei and Kanter all have an advantage in speed.

Maybe it’s not uncommon for a team to have one or two fast horses, but Hamburg’s current attack group is basically not slow, and it is obvious that they all have a strong speed advantage, which makes Moniz unexpected Up.

Situ Yunbing was not surprised by this. When he selected people, he considered that he must highlight at least one advantage. Strength, speed and technology are the three most important basic qualities. The former has fallen behind. The latter means that the player\'s strength has reached a certain level. Hamburg may not be able to produce a complete set. It is better to use speed as the standard. At least running fast is an ability that is enough to force opponents.

At this stage, there is nothing ingenious about the training in Hamburg. When the new season is approaching, Situ Yunbing will formulate a tactical training session. It is still a physical reserve period.

During this period, there is no talk of how hard the players need to work, as long as they are serious and dedicated enough.

Before the end of the first day of training, the team took a family portrait of the new season, and the club gave the calendar to the member fans who bought the season tickets.

After the training, Situ Yunbing called Wu Lei in front of him. Some young players planned to practice for a while. Although Wu Lei had difficulty communicating with them, they were all teammates. As long as they joined in the past, no one would exclude him.

Wu Lei and Situ Yunbing stood on the sidelines looking at the players who were training on the court. Situ Yunbing\'s gaze stayed more on Kanter, while Wu Lei seemed to care about Sun Xingmin.

Situ Yunbing regained his gaze and said to Wu Lei: "From tomorrow, your training standards will be based on catching up with the Korean player. Tomorrow I will greet the coaches of the reserve team and U19 echelon, and let you go as long as there is a game. Don\'t underestimate the reserve league and U19 youth team matches, where the standard is far beyond the Chinese League.

When will you reach the level of scoring two goals per game there, I will consider letting you appear in the first team game. "

Wu Lei heard that he was not disappointed, but fortunately he was mentally prepared before coming. Starting from the youth team or the reserve team, it was too normal. Only through today’s training, he knew that he was with the first line. The gap between team players.

Being young is not an excuse, because he is far from Sun Xingmin.

After all, Sun Xingmin has been in the Hamburg youth training system for two years, and the intensity of training has no problem for him.

Situ Yunbing had no intention of turning Wu Lei and Sun Xingming into enemies. On the contrary, he was just putting pressure on Wu Lei to chase after Sun Xingming. Maybe he could not catch up in his life, but it was better than not having a benchmark.

If the benchmark he said was a European player, Wu Lei might be discouraged and a sense of powerlessness, but this benchmark is by his side, and he is 8 months older than Sun Xingmin!

This is enough to give him the greatest motivation. If he wants to give up, he must also see if the Korean has slowed down.

As for Sun Xingmin, his competitor is definitely not Wu Lei, but Royce, Griezmann and other players who already have experience in professional leagues and even top leagues!

Wu Lei nodded and agreed, and Situ Yunbing said: "In the future, I will treat you equally, and will not give you privileges or preferential treatment. Many times you have to work hard and maintain self-discipline on your own, but if you have any difficulties in life, If you are in trouble, you can come to me. If the language is not good in a foreign country, life will be very difficult. We are all from China. We should help each other out of our feelings and reason."

Wu Lei nodded heavily, then ran back to the court to continue training.

Situ Yunbing turned to look at the sunset on the horizon, and then looked back at the group of young players in Hamburg.

He has sowed the seeds, and now he needs to cultivate carefully and water them carefully, hoping that they can take root and grow vigorously soon!

Only 40 days have passed since Situ Yunbing entered Hamburg, but the Hamburg first team has been completely new!

At the same time, Monaco’s new coach was also finalized. Domenech, who led the French team to a bleak return in the World Cup, entered the Louis II Stadium and became the heir of Situ Yunbing. De Bondin hardly sold in the summer. Lose any player to ensure that Monaco maintains the strong competitiveness of last season, no, it should be stronger than last season!